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Graham  Kathryn  Wells  Samantha 《Sex roles》2001,45(9-10):595-622
The purpose of this research was to assess differences in the nature of physical aggression experienced by men and women. Random digit dialing with Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing was used to obtain a sample of 1,753 Ontario adults aged 18–60 (response rate of 67%). This method of sampling obtains respondents who reflect the ethnic and social diversity of Ontario. Respondents were asked to describe the most recent incident of physical aggression in which they had been personally involved during the past year. Most incidents reported by females were with a male opponent, usually a spouse, partner, or friend, did not involve alcohol consumption, resulted in high negative emotional impact, and pertained to jealousy. Incidents reported by males tended to be with other males, friends or strangers, in bars or public places, and involved four or more participants who had been drinking. Incidents involving only men had lower emotional impact on respondents and included more punching, threatening, and insulting behavior compared to incidents involving other gender combinations. These results are discussed in terms of the implications for violence generally and the importance of addressing male-to-male aggression and factors that foster this form of aggression.  相似文献   

Existing research suggests that culture has a significant influence on the sexuality of culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia. However, few studies have explored the influence of both religion and culture on sexuality of young Muslim women. This paper qualitatively examines the influence of Islam, Muslim culture and Australian culture on the sexuality of young Muslim women in Melbourne, Australia. This research employed an in-depth interview technique to gather data on the lived experiences of 11 young Muslim women. The findings revealed a marked influence of religion and culture on the sexuality of young Muslim women. Additionally, this study highlights the challenges that young Muslim women face in regards to balancing Muslim culture, Australian culture and Islamic religion. This study contributes to knowledge about the lived experiences of young Muslim women in Australia regarding meanings of sexuality and the difficulties they have in balancing the influences of religion and culture. This knowledge can be useful for the provision of sexual health care that reflects a culturally and religiously sensitive approach for young Muslim women in Australia and elsewhere.  相似文献   

This study compared an immigrant sample of Caribbean-Canadian women ( n = 20) and a sample of women living in the Caribbean ( n = 20) on the following variables: dominant domain of meaning (defined as that aspect of the participant's life from which she derives primary meaning for her sense of self); self-silencing (defined as the tendency to silence one's thoughts and feelings; Jack, 1991); and symptoms of depression. Results revealed that the Caribbean women were more likely to report relational domains of meaning as primary ( e.g. , family, friendships, intimate relationships), while the Caribbean-Canadian women were more likely to report domain of self-nurturance as primary ( e.g. , career goals, spirituality). Furthermore, univariate analysis revealed that the Caribbean-Canadian women reported higher levels of self-silencing and depressive symptoms, and derived less meaningfulness from their primary domains of meaning compared to the Caribbean women. These findings suggest that the immigrant experience may be a factor in women's emotional well-being.  相似文献   

Jana Sawicki uses the work and methods of Foucault to explore the possibility of a politics of difference. I argue that Foucault may help us overcome some forms of dogmatism inherited from men's political philosophy of the past, but Foucault is otherwise useless, or worse: misleading. Because Sawicki presents a politics of diversity among women regardless of, and independent from, a politics of sexual difference, I believe Foucault is misleading.  相似文献   

Safir  Marilyn P.  Rosenmann  Amir  Kloner  Orly 《Sex roles》2003,48(9-10):401-410
The purpose of this study was to examine self-reported connections between sexual orientation (SO) and tomboyism in an Israeli sample. This study also focused on the connection between tomboyism and adult gender roles, and between gender roles and SO. A sample of 127 participants was solicited from lesbian organizations and from workplaces. Participants' SO was self-defined twice, using a forced choice and a Kinsey-type scale. Results revealed a connection between tomboyism and lesbianism. The overall level of tomboyism was lower then reported elsewhere. A relationship between tomboyism and gender roles emerged only for adolescence, and SO was only marginal related to gender roles. The definitions of tomboyism, cultural effects, Israeli society, adolescence gender roles, and bisexualism are discussed.  相似文献   

