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Previous studies have reported that the differential outcomes procedure enhances learning and memory in special populations with cognitive deficits (see Goeters, Blakely, & Poling, 1992 Goeters, S., Blakely, F. and Poling, A. 1992. The differential outcomes effect. The Psychological Record, 42: 389411. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], for a review). In the present study we extend these findings to healthy adults who were asked to discriminate between the symbols “ > ” and “ < ” in mathematical statements. In Experiment 1, the performance of participants who showed difficulties in discriminating between these symbols was better (shorter response times) for the differential outcomes condition than for the nondifferential outcomes condition. In Experiment 2, the difficulty of the task was increased by using signed decimal numbers. Similar to Experiment 1, participants who initially had difficulties in discriminating between the symbols showed better performance (higher accuracy) for the differential outcomes condition than for the nondifferential outcomes condition, but only when both numbers were negative. These findings suggest that the differential outcomes procedure can be used to improve performance of challenged healthy adults on discrimination tasks with mathematical symbols and relations.  相似文献   

It has been widely demonstrated that the differential outcomes procedure (DOP) facilitates both the learning of conditional relationships and the memory for the conditional stimuli in animal subjects. For conditional discriminations in humans, the DOP also produces an increase in the speed of acquisition and/or final accuracy. However, the potential facilitative effects of differential outcomes in human memory have not been fully assessed. In the present study, we aimed to test whether this procedure improves performance on a recognition memory task in healthy adults. Participants showed significantly better delayed face recognition when differential outcomes were used. This novel finding is discussed in the light of other studies on the differential outcomes effect (DOE) in both animals and humans, and implications for future research are presented.  相似文献   



The use of differential outcomes has been shown to enhance discriminative learning and face recognition in children and adults. In this study, we further investigated whether the differential outcome procedure (DOP) would also be effective in improving recognition memory for a wide range of stimuli with varying visual complexity (familiar objects, abstract stimuli, and complex scenes) in 5- and 7-year-old children.


Participants viewed a sample stimulus and, after a short (5 s) or a long (15 s) delay, they had to identify the previously seen stimulus among four choice alternatives. In the differential outcomes condition, each sample stimulus was paired with a specific outcome; whereas in the non-differential conditions outcomes were administered randomly. In Experiment 2, we replicated Experiment 1 but in addition we asked participants to perform an articulatory suppression task to prevent verbal rehearsal.


Children showed a greater overall visual delayed recognition when differential outcomes were arranged in both experiments. The type of stimulus being used modulated this effect; a beneficial effect of the differential outcomes training was evident with abstract objects in Experiment 1 and with both, abstract objects and scenes in Experiment 2.  相似文献   

Existing research suggests that there may be benefits to teaching signing to hearing infants who have not yet developed vocal communication. In the current study, each of 4 infants ranging in age from 6 to 10 months was taught a simple sign using delayed prompting and reinforcement. In addition, Experiment 1 showed that 2 children independently signed in a variety of novel stimulus conditions (e.g., in a classroom, with father) after participating in sign training under controlled experimental conditions. In Experiment 2, crying and whining were replaced with signing when sign training was implemented in combination with extinction.  相似文献   

Background: The present study is rooted in a cognitive‐metacognitive approach. The study examines two ways to structure group interaction: one is based on worked‐out examples (WE) and the other on metacognitive training (MT). Both methods were implemented in cooperative settings, and both guided students to focus on the problem's essential parts and on appropriate problem‐solving strategies. Aims: The aim of the present study is twofold: (a) to investigate the effects of metacognitive training versus worked‐out examples on students' mathematical reasoning and mathematical communication; and (b) to compare the long‐term effects of the two methods on students' mathematical achievement. Sample: The study was conducted in two academic years. Participants for the first year of the study were 122 eighth‐grade Israeli students who studied algebra in five heterogeneous classrooms with no tracking. In addition, problem‐solving behaviours of eight groups (N = 32) were videotaped and analysed. A year later, when these participants were ninth graders, they were re‐examined using the same test as the one administered in eighth grade. Method: Three measures were used to assess students' mathematical achievement: a pretest, an immediate post‐test, and a delayed post‐test. ANOVA was carried out on the post‐test scores with respect to the following criteria: verbal explanations, algebraic representations and algebraic solution. In addition, chi‐square and Mann‐Whitney procedures were used to analyse cooperative, cognitive, and metacognitive behaviours. Results: Within cooperative settings, students who were exposed to metacognitive training outperformed students who were exposed to worked‐out examples on both the immediate and delayed post‐tests. In particular, the differences between the two conditions were observed on students' ability to explain their mathematical reasoning during the discourse and in writing. Lower achievers gained more under the MT than under WE condition. Conclusions: The findings indicate that the kind of task and the way group interaction is structured are two important variables in implementing cooperative learning, each of which is likely to have different effects on mathematical communication and achievement outcomes.  相似文献   

