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刘颂 《心理科学进展》2008,16(3):491-496
发展性计算障碍作为一种特异性学习障碍,影响儿童的数学成就与数学学习观念,因而引起了多学科研究的关注和重视。文章分析了发展性计算障碍领域在数认知方面的已有研究,揭示了发展性计算障碍的数认知缺陷及内部差异,从一般认知加工障碍与数字加工模块障碍两个角度阐述了发展性计算障碍的可能成因,最后对当前研究进行了小结与展望,认为数认知缺陷的复杂关系、亚类型特征、成因之间的相互作用与机制还需进一步研究  相似文献   

自然事物认知偏好的初步实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樊琪 《心理科学》2002,25(5):558-561
本研究从认知心理学角度采用实验方法探索自然科学学习的影响因素。发现:1自然事物的认知偏好中存在内隐学习现象。2.自然事物认知偏好的表现非常复杂:年龄的影响并不显著,经验的影响不可忽视;3.性别差异十分明显,男生比女生的自然事物认知偏好更为肯定更为积极,很可能社会性别角色是造成自然科学学习结果差异的重要原因;4.内隐组学习坦率好奇,倾向于把自然事物看得更熟悉更容易,具有更强的探究兴趣:外显组学生矜持审慎,倾向于把自然事物看得更陌生更难以理解,探究兴趣较弱。因此,科学教育要创设情境让学生潜移默化地学以致用;要帮助学生利用经验并从中获取乐趣、增长兴趣、树立志趣;要鼓励女孩子大胆挑战科学。  相似文献   

闫嵘  俞国良 《心理学报》2009,41(7):602-612
采用言语交际策略认知结构访谈故事情境,考察了小学3~6年级学习不良儿童言语交际策略理解水平的发展以及言语行为对其策略理解的影响。被试为两所普通小学儿童,其中学习不良117名,一般儿童124名。结果表明:学习不良儿童言语交际策略理解水平在总体发展上显著落后于一般儿童,但滞后仅存在于意图表达间接程度较高的暗示策略上。其次,在不同言语行为类别上发展趋势不同。对于礼貌请求策略,学习不良儿童不存在显著年级差异,而一般儿童则表现出随年级的增长而逐步提高的趋势;对于委婉应答策略,学习不良儿童存在显著的年级差异。  相似文献   

This report demonstrates the existence of developmental deep dyslexia involving Japanese orthography. When asked to read (or name) isolated kanji, T.S., a sixth grader with a normal IQ and no speech impairment, produced a number of visual, selection, and semantic errors. It is suggested that these errors arise from an interaction between phonological coding impairment and the relative sparing of direct visual processing, which are taken to be characteristic of developmental deep dyslexia. A selection hypothesis is presented to explain selection errors, semantic errors, and some peculiar phenomena observed in acquired dyslexics.  相似文献   

王亚同  赵国祥  唐耿新 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1086-1088
本研究利用Gentner的理论,参考Robins的研究方法自己编制材料,以故事呈现的方式研究了5岁、6岁和7岁三个年龄组儿童的类比系统性效应。结果表明,5岁年龄组的儿童不容易进行结构映射,而6岁和7岁两个年龄组的儿童表现出比较明显的类比系统性效应。这表明在合适的年龄阶段,儿童可以理解故事中的因果关系。  相似文献   

Visual attention has long been regarded as a tool for studying the development of basic cognitive skills in infancy and early childhood. However, over the past decade, the development of attention in early life has emerged as an important topic of research in its own right. This essay describes recent changes in the methods used to study attention in infancy, and in the nature of inferences about the early development of attention, as both research and theory in the area have become progressively integrated with models of attention from cognitive science and neuroscience.  相似文献   

Nonhuman primates represent the most significant extant species for comparative studies of cognition, including such complex phenomena as numerical competence, among others. Studies of numerical skills in monkeys and apes have a long, though somewhat sparse history, although questions for current empirical studies remain of great interest to several fields, including comparative, developmental, and cognitive psychology; anthropology; ethology; and philosophy, to name a few. In addition to demonstrated similarities in complex information processing, empirical studies of a variety of potential cognitive limitations or constraints have provided insights into similarities and differences across the primate order, and continue to offer theoretical and pragmatic directions for future research. An historical overview of primate numerical studies is presented, as well as a summary of the 17‐year research history, including recent findings, of the Comparative Cognition Project at The Ohio State University Chimpanzee Center. Overall, the archival literature on number‐related skills and counting in nonhuman primates offers important implications for revising our thinking about comparative neuroanatomy, cross‐species (human/ape) cognitive similarities and differences, and the evolution of cognition represented by the primate continuum.  相似文献   

