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The purpose of the experiments and analyses was to discover whether the “independence” model, which successfully accounts for the perception of synthetic multi-dimensional stimuli, would also describe the perception of speech in noise. Two sets of four words were chosen which could be considered phonetically to be describable in terms of two dimensions. The S/R matrix was analysed as if the stimuli were bi-dimensional elementary stimuli. Satisfactory fits were obtained by the independence model. Two analyses were conducted upon data from Miller and Nicely (1955) and Conrad (1964) to discover whether the perception of phonemes was also predictable on the independence model. In general this was found to be the case.  相似文献   

Historically, the existence of a size-weight illusion has led to the conclusion that perceptions of size and weight are not independent. A dependence of perceived heaviness on physical volume (perceptual separability), however, is different from a dependence on perceived volume (perceptual independence). Three experiments were conducted to evaluate perceptual independence. The relations between perceived size and weight and physical size and mass were evaluated in Experiment 1. Perceived weight, length, and width were structured only by the corresponding physical variables, whereas variations in volume were not separable from variations in mass. F. G. Ashby and J. T. Townsend's (1986) test for perceptual independence was applied in Experiment 2. Perceived weight was independent of perceived length and volume. Experiment 3 used a magnitude estimation paradigm to investigate the extent to which information-perception relations could be related to the observed patterns of separability and independence.  相似文献   

Perceptual set induction was studied among Indian children from Mysore, ages 4 and 5 years. The method of perceptual-set induction involved a procedure of contrastive classification that had been attempted only once before with an American sample of subjects. Findings of the present study were positive, demonstrating the formation of perceptual sets in preschool age children. Taken together with data from the American sample, the results provide a firmer basis for conceptualization, and for explaining the failure of other studies to find evidence for susceptibility to perceptual sets among young children. The findings are also considered in connection with contemporary ideas about symbolic mediation and production deficiencies in children's memory and thinking.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relations between field independence and simultaneous processing of preschool children as measured by the Preschool Embedded Figures Test (PEFT) and subtests from the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC), respectively. Data partially supported the assumption that field-independent children would perform significantly better on simultaneous processing tasks in general. Significant age and sex differences on field-independence/field-dependence and simultaneous-processing abilities were found among the embedded figures task and selected portions of the K-ABC. Analysis of embedded figures further indicated age differences, but no significant sex differences.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Identification of figures presented in, outside and across hemianopic areas was tested on three brain injured patients by using a tachistoscope technique. It was found that the portion of a stimulus falling in the intact hemifield may facilitate the detection of a contralateral portion in the cortically blind hemifield, otherwise neglected when presented alone. This is in agreement with observations from an afterimage study (Tojussen, 1977), also suggesting that interhemispheric interactions in man are organized with a mirrorsymmetric topography. It is proposed that some previous observations of completion of bilaterally symmetrical patterns across hemianopic areas may be explained in terms of analogous interactions.  相似文献   

Age differences in perceptual specificity for implicit auditory priming were examined in 3 experiments. All 3 experiments began with a study phase during which participants rated words based on perceptual (shallow encoding) or semantic (deep encoding) attributes. After the study phase, participants were asked to identify filtered versions of repeated and new words (implicit test) and then to make old/new recognition judgments (explicit test). In contrast to earlier findings (D. L. Schacter, B. Church, & D. M. Osowiecki, 1994), older and younger adults were equally sensitive to study-to-test changes in speaking rate (Experiment 1), fundamental frequency (Experiment 2), and voice (Experiment 3). Explicit memory, in contrast, was significantly poorer for older adults but was minimally affected by changes in surface features. Findings from the study are discussed with respect to their implications for establishing the mechanisms mediating perceptual specificity and for their importance in understanding age-related changes in implicit memory.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined whether age modulates the processing of lexical and perceptual information in auditory implicit and explicit memory tests. Young and older adults performed a surface encoding task on spoken and printed words and then either identified degraded words or made explicit recognition judgments. The implicit test of perceptual identification yielded no evidence of age-related declines in the processing of either lexical information or coarse perceptual details (modality of presentation). The same test, however, produced marked age-related declines in the processing of fine-grained perceptual details (voice) when subjects were not familiarized with the talkers' voices prior to the encoding task. Marked age differences were also observed in recognition memory. These findings suggest that although aging preserves the encoding and incidental retrieval of lexical and coarse perceptual information, it affects the encoding of fine-grained perceptual information and deliberate retrieval processes.  相似文献   

Perceptual asymmetries in normal right-handed children (7-12 years of age) and children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), combined type, were investigated using various chimeric stimuli in free-viewing conditions. In the face-matching task, participants indicated which of two symmetrical face chimeras more closely resembled the original; in the chimeric faces task, participants indicated which of a pair of faces appeared happier; and in the grey scales task participants indicated which of two shaded rectangles appeared to be darker overall. Leftward biases were found for normal children with no effects of age. Contrary to expectations, normal leftward biases were also found for ADHD children in the face-matching and the chimeric faces tasks; however, a significant leftward bias was not observed in the grey scales task. The absence of anomalous perceptual bias in ADHD children on these purely perceptual tasks, suggests that anomalous perceptual asymmetries observed in other tasks (line bisection and cancellation tasks) may have been confounded by the motor response, and/or the explicit spatial components of those tasks.  相似文献   

Iconicity – the correspondence between form and meaning – may help young children learn to use new words. Early‐learned words are higher in iconicity than later learned words. However, it remains unclear what role iconicity may play in actual language use. Here, we ask whether iconicity relates not just to the age at which words are acquired, but also to how frequently children and adults use the words in their speech. If iconicity serves to bootstrap word learning, then we would expect that children should say highly iconic words more frequently than less iconic words, especially early in development. We would also expect adults to use iconic words more often when speaking to children than to other adults. We examined the relationship between frequency and iconicity for approximately 2000 English words. Replicating previous findings, we found that more iconic words are learned earlier. Moreover, we found that more iconic words tend to be used more by younger children, and adults use more iconic words when speaking to children than to other adults. Together, our results show that young children not only learn words rated high in iconicity earlier than words low in iconicity, but they also produce these words more frequently in conversation – a pattern that is reciprocated by adults when speaking with children. Thus, the earliest conversations of children are relatively higher in iconicity, suggesting that this iconicity scaffolds the production and comprehension of spoken language during early development.  相似文献   

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