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By differentiating “ambivalent” from “univalent” voters, this study argues that ambivalent voters need information to reach a decision, which implies they are more open to persuasion through media coverage than are univalent voters. In turn, they may infer that election coverage exerts a greater influence on them, resulting in smaller self–other perceptual discrepancies in terms of their coverage susceptibility. Conversely, univalent voters have made their voting choices early during the campaign; for them, only when the intended influence seems desirable does the perceived influence of campaign news on them increase, leading to a smaller self–other perceptual gap. In other words, ambivalent voters engage in motivated inferences to reduce their ambivalence-aroused discomfort, whereas univalent voters engage in motivated inferences to avoid dissonance. The results of a survey conducted during the official campaign for the 2012 Taiwanese presidential election support these predictions, demonstrating the utility of categorizing voters as ambivalent or univalent when examining the perceived effects of election campaign news.  相似文献   

社会情境中的控制感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭昫澄  郭永玉 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1860-1868
控制感是心理学研究中的重要概念。近年来, 研究者发现传统的控制感理论过分强调个体行为对环境的影响而忽略了环境中的限制因素(社会背景、历史文化、现实因素)对控制感的作用。次要控制理论、可协商命运观和控制感补偿理论分别从不同角度对社会情境中的个体控制感进行研究。次要控制理论主要强调在低控制情境下个体通过自身调节接受客观环境以获得次要控制; 可协商命运观则认为亚洲文化下的个体在承认不可改变的环境作用的前提下依然坚持自己有限的能动性以此获得控制感; 而控制感补偿理论则认为当个体处于低控制环境之中以致个体控制感受到威胁时, 个体会通过一系列方式针对控制感缺失进行补偿。本文在对三种理论分析的基础之上提出了对中国控制感本土化研究方向的思考。  相似文献   

积极情绪对人际信任影响的线索效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何晓丽  王振宏  王克静 《心理学报》2011,43(12):1408-1417
运用书写任务与信息反馈方法诱发与信任不相关和相关情绪, 采用信任投资任务和自我报告法研究了积极情绪对人际信任影响的受信者信息与情境线索的依赖性, 即线索效应。结果发现:(1)在不相关情境和对受信者熟悉的条件下, 三种情绪对人际信任的影响差异显著, 积极情绪条件下的投资信任和直接报告的信任显著高于中性与消极情绪条件下; 在不相关情境和在对受信者陌生条件下, 积极情绪条件下的投资信任和直接报告的信任与中性和消极情绪条件下的投资信任和直接报告的信任差异不显著。(2)在相关情境和在对受信者熟悉条件下, 三种情绪对人际信任的影响差异显著, 积极情绪条件下的投资信任显著高于中性与消极情绪条件下; 在相关情境和对受信者陌生条件下, 三种情绪对人际信任的影响差异显著, 积极情绪条件下的投资信任和直接报告的信任显著高于中性与消极情绪条件下, 中性与消极情绪对人际信任的影响差异不显著。积极情绪对人际信任的影响存在受信者信息与情境线索的依赖性。  相似文献   

Young audiences frequently combine media use (e.g., television viewing) with other activities (e.g., homework); this is referred to as multitasking. This research uses longitudinal data to examine the moderating role of multitasking by examining the effects of exposure to sexual content in the media on adolescents' sexual behavior. Consistent with the predictions based on the limited capacity approach, there was a significant multitasking by exposure interaction suggesting that multitasking reduces the impact of media. More specifically, the effect of exposure to sexual content in the media on sexual behavior was significantly greater among light multitaskers than among heavy multitaskers.  相似文献   

This article describes the use of positive reframing in the context of supervision. Supervisors encountering resistance from their supervisees can use positive reframing as a way to reduce threat and promote growth. A rationale is developed for using reframing with supervisees. The positive reframes are designed with an emphasis on the supervisee's experience of personal power and self-esteem. The supervisor capitalizes on the experience by modeling for the supervisee how to resolve the situation. Examples are presented and limitations are outlined.  相似文献   

