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Robert M. Ogden's unrecognized contributions to the beginnings of Gestalt psychology in the United States are briefly discussed. It is proposed that he not only introduced Gestalt psychology to this country through his books, but was also instrumental in bringing Gestalt psychologists to America.  相似文献   

Summary The demise of the influence of the classical Gestalt psychology in the Soviet Union has been linked to I.P. Pavlov's negative stance toward Gestalt tenets. Actually, Pavlov's attitude toward Gestalt psychology was by no means uniform. Pavlov was receptive to, as well as critical of a number of substantive issues. He acknowledged the Gestalt interpretation of transposition, but criticized the Gestalt rejection of association and learning by trial and error. Pavlov's strongest objection to Gestalt psychology centered on the philosophical issues of causality, methodology, and on the problem of mind and body. Despite these objections, no direct evidence links Pavlov's criticism of Gestalt theses to the weakening of their influence on Soviet psychology. Instead, the demise of classical Gestalt psychology in the Soviet Union should be attributed to political exigency. Soviet authorities, in a period of political crises, were intent upon the elimination of all traces of bourgeois psychologies.  相似文献   

宗教消费是人们生活中的一项支出,清代澳门宗教消费反映了中西宗教徒不同的消费情况。本文考察了这方面情况,认为它有三个特点:(1)即一多样性。既有传统宗教,也有外来宗教的消费,还有个人、家庭、团体和社会,以及宗教用品、场地、巡游和公益等多种形式。(2)综合性。现实性和虚幻性结合,丰富了人们精神文化生活。(3)广泛性。参与者众多,推动了社会消费的发展。  相似文献   

The topic of an optimal or utopian life has received much attention across the humanities and the arts but not in psychology. The German concept of Sehnsucht captures individual and collective thoughts and feelings about one's optimal or utopian life. Sehnsucht (life longings; LLs) is defined as an intense desire for alternative states and realizations of life. Presenting a first effort at capturing this phenomenon, the authors conceptualize LLs as composed of 6 interrelated core characteristics: (a) utopian conceptions of ideal development; (b) sense of incompleteness and imperfection of life; (c) conjoint time focus on the past, present, and future; (d) ambivalent (bittersweet) emotions; (e) reflection and evaluation of one's life; and (f) symbolic richness. Self-report data from 299 adults (19-81 years) support the postulated structure and support predictions regarding the functional role of Sehnsucht. Having LLs was evaluated as providing direction to development and helping to manage life's incompleteness. At the same time, the frequent and intense experience of LLs was associated with lower well-being. When LLs were perceived as controllable, however, this negative association disappeared.  相似文献   

Gabriele Buccola, since his untimely death, often has been mentioned as the first Italian psychologist who developed a strict program of laboratory research. Buccola, a Sicilian of Albanian ancestry, is a "case" in the history of Italian psychology. A self-taught positivist, he established a relation with the major representatives of the European positivism. Kraepelin mentions him as one of the precursors of his project of applying experimental psychology to psychopathology. Buccola actually carried out research on the psychological, chemical-biological, and psychopathological "modifiers" of reaction times, following an experimental program dealing mainly with the differential study both of basic and superior psychological processes, with mental hygiene ends. Historians of psychology agree in considering Buccola the first Italian laboratory psychologist to plan a program of research that was close to European psychological experimentalism.The present article, starting from an outline of Buccola's role in the rising Italian scientific psychology, recontextualizes his experimentalism in an international sphere. This operation, which is carried out through a careful survey of Buccola's entire production-both theoretical and more properly scientific-is based on the search of the Darwinian, Spencerian, and Haeckelian evolutionist themes emerging from Buccola's program of research-a program that was influenced by the variegated European experimental panorama and characterized by the vision of science as a knowledge capable of transforming the nature of man and of society.  相似文献   

This article examines decision processes in the perception and categorization of stimuli constructed from one or more components. First, a general perceptual theory is used to formally characterize large classes of existing decision models according to the type of decision boundary they predict in a multidimensional perceptual space. A new experimental paradigm is developed that makes it possible to accurately estimate a subject's decision boundary in a categorization task. Three experiments using this paradigm are reported. Three conclusions stand out: (a) Subjects adopted deterministic decision rules, that is, for a given location in the perceptual space, most subjects always gave the same response; (b) subjects used decision rules that were nearly optimal; and (c) the only constraint on the type of decision bound that subjects used was the amount of cognitive capacity it required to implement. Subjects were not constrained to make independent decisions on each component or to attend to the distance to each prototype.  相似文献   

When two stationary, stereoscopically separated targets are viewed in a completely dark surround, and no cues concerning their egocentric distances from the observer are salient, the farther target tends to be seen at the same distance it would have assumed if it were by itself. The nearer target is seen as being closer than it would have been if seen alone. The present studies extend this previous finding (now termed thefar-anchor effect) into the domain of targets that move in stereoscopic space. Observers viewed two small illuminated targets, which began at either the same or different stereoscopic distances. One of the targets was moved in depth and the observers identified the target that appeared to move. Conditions varied according to the initial depth location of the moving target. Significantly more correct responses were reported when the nearer target moved than when the farther one moved, consistent with the hypothesis that the perception of motion in depth is affected by the aforementioned perceptual anchoring effect of the farther target.  相似文献   

