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In this study, the author compares 2 models: the information‐seeking model, in which perceptions of relationship maintenance predict subsequent commitment, and the motivational model, in which commitment predicts subsequent perceptions of relationship maintenance, by means of a daily, cross‐lagged, dyadic design. The moderating effects of relationship length and global commitment are also tested. A sample of 98 same‐sex couples from the United States completed an Internet daily diary for 14 consecutive days. The results of 2 hierarchical linear models showed that, as predicted, the information‐seeking model was characteristic of couples who had been together for a shorter amount of time whereas the motivational model better characterized couples who had been together longer.  相似文献   

The present study examined the impact of losing tangible resources on psychological resources in a sample of college students (n?=?160) affected by Hurricane Katrina. The data was collected approximately five months after the storm. Based on conservation of resources theory, we tested whether the loss of tangible resources (e.g., food, water) would be positively related to the loss of psychological resources (e.g., optimism, hope), and whether this association would be exacerbated by having an insecure (anxious or avoidant) attachment to God. As predicted, loss of tangible resources was related to the loss of psychological resources, and this relationship was amplified in participants who had an avoidant attachment to God. We conclude by discussing implications of the present study and areas for future research.  相似文献   

Bowlby (1980) theorized that insecurely attached people use defensive memory suppression to cope with adverse events involving childhood attachment figures. In this study, defensive memory suppression was conceptualized as a form of self-regulation that, like other types of self-regulation, requires limited resources and may be undermined by the prior exercise of self-regulation. The findings of the study showed that, in the absence of self-regulatory depletion, memories of negative experiences with attachment figures were less accessible among persons who reported more dismissing avoidance. Under self-regulatory depletion, however, accessibility increased among persons high in dismissing avoidance. Depletion of self-regulatory capacity did not moderate memory accessibility for secure, preoccupied, or fearful avoidant attachment. The results imply that dismissing avoidant persons devote their limited self-regulatory resources to suppressing negative memories and keeping their attachment systems deactivated.  相似文献   

Over the past ten years the problem of validating psychoanalytic theory has received increasing attention from psychoanalysts and nonpsychoanalysts alike. Yet, very little research responsive to this question of validation has been produced. During this same period one of the most fertile controversies in contemporary psychoanalysis reached its peak--the Kernberg-Kohut debate concerning the nature of narcissism. However, for the lack of a validation strategy, this debate has become increasingly sterile, degenerating to a theoretical stalemate at this point. This paper addresses the problem of validation by using causal modeling as a mechanism for empirically testing many of the claims of these competing models of narcissism. Although the data provide empirical support for both theories, strategic comparisons tentatively suggest that Kohut's self psychology is more parsimoniously explained as a special case of Kernberg's ego psychology-object relations theory.  相似文献   

Calsyn RJ  Winter JP  Burger GK 《Adolescence》2005,40(157):103-113
This study compared the strength of competing causal models in explaining the relationship between perceived support, enacted support, and social anxiety in adolescents. The social causation hypothesis postulates that social support causes social anxiety, whereas the social selection hypothesis postulates that social anxiety causes social support. The reciprocal model combines the two hypotheses by arguing that the causal relationship between social support and social anxiety is largely reciprocal. This study tests a modification of the reciprocal model by specifying perceptions of support as a mediating construct. Two waves of data with an interval of three months were collected on 357 college students. Structural equation modeling was used to compare the reciprocal and mediated reciprocal causal models. The study found some support for the mediated reciprocal model, but the magnitude of the relationships were weaker than expected. Limitations and suggestion for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

We discuss three theoretical models from met expectations research in the fields of organizational behavior and consumer psychology. Based on the fundamental arguments in the models, we term these models: disconfirmation, ideal point, and experiences only. We present three-dimensional graphical and analytical representations of the models, with satisfaction being a function of expectations and experiences. We tested the models in the context of a new information system implementation in an organization, with expectations, experiences, and system satisfaction measured for both ease of use and usefulness, the focal constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). We found that an experiences only model in which expectations had no measurable effect best explained the data for ease of use. The results for usefulness indicated a modified version of the experiences only model in which the positive effect of experiences becomes slightly stronger—i.e., more positive—as expectations increase.  相似文献   

