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Eighty-eight graphic artists in their 60s, 70s, and 80s, nominated as creative by 154 prominent artists, completed an open-ended questionnaire about aging and its effect on their work. Four questions referred to changes in creativity in terms of the quality and quantity of work, sources of new ideas (originality), and approaches to art (style). The artists also were asked about the impact of physical and sensory losses on their work, and on their differences from younger artists. The artists also rated the quality and quantity of their past, present, and anticipated work. A content analysis of the artists' written comments to the 6 questions, and the ratings, gave a highly positive picture of aging's influence on art. Quality and quantity were reported as improving with age, as were the artists' ideas about, and approaches to, art. The presumed handicaps of aging largely were irrelevant or overcome. Few differences were reported with younger artists. Positive views of aging held equally for both men and women, and across the 3 age groups. The optimistic portrait of aging reflected by this sample of visual artists is discussed in terms of its relevance to other kinds of artists and nonartists; the consequences of early retirement; and the place of active older persons, especially artists, in studies of cognitive development.  相似文献   

One hundred and eleven subjects, 14 and 15 years of age, were administered the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and two questionnaires, modified from Bienvenu's Adolescent Communication Inventory, eliciting adolescents’ perceptions of their communication with both parents. The 10 males and 10 females with the highest self-esteem scores, and the 10 males and 10 females with the lowest scores were identified to form two groups: the High Self-Esteem Group and the Low Self-Esteem Group. Parents of these students completed questionnaires concerning parent-adolescent communication and marital communication and adjustment.

The five hypotheses tested were strongly supported. Adolescents with low self-esteem viewed communication with their parents as less facilitative than did adolescents with high self-esteem. Parents of adolescents with low self-esteem perceived their communication with their spouses as less facilitative, and rated their marriages as less satisfying, than did parents in the High Self-Esteem Group. There was lack of congruence between the perceptions of adolescents with low self-esteem and those of their parents; both mothers and fathers in the Low Self-Esteem Group viewed parent-adolescent communication as more facilitative than did the adolescents themselves.  相似文献   

C. CHRISTIAN BEELS  MD  MS 《Family process》2009,48(3):363-378
Written to honor the immense contribution of Michael White as a leader in the development of narrative therapy, this historical essay contrasts the origins of psychoanalysis, family therapy and narrative therapy. Changes in the understanding of therapeutic strategies, methods of training and supervision, styles of leadership, the involvement of audiences in the therapeutic and training processes, and conceptions of the nature of the mind are described. A style of direct demonstration of methods, especially of the formulation of questions, is important in narrative work. The central master-role of the therapist in analysis and family therapy is replaced in narrative work by eliciting local knowledge, and the recruitment of audiences to the work. This is consistent with narrative therapy's "de-centered" image of the therapist.  相似文献   

Friendship experiences have been shown to be important predictors of adolescents’ loneliness. The current study examined selection and socialization effects of loneliness within reciprocal best friendships, while controlling for friendship quality. Analyses were conducted on a sample of 884 adolescents (42.08% boys), making up 442 dyads, who were on average 13.51 years old (SD?=?1.37). Adolescents completed the peer-related loneliness subscale of the Loneliness and Aloneness Scale for Children and Adolescents as well as the Friendship Qualities Scale. A longitudinal actor-partner interdependence model, which accounts for the interdependencies in the data of best friends, suggested the presence of a selection effect for loneliness but no socialization effect. This finding within best friendships contrasts with studies on friendship networks where both selection and socialization were established.  相似文献   

The social work profession's efforts in achieving legal regulation are explored. Widespread success is found in these efforts, and 48 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands now have legal regulation. There is variance in terms of the level of legal regulation, however, as reflected in the level of educational or practice attainment required and levels of protection provided. Interdisciplinary collaboration in this area among mental health professions is examined.  相似文献   

