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环境正义:发展中国家的视点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一 环境与发展是当代国际社会关注的重大问题.确当的环境伦理思想是指导和解决环境与发展之间矛盾的理论武器. 环境伦理思想自20世纪上半叶在西方发达国家产生以来已形成较为完备的理论形态,出现了较为清晰的两大流派,即以诺顿、墨迪等为代表的人本主义环境伦理学和以辛格、泰勒、罗尔斯顿、纳斯等为代表的自然主义环境伦理学.西方的环境伦理思想对全球的生产方式和生活方式正在发生一定的影响.  相似文献   

Resources and the intellectual climate for research are important for quality scholarly work. Within the context of a national discipline, these factors play important roles in both facilitating and impeding its development. Peer review and feedback and productive role models shape new investigators, and thereby the course of the discipline. A strong national association and quality journal editing set standards for the discipline. The availability of journals and other resources, academic accountability, and a system to reward research contribute to an environment that encourages identification with the science and a commitment to research. In contrast, the absence of these factors promotes a diminished commitment that contaminates the intellectual climate and has serious consequences for the entire discipline. Consideration of the intellectual climate and the strategies to foster its development must give special consideration to the collectivistic nature of some cultures.  相似文献   

Journal of Academic Ethics - Research on human subjects is ethically justified when its anticipated results would ultimately benefit the society or public and not only the individuals participating...  相似文献   

In this paper we begin with a reference to the work of Hernando de Soto The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else, and his characterization of the Western institution of formal property . We note the linkages that he sees between the institution and successful capitalist enterprise. Therefore, given the appropriateness of his analysis, it would appear to be worthwhile for developing and less developed countries to adjust their systems of ownership to conform more closely to the Western system of formal property. However, we go on to point out that property relationships within the Western system have become subject to redefinition through the expansion of Intellectual Property (IP) rights in ways that ultimately work to the disadvantage of the developing and less developed countries. We point out that this restructuring has been given global application through the implementation of the TRIPS agreement by the WTO. In the final section of the paper I suggest ways in which IP rights and relevant institutions can be reformed in order to avoid the disadvantages to the developing and less developed countries.
David LeaEmail:

责任的伦理意蕴   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
责任,在现代汉语中有三个基本含义:分内应做的事;特定的人对特定事项的发生、发展、变化及其成果负有积极的助长义务;因没有做好分内的事情或没有履行助长义务而应承担的不利后果或强制性义务.[1]康德指出,责任"这一概念就是善良意志概念的体现","道德行为不能出于爱好,只能出于责任".[2]  相似文献   

权力合法性是公众对权力的确证,任何政治权力均会涉及合法性,但在以往的研究中,学界只倾注于权力合法性的政治视角,忽视了权力合法性应有的内核——伦理道德因素。事实上,在权力合法性的诸多支撑要素中,伦理因素是个极为重要的因素,它是公民体认权力是否正当的前提,是权力赢得合法性的驱动器,研究和巩固权力合法性必须从伦理道德因素入手。  相似文献   

[]生态文明是人与自然、人与人、人与社会、人与自我身心这四种关系的和谐生态的文明。它蕴含着人尊重自然、管理自然、保护环境等自然道德的根基,人尊重他人、宽容他人、与他人合作等人际伦理要求,社会尊重个人、个人认同接纳并融入社会等社会伦理精神,个体自尊、自律等自我伦理价值。  相似文献   

