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《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(4):239-263
Four experiments were conducted to examine the relationship between the phasing of hand movements and the pickup of optical information in cascade juggling. Three jugglers of intermediate skill juggled three balls while wearing liquid crystal (LC) glasses that opened and closed at preset intervals. The first experiment, in which the duration of the viewing window was gradually reduced to zero, revealed a preference for seeing the segment of the ball flight following the zenith in one subject; such a preference was hinted at in the other two subjects. The second experiment, in which the tachistoscopic rhythm of the glasses was perturbed, showed that, in the case of a stable phase lock, the phasing of the hand movements was adjusted to restore the visibility of the segment following the zenith when it was lost. The third experiment, however, revealed that, after practice, the jugglers did not become better attuned to the optical information contained in this segment. The fourth experiment, in which two jugglers per- formed a cascade together while viewing the ball flights intermittently, suggested that haptic information about the trajectories of the balls to be caught is not necessary for subsequent catching: Optical information picked up during brief intervals of viewing was sufficient to perform the task equally well as when they juggled alone (i.e., when haptic information about the throws was available). Although, admittedly, the results raised only a tip of the veil covering the perceptual basis of juggling, they testify to the potential power of the new technique that was used to let subjects themselves reveal what optical information is relevant for performance.  相似文献   

The learning patterns of 3-ball cascade juggling from acquisition until automaticity were examined in 10 participants. On the basis of outcome measures derived from 26 practice sessions and 4 periodic probe sessions, the authors differentiated participants into 3 distinct learning types: a proficient group, an emerging group, and a single late learner. The proficient group was distinguished by how rapidly they learned and automatized performance. Most interesting, an inverse response cost (i.e., performance boost) on the secondary task was found in the majority of proficient group members during the dual-task condition. The present results are discussed in relation to the P. L. Ackerman model (1987, 1988) of complex skill acquisition as is the significance of the inverse response cost finding.  相似文献   


Monodisperse foams in long cylinders exhibit ordered spiral structures. We have made ferrofluid foams of this kind and find that they can be manipulated in a variety of ways by an external magnetic field. Effects include morphological changes, twisting of structures and size control in the bubble formation process. This offers a promising technique for the efficient transport, switching and combining of samples in fluidic networks, possibly on the microfluidic scale.  相似文献   

This article addresses some ways mothers cope with the multiple stresses associated with their dual roles as workers and primary family caregivers. During the often stressful family life-cycle when adolescent children are individuating, a mother's active resistance can call attention to her need for support and validation of her efforts. While both parents are in the process of negotiating the intricate balance between letting go and forming new collaborative relationships with their soon to be adult children, heavy responsibilities associated with the maternal role can be especially challenging. In addition to gender-sensitive family interventions, mutual support groups for women who parent can help explore ways to effectively respond to cross-generational conflicts and problem solving.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that rhythmic tapping and circle drawing represent fundamentally different timing processes (event-based and emergent, respectively) and also that circle drawing is difficult to synchronize with a metronome and exhibits little phase correction. In the present study, musically trained participants tapped with their left hands, drew circles with their right (dominant) hands, and also performed both tasks simultaneously. In Experiment 1, they synchronized with a metronome and then continued on their own, whereas in Experiment 2, they synchronized with a metronome containing phase perturbations. Circle drawing generally exhibited reliable synchronization, although with greater variability than tapping, and also showed a clear phase-correction response that evolved gradually during the cycle immediately following a perturbation. When carried out simultaneously in synchrony, with or without a metronome, the two tasks affected each other in some ways but retained their distinctive timing characteristics. This shows that event-based and emergent timing can coexist in a dual-task situation. Furthermore, the authors argue that the two timing modes usually coexist in each individual task, although one mode is often dominant.  相似文献   

This article reports on a collective effort to position ethics policies within the context of a specific discipline – Applied Language Studies (ALS). Through a discussion of challenges to ALS-specific pedagogical and research practices, this article highlights (1) the need for consistency across institutional Research Ethics Boards in the application of general principles of ethics review, and (2) the recognition of local considerations that are informed by disciplinary approaches not envisioned in current ethics policies. Ethics policies that are driven by substantive ethical intent will recognize pedagogical practices, research methodologies, and epistemological values and traditions that mark a discipline.  相似文献   

