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永恒正义是伴随18世纪的思想传播而兴盛起来的一个理念。在蒲鲁东、杜林等人的著作中,永恒公平、永恒正义被作为永恒的理性、永恒的真理来看待。马克思、恩格斯在对蒲鲁东、杜林等人的批判中,特别对其永恒公平以及永恒正义等乌托邦式的社会正义观进行了彻底的批判,从而把社会正义从人  相似文献   

在社会发展进程中,人们所形成的价值观、道德伦理观、世界观因社会体制、社会环境、传统文化而有所不同。中西方人的这些观念因受各自传统文化的影响而差异甚大。中国文化素以谦虚礼让、中庸平和、修身养性等作为为人处事的指南,而西方人则推崇个人奋斗、人格独立、个性张扬等。在这些显性的东西之后,无一不渗透着中国主流文化儒学的“仁、义、礼、智、信”的精神内涵,无一不透射着西方基督教文化“人神共世”的宗教蕴涵。因此,解读中西方文化本源的精神特质成为我们研究中西方文化交流的理性选择。  相似文献   

环境心理研究是建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计中不可忽视的一环。人对外部环境的心理感受包括拥挤感、密度感、个人空间及人与人之间距离的需求;而对居住空间的心理感受包括归宿感、归属感、私密性要求、色彩要求等。因此,在设计中要根据环境对人的影响全面考虑设计方案,从而创造出布局合理、优美宜人、富于情趣的人居环境。  相似文献   

《抱朴子内篇》继承了《太平经》和《内经》等前人思想 ,认为人在本质上是形、气、神的统一体。在世界中人是一种有限的存在 ,其生活有许多局限和苦痛 ,而与之相对的神仙则超越了人的有限而成为一种具有无限快乐自在的存在。人要摆脱其自身的有限性 ,惟有修道向仙 ,服食金丹  相似文献   

人的非理性和主体性胡敏中非理性是指不受人的理性所支配的人的无意识、直觉和情感等精神因素和精神过程,它是作为人的精神因素和属性而存在的,它和理性一道共同表征着人是一种精神存在物。人的非理性、理性以及自然性和社会性共同构成了人的总体的和一般的性质,即人本论意义上的人性。主体性是指作为主体的人在和客体的相互作用中所表现出来的能动性、自主自为性和创造性,它表征的是人在和客体的相互关系中处于支配、控制和统治的地位。人的非理性是和人的理性相比较而得以规定自身的。人的理性具有自觉性、抽象性和逻辑性等特征,而人的非理性则具有自发性、突发性、瞬时性、非抽象性和非逻辑性等特性。以上说明,非理性和主体性分别是在不同的参照和定义域中来规定自身的含义的。然而它们又都是规定人的,都是人的特性,相互间有许多相通之处。具体表现在:主体性是建立在人的自然性、社会性和精神性之上,并且是它们在实践和认识活动中相互作用的产物和集中表现出来的特征。仅就人的理性、非理性因素和主体性而言,如果说人的能动性和自主自为性的发挥主要依赖于人的理性,那么人的创造性的发挥则主要依赖于人的非理性。在科学和艺术发展史上,许多重大的发现和发明总是和人的无意识、直党这样  相似文献   

论公益伦理主张的权利——兼论道德权利的含义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
道德权利是道德权利主体在社会生活中基于人而应当平等享有的,并应由道德来伸张和保障的地位、自由和要求。公益伦理主张的权利主要指公益伦理的客体——弱势群体基于人而享有的,并应当由道德来伸张和保障的生存权、就业权、受教育权以及社会保障权等基本权利。  相似文献   

"无为"是老子之道的精髓。"无为"是"不为"中有"为","为"而"不违",即顺任自然,不逆自然规律而妄为强为。无为思想意蕴丰富,其要旨一言以蔽之,就是"保持和谐"。所提出的"道法自然"、"自然无为"、"处下不争"、"清心寡欲"、"知足知止"等观点、理念,对于今天在构建社会主义和谐社会中,保持人与自然、人与人、人与自己内心的和谐仍然具有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