The rapid rise in the elderly population and the structural changes in the family and the support system that are a result of “modernization” constitute an important social dimension of global changes. Their psychosocial impacts are far-reaching especially in the developing countries. Changes in the demographic profile of the aged, the nature of familial changes and their implications with regard to support systems for the elderly, their health, role in socialisation, economic dependency, overall lifestyle, satisfaction, cognitive capacities, attitudes and aspirations are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Health Wearable Devices enhance the quality of life, promote positive lifestyle changes and save time and money in medical appointments. However, Wearable Devices store large amounts of personal information that is accessed by third parties without user consent. This creates ethical issues regarding privacy, security and informed consent. This paper aims to demonstrate users’ ethical perceptions of the use of Wearable Devices in the health sector. The impact of ethics is determined by an online survey which was conducted from patients and users with random female and male division. Results from this survey demonstrate that Wearable Device users are highly concerned regarding privacy issues and consider informed consent as “very important” when sharing information with third parties. However, users do not appear to relate privacy issues with informed consent. Additionally, users expressed the need for having shorter privacy policies that are easier to read, a more understandable informed consent form that involves regulatory authorities and there should be legal consequences the violation or misuse of health information provided to Wearable Devices. The survey results present an ethical framework that will enhance the ethical development of Wearable Technology.  相似文献   

Clinical trials in developing countries are often beset by ethical problems that would be considered unresolvable in countries like Australia and the U.S. Nevertheless, such trials continue to go ahead throughout Asia, Africa and South America, and are often conducted in ways that could be considered to be unethical. In this article I discuss two issues, focussing on an HIV preventative trial of a vaginal gel, the Nonoxynol 9 phase three trial being held in Kenya. The first of these is what makes such a trial unethical given that it has approval from the WHO and seemingly conforms with acceptable standards of consent. The second issue involves using material from such trials, if we accept that they were conducted unethically.  相似文献   

责任伦理是面向未来的一种伦理概念.企业责任伦理的缺失是我国环境污染日趋严重不可忽视的因素之一.企业作为环境污染中的主体,必须为其行为后果承担责任.当我们强调作为集体的企业的责任伦理,强调企业对其行为所导致的后果负责时,其实质即指企业在责任伦理下的社会责任承担问题.  相似文献   

经济学与伦理学的分离导致了当代经济学的一大缺陷,资源与环境经济研究也不例外.现代资源与环境经济研究与环境(生态)伦理的分野,既表现在研究方法与手段的不同,更表现在出发点和思维方式的区别.从根本上说,资源与环境经济研究有涉伦理的问题有两个:一是有关伦理立场的根本理念问题,即发展终极目标和对环境价值的评价;二是对应伦理规范的基本方法或原则的问题,集中表现为经济分析中"效用"的加总和贴现.  相似文献   

A discussion of the apocalyptic dimensions of the World Trade Center disaster, this paper considers some first-hand reports of the towers burning and collapsing, as well as the author's own experience that day watching events unfold and discussing these horrors with his patients. Several conceptual ideas are developed, including the varied ways people experienced the disaster in terms of “zones of sadness”; the organic nature of the way the disaster unfolded; the language of the victims in terms of underlying rhetorical structures of response; and psycho-historical considerations that suggest, in part, why the disaster was such a collective trauma.  相似文献   

In addition to good medical services, all aspects of an economy must work together to ensure a high level of public health. However, the abundant economies of the North are contributing heavily to global environmental disaster, with increasing concomitant damage to human health. Environmental health problems result from toxicity (i.e., pollution), scarcity (i.e., poverty), and energy degradation (i.e., entropy). Common to these three factors in environmental demise are the limits of the Earth. Production has evolved to a point where the Earth is no longer safe from radical depletion. Therefore, simple living is a necessary feature of global public health. Rarely do readers of this journal see these limits first hand, but they are real. Our limited perceptions and efforts hinder our ability to understand how to reduce the impact of production on natural ecosystems. Contrary to standard media portrayals, growth and technology cannot solve our public health problems, because they are unequally distributed across the world and neither can they solve the problem of limits. The need for modest consumption in developed nations is an essential and almost completely ignored element of the answer to environmental and associated health problems. A radical and rapid change to public health is needed in order to avoid abysmal global health consequences during the next century. These changes involve a restructuring of our economy, including the health care industry. In the short run, this is an ethical demand. In the long run, this is an inevitability. The actual and appropriate role of bioethicists in championing these changes is unclear. (Abstract by Bruce R. Smith)  相似文献   

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