This study examined how positive aspects of caregiving affect adaptation to bereavement among older adults who cared for a family member with dementia. The sample consisted of 217 caregivers who were part of the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health Study. Using pre- and postloss data, hierarchical regressions were carried out to examine the effects of positive aspects of caregiving (caregiving benefit) on postloss depression and grief. Findings show that preloss caregiving benefit was associated with higher levels of postloss depression and grief, even after controlling for caregiver demographic characteristics, contextual factors, and caregiving burden. This effect was particularly strong for the relation between benefit and grief. Results demonstrate the importance of studying both positive and negative aspects of caregiving and their relation to bereavement outcomes.  相似文献   

Little is known about how applicants' selection expectations and perceptions interplay in predicting applicant attraction outcomes (organizational attractiveness, job pursuit intention, and recommendation intention). In the present study, 340 entry‐level applicants for jobs in a large financial company provided information about their selection expectations before the procedure, and about their perceptions and attraction to the organization after the procedure. Regression analyses indicated that applicant perceptions, and in particular perceptions of warmth/respect, mediated the relationship between selection expectations and organizational attractiveness and job pursuit intention. No support was found for the moderating role of selection expectations in the perception–attraction relationship. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavioural conceptualisations of grief propose that negative cognitions and avoidance strategies play a key role in emotional problems after bereavement. In the current study, this assumption was examined. Ninety-seven individuals who had lost a relative less than 5 months ago completed questionnaires tapping background and loss-related variables, negative cognitions (about the self, life, the future, and one's own grief reactions), avoidance, and symptoms of complicated grief (CG) and depression. Of these mourners, 70 people (72%) completed symptom measures again 6 months later at T2 (7-10 months after the loss), and 60 (62%) completed symptoms measures still 9 months later at T3 (16-19 months after the loss). Among other things, results showed that all four cognitive variables and the avoidance variable were strongly associated with concurrent and prospective symptom levels, even when the influence of relevant background/loss-related variables was controlled. In addition, independent of initial symptom levels, most of the cognitive variables predicted later CG and depression. The avoidance variable only predicted additional variance in depression at T3 beyond T1 symptom levels. Findings indicate that negative cognitions are important in emotional problems after bereavement and that the role of avoidance in the development of these problems needs further scrutiny.  相似文献   

Two experiments with pigeons used concurrent-chain procedures with variable-interval schedules as initial links and different delays to food as terminal links. Two schedules were present in all sessions, but a 3rd schedule was alternately present and absent in successive sessions. When the 3rd schedule delivered food with no terminal-link delay, the presence of this schedule led to an increase in preference for the schedule with the shorter terminal link of the 2 unchanged schedules. When the terminal-link delay for the 3rd schedule was 30 s, the presence of this schedule led to a decrease in preference for the schedule with the shorter terminal link of the 2 unchanged schedules. These results are inconsistent with the predictions of R. Grace's (1994) contextual-choice model, but they are consistent with 2 other mathematical models--delay-reduction theory and the hyperbolic value-added model.  相似文献   

Little is known about how climatic differences may psychologically impact individuals who migrate from one geographical area to another. A climatic demand theory perspective suggests that migration from more demanding climatic areas to less demanding climatic areas would lead to better psychological outcomes while predicting the opposite for migration from less demanding to more demanding climates. In contrast, a climatic‐fit perspective would predict that moving to areas that climatically are similar to one's home would lead to the best psychological outcomes whereas any major deviation would lead to worse outcomes. To test these competing perspectives, a longitudinal, multisite study was conducted with over 1,000 student migrants who moved from various areas in China to 12 cities. Participants’ life satisfaction and perceived stress were assessed upon arrival and at the end of the semester together with their sociocultural adaptation. Supporting the climatic‐fit perspective, multilevel analyses showed that participants reported the least stress and highest sociocultural adaptation when they migrated to host sites that were climatically similar to their homes. Conversely, individuals who migrated from very demanding to less demanding climatic regions and vice versa reported an increase in stress and lower sociocultural adaptation.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of attachment avoidance on relationship outcomes. A "cultural fit" hypothesis, which states that individual differences in personality should be associated with relationship problems if they encourage patterns of behavior that are incongruent with cultural norms, was investigated. It was hypothesized that attachment avoidance, a style of relationship in which emotional distance and independence are emphasized, would be more strongly associated with relationship problems in more collectivist societies (Hong Kong and Mexico) than in a more individualist one (the United States), given the greater emphasis placed on closeness and harmony in relationships in collectivist cultures. As predicted, associations between avoidant attachment and relationship problems were stronger in Hong Kong and Mexico than in the United States.  相似文献   

