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道德概念与颜色存在隐喻联结。已有研究仅操控了刺激本身的颜色,背景颜色对道德判断的影响尚不清楚。本研究采用道德Stroop范式,考察了背景颜色(黑、白、红、绿、蓝)对词语和图片情境的道德属性判断的影响。结果表明:绿色和白色背景下道德Stroop效应量显著大于红色(图片判断)和其他颜色(词语判断)。该结果是对道德隐喻研究的较好补充。本文对概念隐喻理论的映射关系进行了探讨,从道德角度为环境颜色设计等应用提供了启发。  相似文献   

本研究考察了黑、白两种VDT背景颜色对视觉工效的影响。结果表明,VDT背景颜色列视觉工效有影响,其影响由VDT的字符色和背景色间的颜色对比和背景效应等因素决定。较高的浅白色背景亮度导致视疲劳增加。VDT黑色背景显示的视觉工效优于白色背景。  相似文献   

英国一家商场发现:该商场红、黄、蓝、绿、白五种颜色家用海绵,前4种销势很好,唯有白色销的量少,于是营业人员把白色的海绵拿下柜台,奇怪的事发生了,各种颜色的海绵销量都开始减少,营业人员百思不得其解,又把白色搬上了柜台,营业人员惊奇的发现:各种海绵销量又开始回升。  相似文献   

目的:了解住院患儿颜色偏好特点,为患儿创建适合心理特点的住院休养环境提供依据。方法自制2组颜色卡片,采用对偶比较法对30名住院患儿进行了7种颜色的偏好研究。结果:1.30名住院患儿颜色偏好结果依次为:黄,蓝,橙,粉,绿,红,白。2.有无白血病患儿颜色偏好顺序不同,红色与白色为两类患儿最不喜爱的颜色。3.不同性别患儿的颜色偏好顺序不同。结论了解住院患儿颜色偏好的特点对于充实相关理论,改善住院环境、提升护理质量、促进病人康复都具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

本项研究采用视觉作业速度、眼肌调节辐合时间变化和主观评价三项指标,对VDT显示的白、绿、蓝、黄、红、紫红6种颜色的视觉工效进行了比较。在实验中三项指标得到一致的结果。绿色显示的工效最好,红色与紫红色最差,蓝、黄、白处于中间,三者间无显著差异。  相似文献   

文化差异影响彝、白、纳西和汉族大学生对黑白的认知   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的大学生为被试,采用颜色相似性判断和颜色再认任务,考察了彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的大学生对于黑色和白色的认知,意在探究不同民族的黑、白文化是否影响人们对黑、白颜色的认知。结果发现:⑴彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的黑、白文化影响四个民族的大学生对于黑色和白色的认知;⑵语言和文化对于颜色认知的影响包括间接效应和直接效应。整个研究表明,语言和文化对颜色认知有重要影响  相似文献   

我国汉,蒙,壮,维族儿童颜色命名能力发展的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告了我国汉、蒙、壮、维族3—6岁儿童的颜色命名能力发展的水平及差异.采用8种常见色片:红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫、黑及白作为本实验用色样。结果表明:4个民族学前儿童的颜色正确命名率均随年龄而提高;汉族及蒙族儿童的颜色命名正确率高于同年龄的壮族及维族儿童;不同颜色命名正确率的次序为红色;黑色和白色;黄色、绿色和蓝色;橙色和紫色。4个不同民族儿童都表现了一致的发展规律。  相似文献   

正白,是一种颜色吗?似乎是,又似乎不是。初学水粉画时,常用的12色里就有白色。那确实是一种颜料,可以在蓝色的牛仔裤上留下斑斑点点的白。然而绘画老师告诉我,白色是"无色"的,是调不出来的。譬如阳光的白、国画中的留白,它们无色而有色,你能简单地说白就是一种颜色吗?  相似文献   

关于中国人颜色情调的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本研究用部分限制联想法对我国6646名大学生、工人和农民的红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫、黑七种颜色情调的调查结果表明:①颜色情调既受文化传统的影响,也受个人心理结构的影响;②我国多数人的颜色情调是:红色—兴奋、喜悦,橙色—愉快、兴奋,黄色—愉快、舒适,绿色—舒适、愉快,蓝色—沉静、舒适,紫色—厌恶、忧郁,黑色—悲哀、厌恶、恐惧。  相似文献   

我们都生活在五彩缤纷的颜色世界里,可你知道吗,朋友?颜色不仅与人的视觉有关,而且有着奇妙的心理效应,它可以影响人的情绪和行为,还可以影响人的活动效率。 我们可能都有这样的体验,看到红、橙、黄等颜色,会有一种温暖的感觉,而看到青、绿、蓝等颜色,会产生清凉和寒冷的感觉,这就是色温效应,色温效应对我们的日常十活很有帮助,我们可  相似文献   

书写表达及其对身心健康的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为心理干预方法, 书写表达是通过书写披露和表达与个人重要经历有关的感受和想法, 由此促进身心健康。书写表达操作简便, 对身心健康均具有显著的促进作用, 但其干预效果会受干预对象的心理特征、卷入水平和书写主题等因素的影响。书写表达的作用机制主要是暴露、适应、注意转向和认知重构。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of expressing through writing either positive feelings, negative feelings, or both about an upsetting event in order to assess which mode of expression facilitated greater emotional and cognitive processing. Undergraduate student participants with self-reported unresolved upsetting experiences were randomly assigned to one of three writing groups. After completing three writing sessions, they were evaluated at baseline, postexperimentally, and at 1-month follow-up. All groups experienced positive benefits; however, participants in the positive writing group showed greater adaptive cognitive changes than the other groups. Thus it appears that the written expression of positive feelings is as therapeutic as the written expression of negative emotions, which may prompt increased cognitive reorganization or benefit finding among a nonclinical sample.  相似文献   