Five-year-old children were taught three-stage sequences of arbitrary matching: A-C, B-C, A-D; A-C, B-D, B-C; or A-C, A-D, B-C. Each stage refers to a sample-comparison relation between stimuli. Unreinforced test probes revealed untrained arbitrary matches (B-D, A-D, and B-D, respectively), derivable by substitution of stimuli with a common sample or comparison function. Additional probes revealed further untrained sample-comparison relations derivable by substitution and identity, including the commuted relations D-B, D-A, and D-B, respectively. These processes may have relevance to conceptual and verbal behavior.  相似文献   

In continuation of previous studies, an abstract mathematical theory is developed for the interaction of several social classes, of which one influences and controls the behavior of the others. In some cases such interaction results in the existence of two configurations of equilibrium for the social structure, characterized by different types of behavior. Each configuration corresponds to one definite type of behavior. The transition from one configuration to the other, in other words, the transition from one behavior to another, occurs rather rapidly. Equations governing these transitions are given. In other cases, namely when the efforts of the individuals to influence others into a given behavior lessen as the success of this influence increases, there is only one stable configuration characterized by a mixed behavior. Due to the dissimilarity of parents and progeny, the composition of each social class changes with time, as generations change. This results in the appearance of instabilities of the social structure and in relatively sudden social changes. Possibilities of quasi-periodic alterations of different social structures are discussed. Finally, the developed equations are applied to the case of physical conflicts between groups of individuals, such as riots, wars, etc. Possible factors in addition to mere physical force which may determine the outcome of such conflicts are investigated.  相似文献   

The ability to sustain attention is a critical cognitive domain that emerges in infancy and is predictive of a multitude of cognitive processes. Here, we used a heart rate (HR) defined measure of sustained attention to assess corresponding changes in frontal electroencephalography (EEG) power at 3 months of age. Second, we examined how the neural underpinnings of HR-defined sustained attention were associated with sustained attention engagement. Third, we evaluated if neural or behavioral sustained attention measures at 3-months predicted subsequent recognition memory scores at 9 months of age. Seventy-five infants were included at 3 months of age and provided usable attention and EEG data and 25 infants returned to the lab at 9 months and provided usable recognition memory data. The current study focuses on oscillatory power in the theta (4–6 Hz) frequency band during phases of HR-defined sustained attention and inattention phases. Results revealed that theta power was significantly higher during phases of sustained attention. Second, higher theta power during sustained attention was positively associated with proportion of time in sustained attention. Third, longitudinal analyses indicated a significant positive association between theta power during sustained attention on 9-month visual paired comparison scores such that higher theta power predicted higher visual paired comparison scores at 9-months. These results highlight the interrelation of the attention and arousal systems which have longitudinal implications for subsequent recognition memory processes.  相似文献   

Although previous research has demonstrated that performance on visuospatial assessments can be enhanced through relevant experience, an unaddressed question is whether such experience also produces a similar increase in target domains (such as science learning) where visuospatial abilities are directly relevant for performance. In the present study, participants completed either spatial or nonspatial training via interaction with video games and were then asked to read and learn about the geologic topic of plate tectonics. Results replicate the benefit of playing appropriate video games in enhancing visuospatial performance and demonstrate that this facilitation also manifests itself in learning science topics that are visuospatial in nature. This novel result suggests that visuospatial training not only can impact performance on measures of spatial functioning, but also can affect performance in content areas in which these abilities are utilized.  相似文献   

In continuation of previous studies, relations are studied between two classes of population, of which one is characterized by a much greater ability to organize and supervise the productive activities of the other. Under some special and rather simple assumptions, it is shown that this kind of interreaction results first in an increase of the ratio of the cumulative results of productive activities for the two classes in favor of the first. With time, however, this ratio reaches a maximum and declines. An expression for the life span of such organized classes is obtained.In the second section, a study is made of possible non-uniformities of spatial distribution of the population. Some possible applications are made to the theory of the variation of the ratio of urban to rural population, showing how that ratio may increase with increasing total population.  相似文献   

In continuation of a previous paper, some consequences of the fundamental equations established there are studied. For some simple hypothetical cases it is shown how some of the parameters which enter in the equations governing the structure of the social group can be determined by means of those equations from actually observable data. Furthermore some general properties of the variation with respect to time of the fundamental distribution function, which enters in the equations, are derived.  相似文献   