儿童对假装的认知发展的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王桂琴  方格  杨小冬 《心理科学》2003,26(5):898-900
1 引言  近二十年来 ,儿童心理理论 (theoryofmind)的发展一直是一个非常重要的研究领域 ,在认知发展研究领域里占有主导地位。心理理论发展的研究主要探查了儿童最基本的心理状态方面的知识 ,这方面的一个关键问题是学前儿童何时能理解心理是对客观世界的表征 ,这种表征有时可能与客观现实不同。儿童对心理表征的理解的研究主要集中于儿童对错误信念的认知 ,儿童是否认识到人的信念并不总是与客观现实一致 ,人的信念可能错误地反映了客观现实。关于错误信念的研究已取得丰硕的成果 ,实验证明儿童在 4岁以后已能理解错误信念。据此研究者…  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(2):71-97
Recently, researchers have been investigating the effects of kinematics stimulus properties on pattern perception and recognition. However, the stimulus properties that are used to discriminate animate from inanimate objects have received relatively little attention. Earlier research has indicated that the external movement of artificially generated objects is perceived as animate by observers of all ages. In this investigation, children in Grades 1,4, and 7 and university adults were asked to describe what they saw after viewing computer-generated displays of two circular objects that exhibited variations of external and internal movement. We predicted that observers would incorporate and integrate the salient kinematic properties of the objects in a display into a coherent narrative and that their ability to achieve matches among the properties of objects in a display and the properties of objects described in the narrative would increase with age. Moreover, because of their relative insensitivity to the actual properties of objects in the display, we predicted that younger observers would make more animate attributions for nonmoving objects and fewer animate attributions for moving objects than would older observers. The result supported these predictions.  相似文献   

AdultAplysiaexhibit both short-term and long-term memory for sensitization in the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex. Previous developmental studies showed that short-term memory for sensitization emerges late in juvenile development (stage 12; Rankin and Carew, 1988; Wright et al., 1991). In the present study, we examined the development of long-term memory for sensitization. Long-term sensitization of the siphon withdrawal reflex was quantified as an increase in mean response duration observed 20–24 h after receiving a training regime of one or more 90-min sessions of electrical shock to the tail. In the first three experiments we assessed the capacity for long-term sensitization in adults and in juveniles of stages late 12 and early 12. Animals in all three age classes showed long-term sensitization. In a fourth experiment we simultaneously trained and tested both early stage 12 animals and stage 11 animals with identical stimulus parameters that were scaled down to a level appropriate to the smaller stage 11 animals. Under these conditions, the early stage 12 animals demonstrated long-term sensitization, while the stage 11 animals still showed no evidence of long-term sensitization. These results indicate that long-term sensitization first emerges at early stage 12, which is the same developmental stage in which short-term sensitization first emerges. Although these behavioral data do not elucidate underlying mechanisms, the fact that short-term and long-term memory emerge according to the same developmental timetable is consistent with the possibility that these two forms of memory may share at least some common mechanistic features.  相似文献   

We will show that there is a strong form of emergence in cell biology. Beginning with C.D. Broads classic discussion of emergence, we distinguish two conditions sufficient for emergence. Emergence in biology must be compatible with the thought that all explanations of systemic properties are mechanistic explanations and with their sufficiency. Explanations of systemic properties are always in terms of the properties of the parts within the system. Nonetheless, systemic properties can still be emergent. If the properties of the components within the system cannot be predicted, even in principle, from the behavior of the systems parts within simpler wholes then there also will be systemic properties which cannot be predicted, even in principle, on basis of the behavior of these parts. We show in an explicit case study drawn from molecular cell physiology that biochemical networks display this kind of emergence, even though they deploy only mechanistic explanations. This illustrates emergence and its place in nature.  相似文献   