This paper is a call to geographers, a call for evocative understandings of complicated places and times, for writing practices that foreground feelings, embrace experiential considerations, and privilege embodied relationships with text during periods of struggle, protest, and resistance. I anchor this call in a formalist reading Sunil Yapa's Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist. Drawing from poetic impulses, my formalist reading of the novel includes attention to the novels' grammatical structures and lineated assemblages: I extend my reading of the novel into a call for geographers to experiment and emote in our writing practices, whatever those practices might be. The paper also draws on poet Don Paterson's writing about textual work done by the lyrical and the lyric. Paterson suggests poetry offers opportunities to make writing an ingestible project, one with the potential of being physically manifest in a reader. In this paper, I suggest there is much potential for social change if geographers consider emotionally evocative writing and knowledge as opposed to information being conveyed in expected forms. Ultimately, and circling back to Yapa, I call to geographers to consider our writing as activist work, with the emotional potential of making a new and better world.  相似文献   

Job loss can be one of life's most traumatic experiences, especially if the unemployment is extended. In addition to more common interventions used by employment counselors and others dedicated to assisting clients in the search for work, it can be helpful to assist clients in expressing their negative feelings through writing. Expressive writing is a powerful technique used successfully to confront traumatic life events. Beneficial effects of expressive writing include understanding why feelings occur. Factors that favorably influence expressive writing and specific procedures for implementation in the employment counseling context are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports two studies among white South African students on feelings of collective guilt about apartheid and attitudes to affirmative action. Study 1 reports on 21 in-depth interviews, Study 2 on results from 180 survey questionnaires. Substantial proportions of the participants in both studies displayed feelings of collective guilt. Among participants in both studies who identified strongly with white South Africans, some displayed strong feelings of collective guilt while others displayed no such feelings. Our survey data suggest that political ideology functions as a moderator. Strong feelings of guilt were found among students who identified strongly with white South Africans and defined themselves as liberals. If they defined themselves as conservatives then no feelings of collective guilt were observed. Strong feelings of collective guilt were accompanied by positive attitudes toward affirmative action. The influence of political ideology on attitudes toward affirmative action was mediated by collective guilt.  相似文献   

Although past studies have shown that visual information can be processed without awareness, the types and levels of this processing have yet to be determined. We used metacontrast masking to explore unconscious priming effects of white, blue, and green stimuli generated on a color video display. We found that a white prime tends to act more like a green than a blue one. Color confusions among unmasked and masked primes and calibrations of the display phosphors show that physical rather than perceptual properties of the stimuli best explain the white prime's effects. We conclude that unconscious color priming in normal observers occurs at early wavelength-dependent levels of processing prior to later color-percept-dependent levels.  相似文献   

The effects of self-affirmation manipulations are not yet well understood because several different affirmation manipulations have been tested using multiple dependent variables. The aim of the present research was to establish whether global self-feelings and self-esteem, or interpersonal positive feelings are affected by affirming the self. Experiment 1 showed that completing a kindness questionnaire led to adolescent girls reporting more positive interpersonal feelings, but no greater self-feelings or self-esteem than completing an opinions (control) questionnaire. Experiment 2 showed again that self-affirmation did not affect self-esteem, and that there were few differences between writing an essay about a cherished value, writing an essay about kindness, or completing a questionnaire about kindness in boosting positive interpersonal feelings. The findings are discussed in relation to self-affirmation theory and the possible practical implications of self-affirmation for aiding the delivery of social and health messages.  相似文献   

Pigeons were used to assess stimulus control during the development of a conditional discrimination. The training consisted of three stages. In Stage 1, key pecks were reinforced in the presence of a white line tilted 40 degrees to the right of vertical on a green background and non-reinforced when the same line appeared on a red background. In Stage 2, key pecks were reinforced when a white vertical line appeared on a red background and were non-reinforced in the presence of a 40 degrees slanted line on a red background. In Stage 3, key pecks were reinforced in the presence of the green background regardless of the line tilt, but were differentially reinforced in the presence of the red background (as in Stage 2). Generalization tests were conducted after each stage of training and consisted of five white lines on backgrounds that were green, red, or dark. The effects of the differential reinforcement contingencies on control by line orientation were restricted to the condition in which the red light appeared and resulted in behavioral control that could be characterized as: if red, pay closer attention to line tilt than if not red.  相似文献   

When people write about their deepest thoughts and feelings about an emotionally significant event, numerous benefits in many domains (e.g., health, achievement, and well-being) result. As one step in understanding how writing achieves these effects, we have developed a computer program that provides a "fingerprint" of the words people use in writing or in natural settings. Analyses of text samples indicate that particular patterns of word use predict health and also reflect personality styles. We have also discovered that language use in the laboratory writing paradigm is associated with changes in social interactions and language use in the real world. The implications for using computer-based text analysis programs in the development of psychological theory are discussed.  相似文献   

To assess the health effects of writing about traumatic events in a clinical population, 98 psychiatric prison inmates were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 conditions in which they were asked to write about their deepest thoughts and feelings surrounding upsetting experiences (trauma writing condition), write about trivial topics (trivial writing control), or go about their daily routine without writing (no-writing control). Both writing groups wrote for 20 min per day for 3 consecutive days. Participants in the trauma condition reported experiencing more physical symptoms subsequent to the intervention relative to those in the other conditions. Despite this, controlling for prewriting infirmary visits, sex offenders in the trauma writing condition decreased their postwriting infirmary visits. These results are congruent with predictions based on stigmatization and inhibition.  相似文献   

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