基于资源保存理论,采用主动性人格量表、领悟社会支持量表、正性-负性情绪量表和学习投入量表对544名在校大学生进行问卷调查,通过结构方程建模来考察主动性人格、领悟社会支持和积极情绪对学习投入的影响。结果发现,主动性人格、领悟社会支持和积极情绪均能够正向预测学生学习投入;领悟社会支持和积极情绪在主动性人格对学习投入的影响中起到链式中介作用。  相似文献   

本研究通过变化计算机屏幕呈现的物理特性(前景和背景颜色)控制场合因素,操纵词对的呈现次数(实验一)及双字词的加工水平(实验二)控制项目强度,考察了线索相对强度与再认场合效应的关系。结果发现:(1)项目呈现次数对再认场合效应无显著影响;(2)项目加工水平对再认场合效应有显著影响,深加工项目的激活对场合效应发生了掩蔽。最后,在回顾实验设计的基础上,对上述结果的成因及潜在变量的影响进行了简要探讨。  相似文献   

在医患沟通的特殊语境中,医生的语言能够作为暗示手段以治疗疾病,模糊语、比拟、比喻、倒装等语言修辞手法的恰当使用,将对患者的治疗起到正面的心理暗示,有利于疾病的治疗;反之,错误的暗示也许会产生严重的后果.  相似文献   

Shintaro Okazaki 《Sex roles》2007,57(11-12):897-908
This study examines how gender affects mobile advertising acceptance in Japan. Drawing upon cultural, socioeconomic, and industry-specific factors, five hypotheses and two research questions are formulated for four dependent variables (trust, attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, and ad recall) and two independent variables (gender and ad type). User frequency was considered a covariate. An empirical survey was conducted in Japan: Forty thousand respondents were randomly selected, and 3,254 responses were received. Two mobile campaigns (one durable and one nondurable good) were used as stimuli. Multivariate data analysis found significant multivariate effects as well as univariate effects. There was a significant interaction effect of gender and ad type on ad recall. In closing, the study’s implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the indirect effects of extensive negative political attack ads in the 2004 presidential election from a third-person effects perspective. Results of a survey using a probability sample of 496 college students indicate that these students believe attack ads harm others more than themselves. Moreover, the respondents tended to perceive attack ads in traditional media to have a greater harmful effect on self and others than attack ads on the Internet. Contingent factors that account for the magnitude of third-person effects include social distance and knowledge. Further, exposure to attack ads was found to be the strongest predictor of perceived harms of such ads on self and others, but only perceived harm on others is a significant predictor of support for restrictions on attack ads. The study contributes to research on the third-person effect by testing perceived harms of attack ads on self and others separately on likelihood to support restrictions.  相似文献   

Research on conditional positive regard (CPR) has shown that this seemingly benign practice has maladaptive correlates when used by parents. However, there is no research on the correlates of this practice in romantic relationships or on the processes mediating its effects. Building on self‐determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000 ), three studies tested the hypothesis that perceived CPR impairs relationship quality, partly because it undermines the fulfillment of the basic psychological needs for autonomy and relatedness. Study 1 (N = 125) examined perceived CPR and relationship quality across four relationship targets: mother, father, romantic partner, and best friend. Study 2, involving romantic partners (N = 142), examined whether needs fulfillment mediated the association between perceived CPR and relationship quality. Study 3, involving romantic dyads (N = 85), also included partner reports on CPR. Across the three studies, CPR was linked with poor relationship quality between relationships, between people, and between dyadic partners. Moreover, results of Study 2 and Study 3 revealed that the inverse association between perceived CPR and relationship quality was mediated by dissatisfaction of autonomy but not relatedness. Despite its seemingly benign nature, CPR is detrimental to relationship quality, partly because it thwarts the basic need for autonomy.  相似文献   

Social comparison research suggests that people seek upward comparisons if the achievement seems attainable, but avoid them if it appears unattainable. This experiment (N = 169) manipulated attainability by presenting body-improvement articles about dieting/exercising (experimental group) or body-unrelated articles (control group). Social comparison choices were recorded through selective advertisement exposure, as participants browsed a computerized magazine with both “ideal body” ads and “regular person” ads. Body satisfaction was measured before and after exposure. Body-dissatisfied readers in the control group circumvented ideal body ads compared to satisfied readers. Body-dissatisfied participants in the experimental group viewed ideal body images longer than in the control group. No impact of ideal body imagery exposure on body satisfaction was found.  相似文献   