Motion perception usually is accompanied by the phenomenological impression of sequence as objects move through successions of locations. Nonetheless, there is accumulating evidence that sequential information is neither necessary nor sufficient for perceiving motion. It is shown here that apparent motion is specified by counterchange rather than sequence—that is, by co-occurring toward- and away-from-background changes at two spatial locations, regardless of whether the changes are simultaneous or sequential. Motion is perceived from the location of the toward to the location of the away change, even when the changes occur in reverse temporal order. It is not perceived for sequences of away or toward changes, as would be expected if motion were specified by onset or offset asynchronicity. Results previously attributed to onset and offset asynchrony are instead attributable to onsets and offsets occurring in close temporal proximity at the same location. This was consistent with units for detecting away and toward changes that are temporally biphasic; that is, they are excited by changes in one direction and inhibited by immediately preceding or immediately following changes in the opposite direction. These results are accounted for by a model for counterchange-specified motion entailing the biphasic detection of toward and away changes.  相似文献   

The human action system has a layered structure supporting a cascade of partially overlapping information processes in multiple, interlinked representational spaces. Apart from the mirror neuron system which through motor resonance mediates one's understanding of the action goals of one's partner, perceptuomotor rules like Fitts' law, the Isogony Principle, and sequencing heuristics provide further sources of prediction in (joint) action. The present study focuses on a perceptuomotor rule that describes how the orientation of framed, tilted objects is perceived and acted upon by individuals. In two experiments involving the Rod-and-Frame Illusion (RFI) participants were asked to perform delayed responses that consisted either of (1) making a perceptual judgment in a forced-choice paradigm, or (2) rotating and propelling a hand-held cylinder. Irrespective of response type, the effects of the RFI proved robust and constant. The relevance of the findings for prediction in joint-action tasks is discussed.  相似文献   

In the mid-1920s, applied (and theoretical) psychologists in many countries turned from studying elementary abilities to studying character or personality. This article examines this shift within the offices of the German labor administration, which aimed to place all German youths in appropriate jobs. Contrary to recent works on the history of psychology, which have emphasized the importance of cultural context, this article explains the turn to characterology in terms of German industry's evolving production strategies. As German companies developed a niche in flexible production, they came to value the highly skilled worker, who needed such character qualities as reliability, diligence, and conscientiousness. The article thus argues that historical analyses of applied, and perhaps even theoretical, psychology should also consider political economy as a potentially important context.  相似文献   

Within the last decade, applied developmental psychology (ADP) has emerged as a new subspecialization within traditional graduate programs in developmental psychology. Current definitions of ADP range from a primarily research-oriented discipline to a superordinate discipline under which clinical, educational, and school psychology organize applications of the developmental data base. This work draws upon several common themes to arrive at a broad definition of ADP. We outline reasons for developmental psychology's entrance into the “decade of applied research,” the broad spectrum of activities currently characterizing ADP, and training programs proposed to prepare students for these activities. The extension of developmental psychology into applied areas requires attention to the ethical issues encountered across the full spectrum of ADP activities. We present a perspective of ethical issues whose framework is predominantly applied developmental psychology. Our approach focuses on ethical concerns associated with both knowledge generation and knowledge application. In so doing, we raise issues concerning the need for applied developmentalists to address questions concerning the impact of planned methods on development in normal and atypical populations, consultation to institutions and public policy makers, competencies required to conduct developmental education programs, and utilization of developmental assessment techniques.  相似文献   

Evidence for bistability in the perception of motion and stationarity was obtained for a displaced dot-figure embedded in a background of randomly moving noise dots. In the temporal symmetry condition, the figure was presented for the same duration in its two locations; either figure motion or random motion was perceived, depending on the number of noise dots. In the temporal asymmetry condition, the figure was presented for different durations in its two locations; figure motion, a single, stationary figure in a fixed position, or random noise was perceived, again depending on the number of noise dots. Competition between these percepts was established by an analysis of switching rates and by an experiment demonstrating the presence of hysteresis as noise levels were gradually increased and decreased across the figure-motion and figure-stationarity boundaries. This evidence for bistability in the perception of figure motion and figure stationarity (one or the other, but not both, was perceived for the same stimulus) suggested the presence of strong inhibitory competition between motion- and position-detecting mechanisms.  相似文献   

J B Deregowski 《Perception》1998,27(12):1393-1406
This paper presents a brief review of Rivers's contribution to psychology, especially to his cross-cultural studies of the basic perceptual processes of vision, and examines the lasting influence of his findings. It reports briefly on the scientific milieu in which Rivers carried out his work and traces the growth of his interest in the psychology of perception from the early days of his medical work to his appointment as a foundation lecturer of two English universities, London and Cambridge. It is argued that Rivers's contribution has been undervalued by psychologists.  相似文献   

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