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论医学创新中的灵感思维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
灵感是一种奇妙的创新思维方式。通过对古今中外医学史上运用灵感思维完成创新的实践过程进行考察、说明灵感思维可以划分为酝酿--顿悟--验证在阶段基核心是顿悟阶段。在此阶段中有自悟型和外引整两大类,主要是十种形式。人类即将进入21世纪,与之相适应的医学领域地出现惊人的创新,研究医学创新中的灵感思维,有助于我们探讨和认识新思维的机制和规律,用以启迪和培养全民族的创新能力,为人类飞向未来插上金翅。  相似文献   

杨洁  张露  黄勇 《心理科学进展》2020,28(4):523-534
互联网企业通过营造快乐愉悦的玩兴氛围, 推动员工持续创新, 以期组织目标的实现。然而, 现有玩兴氛围与员工创新行为关系的研究以理论分析为主, 缺乏实证研究, 进展相对缓慢。在回顾组织管理领域玩兴研究成果的基础上, 开展三个方面的研究:研究一基于组织氛围理论和玩兴活动特征, 开发中国情境下互联网企业的团队玩兴氛围量表。研究二立足于团队层次, 依据资源保存理论重点探讨了玩兴氛围对员工创新行为的跨层次作用机制。研究三从创造力成分模型出发, 引入个体思维方式和多重认同, 探讨激发员工创新行为的边界条件。研究结果发展了中国互联网企业团队玩兴氛围的概念, 促进了玩兴氛围理论的发展, 为互联网类企业营造玩兴氛围以激发创新行为提供理论支持和实践启示。  相似文献   

创新氛围、创新效能感与团队创新:团队领导的调节作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隋杨  陈云云  王辉 《心理学报》2012,44(2):237-248
在团队层次探讨创新氛围、创新效能感以及团队领导对团队创新绩效的影响。对51个工作团队的研究结果表明, 团队创新氛围与团队创新绩效有显著的正向关系, 而团队创新效能感在这一关系中起到中介作用。同时, 引领创新的团队领导调节了创新效能感与团队创新绩效之间的关系, 团队领导越倾向于引领创新, 创新效能感与创新绩效之间的关系就越强, 经由创新效能感传导的创新氛围对创新绩效的效应也就越大。研究结果深刻揭示了创新氛围、创新效能感、创新领导和团队创新之间的关系。  相似文献   

大量研究表明,校园氛围对青少年学业成就具有重要影响,但是关于校园氛围起作用的中介和调节机制却少有研究涉及。本研究提出一个有调节的中介模型,考察了学校依恋在校园氛围与学业成就关系中的中介作用,以及该过程是否受到自控水平的调节。采用分层整群抽样的方法,选取广东省10所学校2758名初中生作为被试,匿名填写校园氛围问卷、学校依恋问卷、自控问卷、学业成就问卷。结果显示:(1)在控制了性别、年级、社会经济地位后,校园氛围对学业成就具有正向预测作用;(2)学校依恋是校园氛围与学业成就之间的中介变量;(3)校园氛围通过学校依恋对学业成就的间接效应受到自控的调节,相对于自控水平高的青少年,间接效应对于自控水平低的青少年更显著。因此,校园氛围与学业成就之间既存在中介效应,又存在调节效应。  相似文献   

医学整合,不仅是一种创新行为,也是一种创新思维形式.医学创新思维整合形式的特征是相关思维材料合理迁移、相关思维方式的耦合.医学创新思维是理性思维,迷信灵感和直觉而忽略逻辑是危险的.需要逻辑思维和非逻辑思维的整合;医学创新思雏是复杂性思维,强调批判而否定传承是片面的.需要批判性思维和经验性思维的整合.医学整合,不仅可以从本体论层面予以理解,还可以从方法论层面予以运用.医学创新思维整合形式的研究需要整合理念的方法论引导.  相似文献   

医学整合,不仅是一种创新行为,也是一种创新思维形式。医学创新思维整合形式的特征是相关思维材料合理迁移、相关思维方式的耦合。医学创新思维是理性思维,迷信灵感和直觉而忽略逻辑是危险的,需要逻辑思维和非逻辑思维的整合;医学创新思维是复杂性思维,强调批判而否定传承是片面的,需要批判性思维和经验性思维的整合。医学整合,不仅可以从本体论层面予以理解,还可以从方法论层面予以运用。医学创新思维整合形式的研究需要整合理念的方法论引导。  相似文献   