<正>一人在经济大潮汹涌澎湃的社会中很容易迷失自我,即无尽的贪欲占据整个思维世界,表现为人成为贪欲的俘虏,其所作所为都以追逐个人名利而动,甚至为名利而不顾惜一切人伦道德——这被马克思称为"人的异化"。西方马克思主义学派代表人物马尔库塞、哈贝马斯等人对20世纪60年代开始在西方社会出现的这种"人的欲望被充分唤起的消费社会"中的"人的异化"现象进行了激烈的批判。而对于"人  相似文献   

记得一位大德说过:“可怜人、同情人、原谅人、关怀人等都可以算是慈悲精神的表现。慈悲的主要目的是心中无敌。无敌是心中没有敌人,没有过去的宿仇,也没有现在的怨家,更不制造未来的对头。所以不是仗权势而称无敌,也不是凭财力而称无敌,更不是靠武力打败一切人而称无敌,乃是以慈悲心照顾、原谅一切人。”  相似文献   

吴廷翰是明代杰出的唯物主义思想家、哲学家,他在自然观、人性论、形神观等方面都有许多独到而精深的见解。他从人本身出发,探讨人在发展、养成的过程中产生的问题,并揭示其内在的规律性,同时又在元气唯物论的基础之上围绕着人自身阐发了他的无神论思想。吴廷翰的学说对当时流行的种种有神论观点进行了有力驳斥,也对当时盛行的鬼神迷信与宗教神学进行了深刻而尖锐的批判。  相似文献   

During the last two decades, the literature in management studies has shown a significant increase in interest in the theory of business models, and there has been wide-ranging discussion about the definitions of those models. These studies and discussions have provoked questions about the scientific nature of the foundations of business models. This article attempts to verify whether the proposed constructions of business models meet the objectives of abduction, which is, according to the methodology of science, one of the recognised methods to verify the scientific nature of created theories. The verification was performed by using the method of the Scientific Research Tradition (ScRT) by Larry Laudan. The result unequivocally confirmed that the theory of business models that is created and defined based on management sciences falls under the scope of ScRT. It can be said that according to the methodology of science, the business models theory proposed on the basis of management science points to abduction as a tool that allows for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of formation and opens a new way of interpretation than is the case when using deduction or induction.  相似文献   

伦理 1( 1 与组织管理领域的常规做法一致, 本文将伦理与道德看作同义概念, 交替使用。)危机给企业经营带来巨大挑战, 现有文献较多关注微观视角的伦理行为, 缺乏从中观视角对人力资源管理制度开展研究, 导致在实践上无法形成有效的制度化抓手。人力资源管理实践作为中观视角的企业伦理实践之一, 正是针对伦理问题的有效回应。立足于人力资源管理与企业伦理领域的交叉点, 从三个方面构建伦理导向人力资源管理实践的研究框架:(1)基于社会情境理论探讨伦理导向人力资源管理实践对组织伦理绩效的影响机制; (2)基于社会认知理论探讨伦理导向人力资源管理实践对团队伦理建言的跨层次影响机制; (3)基于社会认知理论探讨伦理导向人力资源管理实践对个体伦理建言的跨层次影响机制。研究将丰富人力资源管理理论, 并为企业有效实施伦理导向人力资源管理实践提供启示与帮助。  相似文献   

Business schools are often thought of as being accountable for the individual student’s personal development and preparation to enter the business community. While true that business schools guide knowledge development, they must also fulfill a social contract with the business community to provide ethical entry-level business professionals. Three stakeholders, students, faculty, and the business community, are involved in developing and strengthening an understanding of ethical behavior and the serious impacts associated with an ethical lapse. This paper discusses the ways the business schools may enhance the student’s ethical knowledge and understanding, and proposes a roadmap that business schools may use to develop or strengthen a strong ethical culture. The authors, Leland Horn and Michael Kennedy, are third year doctorate of management students at Colorado Technical University, 4435 North Chestnut Street, Colorado Springs CO 80907.  相似文献   