A longitudinal sample of over 800 MBA graduates surveyed across a 16-year period was recruited to investigate the relationship of work values to work effort, salary levels, and other work outcomes. As predicted, certain work values were related to higher salary levels and to the number of hours worked. Changing companies more often and receiving more promotions were also significantly related to work values. Work values did not differ for women and men in the sample, except that women were higher in the value of wanting to do an excellent job. Controlling for work values did not explain significantly higher salaries for men as compared to women. Implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

This study addressed the question of how artists differ from non-artists in visual cognition. Four perception and twelve drawing tasks were used. Artists outperformed non-artists on both kinds of tasks. Regression analyses revealed common visual processes in the two kinds of tasks and unique variance in the drawing tasks. The advantage of artists over non-artists was apparently in the way they perceptually analysed as well as in how they drew. The perceptual advantage seems to be closely linked to the activity of drawing and is discussed with reference to artists' extensive experience in visual interaction with objects and images during drawing. Artists appear to be more proficient at using visual analytic procedures that are qualitatively similar to those of novices, unlike experts in many other domains.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to examine relationships between organizational characteristics, work characteristics, and psychological work reactions in nursing work. We used several theoretical frameworks to select our research variables. In line with the contingency and sociotechnical system approaches, we selected complexity, uncertainty, and decision authority to represent the organizational characteristics. As to the work characteristics, we selected the variables of the Demand–Control–Support model (autonomy, social support, workload), role conflict, and role ambiguity. In order to measure the psychological work reactions, burnout, psychosomatic health complaints, job satisfaction, and intrinsic work motivation were assessed in questionnaires distributed to 1,855 nurses working in general hospitals in the Netherlands. Using correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analysis, the main results showed that high decision authority predicted high social support andhigh autonomy. High decision authority predicted high job satisfaction and high intrinsic work motivation. Finally, high complexity was indirectly predictive for high burnout. Workload operated as a mediator variable in this relationship.  相似文献   

Several sufficient conditions are available for mean square convergence of factor predictors. A necessary and sufficient condition is given in the Heywood case with respect to (confirmatory) factor analysis. This condition generalizes that of Krijnen (2006) and performs better than a signal-to-noise type of condition (Schneeweiss & Mathes, 1995). The author is obliged to the reviewers for their stimulating remarks. Requests for reprints should be sent to Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods, University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

We send messages as much in how we communicate as by what we communicate. Learning best practices, such as those for data management proposed in the accompanying article, are components of becoming a responsible and contributing member of the community of scholars. Not only must we teach the principles underlying best practices, we should model and teach approaches for implementing those practices and help students come to view them within the larger context of becoming members of a professional community. How to collaborate across differences and how to have disputes professionally are skills all professionals need, and they should be taught along with the content itself.  相似文献   

我国是天文学发展最早的国家之一,作出了许多重大的创造性的贡献。几千年来积累了大量宝贵的天文资料,受到各国天文学家的关注。由于农业生产和制定历法的需要,我们的祖先很早开始观测天象,并用以定方位、定时间、定季节。在我国古代历史上涌现出众多的天文学家,他们的卓越成就彪炳史册。唐尧“羲和”:最早的历法官唐尧的传说中,羲和是掌管天文的家庭,有羲仲、羲叔、和仲、和叔四人,被尧派往东、南、西、北四方,去观测昏中星。《尚书·尧典》说“乃命羲和,钦若昊天,历象日月星辰,敬授人时”。山东古为东夷之域,莒县、诸城又处滨海之地,正是…  相似文献   



Using resource drain and social cognitive theory frameworks, this study investigates the process through which parent time and energy resource drain relates to adolescent core self-evaluation. Parent–child interactive and routine activities and parental social support are tested as mediators.


Data are reported by mothers, fathers, and adolescent children in 151 middle-class, dual-earner families from the 500 Family Study. Hypotheses are tested using path analysis and moderated mediation.