创新思维是国内外新兴的一门综合性科学,引起越来越多的人们的关注.江泽民主席曾在全国科技大会上指出:“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂.”党的十四届五中全会也强调提出了“提高开发创新能力”的任务.在当今激烈竞争的时代,国家的强盛,企业的兴旺,事业的发展,科学技术的进步,个人的友奋有为,都离不开创新思维.创新思维是取得成功的根本.一个人,一个单位,一个社会团体,一个国家,乃至一个国际组织,只有具有创新意识,充分发挥创新思维和创新能力,才能求得生存和发展,才能自立于世界之林,才能处于领先的地位.国内外的历史和大量事实证明:具有创新思维的民族才是一个强大的民族,否则,就是一个被外族欺凌压榨、受气挨打的弱族;具有创新思维的人物才称得上强者,不然的话,只能做一个庸庸碌碌、一事无成的弱者.创新思维的基本特性是其独创性.独创性体现在两个方面:一是不受传统观念、传统思维方式的束缚,  相似文献   

21世纪世界的竞争是人才的竞争,一个国家要想在竞争中立于不败之地,就必须培养高素质的创新人才。而培养创新人才,关键在教师。教师是科学文化知识的传播者,是精神文明的建设者,是人类灵魂的工程师。面对新的挑战,我们广大教师应当不遗余力地探索、研究适合社会发展、适合学生身心发展特点的行之有效的创新教育体系。教师在创新方面要成为学生的表率,应当比学生有更强的创新意识、创新思维和创新能力。这就要求我们教师必须具备教育科研能力,逐渐由教书匠向教育家位移。  相似文献   

张娜 《美与时代》2014,(10):76-76
高校高素质人才不仅要具备足够的知识储备,而且要注重德、智、体、美、劳的全面发展。高雅艺术进入校园有利于陶冶学生情操,引导学生内心真善美,激发学生思维创新,提高学生综合素质,促进高校德育工作顺利进行。  相似文献   

面对日益激烈的竞争现状,企业无不把创新作为安身立命的法宝。无论是技术创新、管理创新,还是企业文化创新,都离不开思维的创新。下面两个游戏也许会给您带来某些启示。   你还有潜力可挖 !  从 15秒到 0. 5秒   游戏一:十几个学员平均分为两队,要把放在地上的两串钥匙捡起来,从队首传到队尾。规则是必须按照顺序,并使钥匙接触到每个人的手。   比赛开始并记时。两队的第一反应都是按老师做过的示范:捡起一串,传递完毕,再传另一串;结果都用了 15秒左右。老师说:“动脑筋,时间还可以再减半。”一个队先“悟”了,把两串…  相似文献   

The creative process, one of the key topics discussed in Guilford's (1950) address to the American Psychological Association and his subsequent work, refers to the sequence of thoughts and actions that leads to novel, adaptive productions. This article examines conceptions of the creative process that have been advocated during the past century. In particular, stage-based models of the creative process are discussed and the evolution of these models is traced. Empirical research suggests that the basic 4-stage model of the creative process may need to be revised or replaced. Several key questions about the creative process are raised, such as how the creative process differs from the noncreative process and how process-related differences may lead to different levels of creative performance. New directions for future research are identified.  相似文献   

Since the 19th century, artist colonies around the world have provided solitary time and space for creative individuals to work, often surrounded by inspiring natural beauty and, alternatively, the stimulating company of other artists. A brief discussion of five such colonies in the United States—Yaddo, MacDowell, Hambidge Center, Dorland Mountain Arts Colony, and the Vermont Studio Center—reveals that, for all the differences, each is the legacy of visionary founders who believed it essential for society to ensure creativity by supporting creative individuals, a need more urgent the less other social institutions call us to our highest selves.  相似文献   

Employment counseling for older persons has traveled a rocky road in the United States. Awareness of the need was triggered by the 1929 depression and the manpower dislocations following World War II. The principal deliverers of services, the state employment services and nonprofit counseling agencies, are hard pressed to maintain adequate levels of support. Although Congress wants the agencies to do more, the Department of Labor and the Employment and Training Administration seem reluctant to capitalize on congressional interest. Future prospects seem brighter, as the baby boom of the 1950s becomes the senior boom of the next century.  相似文献   

通过对325名员工及其领导的配对问卷调查,探讨内部人身份感知对员工创新行为的作用机制。研究发现:内部人身份感知与创新行为显著正相关;内部人身份感知与创新自我效能感显著正相关;创新自我效能感部分中介了内部人身份感知对创新行为的影响;遵从权威对创新自我效能感与创新行为之间的关系具有负向调节作用;遵从权威调节了创新自我效能感在内部人身份感知与创新行为之间的中介作用。  相似文献   

