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Over the past decade, the concept of family resilience among impoverished families has increased as a main focus area for family scholars. Similarly, individual, family, and community-level factors that promote family resilience and their impact on behavioral health outcomes have particularly received increased amounts of attention. To date, however, few empirical studies have simultaneously validated the socioecological determinants of family resilience within multi-dimensional conceptual frameworks. In the current study, we test such a model using a cross-sectional design among 380 women and men with an average age of 35 experiencing poverty as a chronic stressor, the majority of whom are ethnic minorities. Individual, family and community determinants of family resilience are examined for their differential effect on outcomes of physical and mental health, as well as risks for substance abuse. Results from structural equation modeling provide support for the model. Findings suggest that community-level determinants impact health through indirect pathways. In this case, community factors predict family and individual-level determinants, and individual factors then directly predict health. Similarly, the relationship between family-level determinants and health was indirect through individual-level factors. Although, a strong positive relationship was found between individual-level determinants and health, the relationship between individual-level factors and substance abuse was also found to be indirect through health. Methodological limitations and implications for family life education, clinical interventions, policy, and future research that are socioecologically-informed are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the plethora of research on correlates of adolescent religiosity, few studies have examined the contribution of socialization factors to adolescent religiosity in the context of non-Western Muslim samples from different family contexts. To address this gap, the current study explored the contribution of parenting (direct socialization) and community engagement (indirect socialization) factors on religiosity among 895 Malaysian Muslim high school students from single-/non-parent and two-parent families. T-test results showed that religiosity was higher for students from two-parent families than single-/non-parent parent homes. After controlling for (a) social desirability, (b) gender and (c) school type, the hypothesized factors of: parental attachment, parental religious socialization, parental supervision, youth organization involvement, school attachment, and mosque involvement significantly predicted religiosity for the full sample of students from both types of families. Hierarchical regression results further revealed that while both indirect and direct parental socialization factors were stronger predictors of religiosity for two-parent families than single-/non-parent families, direct parental socialization effects were more robust. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Creativity has been well studied in the past several decades, and numerous measures have been developed to assess creativity. However, validity evidence associated with each measure is often mixed. In particular, the social consequence aspect of validity has received little attention. This is partly due to the difficulty of testing for differential item functioning (DIF) within the traditional classical test theory framework, which still remains the most popular approach to assessing creativity. Hence, this study provides an example of examining differential item functioning using multilevel explanatory item response theory models. The Creative Thinking Scale was tested for DIF in a sample of 1043 10th–12th graders. Results revealed significant uniform and non-uniform DIF for some items. Differentially functioning items are able to produce measurement bias and should be either deleted or modeled. The detailed implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

The self-esteem hypothesis in intergroup relations, as proposed by social identity theory (SIT), states that successful intergroup discrimination enhances momentary collective self-esteem. This hypothesis is a source of continuing controversy. Furthermore, although SIT is increasingly used to account for children's group attitudes, few studies have examined the hypothesis among children. In addition, the hypothesis's generality makes it important to study among children from different ethnic groups. The present study, conducted among Dutch and Turkish preadolescents, examined momentary collective self-feelings as a consequence of ethnic group evaluations. The results tended to support the self-esteem hypothesis. In-group favoritism was found to have a self-enhancing effect among participants high in ethnic identification. This result was found for ethnic majority (Dutch) and minority (Turkish) participants.  相似文献   


The study tested the validity of a new measure of dogmatism by examining university students' evaluations of the Bible. Those who believed that every word in the Bible came directly from God and that the Bible is free of any error, contradiction, or inconsistency scored much higher on this dogmatism measure than students who thought otherwise. Such “true believers” then read the 4 highly varying Gospel accounts of the resurrection of Jesus. The most dogmatic of them still insisted there were no contradictions or inconsistencies in the Bible. The less dogmatic acknowledged that contradictions and inconsistencies exist. These results reinforce those of 4 earlier studies that indicated that the new measure of dogmatism has empirical validity.  相似文献   