Parent work hours negatively relate to adolescent reports of received social support, partially due to decreased time spent engaged in parent–child interactive activities. Fathers’ work hours indirectly relate to adolescent core self-evaluations through parent–child interactive activities and social support from fathers; this indirect relationship was not found for mothers. Exploratory analyses examined differences by parent and child gender. Fathers’ work hours are more likely to detract from parent–child routine activities relative to mothers’ work hours. The relationship between father work hours and parent–child interactive activities is buffered for sons compared to daughters.


Results help to explain why parent work-related resource drain relates to adolescent core self-evaluations. Parent gender, type of resource drain, and type of activity are identified as potential boundary conditions. Interactive activities and social support are key mediators warranting attention.


Social cognitive theory is used as a framework for linking parent work-related resource drain and child outcomes. Mechanisms are identified that explain adolescent core self-evaluations development. Use of multisource data helps to mitigate problems with single-source data used in previous studies.

This qualitative study explored the origins of interest in textile arts among a group of women living with long-term health problems. The part that illness played in motivating engagement in creative arts was of particular concern. Twenty-four women, between 29-72 years old, were interviewed. Most were hobbyists, but the sample included some publicly acclaimed textile artists. A minority had engaged in art continuously since their earlier years. Most of the women had discovered (or rediscovered) textile arts in middle and later life. Several factors facilitated this. The narratives indicated that the women's preexisting resilient personality, as well as extensive support structures, may have encouraged a reflective attitude and a problem-solving approach to living with illness. The experience of biographical disruption, stemming from the crisis of illness, dissatisfaction with unproductive time, and a growing need for self-fulfillment, appeared to create a search for a meaningful occupation. The discovery of textile art as a meaningful occupation (as opposed to other ways of living with illness) appeared to be encouraged by early role models, enjoyment of art at school, the discovery that adult personal and professional interests could be expressed through artwork, and chance events. Textile art at school appeared to provide a form of "cultural capital" for these women, who returned to this art medium and the skills learned earlier when crisis occurred. The findings indicate that a negative event such as illness may have life-enhancing effects. Rehabilitation specialists might focus more on the arts as a resource for adults living with illness.  相似文献   

为了探讨负启动效应在学前儿童规则灵活转换中的作用, 用几个不同负启动版本的维度改变卡片分类任务(DCCS)研究了DCCS中的负启动效应及其在3、4岁儿童中的发展。实验一验证了儿童在负启动版本DCCS任务中的年龄发展趋势, 发现与标准版本一样, 大多数3、4岁儿童都不能通过, 但随着年龄增长负启动会逐渐减少, 更多的儿童能够顺利通过任务。实验二考察了DCCS中负启动发生的条件, 发现在任务的转换前阶段, 无论分类规则间存在冲突还是目标卡片与测试卡片间无关维度值上存在冲突, 负启动都会发生, 由此揭示出能引起选择性注意和主动抑制的冲突是负启动发生的关键。实验三探讨了负启动时主动抑制发生的层面, 发现儿童主动抑制的并非是无关维度中一个或某几个特定的值, 而是整个无关的维度, 表明抑制发生在维度这一更抽象的上位水平上。说明由抑制而产生的负启动或许也应成为儿童认知灵活性发展中需要克服的一个问题。  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between hardiness, work engagement, and burnout. Participants were Belgian service members involved in the International Security and Assistance Force (ISAF) operation. They completed a questionnaire containing hardiness items from the revised Norwegian Hardiness Scale, items concerning vigor and dedication from the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, and those tapping cynicism and emotional exhaustion from the Utrecht Burnout Scale. Results showed that hardiness was positively related to dedication and vigor, and negatively to cynicism and emotional exhaustion. Our results further suggest that work engagement and burnout are the opposite ends of a continuum. However, analyses concerning the moderation effect of hardiness suggest that individual differences could imply different processes in the relationship between work engagement and burnout.  相似文献   

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