While the scientific investigation into creativity is a recent phenomenon, creative thinking has always been a crucial feature of humanity. The ability to creatively solve problems enabled early humans to survive and laid the foundation for the creative imagination that has resulted in our modern society. While most humans no longer face physical threats, life and work in the 21st century demands heightened creativity skills. To meet these demands, educational practices must leverage the insights and strategies gained through research into the trainability of creative thinking.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nineteenth century science neglected creativity, and the limited twentieth century approach (to 1950) was largely anecdotal. Recently, research has multiplied, although it has involved little experimental hypothesis testing. Creativity comprises many discrete abilities which often do not correlate very much with each other, and creativity and IQ correlate substantially only at lower IQ levels. Much work has been done in developing evaluative criteria for creative scientific production, and on teaching and learning creativity. Future basic research should concern transfer recall, transformations, reclassification, elaboration, incubation, environmental conditions, and motivation. The social consequences of releasing creative abilities are potentially enormous.  相似文献   

Although creativity has drawn the attention of researchers during the past century, collaborative processes have barely been investigated. In this article, the collective dimension of a creative process is investigated, based on a dynamic and ecological approach that includes an affective component. Dynamic means that the creative process is no longer considered as sequential, and ecological, that the individuals were observed in their normal place of creation. This study was conducted with science students that were required to carry on a research project during 15 weeks in small groups. The results tend to confirm the hypothesis of a nonlinear process, with important variations of the affects depending on the stage. Moreover, each group creative process seems to be specific. The relation between the social functioning of the group and the process is also discussed. Finally, because it is a part of any teamwork, verbalization is proposed as a new powerful tool to investigate creative process.  相似文献   

PCR技术的传奇诞生与发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过介绍PCR技术富有传奇色彩的诞生和发展过程以及它对分子生物学乃至整个生命科学界产生的巨大作用,可以看到分子生物学的发展和进步时刻离不开创造性思维,其中的每一项新发明和新理论都是创造性思维的外现或物化,充分体现出它是科学技术革命的先导。作为分子生物学工作者,对现阶段的专业理论和技术不能盲从,只有善于思考、勤于动手、富于创新,才能在分子生物学这片创造性思维的沃土上实现人生价值,迎接新的生命科学世纪的到来  相似文献   

创造力是一个集个人、团体、社会、文化相互交织的系统, 因此创造力的培养也需要综合考虑。本文在融合以往创造力研究的基础上, 建构了一套系统创造力培养的“蝴蝶理论”, 创造力培养需要抓住核心来统领全局, 同时兼顾创造力培养所需要统筹兼顾的各个部分。动力系统的激活是创造力培养的核心。新颖、适用的创造性成果的产出, 需要社会文化中的个体或团体在创造性心理动力的基础上来完成。创造性心理动力有效的激活则需要一些基本条件, 如在认知层面, 需要具备一定的能力, 如一般认知能力、思维方法的掌握、元认知以及高效的资源整合能力等; 在非智力因素方面, 基本心理需要的满足, 个性心理的健康发展等是创造力得以发挥的必要条件, 推而广之还包括:合理的社会支持、互动以及文化的包容等等。除了理论方面的整合, 本文还从实践的角度分析如何激活学生的动力系统, 重点分析了什么是兴趣以及如何激发个体的兴趣, 因为以兴趣爱好为核心的内部动机是自主性最高的动力来源。本文从理论(创造力培养的蝴蝶理论)与实践(创造力培养的兴趣激发)两个角度为创造力培养提供了支持。  相似文献   

This study on 138 undergraduate students used path analysis to investigate the relationship between creativity (interest, measured by a creative activities survey; and ability: fluency, originality, and elaboration) and different aspects of thought patterns presumed to influence the preparation and illumination phase of the creative process: habitual patterns of thought (ruminative brooding, ruminative self-reflection), thought suppression, thought intrusion, mind wandering, and associative ability. Such relationship was hinted at in Wallas’s classical model of the creative sequence, but is rarely investigated. We found that creative behavior/interest was driven by self-reflection, thought intrusion, and the lack of a need for thought suppression; creative ability was fueled mainly by associative ability. The only variable that influenced both aspects of creativity was the lack of resistance to thought suppression; this distinguished the creativity variables from dysphoria, which was associated with a desire for thought suppression. The results suggest that what drives the need to create is not creative ability per se, but rather self-focused attention, as well as the feeling or experience of being found by thought, rather than finding it. That is, the need to create is associated with having thoughts that interrupt one’s ordinary stream of consciousness and that are seen as welcome rather than interfering.  相似文献   

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