One basic and important problem in two-level structural equation modeling is to find a good model for the observed sample data. This article demonstrates the use of the well-known Bayes factor in the Bayesian literature for hypothesis testing and model comparison in general two-level structural equation models. It is shown that the proposed methodology is flexible, and can be applied to situations with a wide variety of nonnested models. Moreover, some problems encountered in using existing methods for goodness-of-fit assessment of the proposed model can be alleviated. An illustrative example with some real data from an AIDS care study is presented.  相似文献   

The authors compared the associations among perceived maternal socialization goals (self-development, filial piety, and collectivism), perceived maternal parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, and training), and the social-emotional adjustment (self-esteem, academic self-efficacy, and depression) between Chinese and European American young adults. The mediation processes in which socialization goals relate to young adults’ adjustment outcomes through parenting styles were examined. Results showed that European American participants perceived higher maternal self-development socialization goals, whereas Chinese participants perceived higher maternal collectivism socialization goals as well as more authoritarian parenting. Cross-cultural similarities were found in the associations between perceived maternal authoritative parenting and socioemotional adjustment (e.g., higher self-esteem and higher academic self-efficacy) across the two cultural groups. However, perceived maternal authoritarian and training parenting styles were found only to be related to Chinese participants’ adjustment (e.g., higher academic self-efficacy and lower depression). The mediation analyses showed that authoritative parenting significantly mediated the positive associations between the self-development and collectivism goal and socioemotional adjustment for both cultural groups. Additionally, training parenting significantly mediated the positive association between the filial piety goal and young adults’ academic self-efficacy for the Chinese group only. Findings of this study highlight the importance of examining parental socialization goals in cross-cultural parenting research.  相似文献   

This study tests propositions derived from the larger notion that entertainment narratives offer the individual a means by which to alleviate the psychological demands of the self. Specifically, individuals in a state of reduced self-control were expected to experience greater enjoyment, audience response, transportation, and identification during narrative exposure. After a manipulation that depleted self-control resources, participants were exposed to a short story. They then reported their enjoyment and response to the story, as well as their transportation and identification during reading. Results supported the predictions, as enjoyment, audience response, and transportation were significantly greater in the depleted group. Identification showed a nonsignificant difference. Additionally, transportation was found to be a mediator of self-control depletion's effect on enjoyment. Subsequent analyses ruled out alternative mood management and emotion regulation explanations, demonstrating that depleted self-control resources, rather than affect or story valence, accounted for greater narrative engagement.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(1):149-161
Anxiety and insomnia disorders are two of the most common and costly mental health conditions. They are frequently comorbid, but current treatments do not target both. To streamline treatment, we developed a computerized intervention targeting a transdiagnostic factor, safety aids (cognitive or behavioral strategies used to cope with distress that paradoxically exacerbate symptoms). We conducted a randomized controlled trial to determine the acceptability and efficacy of this brief one-session intervention. Young adult undergraduates (N = 61) with elevated subclinical anxiety and insomnia were randomized to receive the anxiety-insomnia intervention or a physical health control condition. Participants were followed for 1 month and completed self-report measures. Analyses indicated that participants found the intervention acceptable, credible, and engaging. Analyses revealed the active intervention reduced sleep- and anxiety-related safety aids, with medium to large effect sizes. Findings suggest that targeting safety aids for anxiety and insomnia is acceptable and effective in reducing the target mechanism, safety aids, as well as worry. Future research should replicate these findings within a clinical sample and with a longer-term follow-up.  相似文献   

An extension of Graham Wallas's model of the creative process is presented. Wallas's stages of preparation, Incubation, Illumination and Verification are reviewed, extended and integrated with the present model. Periods of Problem-Solving, Incubation and Growth are established with specific points of Initial Idea Inception, Creative Frustration and Illumination. The idea that a specific point of creative frustration occurring within the creative process is introduced. Responses to the Point of Creative Frustration are proposed: Denial, Rationalization, Acceptance of Stagnation and New Growth. The significance of the extended model is discussed.  相似文献   