Effective social decision making often depends upon gathering needed information. Since the kind and quality of information obtained depends on the tactics used to gain it, the study of information-gathering tactics is of prime importance in understanding the processes of social decision making. We focused on one facet of information-gathering—the cognitive process of second-guessing developed by Hewes and Planalp (1982). We developed and tested a theory of reinterpretation assessment that explores the relationship between second-guessing and the use of social information-gathering tactics. Four of the five principles on which this theory is based are tested empirically. They concern the effects of motivational (need for accuracy), cognitive (processing load), and practical (social effort) antecedents on the tactics employed by social actors to improve subjectively the quality of their reinterpretations of messages. Moderate support is garnered for all four principles. Some challenging anomalies result in modifications of the theory.  相似文献   

Bridging research into practice, the authors propose a clinical model for use in the development of empathy in juvenile sex offenders. Case illustrations are provided.  相似文献   

品德语词的内隐记忆发展研究初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高湘萍  徐媛  李冰 《心理科学》2002,25(5):555-557,579
实验采用内隐记忆加工分离(再认型)程序设计,考察了小学、中学、大学三个年龄组被试对道德词、不道德词、中性词三类语词的内隐与外显记忆成绩,结果发现:对不道德词的记忆具有更强的内隐性特征;中学生确实处于道德发展的一个特殊阶段或者转折阶段;道德认知的内隐研究应成为道德心理研究的一个新视角。  相似文献   

Although research on young children's abilities to organize emotional states has increased in recent years, little is known about the emergence of complex strategies for emotion regulation in preschoolers. In the present study, emotion-regulation strategies used by 52 normally developing 3- and 4-year-olds were examined. Children and their primary caregivers (50 mothers, 2 fathers) participated in 2 controlled frustration episodes that were videotaped. Four types of strategies were coded: comforting behaviors, instrumental behaviors, distraction behaviors, and cognitive reappraisals. Results indicated that 3-year-olds used proportionately more instrumental strategies than 4-year-olds, and parents of 3-year-olds showed the same pattern, whereas parents of 4-year-olds did not. Moreover, 3-year-olds used a variety of strategies when frustrated, including cognitive reappraisals. Significant positive correlations were found between the types of strategies used by the children and by the parents to help their children. It is suggested that children may be using strategies to organize their emotional states before they are able to accurately report on them.  相似文献   


Using a theory of emotional understanding, the basis for distinguishing among happiness, anger, and sadness was investigated. Three and six-year-old children and adults predicted and explained people's emotional responses to different types of events. The events varied as to whether a person's goal was to attain or to avoid a state, whether the goal was achieved or not, who or what was responsible for success or failure, and whether the outcome was intentional or accidental. For all groups, the attainment and maintenance of goals was the primary focus of explanations for emotions and for the plans that followed emotions. A distinct set of features was used to infer and explain happiness as opposed to anger and sadness. Happiness was elicited by goal success and was followed by plans to maintain or enjoy current goal states. Anger and sadness were elicited by goal failure and were followed by plans to reinstate, replace, or forfeit goals. Anger occurred more frequently than sadness when an aversive rather than a loss state occurred, when an animate agent rather than a natural event caused a negative outcome, and when attention was focused on the cause rather than the consequence of goal failure. Two dimensions associated with anger changed as a function of age. First grade children, and adults were more likely than preschool children to predict anger in response to intentional harm, and their explanations for anger were more likely to refer to the agent or cause of goal failure. For all age groups, however, the majority of subjects responded to aversive situations with anger responses, independent of the causal conditions that produced the aversive state. The results therefore indicate that anger can be produced without intentional harm, but that intentional harm becomes an important dimension in attributing anger, especially as a function of development.  相似文献   

Professional counselors in educational and mental health settings all must deal with so-called psychopathology. At issue is how can they work with “disorder” from a positive, developmental perspective? Developmental counseling and therapy (DCT) offers an approach to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) classification systems that enables the reframing of severe client distress as a logical response to developmental history. Included are specific suggestions for positive case management and practice. Special attention is given to the interface of multicultural issues, etiology, and treatment. The authors maintain that if professional counselors take a developmental approach to a so-called disorder, the positive theoretical and psychoeducational integrity of the American Counseling Association can be maintained while working with the most difficult issues.  相似文献   

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