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The present paper describes the application of computer-based programs to the evaluation of eye movements during reading of short texts. These programs operate in background, that is, after an experimental session is completed and the raw data are collected on magnetic tape. The first program reduces the raw data into a sequence of fixation locations and durations, eye movements, and eye blinks. A second program utilizes calibration coordinates and line-of-text information to transform the reduced data into a standard grid format. Fixation order, locations, and durations for each line of text read are output with respect to the line of text. The final program summarizes fixation locations, frequencies, and durations with respect to analyses of the texts into levels within a hierarchy of propositions in the text base (Kintsch, 1974).  相似文献   


The use of Curriculum-Based Measurement for evaluating treatment efficacy is described and discussed. The basic methods and applications of Curriculum-Based Measurement are described, followed by examples of its application in two intervention program evaluation projects. The first project involved one individual student experiencing academic difficulties. The second project focused on evaluating a reading instruction program for a group of students. In both examples, the use of Curriculum-Based Measurement contributed significantly to monitoring student progress in response to educational program variables and making treatment evaluation decisions.  相似文献   

The effects of anxiety on concept acquisition were evaluated for first and second grade children enrolled in either a traditional or in an individualized or multiage learning program, the latter specifically designed to reduce anxiety during the learning process. Regardless of their learning environment, first graders who scored high on trait anxiety, measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, performed more poorly than those with low trait anxiety. Individualized-multiage second grade children scored lower on state anxiety than children in the traditional group. The largest reduction in anxiety occurred at the second grade, suggesting that anxiety reduction was cumulative for the individualized-multiage program children during the first two years of their primary grade education. However, the individualized-multiage environment was detrimental to performance of second graders on the easier concrete concept acquisition test, suggesting that some anxiety is needed during learning to enhance attention and facilitate performance.  相似文献   

This paper studies the anticipatory nature of perception in relation to subjects' expertise in basketball. The two experiments conducted showed that experts encode game situations by automatically building a representation of the next‐likely state of the observed scene. In Experiment 1, subjects had to quickly compare pairs of configurations presented in succession. The results indicated that expert subjects differentiated the second configuration from the first less accurately and more slowly when the second configuration was the next‐likely state of the first, than when it was a possible previous state. In Experiment 2, subjects had to study game configurations and then perform a recognition task. The results showed that experts more often falsely recognized new configurations when they were the next‐likely state of an already‐encoded configuration than when they represented a possible previous state. Based on these results, we discuss the nature of expert knowledge, the integration of anticipatory components in perceptual processes, and the impact of expert knowledge on visual‐scene encoding and memorization.  相似文献   

A computer program is described that is designed to reconstruct the metric configuration of a set of points in Euclidean space on the basis of essentially nonmetric information about that configuration. A minimum set of Cartesian coordinates for the points is determined when the only available information specifies for each pair of those points—not the distance between them—but some unknown, fixed monotonic function of that distance. The program is proposed as a tool for reductively analyzing several types of psychological data, particularly measures of interstimulus similarity or confusability, by making explicit the multidimensional structure underlying such data.  相似文献   

No matter whether an experiment is a success, a failure, or a mixture of the two, the E needs to see his results immediately to be able to plan his next study. For this purpose, he needs a rapid, simple, relevant analysis of the data. We define a version of this data-summarizing problem and describe a monitor program to solve it. One major decision is what search method and data file organization to use; We use the n-dimensional array method. We specify dependent variables in two parts: first, a measure code like proportion correct, reaction time, etc., and second, a series of coefficients to specify what items will make up the desired dependent measure. Our program is interactive and makes extensive use of default options. Some suggestions are made for the implementation of monitor programs on other hardware.  相似文献   

In the present study we assessed the effect of a multifaceted program for ward staff members, which was intended to have severely/profoundly mentally retarded individuals improve their use of communicative gestures. The program consisted of instruction, verbal and visual (publicly posted) graphic feedback. There were two categories of dependent variables. The first category involved the number of gesture prompts by staff, number of unused opportunities to evoke gestures, and number of consequences given for gestures. The second category involved handicapped individuals' number of prompted gestures, number of spontaneous gestures, and number of different gestures. Results show that the program was effective with regard to all these variables. Changes in the number of spontaneous gestures were especially remarkable, as this variable had not been influenced directly. Follow-up data underline the effectiveness of the program.  相似文献   

A driver-yielding enforcement program that included decoy pedestrians, feedback flyers, written and verbal warnings, and saturation enforcement for a 2-week period was evaluated in the city of Miami Beach using a multiple baseline design. During baseline, data were collected at crosswalks along two major corridors. Treatment was introduced first at selected crosswalks without traffic signals along one corridor. A week later, enforcement was shifted to crosswalks along the second corridor. Results indicated that the percentage of drivers yielding to pedestrians increased following the introduction of the enforcement program in each corridor and that these increases were sustained for a period of a year with minimal additional enforcement. The effects also generalized somewhat to untreated crosswalks in both corridors, as well as to crosswalks with traffic signals.  相似文献   