The authors studied pattern stability and error correction during in-phase and antiphase 4-ball fountain juggling. To obtain ball trajectories, they made and digitized high-speed film recordings of 4 highly skilled participants juggling at 3 different heights (and thus different frequencies). From those ball trajectories, the authors determined and analyzed critical events (i.e., toss, zenith, catch, and toss onset) in terms of variability of point estimates of relative phase and temporal correlations. Contrary to common findings on basic instances of rhythmic interlimb coordination, in-phase and antiphase patterns were equally variable (i.e., stable). Consistent with previous findings, however, pattern stability decreased with increasing frequency. In contrast to previous results for 3-ball cascade juggling, negative lag-one correlations for catch-catch intervals were absent, but the authors obtained evidence for error corrections between catches and toss onsets. That finding may have reflected participants' high skill level, which yielded smaller errors that allowed for corrections later in the hand cycle.  相似文献   

Timing and trajectory in rhythm production   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Wing-Kristofferson movement timing model (A. M. Wing & A. B. Kristofferson, 1973a, 1973b) distinguishes central timer and motor implementation processes. Previous studies have shown that increases in interresponse interval (IRI) variability with mean IRI are due to central timer processes, not motor implementation. The authors examine whether this is true with IRI duration changes in binary rhythm production. Ten participants provided IRI and movement data in bimanual synchronous tapping under equal (isochronous) and alternating (rhythm) interval conditions. Movement trajectory changes were observed with IRI duration (300, 500, or 833 ms) and for 500-ms IRIs produced in rhythm contexts (300/500 ms, 500/833 ms). However, application of the Wing-Kristofferson model showed that duration and context effects on IRI variability were attributable largely to timer processes with relatively little effect on motor processes.  相似文献   

John Gibbon's lifetime work provided a deep understanding of the mechanisms whereby the time sense indexes the passage of time (its accumulation) and records, that is, stores, relevant time intervals in memory, enabling behavior to occur at the right time. The Scalar Expectancy Theory (SET; Gibbon, 1977) remains the most prominent of the theoretical accounts of animal and human timing. SET deals with the three principle psychophysical properties of timing data: flexible accuracy, multiplicative variance, and ratio comparisons. It differs from many other timing theories in its emphasis on scalar variability, a term that refers to the linear increase in the standard deviation of timing errors as a task's criterion time increases. Recently, research based on the conceptual framework and analytic tools of SET in John Gibbon's lab was expanded from a decades-long focus on nonhuman species to an assessment of timing performance in “normal” and brain-diseased human subjects, aimed at understanding the functional and neural mechanisms underlying interval timing in humans. This review is aimed at showing that animal and human data obtained with a variety of timing paradigms are both amenable to analyses of accuracy and scalar variability under the SET framework. In the second part of this report we discuss advances made in our understanding of neurobiological mechanisms underlying interval timing by taking advantage of the SET framework. Issues awaiting new theoretical developments in modeling time production and perception, as revealed by psychophysical findings of recent clinical research that are still not well understood (i.e., sources of nonscalar variability), are raised at the end.  相似文献   

A procedure (“discrete-trial” avoidance) was devised to differentiate between the two main theories of responding in Sidman's “free-operant” avoidance procedure. One theory, a version of two-factor theory, holds that responding is reinforced by the removal of a conditioned aversive stimulus. The conditioned aversive stimulus is held to be temporal, which accounts for the spaced responding, or timing, that Sidman's procedure produces. The other theory holds that the reinforcement for both responding and timing is shock-frequency reduction. The new procedure eliminated this reinforcement for timing, but retained the conditions for the formation of conditioned aversive temporal stimuli. According to one theory, the new procedure should have sustained timing as well as Sidman's, while according to the other, it should have sustained no timing. The results confirmed neither theory. Timing was found with both procedures, but unequally in degree and kind. Large variations in the precision of timing did not appear to be correlated with successful avoidance for either procedure.  相似文献   

Martire  Lynn M.  Stephens  Mary Ann Parris 《Sex roles》2003,48(3-4):167-173
We review findings from our programmatic research on adult daughters who are simultaneously involved in the roles of employee and care provider to an impaired parent. Two opposing theoretical perspectives on the health effects of occupying these two roles are described, and empirical findings that bear on each perspective are presented. Our review reveals that, consistent with the competing demands perspective, parent care and employment often conflict with one another. Consistent with the energy expansion perspective, however, there is evidence that holding these two roles can be beneficial for the health of adult daughters.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, pigeons chose between variable- and fixed-interval schedules. The timer for 1 schedule was reset by a reinforcement on that schedule or on either schedule. In both cases, the pigeons timed reinforcement on each schedule from trial onset. The data further suggest that their behavior reflects 2 independent processes: 1 deciding when a response should be emitted and responsible for the timing of the overall activity, and the other determining what this response should be and responsible for the allocation of behavior between the 2 response keys. Results from Experiment 2, which studied choice between 2 fixed-interval schedules, support those 2 conclusions. These results have implications for the study of operant choice in general.  相似文献   

