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The study was designed to investigate the nature of response-class phenomena and the possibility of indirect contingency control. A single subject was employed. Prior to the start of the study, the experimenter established the process of maintaining stimulus constancy during a preexperimental phase. Subsequent to the first baseline phase, a factor analysis was done to define the response class and the behavior categories constituting the class. Manipulating a single adult consequence to a response-class category over subsequent baseline and manipulation phases revealed frequency changes in all behavior categories in the response class. The data gave support to indirect behavior control. Search for possible explanations of frequency changes showed that the direction of the frequency changes were predictable from the results of the factor analysis.  相似文献   

The ability of two and three year old children to comprehend in, on and under was tested in five contexts. In the first context, where responses did not depend on the child manipulating the experimental objects, responses were invariably correct except for some difficulty with under in the youngest subjects. In the other four contexts, which did involve manipulation of the objects by the child, responses varied as a function of the noun phrases used to refer to the experimental objects which themselves remained the same across different contexts. The result suggest that the young child's comprehension of instructions involves an interaction between aspects of the instruction's lexis and syntax and the child's construal of context.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated interference in 5-year-olds' learning sets. Experiment 1 manipulated intertrial and interproblem intervals, showing that increased intertrial intervals retarded performance. Long interproblem intervals interacted with short intertrial intervals to produce performance facilitation. Experiment 2 investigated interpolations within problems with either similar or dissimilar stimulus presentations. Similar stimuli caused greater performance decrements than dissimilar. Experiment 3 hypothesized that the within-subjects design of Experiment 1 masked interproblem interval effects. Testing between-subjects established that increased interproblem delays facilitate performance. In Experiment 4 interproblem delays were further tested in a series of shifts within and between dimensions. Increased delays more greatly benefited shifts within dimensions. It is concluded that intertrial and interproblem intervals affect learning set performance differentially. Intertrial delays result in performance deterioration due in part to interference. Interproblem delays facilitate performance at least in part by providing the opportunity for suppression of proactive interference, and perhaps in part by providing the opportunity for constructive cognitive processing.  相似文献   

It has been found in previous studies that attempts to represent the occlusion of a further object by a nearer one are infrequent in the drawings of young children (N. Ingram, The encoding of depth relations in children's drawing. Unpublished paper, Department of Psychology, University of Southampton, 1975; N. Freeman, D. Eiser, & J. Sayers, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 23, 305–314, 1977; M. Cox, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 26, 551–554, 1978). Possible explanations for this are considered. In the first part of the present study 64 children of mean age 6 years 10 months were asked to draw two opaque objects placed one behind the other. Previous findings were confirmed in that over two-thirds of the children drew the two objects separately in a horizontal or, more commonly, a vertical relationship. In the second part of the study the children were asked to draw an opaque object which they saw placed inside and/or behind a transparent glass beaker. All Inside Glass drawings showed the object within the confines of the glass, but half of the Behind Glass drawings showed the object to the side of, or above, the glass. Implications of these findings are discussed in terms of an orientation to the visual world rather than the visual field.  相似文献   

While the young child's difficulties in correctly comprehending the term less are well known, it appears less widely recognized that young children may also encounter difficulties with the term more. The present study shows that in a task which requires judgments about more to be based on the relative numerosity of sets, 3–4-year-old children may base their judgments on other parameters, such as the extent to which the sets are homogenous with respect to the color of their components. The implications of such findings are briefly considered.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that young children do not attempt to represent depth relationships between objects in their drawings. The present study, however, showed that when both objects are visible and the children's attention is drawn to the depth relationship between them, most 5-, 6-, and 7-year-olds do attempt to portray this relationship.  相似文献   

Attempts to represent the occlusion of a farther object by a nearer one are infrequent in the drawings of 5- and 6-year-olds. Instead they typically draw the objects side by side or one above the other. This does not appear to reflect a limitation of skill (P. Light & E. MacIntosh, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1980, 30, 79–87) and it is hypothesized that it reflects the children's concern with the array of objects per se, as opposed to their own particular view of it. In the present study relatively complex objects were used in order to test the hypothesis that young children's drawings do in fact systematically reflect spatial relationships within the array. Ninety-seven children between 5 and 8 years of age drew two arrays, each being drawn four times in different orientations vis à vis the child. As predicted, the younger children's drawings contained much array-specific information but often no indication an all of the child's viewing position. In contrast, the older children's drawings were predominantly view specific, often containing little information about the arrays.  相似文献   

French children between 4 and 10 years old were asked to draw representations of French negative sentences. The results indicated that in most cases only the verb is negated when the noun phrase to the right of the negation is introduced by a definite article, but when the noun phrase is introduced by an indefinite article, it is most often the noun phrase itself that is negated. This effect is clear even in 4-year-olds, and it serves to demonstrate that the interpretation of negative sentences depends on phenomena of surface structure as well as of deep structure.  相似文献   

To test Bem's (1972) hypothesis that individuals infer their attitudes from information about their behavior in a given context, subjects were asked their attitudes about a course after reporting their behaviors for the course and receiving a linguistic manipulation intended to produce an intrinsic or extrinsic cognitive context (set). Intrinsic set was manipulated by having subjects complete statements of the form “I generally do X because I …”. Extrinsic set was manipulated by having subjects complete statements of the form “I generally do X in order to …”. A pretest found that the intrinsic form resulted in a class perceived as more interesting than useful while the extrinsic form resulted in a class perceived as more useful than interesting. The present experiment found that subjects' attitudes are derived from information about different behaviors under the two cognitive sets. The attitudes of extrinsic set subjects were correlated with behaviors relevant to obtaining course out-comes like grades (contingent behaviors) and uncorrelated with behaviors relevant to personal interest (noncontingent behaviors); the opposite was found for intrinsic set subjects.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of review on young children's memory for prose. Prose passages were parsed into three levels of thematic importance. Five groups (128-year-old children each) participated in three experimental sessions, with each session separated by 1 week. During the first session all subjects listened to two passages. One week later, subjects in four of the groups received differing review experiences. During the third session, delayed retention was assessed. The data are interpreted to indicate that the repetition of the original learning experience was the most effective review; however, immediate reproduction following initial exposure also significantly attenuated forgetting. All groups favored the central passage ideas in their delayed recalls, regardless of their review treatment. The potential benefits of an immediate test as a review exercise was suggested.  相似文献   

A Hebrew interest inventory for females in Israel, based on Holland's 1966 1973 vocational classification, was examined on 322 female pupils and 167 working females. Results showed that: (a) with the exception of the Conventional and Enterprising fields, subjects occupied in a field had their highest interest score in that field; (b) for all six interest fields, the highest interest score was the score of those who were engaged in that field; (c) in a smallest space analysis, the activities, competencies, and occupation sections of the interest inventory formed the Investigative, Realistic, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional circular arrangement; (d) a correlation of .38 between interest score and job satisfaction was found.  相似文献   

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