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石晶  郝振  崔丽娟 《心理科学》2012,35(2):401-407
采用问卷调查法,以上海三所高校的467名大学生为被试,检验群体认同对极端群体行为(为群体牺牲意愿)的影响及其内在心理机制。结果表明:(1)群体认同对为群体牺牲意愿有显著的预测作用;(2)积极情感和否认态度完全中介群体认同对为群体牺牲意愿的影响,且积极情感在群体认同和否认态度之间担当部分中介角色;(3)抗伤害信念在积极情感和为群体牺牲意愿之间起调节作用。  相似文献   


To test the view that “urban” and “rural” workers in the same job derive satisfaction from different aspects in the work situation, 42 black supervisors were divided into urban and rural groups in terms of the number of years spent in a city or town. Among the urban group, the correlation between satisfaction with content job factors and overall job satisfaction, as measured by the Brayfield-Rothe index, was significantly greater than that between context factors and overall job satisfaction. Among the rural group, the position was reversed.  相似文献   

A functional analysis of noncompliance, aggression, and disruptive behavior during instruction was conducted with a 10-year-old boy with severe disabilities. We studied the relation between participant responsiveness and the rate and function of problem behavior. Results showed that unresponsiveness before difficult instruction was associated with higher rates of problem behavior negatively reinforced by termination of that instruction. A neutralizing routine, called precorrection, was then applied before difficult instruction when the participant was rated as not responsive. Results showed that the neutralizing event increased responsiveness and reduced problem behavior during difficult instruction. The study demonstrates a promising assessment and treatment method for problematic behavior that begins prior to instruction.  相似文献   

Verbal attacks are unavoidable within long-term psychotherapy groups. This article examines the inherent therapeutic value of potentially destructive exchanges. Group leader attempts to objectively define and regulate “attacks” are critiqued. A case example illustrates how leader interventions using induced feelings can enhance the therapeutic process and subsequent relational repair. Leader difficulties in identifying with the relational positions involved (attacker, victim, bystander) are explored, and a framework is offered for illuminating unconscious, dissociated, or unformulated emotional communications. It is argued that leader resistances may inadvertently promote and maintain group members’ damaging tendency to direct aggression toward rather than away from the self. Instead of being avoided or controlled, verbal attacking can be considered meaningful developmental progress and leveraged clinically to promote emotional maturation within the group.  相似文献   

A Heyting effect algebra (HEA) is a lattice-ordered effect algebra that is at the same time a Heyting algebra and for which the Heyting center coincides with the effect-algebra center. Every HEA is both an MV-algebra and a Stone-Heyting algebra and is realized as the unit interval in its own universal group. We show that a necessary and sufficient condition that an effect algebra is an HEA is that its universal group has the central comparability and central Rickart properties. Presented by Daniele Mundici  相似文献   

Individuals bring beliefs and knowledge to group meetings. Group decisions arise out of the exchange of these beliefs and knowledge. Because group interactions are mainly verbal, group verbal behavior should play a central role in determining the quality of group decisions, and process interventions should change group verbal behavior. Subjects were 168 new employees in a Japanese drug company, who constituted 42 four-person groups. Treatment groups received the Consensual Conflict Resolution (CCR) intervention that emphasizes a knowledge-based logical discussion and consensual resolution of conflicts. The group task was the NASA Moon Survival problem. It was found that (1) the quality of group decisions increases to the extent that group members exchange facts and reasons (defined as a "reasoning" orientation of group verbal behavior) and decreases to the extent that group members stick to their positions (defined as a "positional" orientation), and (2) the CCR intervention increases the reasoning orientation and decreases the positional orientation, thereby improving the quality of group decisions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Just as neurons interconnect in networks that create structured thoughts beyond the ken of any individual neuron, so people spontaneously organize themselves into groups to create emergent organizations that no individual may intend, comprehend, or even perceive. Recent technological advances have provided us with unprecedented opportunities for conducting controlled laboratory experiments on human collective behavior. We describe two experimental paradigms in which we attempt to build predictive bridges between the beliefs, goals, and cognitive capacities of individuals and patterns of behavior at the group level, showing how the members of a group dynamically allocate themselves to resources and how innovations diffuse through a social network. Agent-based computational models have provided useful explanatory and predictive accounts. Together, the models and experiments point to tradeoffs between exploration and exploitation—that is, compromises between individuals using their own innovations and using innovations obtained from their peers—and the emergence of group-level organizations such as population waves, bandwagon effects, and spontaneous specialization.  相似文献   

The effect of self- and group efficacy on the performance of three-person (N = 26) and seven-person (N = 28) groups on a mixed-motive investment task was investigated. The correlations between group efficacy for making money and the actual amount of money made by the groups were positive and significant. The relation between group efficacy and the group's performance was reciprocal. The results also indicated that members of three-person groups had significantly higher perceptions of group efficacy than members of seven-person groups even though they faced the identical mixed-motive investment task. The correlations between group efficacy and the group's performance were significantly higher than the correlations between aggregated values of self-efficacy for individual performance and the group's performance. Finally, multiple regression analyses showed that self-efficacy for individual performance had a negative effect on the group's performance.  相似文献   


In the present experiment, “lost” letters were placed on the cars of team supporters at a major football grand final. Significantly more letters were returned by supporters of the losing team than by supporters of the winning team. These results were interpreted as presenting a problem for the theory that negative mood only increases helping behavior when internal attribution of responsibility occurs (Rogers, Miller, Mayer, & Duval, 1982).  相似文献   