网络语言的创造性加工过程:新颖N400与LPC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术比较在语义违反范式下网络语言和标准汉语的语义加工差异。结果发现:(1)不管是网络语言还是标准汉语,相对于语义一致条件,语义不一致条件在400 ms诱发了一个更负的负成分,但网络语言的经典N400差异波具有更晚的潜伏期和更长的持续时间;(2)溯源结果发现,网络语言和标准汉语的经典N400差异波的早期和晚期的定位均分别定位于丘脑和前扣带回,表明N400延迟效应是由个体对网络语言相对低的流利度所致,反映了认知冲突的延续;(3)在语义一致性条件下,网络语言比标准汉语诱发了一个更负的新颖N400和一个更正的晚期正成分(LPC),分别定位于前扣带回和海马,二者分别反映了新颖网络含义的识别以及新颖语义信息的整合与新颖语义联结的形成。ERP结果支持了网络语言加工属于创造性思维过程。  相似文献   

To investigate the factor structure of the Figural Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (Figural TTCT), a meta-confirmatory factor analysis was performed. A sample of 33 correlation matrices from 26 studies (Nindividuals = 6,982) was included in the meta-analysis. Four different factor models previously presented in the literature were tested to determine which model fits the data best. The results supported a 2-factor structure model in which fluency and originality subscales loaded on the innovative factor; elaboration, abstractness of titles, and resistance to premature closure subscales loaded on the adaptive factor. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of covariance or correlation structure is characterized, unfortunately, by repetitive suboptimal communication between persons and/or computer programs. After analyzing some aspects of this suboptimality, I suggest some approaches to improving the situation.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to study the structure of creative thinking of students in visual and verbal areas. The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Figural and Verbal forms were used. The participants were Turkish elementary school 7th grade students (M = 13 years, range = 12–14 years). The findings indicated that the relationship between visual and verbal areas of creative thinking of students were statistically significant and meaningful. Additionally, gender differences were statistically significant and meaningful. The results indicate that the structure of creative thinking of students is holistic in early puberty age, at least in terms of visual and verbal areas of creative thinking. However, the holistic structure of students’ creative thinking has flexible character regarding to low (r = .25) level of relationship between visual and verbal areas. This result suggests that the visual and verbal materials can be used with presentation and narrative techniques in balanced education activities for the development of students’ creative thinking effectively.  相似文献   

The present study had two purposes. The first was to translate one of the most popular creativity measures in the West, the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, into Turkish and to check the equivalency of the Turkish version against the original English measure. The second, after developing an equivalent form of the TTCT in Turkish, was to compare the creative abilities of an adult Turkish sample, as measured by the Turkish TTCT, against data collected in the United States. All four formats of Torrance's tests were translated into Turkish and evaluated for reliability and equivalency. Students in an English Language Teachers program completed both the original version of the TTCT and the newly translated Turkish version. Analysis of their scores showed a high degree of correspondence between the two language versions. Afterwards, the Turkish TTCT was used to collect data from more than 800 research participants. A cross‐cultural comparison was made to data previously collected in the United States. A number of significant differences emerged between the Turkish and United States samples, such as Verbal Fluency, Verbal Originality, and Abstractness of Titles. These and other results are discussed, such as a comparison between males and females in the Turkish sample.  相似文献   

本文基于动机行动和成就动机理论,构建一个被调节的中介模型以检验创造性人格对员工创造力产生的作用机理。以251套来自主管-下属配对的问卷数据为样本,实证分析结果表明:创造性人格可预测员工创造力产生,学习目标导向与绩效证明目标导向在两者之间起部分中介作用;内在动机能够强化个体目标导向对创造力的作用,并显著正向调节创造性人格对员工创造力的间接效应。最后,论文讨论了研究发现对员工创造力产生的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

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