In the hope of complementing the structural perspective in upper echelon research and advancing a fine-grained understanding of dyadic leadership influence in management teams, the current study combines two types of intrateam structures—leadership network and friendship network—to create a multidimensional conceptualization of leadership structure in management teams. Specifically, we propose that management teams with a denser singular leadership network (i.e., a network consisting of many leadership ties that are not coupled with friendship ties) should have lower management team cohesion, which subsequently renders worse business unit performance. To contrast, management teams with a denser multiplex network (i.e., a network consisting of many leadership ties that are coupled with friendship ties) should have higher management team cohesion, which subsequently renders better business unit performance. Guided by structural contingency perspective, we further propose that management team task interdependence will strengthen team cohesion's positive impact on business unit performance. To test the hypothesized model, we collected team-level social network data and multiple-wave survey data from 697 managers nested in 148 hotels (i.e., 148 management teams) owned by a large hospitality company. We also obtained objective performance data for each hotel (i.e., occupancy percentage rate and revenue per available room per day) as the criterion measure. The data supported our hypotheses. The theoretical and practical implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to study the modernization of the Chinese family business, the contrast between formal rationality and substantive rationality was used to characterize significant features of Western culture and Chinese culture respectively. A theoretical model of Chinese social behaviors as influenced by the substantive ethics of Confucianism was adopted to describe the organizational behaviors which were frequently observed in Chinese family business. Several empirical studies comparing organizational climates as perceived by employees working in foreign-invested business, private business with formal regulations, and family business were cited to support the argument that such Confucian virtues as loyalty to the organization, working hard, maintaining interpersonal harmony, etc., are most likely to be manifested in organizations where formal regulations of Western-style management were enforced.  相似文献   

In a world increasingly described as turbulent and chaotic, management scholars have acknowledged the importance of a virtue-based set of criteria to serve as a moral rubric for the stakeholders that an organization serves. Business schools play a unique role in helping their students to understand the ethical issues facing business. Business schools can also model the way for creating a clear statement of values and principles, by creating a bill of rights for business schools that recognizes the importance of rights and responsibilities and articulates the important ethical issues that apply not only to business but to the business school context. Four models for creating a bill of rights in schools of business are presented and a framework of a bill of rights is provided. The advantages of a virtue ethics model for a bill of rights are explained as the most practical approach for business faculty to consider.  相似文献   

Popular press headlines frequently reveal unethical or illegal activity in business and sports. Given these parallel ethical lapses in business and sport, our study examines potential relationships between student sport involvement (active and passive) and ethical judgments regarding issues in sport and business. Our results, based on a sample of 202 undergraduates in an upper-division management class, indicate a significant negative relationship between high passive sport involvement and ethical judgments about sport issues as well as a consistent significant positive relationship between female gender and ethical judgments about sport and business issues.  相似文献   

We examined the satisfaction in and perceived quality of information about one’s job, business unit, and company, as well as perceived quality of urgent news (i.e., news about changes in business and generally considered legally sensitive material), communicated via different media. Results from 598 fulltime employees revealed that rich media (e.g., face-to-face) was most related to satisfaction in information about one’s job and business unit and in perceived quality of information from the supervisor; lean media (e.g., company newsletter) was most related to satisfaction in and quality of information from top management, while moderate media (e.g., e-mail) was only significantly related to perceived quality of urgent news. Trust in top management was positively related to satisfaction in and quality of information shared by management. Lean media most strongly related to quality of urgent news, over and above rich communication.The authors would like to thank Monica Moloney for her support on this project.  相似文献   

This study examines attitudes toward bribery in international business and whether such attitudes differ between men and women. Results of surveys of adults studying for careers in international business indicate ambivalent and nuanced attitudes over bribe giving/taking with significant differences by sex with respect to specific hypothetical situations, suggesting a gender gap on matters of bribery. It is recommended that academic curriculum and management development programs stress ethics and legality and focus on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar antibribery laws so that aspiring managers are properly trained to recognize and manage the challenges prevalent in conducting business internationally.  相似文献   

Understanding the falsity of certain common beliefs helps students move toward better business ethics and a higher degree of moral management. This article explains one method for teaching moral management, by using ethical equation inequalities, and offers 10 implications and suggestions to managers.  相似文献   

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