When multiple regression is used in explanation-oriented designs, it is very important to determine both the usefulness of the predictor variables and their relative importance. Standardized regression coefficients are routinely provided by commercial programs. However, they generally function rather poorly as indicators of relative importance, especially in the presence of substantially correlated predictors. We provide two user-friendly SPSS programs that implement currently recommended techniques and recent developments for assessing the relevance of the predictors. The programs also allow the user to take into account the effects of measurement error. The first program, MIMR-Corr.sps, uses a correlation matrix as input, whereas the second program, MIMR-Raw.sps, uses the raw data and computes bootstrap confidence intervals of different statistics. The SPSS syntax, a short manual, and data files related to this article are available as supplemental materials from http:// brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

This study presents two experiments that evaluate strategies to reduce violations of a handicapped parking ordinance. The first experiment compared effects of upright versus ground handicapped parking signs on percentage of intervals in which cars were parked illegally. Introducing upright signs produced an immediate reduction in the percentage of intervals of inappropriate use of parking spaces. The second experiment examined effects of a police enforcement program on percentage of intervals of inappropriate use of parking spaces and frequency of inappropriately parked cars. Results showed consistent reductions in percentage of intervals of inappropriate use and number of inappropriately parked cars compared with a control site where no enforcement program was introduced. Implications of the research data for law enforcement and public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

A laboratory configuration is described in which two compatible minicomputers are used to collect psychophyiological data and to generate a complex visual display. The two computers are part of independent systems used by different research groups for psychophysiological experimentation and cognitive reaction time research. With minimal additional requirements, however, it is possible to link the function of the two machines and greatly expand experimental possibilities. Two real-time applications are discussed, as well as other advantages of having compatible processors, such as simplified program development.  相似文献   

This exploratory study looks at the training and postgraduate experience of the 2008–2014 graduates of the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. It follows our former study of all living graduates through the year 2007 (Schneider et al., 2014). The survey developed and used in the first study, with a few additional questions added to increase our understanding of the training experience, was sent to 38 graduates with a return rate of 58%. As with the first survey, graduates were invited to assess, among other training experiences, their training analysis, classroom work, and supervision, and to tell of their post‐graduation involvement in teaching, supervising, study groups and other professional endeavors. They were also asked to rate their satisfaction with themselves as psychoanalysts and with their analytic career. The questions added to the previous survey related to the graduates’ theoretical orientation, the influence on their training experiences of the change in gender distribution, and of the diversity of professions now represented in the analytic training program. They were also encouraged to provide spontaneous narrative data. The data from our second survey showed important differences when compared with our first. In the first survey male respondents were in the majority; in the second, women held the majority. Of the professions represented in the training program, psychiatry was the majority in the first survey, psychology and social work held the majority in the second. Most respondents claimed an object‐relation theoretical orientation. Analytic immersion continues to decrease, with most respondents having two patients at the time of graduation and one at the time of the survey.  相似文献   

This paper describes two different strategic interventions designed to provide emotional and practical support to employees during downsizing in two large urban hospitals. The first program was hospital-wide and developed by a team of human resource professionals. The second program was smaller in scale and designed for a single hospital department. Both programs were initiated to minimize the negative impact of job loss and to address the concerns and heighten the morale of remaining employees.  相似文献   

A class of multidimensional scaling models are developed wherein certain parameters may be fixed as known constants, or proportional to one another. Traditional multidimensional scaling can be obtained as a special case by fixing only the orientation and origin of a configuration. Methods of obtaining least-square estimates of the parameters via nonlinear programming are discussed, and an effective computer program is developed to implement application of the models to data. Several well-known data sets are reanalyzed under various restricted models, and the results demonstrate the possibility of achieving insight not attainable under the traditional approach. The potential distortion arising from inadequate model specification is discussed, and the importance of substantive theory to multidimensional scaling research is emphasized.  相似文献   

The question driving research on after‐school programs is shifting from “do programs make a difference,” to “why are some programs effective while others are not?” This article draws on the work in this volume and related studies to suggest that there is an emerging consensus on the importance of staff‐youth interactions as a determinant of program effectiveness. The commentary recommends that future research should continue to focus on understanding and improving program practices at the point‐of‐service. In doing so, two lines of inquiry seem promising. The first involves linking measures of changes in staff‐youth interactions to changes in developmental outcomes. The second is to examine how policies or other interventions intended to improve program effectiveness affect the practices of line staff.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a positive incentive program designed to reduce absenteeism at a hospital. Absence data for a treatment group ( N = 164) and a comparison group ( N = 136) were collected for one year prior to the incentive program, the three years the plan was operational, and the year after the program was discontinued. In the treatment program, absence from the treatment group decreased significantly during the first and third years of the program; effects during the second year of the program were marginally significant. No changes occurred in the comparison group's absence level. A utility analysis revealed that the incentive program produced an 11.7% return on investment.  相似文献   

An application of assessment center procedures is described for the selection of first level managers from the craft ranks. Information is reported on how the assessment data are used in promotion decisions. An evaluation study was conducted that indicates that the assessment center program has a positive effect on performance of managers at the first level and the pool of potential for higher levels of management. The study results also suggest ways in which assessment data can be used more effectively in promotion decisions.  相似文献   

The hardware configuration at the University of Kentucky is discussed with emphasis on a Winchester technology hard disk as the integrating feature. Advantages and disadvantages of this configuration are discussed in light of the issues of software transportability, ease of use for students, and system maintenance. The Winchester disk is compared to floppy drives as a means of program and data storage. The importance of proper, clear, and organized documentation is stressed. The conclusion is that each system can complement the other in a functional computer learning laboratory.  相似文献   

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