In a 2‐phase study with a total of 392 participants, depressive symptoms mediated the association between disordered eating and lower problem‐solving confidence and an avoidance problem‐solving style. Depressive symptoms did not mediate the association between the ability to generate competent solutions to hypothetical stressful situations and disordered eating. Depressive symptoms appeared to influence responses to problem‐solving inventories/coping checklists but had less of an influence on open‐ended problem‐solving measures.  相似文献   

Given the paucity of research on the prevalence of eating disorders in college athletes, the authors raised two questions: (a) Is weight preoccupation more prevalent among elite women athletes than among their nonathletic counterparts? (b) Does the empirical link between psychological distress and weight preoccupation pertain to elite athletes as well? Results showed that 10.9% of a sample of elite swimmers could be characterized as “weight preoccupied,” a percentage comparable to the general population of college women. In addition, the athletes reported using significantly more benign than punitive self-control strategies, suggesting for them, weight preoccupation is a means to an end rather than an indication of an eating disorder. Implications for counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

Questionnaire data were collected from 191 professional and managerial women in Norway. Measures included demographic and work characteristics, job pressures (hours worked, level of management, work-family conflict), organizational supports (acceptance, support, training and development, challenging and visible jobs), and health indicators (life satisfaction, psychosomatic complaints, emotional exhaustion). Emotional exhaustion and psychosomatic complaints were combined into a stress index. Results indicated that women who experienced high role conflict and work-family pressures also reported poor health outcomes and little life satisfaction. Organizational initiatives to support and develop women's careers were associated with lower exhaustion and psychosomatic symptomatology and more life satisfaction. While the relationship between women's employment and physical and psychological well-being is not clear-cut, there is perhaps a need for organizations to focus on initiatives that will allow diversity in the choices women make with regard to involvement in careers and family, as well as a need to find ways to support and encourage such diversity. Not only may this have a beneficial effect on women workers' health and energy to use at work, but it may also make way for alternative career paths into top management positions for professional women.  相似文献   

If we agree with Michael Jubien that propositions do not exist, while accepting the existence of abstract sets in a realist mathematical ontology, then the combined effect of these ontological commitments has surprising implications for the metaphysics of modal logic, the ontology of logically possible worlds, and the controversy over modal realism versus actualism. Logically possible worlds as maximally consistent proposition sets exist if sets generally exist, but are equivalently expressed as maximally consistent conjunctions of the same propositions in corresponding sets. A conjunction of propositions, even if infinite in extent, is nevertheless itself a proposition. If sets and hence proposition sets exist but propositions do not exist, then whether or not modal realism is true depends on which of two apparently equivalent methods of identifying, representing, or characterizing logically possible worlds we choose to adopt. I consider a number of reactions to the problem, concluding that the best solution may be to reject the conventional model set theoretical concept of logically possible worlds as maximally consistent proposition sets, and distinguishing between the actual world alone as maximally consistent and interpreting all nonactual merely logically possible worlds as submaximal. I am grateful to the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), for supporting this among related research projects in philosophical logic and philosophy of mathematics during my Resident Research Fellowship in 2005-2006.  相似文献   

