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For many years now, specialists in learning have remarked that a specific method of writing is used for the elaboration of interactive multimedia systems. This method of writing, which I qualify as interactive, has a primary objective: facilitating information access for the user. In this paper I propose an analysis of the different elements that characterize this method of writing and, more specifically, the different ways in which this new method can be integrated into the elaboration of magistral university courses without using any added computer technology. The professor would then resemble a multimedia system while the students would be the users of this system. This new method of writing and pedagogical structure would be highly propitious for the stimulation of exchange and interactivity, while leaving students the possibility to choose a structure of the presentation that best fits the group. However, for this to happen we must first envisage the possibility of adapting certain multimedia learning methods, recognized as functional, to the more conventional learning methods that the classroom represents.  相似文献   

The effects of content and rhetorical prompts on writing process activities and the quality of written products were examined. We also examined the usefulness of latent semantic analysis (LSA; Landauer & Dumais, 1997)-a computational technique for representing the content of documents-as a tool for assessing texts. Participants used varied combinations of prompts designed to support content and rhetorical processes. In Experiment 1, content and rhetorical processes were supported only during composition. In Experiment 2, content and rhetorical processes were supported during domain learning and writing. Time spent in 3 writing activities (planning, drafting, revising) was measured, and professional writing instructors and LSA assessed text quality. Content prompts extended time spent writing and were related to improved text quality; rhetorical prompts demonstrated some influence on planning and global text quality only when presented during domain learning. In both experiments, LSA generated consistent judgments of writing quality that resembled human grading.  相似文献   

Past research has found that preschool children's ability to learn educational content from interactive media may be hindered by needing to learn how to use a new interactive device. However, little research has examined the instructional supports parents provide while their children use interactive media. Forty‐six preschool children and their parents participated in a 30‐min interaction with a novel interactive device. Children were assessed before and after the interaction on knowledge of letters and numbers and device skills. Children improved from pre‐ to posttest on device skills, but not content knowledge. In general, parents used a wide range of strategies during the interaction. Specific parental support for using the device did not result in increased device skills; however, parents who focused their support on content had children who performed better on content assessments. The findings are discussed in terms of the effectiveness of different parent support strategies for children's use of interactive devices and learning of educational content during the preschool years. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The community plays an important role in the success of substance abuse prevention efforts. However, current funding structures and a focus on limited approaches to prevention delivery have created a large gap between what substance abuse prevention professionals practice and what the community at large knows about prevention. The concept of “community” has not always been well‐defined in the field of prevention, and there are few mechanisms to engage grassroots community members in evidence‐based substance abuse prevention. This article explains how Wandersman et al.'s (Am J Community Psychol 41:171–181, 2008) Interactive Systems Framework can be applied to grassroots prevention efforts. The authors describe a Community Prevention Support System that collaborates with the Professional Prevention Support System to promote the adoption of evidence‐based substance abuse prevention practices at the grassroots, community level. Special Issue: Advances in Bridging Research and Practice Using the Interactive System Framework for Dissemination and Implementation; Guest Editors: Abraham Wandersman, Paul Flaspohler, Catherine A. Lesesne, Richard Puddy; Action Editor: Emilie Phillips Smith  相似文献   

STAZ is an interactive computer program that demonstrates statistical concepts, many of which cannot be readily demonstrated using conventional methods. Use of dynamic graphics encourages active engagement with challenging statistical concepts. The program consists of 13 graphical demonstrations, most of which allow for interactive participation by students. A detailed Help file with guided explanations accompanies each demonstration. STAZ is a multiple document interface program that makes full use of Windows features, such as tiling, links, and multitasking. Designed to be used as a supplement for any undergraduate statistics course, STAZ may be used by either instructors in classroom settings or students working independently.  相似文献   

近二十年国内写作心理研究述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周泓  张庆林 《心理科学》2003,26(4):690-693
1 引言 写作心理研究旨在揭示人们在写作活动中表现出的心理特点和规律。目前,写作心理研究发展较快,因为写作是中小学生需要掌握的重要基本技能,围绕这个问题展开研究能对写作教学实践起到指导作用,因此写作心理研究在学科教学心理学中具有重要的位置。近二十年国内写作心理研究表现出两  相似文献   

由中山大学逻辑与认知研究所主办的全国逻辑与计算机科学学术研讨会 ,于 2 0 0 1年 7月 9日至 1 0日在清华园召开。参加会议的有来自教育部、中国社会科学院、中国科学院、人民出版社以及全国各高校的近 50名专家学者。会议围绕“2 1世纪的逻辑学”的主题 ,对2 1世纪逻辑学发展  相似文献   