自我构念对想象广告策略的影响与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚卿  陈荣  赵平 《心理学报》2011,43(6):674-683
以叙事运输理论和社会心理自我概念模型为理论背景, 通过两个实验对自我构念对想象广告策略的影响进行了探讨。实验结果验证了想象广告会显著提高独立自我构念者的购买意愿, 但对依存自我构念者影响不显著; 自我构念对想象效应的调节作用不因广告场景提示的变化而变化; 无论是强说服或弱说服的想象广告都能提高独立自我构念者的购买意愿, 而对于依存自我构念者, 只有强说服想象广告会收到好的效果。  相似文献   

Mahaffy  Kimberly A.  Ward  Sally K. 《Sex roles》2002,46(11-12):403-417
We examined the role of gender in relation to adolescents' educational and childbearing plans, the extent to which these plans were interdependent, and the differential effect of gender and social context. The High School and Beyond data were used to estimate a 2-stage least squares model of the reciprocal effect of plans and the influence of social context on plans by gender (N = 6,086). Results indicated that girls expected the timing of childbearing to affect their educational attainment, but boys did not. Educational plans had a greater, positive effect on girls' childbearing plans relative to boys. Family and school contexts also differentially affected girls' and boys' plans. We concluded that gender was important to the development to these adolescents' plans.  相似文献   

中国青年报2月22日报道,今年春节期间,南京的大卖场内“旺旺”大礼包特别好销。营业员说,这是因为“旺旺”集团的广告做得有创意。给孩子们留下印象最深的,是“旺旺”集团的电视广告《唐先生篇》:唐先生一家,最近两年没收到陈先生送的“旺旺”大礼包,因而个人事业和家庭生活从直线上升、旺上加旺,变成了直线下滑、倒霉透顶。为了改变家道中落的现状,唐先生10来岁的儿子,今年春节用省下的零用钱,买来了“旺旺”大礼包送给父亲,唐先  相似文献   

What motivates people to consume and engage with food media on social networks? We adopt an evolutionary lens to suggest that the valence of people’s affective state varies by the implied caloric density of food media, which has a direct impact on social media engagement. First, we analyze a catalog of Buzzfeed’s Tasty videos based on nutritional content derived from the dish’s ingredients and find that visualizing caloric density (i.e., calories per serving) positively influences likes, comments, and shares on Facebook. We then replicate this phenomenon in an experiment, providing preliminary evidence for the role of affect as an explanatory mechanism. We conclude by isolating the role of affect with a classic misattribution task, which attenuates the elevated engagement resulting from exposure to calorie-dense food media. These findings contribute to the dialogue on the antecedents of social media engagement and offer implications for content developers, advertisers, consumer health advocates, and policymakers.  相似文献   

The influence of facial prominence on traitratings made about videotaped men and women described aspursuing either stereotypically masculine or femininecareers was examined. Most participants (N = 168) were White women. Facial prominence failed toinfluence perceptions when gender or occupationstereotypes were strong. However, when those stereotypeswere weaker, facial prominence effects emerged such that individuals were rated as possessing moreof the trait when shown with high facial prominence. Forexample, men were rated higher on evaluative traits whenshown with high, as opposed to low, facial prominence. The results suggest that facialprominence differences observed in the media mayreinforce stereotypes.  相似文献   

于泽  韩玉昌 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1320-1324
本研究采用眼动记录的方法,考察了被试理解层次分隔歧义句时,作为书面韵律边界的逗号起到的作用,以及逗号与语境信息间的交互作用。实验通过操纵逗号的位置,变化歧义句的句义;通过操纵语境内容,变化语境偏向与逗号解歧方向的一致性。结果发现,逗号做为书面的韵律边界促进了句子的加工。当有书面韵律边界为句子解歧时,被试更依赖于韵律边界。语境信息与书面韵律边界的交互作用发生于句子加工晚期。  相似文献   

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