This article reviews The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Halfon, Smith, Malkovich, & Chbosky, 2012), a coming-of-age film about 3 high school students attempting to survive school, find themselves, and connect with others. The authors provide a synopsis of various portions of the film and identify important aspects of relational-cultural theory (RCT) within its plot, such as growth-fostering relationships, controlling images, and relational images. Various characters’ plotlines are discussed in relation to what RCT identifies as paramount tenets of human development and mental health. The authors also briefly discuss other counseling issues touched on within the film (i.e., affectional identity, sexual assault, and relational violence).  相似文献   

A courtroom simulation technique was employed to examine the effects of a communicator's looking behavior on observers' perceptions of his credibility. Half of the subjects heard testimony presented on behalf of a defendent by a witness (one of three confederates) who was visually presented as either looking directly toward the target of his communication (gaze maintenance) or slightly downward (gaze aversion) while testifying. The other half of the subjects merely heard the audio portion of the testimony. The results indicated that witnesses who averted their gaze were perceived to be less credible and, ultimately, the defendant for whom they testified was judged as more likely to be guilty. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for research concerned with the communicative effects of visual behavior.  相似文献   

黄殷  寇彧 《心理科学进展》2013,21(4):732-739
群体独特性影响群体认同,较高或较低的群体独特性都可能引发群际偏差,分别称为“反射式独特性假说”与“反应式独特性假说”.调节作用研究揭示,在较低群体认同或上位群体分类凸显时,群体独特性越高越易引发群际偏差;而在较高群体认同时,独特性越低越易引发群际偏差.动机作用的研究表明,在具有群际竞争目标时,这两种过程分别受工具性动机与认同性动机的驱动.情绪与认知的中介作用研究显示,在低独特性条件下,社会身份复杂性与焦虑情绪可起中介作用引发群际偏差.  相似文献   

面对不同群体身份成员给我们造成的客观损失相同的伤害,我们是更倾向于宽恕内群体成员还是外群体成员?本研究针对这一问题,采用最大差异化群体间囚徒困境范式创造来自内、外群体成员客观程度相同的侵犯行为,考察群体身份对宽恕的影响及其机制。结果表明,面对客观损失等价的侵犯,被试报告更倾向于宽恕内群体成员,认知评价在群体身份对宽恕的影响中起中介作用。本研究不但有利于人际和群际水平宽恕研究的整合,而且对丰富有关宽恕发生的条件和机制的研究成果有一定意义。  相似文献   

The Effect of Upward Feedback on Managerial Behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Un feed-back de gratification a été donné par des subordonnés aux managers australiens d'une firme internationale de prestation de services. Dans cette recherche quasi-expérimentale, la perfomance au travail de ces managers, a pu être observée six mois plus tard par les subordonnés comme s'étant accrue par rapport à la performance initiale et à ceux obtenus par un groupe de comparaison. L'efficacité personnelle modère la portée de ces résultats suggérant qu'elle joue un rôle clé en déterminant des réactions comportementales au feed-back de gratification. L'orientation vers un but d'apprentissage fut corrélée de manière significative à leur performance subséquente.
Upward feedback from subordinates was provided to Australian managers in an international professional services firm. The job performance of the managers in this quasi-experimental study was observed by subordinates to be significantly higher six months later, compared to both initial performance and subordinate ratings of a comparison group. Self-efficacy moderated this finding, suggesting that it plays a key role in determining behavioral reactions to upward feedback. The managers' learning goal orientation correlated significantly with their subsequent performance.  相似文献   

The occurrence of false accusations of illegal behavior is investigated using cross-sectional, long-term recall data for two generations of a national probability sample of individuals. The analysis examines whether being a “usual suspect” based on past criminal behavior; “guilt by association” based on the illegal behavior of one's friends; academic achievement based on self-reported grades in school; and sociodemographic variables including gender, ethnic majority/minority status, and socioeconomic status have an impact on the likelihood of being falsely accused of illegal behavior. The results indicate some consistency across the different subsamples in the characteristics of those most likely to be falsely accused of illegal behavior. Implications for policy and future research are considered.  相似文献   

A pretty freshman, feeling “in a bind” because of academic demands, broke out with hives on her buttocks as she sat at her desk studying; a few days later she was hospitalized with mononucleosis. … Shortly before Christmas vacation a group of coeds noted that the occurrence of menstrual discomforts had suddenly increased in their living units. … A junior, who was experiencing difficulties with her roommate and also her fiancé, developed a constant craving for food and became anxious when her food binges started getting out of hand. …  相似文献   

Vance  Chad 《Philosophia》2020,48(1):377-390
Philosophia - A standard conception of metaphysical modality accepts that (i) Some de re modal claims are true, (ii) These should be understood in terms of a possible worlds semantics, and (iii)...  相似文献   

Many studies indicate that group discussion candisproportionately reflect information known by all group members,at the expense of information known to only one group member, andthis is associated with suboptimal group decisions (Stasser &Titus, 1985). The present study examined the impact of threeprocedural factors on information sharing and quality of groupdecision: (a) group decision procedure (an instruction to "rankorder the alternatives" vs "choose the best alternative"), (b)information access during group discussion (reliance on memory vscomplete access), and (c) communication technology (computer vsface to face). Three-person groups worked on an investment decisionthat was structured as a hidden-profile task where criticalinformation was distributed unevenly prior to group discussion. Thedata provided support for a rank-order effect: Groups instructedto rank order the alternatives, compared to groups instructed tochoose the best alternative, were more likely to fully consider allof the alternatives, exchange information about unpopularalternatives, and make the best decision. But these effects onlyoccurred in face-to-face groups. In computer-mediated groups, therewas general information suppression and no effect of group decisionprocedure. Access to information during group discussion increaseddiscussion of both unique and common information, in theface-to-face conditions, but had no effect on group decisionquality. Taken together, the data suggest that procedural aspectsof group discussion may help overcome the impact of prediscussionpreferences on information processes and group decision.  相似文献   

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