Thorne  Avril  McLean  Kate C. 《Sex roles》2002,46(9-10):267-277
The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in the emotional construction of life-threatening events (LTEs) that were chosen as self-defining by late adolescents. European American college students (41 women, 25 men) whose average age was 19 were selected from a larger sample (n = 139) because they reported at least 1 LTE among 3 self-defining memories. Memory narratives were elicited with a questionnaire (Singer & Moffitt, 1991–1992) and coded for emotional position. As expected, tough, action-packed positions were more prevalent in men's narratives, and compassionate positions were more prevalent in women's narratives. Unexpectedly, narratives that emphasized one's own vulnerability (fear or sadness) were equally prevalent for men and women, and women's emotional discourse was more conditional upon type of event, i.e., deaths vs. assaults. Findings provide the most explicit evidence to date that some gendered reminiscence practices found in prior studies of children are reflected in late adolescents' self-defining reminiscences. Implications are also discussed for a more situated understanding of gendered reminiscence pratices and for theories of identity development.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy exists as to both the nature and efficacy of mentoring among women professionals. As noted by Wrightsman, this controversy persists largely because researchers have failed to use a common scientific definition of the concept. In the present research a survey of existing studies was used to set a more stringent criterion of mentoring than that usually employed. Data were then gathered from a sample of women lawyers in the State of Oregon. Results indicated that those meeting the more stringent criterion perceived themselves as more successful and satisfied in their careers than those not meeting it. Those women who said that they had mentors but who did not meet the criterion reported themselves as less successful and satisfied than those who claimed to have a mentor and met the criterion. These results are seen as demonstrating the value of the more stringent criterion as well as the possible value of true mentors to women professionals.  相似文献   

Objectification Theory (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997) was used to examine (a) the mediation effects of body shame and flow on the relationship between self-objectification and disordered eating, (b) age differences in self-objectification, body shame, flow, and disordered eating, (c) the prediction of physical activity from self-objectification, flow, body shame, and disordered eating, and (d) the relationships between self-objectification, flow, and physical activity. Participants were 394 women ages 18–64. Results revealed that (a) body shame mediated the relationship between self-objectification and disordered eating, (b) younger women reported higher levels of self-objectification, body shame, dieting, and several flow characteristics, (c) older women scored higher on the loss of self-consciousness subscale of the flow measure, and (d) self-objectification was a significant predictor of physical activity.This article is based on the authors doctoral dissertation, which was completed at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro under the direction of Daniel Gould.  相似文献   

Critics suggest that without some “objective” account of well-being we cannot explain why satisfying some preferences is, as we believe, better than satisfying others, why satisfying some preferences may leave us on net worse off or why, in a range of cases, we should reject life-adjustment in favor of life-improvement. I defend a subjective welfarist understanding of well-being against such objections by reconstructing the Amartya Sen’s capability approach as a preferentist account of well-being. According to the proposed account preference satisfaction alone—possible as well as actual—is of value. States of affairs contribute to well-being because and to the extent that they satisfy actual or nearby possible preferences, and are fruitful, that is, compatible with a range states that satisfy further actual or nearby possible preferences. The proposed account solves the problem of adaptive preference. Individuals whose preferences are “deformed” are satisfied with fruitless states of affairs, which constrain their options so that they are incapable of satisfying a wide range of nearby possible preferences—preferences they “could easily have had.” Recognizing the value of capabilities as well as actual attainments allows us to explain why individuals who satisfy “deformed” or perverse preferences may not on net benefit from doing so. More fundamentally, it explains why some states are, as Sen suggests, bad, awful or gruesome while others are good, excellent or superb without appeal to any objective account of value.  相似文献   

When mental illness is precisely defined as a functional disorder involving acute distress or disorganization (or both), women are consistently found to have higher rates of mental illness than men. This sex difference appears to be real and not an artifact of response bias, patient behavior, or clinician bias. The higher rates of mental illness among women can be linked to aspects of their societal role and particularly to aspects of the marital role. Therapists who treat women whose mental illness is in part a response to the characteristics of conventional sex roles have no treatment alternatives that are not in some way problematic. The treatment alternative chosen has, in the broadest sense, political implications for the society at large.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of social support in the partner violence–psychological distress relation in a sample of African American women seeking medical care at a large, urban hospital (n = 138). Results from bivariate correlational analyses revealed that partner violence was related to lower perceived social support and greater psychological distress, and lower social support was related to more distress. Furthermore, findings based on path analysis indicated that low levels of social support helped account for battered women's increased distress. Findings point to the need for service providers to screen for partner violence in nontraditional sites, such as hospital emergency rooms, and to address the role of social support resources in preventive interventions with African American battered women.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - This article describes and analyses the religious justifications for the life satisfaction reported by two groups of Muslim women. Approximately, twenty...  相似文献   

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