Perhaps some of the most refined forms of timing arise in musical performance, particularly in the coordination between musicians playing together. Studies of timing in solo and duet piano performances are described, in which the musicians gave repeat performances of the music. In both solo and duet performances there was expressive use of timing, modulating the tempo of the music and the phase relationship between the voices, and the expressive forms were similar in successive performances of the piece. There was also evidence of separate timing control of the metre and of the production of notes and rests. Thus timing in musical performance is best modelled by assuming two levels of timekeeper, one pacing the metre and the other contained in the movement trajectories of note production, computed by motor procedure in relation to the metre. It is argued that expressive forms are derived from an interpretation of the music rather than memorized; and that coordination between voices in the music is achieved at the level of the metre.  相似文献   

 Wing and Kristofferson (1973) have shown that temporal precision in self-paced tapping is limited by variability in a central timekeeper and by variability arising in the peripheral motor system. Here we test an extension of the Wing–Kristofferson model to synchronization with periodic external events that was proposed by Vorberg and Wing (1994). In addition to the timekeeper and motor components, a linear phase correction mechanism is assumed which is triggered by the last or the last two synchronization errors. The model is tested in an experiment that contrasts synchronized and self-paced trapping, with response periods ranging from 200–640 ms. The variances of timekeeper and motor delays and the error correction parameters were estimated from the auto-covariance functions of the inter-response intervals in continuation and the asynchronies in synchronization. Plausible estimates for all parameters were obtained when equal motor variance was assumed for synchronization and continuation. Timekeeper variance increased with metronome period, but more steeply during continuation than during synchronization, suggesting that internal timekeeping processes are stabilized by periodic external signals. First-order error correction became more important as the metronome period increased, whereas the contribution of second-order error correction decreased. It is concluded that the extended two-level model accounts well for both synchronization and continuation performance. Received: 16 November 1998 / Accepted: 21 April 1999  相似文献   

Timing light and tone signals in pigeons   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Pigeons' ability to time light and tone stimuli was examined in four experiments. In Experiment 1, two groups of pigeons were trained to discriminate between 2- and 8-s durations of lights or tones and then were transferred to reversal or nonreversal discriminations in the alternate modality. Pigeons learned the light discrimination faster than the tone discrimination and showed immediate positive intermodal transfer from tone to light but not from light to tone. In Experiments 2-4, the peak procedure was used to study birds' timing of 15- and 30-s fixed-interval light and tone signals. Peak times on empty trials under baseline conditions closely approximated the length of fixed-interval signals. When pigeons were tested with time-outs and intermodal switches introduced midway through an empty trial, they tended to reset the timing mechanism and begin timing again from 0 s. With both estimation and production procedures, pigeons were less accurate when timing the tone stimuli than when timing the light stimuli. A comparison of these data with data from timing experiments with rats suggests several possible differences in timing processes between pigeons and rats.  相似文献   

The study examined timing control in clumsy children and employed the Wing-Kristofferson (1973) model of repetitive movements in an attempt to identify the locus of timing control difficulties in clumsy children. Two groups of children classified as normal and clumsy (ages 6-7 and 9-10) performed tapping and perception of duration and loudness tasks. Results indicated that clumsy children were significantly more variable than normal children in maintaining a set rate of tapping and in accurately judging time intervals. Evidence indicated that the source of timing control problems in clumsy children may be in a central timekeeping mechanism, possibly the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Although, event and emergent timings are thought of as mutually exclusive, significant correlations between tapping and circle drawing (Baer, Thibodeau, Gralnick, Li, &; Penhune, 2013 Baer, L. H., Thibodeau, J. L. N., Gralnick, T. M., Li, K. Z. H., &; Penhune, V. B. (2013). The role of musical training in emergent and event-based timing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(191), 110. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00191.[Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]; Studenka, Zelaznik, &; Balasubramaniam, 2012 Studenka, B. E., Zelaznik, H. N., &; Balasubramaniam, R. (2012). The distinction between tapping and circle drawing with and without tactile feedback: An examination of the sources of timing variance. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65(6), 10861100. doi:10.1080/17470218.2011.640404.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Zelaznik &; Rosenbaum, 2010 Zelaznik, H. N., &; Rosenbaum, D. A. (2010). Timing processes are correlated when tasks share a salient event. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(6), 15651575. doi:10.1037/a0020380.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) suggest that emergent timing may not be as robust as once thought. We aimed to test this hypothesis in both a younger (18–25) and older (55–100) population. Participants performed one block of circle drawing as a baseline, then six blocks of tapping, followed by circle drawing. We examined the use of event timing. Our hypothesis that acute experience with event timing would bias an individual to use event timing during an emergent task was not supported. We, instead, support the robustness of event and emergent timing as independent timing modes.  相似文献   

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