Value priorities were analyzed as they relate to nationality (American vs. British) and gender in a study involving 207 university students from the 2 countries. Participants responded anonymously to S. H. Schwartz's Value Survey (1992, 1994), consisting of various individualistic and collectivistic values. American students assigned greater importance to the individualistic values of achievement, hedonism, self-direction, and stimulation than British students did; students from the 2 countries assigned equal importance to the power value type. Compared with men, women from both countries assigned greater value priorities to the collectivistic values of benevolence, universalism, security, and subordination of self to others. Women and men, however, did not differ on the individualistic values, and, in fact, women placed greater importance on achievement than men did. The results for the individualistic values are discussed primarily within the context of major changes in the career and work opportunities afforded women by society in the past 30 years.  相似文献   

We tested the cross-national similarity of additive and interactive variants of the Contingent Consistency Hypothesis in regard to antinuclear activist behavior. We predicted that attitudinally consistent behavior is influenced (a) more by specific than general attitudes, (b) by facilitation between normative support and personal attitudes in an interactive manner, and (c) by a fundamental or basic social-psychological process that can be demonstrated in people from different countries and cultures. These three hypotheses were tested for general (pacifist) attitudes, specific (antinuclear) attitudes, normative support, and antinuclear political activism in samples of college students from the U. S., England, and Sweden. In each sample, specific attitudes were strong, unique predictors of activist behavior (more so than general attitudes), while normative support had no additive influence on this behavior beyond that explained by attitudes for U. S. and British students. Interaction effects were found for both pacifist and nuclear attitudes in conjunction with normative support among the U. S. students, but only for pacifist attitudes in the British sample and only with antinuclear attitudes in the Swedish sample. In contrast with other studies where interaction effects were hypothesized for behaviors that were deviant or typically initiated by others, the present interactions were obtained for lawful behaviors that are often begun and/ or performed alone. With some notable variations, these results were confirmed in each sample, partially validating the cross-national generality of the interactive attitude-behavior model for activist behavior.  相似文献   

The authors present interactive drama as a medium to create learning about multicultural and diversity issues on the basis of cognitive‐experiential self‐theory. Results of exploratory qualitative research suggest 2 interactive dramas had an impact on awareness, understanding, and skills. Future research and benefits for counseling students and programs are discussed. Los autores presentan la drama interactiva como medio para crear conciencia de cuestiones multiculturales y de diversidad, basado en la teoria de personalidad cognosciva‐experimental. Los resultados de investigaciones cualitativas iniciales sugieren que dos dramas interactivas afectaron al conoscimiento, el entendimiento, y las habilidades. También se discuten avenidas para investigaciones futuras, y los beneficios para estudiantes y programas de consejo.  相似文献   

PoeTryMe is a poetry generation system that autonomously produces poems from a set of initial parameters. After using it, creative writers and other users of this system expressed the desire to partake in the creative process by directly interacting with PoeTryMe. This paper is motivated by the previous impressions. It illustrates some of the challenges of automatic poetry generation, highlights limitations of PoeTryMe, and reports on recent efforts to address user feedback and provide alternative ways of using this system. First, making some functionalities available via a web API enabled their exploitation by other systems. Those include the generation of single lines as well as retrieval of related words, allowing for additional constraints on the number of syllables, sentiment and rhyme. On top of this API, a co-creative interface, Co-PoeTryMe, has been developed. Co-PoeTryMe allows users to either start from scratch or from a generated draft. Extensive editing functionality has been incorporated, in particular, allowing lines and words to be switched or replaced by newly generated alternatives. Co-PoeTryMe, its interface and the co-creative process for producing poetry are described, along with a user study that provided useful feedback. Users pointed out the strengths of this new system, including its capacities in providing inspiration, and giving the user the ability to customize an existing draft and visualize the changes, but also pointed out weaknesses, primarily by identifying potential improvements in the user interface.  相似文献   


There is a recognized need to rigorously examine the efficacy of approaches to supporting informal learning. In this study, we used a 2 × 2 factorial experimental design to test the impact of a computer guide on 3 proximal measures of visitor learning at an interactive math exhibit. In total, 128 families were systematically assigned to engage with the exhibit either with or without access to a supplementary computer kiosk. Visitor groups with access to the computer spent longer, on average, at the exhibit and engaged in more mathematical behaviors compared to other groups. However, based on interviews, visitors with access to the computer were less likely to fully articulate the mathematical relations in the exhibit. These results suggest that although computer guides are a promising approach to supporting visitor engagement, they may, unless carefully designed, undermine other learning outcomes.  相似文献   

Described is one of the new techniques that interactive scaling algorithms make possible.  相似文献   

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