In continuation of a previous study, somewhat more complex relations are considered for the case of interaction of two classes, of which one organizes the activities of the other. By way of illustration it is shown how different assumptions concerning the attitudes of the individuals to such an interaction of classes lead to different mathematical expressions.  相似文献   

Public service employees work in occupations that are accompanied with high psychosocial risks. Police, firefighters, and paramedics are increasingly being confronted with argumentative, conflicting bystanders that frustrate them in executing their task. We developed a resource‐enhancement intervention and tested its usefulness for securing employees’ effective functioning and well‐being in bystander conflict. In a simulation‐based pre‐test post‐test control group design, paramedics in the intervention condition received training about how to increase their resources in terms of conflict management efficacy, perspective taking, task support, and emotional support. For those in the control condition, no such training was provided. Comparing pre‐ and post‐test measures (= 81) of the participants in the intervention and control groups, we found evidence that the intervention successfully increased employees’ resources over time. Moreover, we found considerable support for a positive link between these resources and employees’ affective well‐being and job dedication. Thus, our study suggests that a resource‐enhancing intervention can serve as an important means to protect public service employees against the deleterious effects of bystander conflict.

Practitioner points

  • A resource‐enhancing intervention can protect public service employees against the deleterious effects of bystander conflict.
  • Resources related to dealing with a hindering bystander, as well as resources facilitating the continuation of the primary task, are positively associated with employees’ affective well‐being, job dedication, and job performance.

Previously derived equations for the control of the behavior of one social group by another are developed further. Cases of interaction of three social classes are studied, and the variation of such an interaction with time is investigated. A previously derived equation for the ratio of urban to rural population is generalized, and a theory of interaction of industrial and agricultural classes is outlined. Some of the theoretically derived equations are compared with available sociological data and found in fair agreement.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to define and treat analytically the concept of individual freedom in a society. Two possible definitions are briefly discussed. One takes as a measure of freedom the ratio (w 0w)w 0, wherew 0 is the maximum amount of work that a person can physically perform per unit time andw is the amount of work which he has actually to perform per unit time in a given society. The other definition takes as a measure of freedom that fraction of an individual's time during which he can indulge in any activity of his own choice without interfering with other individuals. Expressions are derived by way of illustration, giving the individual freedom in terms of other parameters which characterize the social structure.  相似文献   

In this paper I describe my work with a suicidal patient. The patient was a woman who failed to realize her creative potential in a much wished for and unattainable profession of teacher and transferred all her energy and desire for leadership into her family life. The slogan of her life was the pathetic phrase: 'Everything or nothing!' Her views on life differed from those of her husband who, at the age of 48, started a love affair with a 25-year-old woman. In relation to this, the patient became depressed and attempted suicide twice (by poisoning) in two years. From the Toxicology Department she was referred to the Psychiatric Department where she was treated as an out-patient.  相似文献   

Since its inception over forty years ago, there has been considerable controversy regarding the viability of the scientist-practitioner model for training professional psychologists. The present study utilized a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods to assess graduate psychology students' (n=24) perceptions of this training model. Counselling, clinical, and school psychology students participated in semi-structured interviews and were administered the Vocational Preference Inventory, Form B (Holland, 1977) and the Scientist-Practitioner Inventory (Leong & Zachar, 1991). Data were analyzed using a combination of grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) and additional qualitative data analytic approaches (Miles & Huberman, 1984). A number of patterns were observed between students' perceptions and feelings about the scientist-practitioner model and their definition of science, career interests, and shaping experiences. Implications for the future training of professional psychologists are discussed.  相似文献   

Motivation wields a tangible impact on students' academic functioning. Among the theoretical frameworks used to explain students' motivation to learn, Eccles et al.'s expectancy-value theory (1983) is one of the most influential. It has been used to investigate students' competence- and value-related beliefs and how they are associated with academic-related choices, learning behaviors, and achievement. In the learning context, cost has mostly been discussed under the expectancy-value framework as a sub-dimension of task value and conceptualized as reflecting the negative aspects of task engagement. The issue of cost has recently attracted growing interest among scholars, providing a way to explain the dynamics of student motivation. However, cost is still underexplored in the empirical literature. In the present study, we assessed adolescent students' perceived cost (i.e., effort cost, opportunity cost, ego cost, and emotional cost) of studying math and examined its unique relations with academic motivation and achievement. Across a series of three studies, we found that cost is empirically distinct from the utility, attainment, and interest components of task value and is closely related to students' maladaptive academic outcomes. In particular, cost showed unique associations with adolescent students' test anxiety, disorganization, adoption of avoidance goals, avoidance intentions, and academic achievement. The present study's findings highlight the importance of including cost as a unique construct alongside value to more fully capture students' motivational dynamics in school.  相似文献   

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