Three explanations of adults’ mental addition performance, a counting-based model, a direct-access model with a backup counting procedure, and a network retrieval model, were tested. Whereas important predictions of the two counting models were not upheld, reaction times (RTs) to simple addition problems were consistent with the network retrieval model. RT both increased with problem size and was progressively attenuated to false stimuli as the split (numerical difference between the false and correct sums increased. For large problems, the extreme level of split (13) yielded an RT advantage for false over true problems, suggestive of a global evaluation process operating in parallel with retrieval. RTs to the more complex addition problems in Experiment 2 exhibited a similar pattern of significance and, in regression analyses, demonstrated that complex addition (e.g., 14+12=26) involves retrieval of the simple addition components (4+2=6). The network retrieval/decision model is discussed in terms of its fit to the present data, and predictions concerning priming facilitation and inhibition are specified. The similarities between mental arithmetic results and the areas of semantic memory and mental comparisons indicate both the usefulness of the network approach to mental arithmetic and the usefulness of mental arithmetic to cognitive psychology.  相似文献   


Prior research shows that being anxiously and avoidantly attached to God is associated with psychologically problematic outcomes including depressive feelings. However, a clear understanding of how these insecure attachments to God are associated with depressive feelings is still missing. Therefore, a longitudinal study among 329 nursing home residents aged 65–99 was set up to investigate the prospective relation between anxious and avoidant attachment to God and the experience of depressive feelings, as well as whether this relation is moderated by a loss experience. That is, the loss of close relatives can be particularly stressful in late life, challenging existing attachment relationships and placing older adults at risk for depression. Results confirm that insecure attachments to God are distinctly related to depressive feelings, but that this relation is not moderated by a loss experience. Our results also show that depressive feelings predicts attachment to God, instead of the other way around.  相似文献   

Individuals often hold strict and erroneous expectations for how others should grieve, yet this issue has been sparsely researched. A total of 161 undergraduates rated the appropriateness of various social and emotional behaviours of a hypothetical bereaved individual as a function of the recency of the death (1 month or 1 year ago), the nature of the loss (death of a spouse or child) and the gender of the bereaved. As expected, subjects deemed it inappropriate to show positive emotions and experiences 1 month after a hypothetical death and more inappropriate to show negative reactions 1 year later and there were generally higher expectations of socially appropriate behaviour for those who lost a child rather than a spouse. Unexpectedly, there were no significant differences regarding the gender of the bereaved. This study is among the first to show experimentally the widespread expectation that grief should be experienced early and be short‐lived.  相似文献   


The present study develops and tests three models that can account for the relationship between cancer attitudes and experience with the disease. Individuals were classified according to the extent of their experience with cancer: personal experience, familial experience and minimal experience. In three studies, each using a different sample and different method of attitude measurement, it was found that those with personal cancer experience held the most positive attitudes towards cancer, while those with familial cancer experience held the most negative attitudes. These findings are consistent with the predictions of the proposed dual process model. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of understanding the impact that cancer attitudes have on the physical and emotional management of the disease.  相似文献   

The association between attachment dimensions (anxiety and avoidance) can influence measurement creation and statistical analyses. Our goal was to test the assumption that anxiety and avoidance was orthogonal in two popular measures: the ‘Experience in Close Relationships Scale - Revised’ (ECR-R) and the original ‘Experiences in Close Relationships Scale’ (ECR). Our meta-analysis of 242 studies revealed that despite both scales being highly reliable, the anxiety-avoidance correlation was higher for the ECR-R than the ECR. Other variables also moderated the association. Implications include methods of statistical analysis and recommendations for future measurement creation and use.  相似文献   

Attachment styles among young adults: a test of a four-category model   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
A new 4-group model of attachment styles in adulthood is proposed. Four prototypic attachment patterns are defined using combinations of a person's self-image (positive or negative) and image of others (positive or negative). In Study 1, an interview was developed to yield continuous and categorical ratings of the 4 attachment styles. Intercorrelations of the attachment ratings were consistent with the proposed model. Attachment ratings were validated by self-report measures of self-concept and interpersonal functioning. Each style was associated with a distinct profile of interpersonal problems, according to both self- and friend-reports. In Study 2, attachment styles within the family of origin and with peers were assessed independently. Results of Study 1 were replicated. The proposed model was shown to be applicable to representations of family relations; Ss' attachment styles with peers were correlated with family attachment ratings.  相似文献   

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