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The purpose of this study is twofold: to ascertain the perceptual deficits in schizophrenic subjects and to test the assumption that the Rorschach is mainly a perceptual task. Forty-eight subjects participated in the study, distributed in six groups of eight subjects each: normals, affective disorders, and four groups of schizophrenics (chronic paranoid, chronic nonparanoid, acute paranoid, and acute nonparanoid). They were given a perceptual test developed by Fernández-Trespalacios, Bermudez, and Luna (1979). Contrary to previous findings, no differences in the perceptual test were found among the groups. In the second part of the study, a group of schizophrenic subjects was given the Rorschach and the perceptual test in a balanced order. Subsequently, subjects in the experimental group were trained in the perceptual laws they had failed. Comparison of the Rorschach protocols obtained before and after this training failed to show any significant differences in the expected direction, thus questioning the perceptual nature of this test. Interestingly, an increase in negative categories of the Rorschach subsequent to the perceptual training was observed.  相似文献   

In this article, we present psychometric properties on the 14-item Harvey Imposter Phenomenon (IP) Scale (Harvey, 1981) among a sample of U.S. adolescents (N = 136). Item analyses, internal consistency reliability, and principal components analysis (PCA) were computed to assess the reliability and factor structure of the IP scores. Although the internal consistency reliability (e.g., Cronbach's alpha) was reasonably acceptable (alpha =.70), the item analyses and subsequent PCA suggest concern for the content homogeneity and factor structure of composite scores obtained from the 14-item measure. The results of this study suggest that the indiscriminate use of the Harvey IP Scale is cautioned relative to the insufficient psychometric properties.  相似文献   

Morgan, Dillenburger, Raphael, and Solomon have shown that observers can use different response strategies when unsure of their answer, and, thus, they can voluntarily shift the location of the psychometric function estimated with the method of single stimuli (MSS; sometimes also referred to as the single-interval, two-alternative method). They wondered whether MSS could distinguish response bias from a true perceptual effect that would also shift the location of the psychometric function. We demonstrate theoretically that the inability to distinguish response bias from perceptual effects is an inherent shortcoming of MSS, although a three-response format including also an “undecided” response option may solve the problem under restrictive assumptions whose validity cannot be tested with MSS data. We also show that a proper two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) task with the three-response format is free of all these problems so that bias and perceptual effects can easily be separated out. The use of a three-response 2AFC format is essential to eliminate a confound (response bias) in studies of perceptual effects and, hence, to eliminate a threat to the internal validity of research in this area.  相似文献   

J E Smith  M C Hillard  S Roll 《Adolescence》1991,26(103):687-696
It has become apparent that the excessive dieting engaged in by many girls when they reach puberty frequently serves as an impetus for the later development of eating disorders. While the existence of bulimia nervosa has been well documented in late-adolescent girls, only minimal research has been devoted to delineating the personality characteristics that distinguish bulimics from normal adolescents. The present study utilized the Rorschach to contrast 12 DSM-III-R diagnosed adolescent bulimics with 12 female adolescent controls. Exner's (1986) Comprehensive System was used for scoring the protocols. Statistically significant group differences were detected on both the overall Depression and the Schizophrenia Indices, as well as on several subcomponents of each. Additionally, bulimics averaged a greater number of aggression responses. The data suggested that the adolescent bulimics were more depressed, self-punitive, and negativistic than their peers, and that they had more disordered thoughts, inaccurate perceptions, and impaired judgment. The cognitive disturbances were not limited to the areas of food and weight. The results are alarming for this young population, particularly since the severity of symptoms certainly will increase over time if left untreated. Recommendations are made for early symptom identification and intervention.  相似文献   

The Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 1974, 1978) for scoring Rorschach responses is the most widely taught and most widely accepted system in use today. The complexity and labor- intensive nature of the CS makes the issue of scoring accuracy a central concern. Twenty-one graduate psychology students and 12 professionals scored 20 Rorschach responses drawn from normal and clinical protocols. In general. accuracy scores for both students and professionals were below acceptable levels. Accuracy scores were clearly better for the code categories of Location, DQ, Pairs, Popular, and Z than for Determinants, FQ, Content, and Special Scores. Responses from clinical protocols were subject to more error. The results suggest that high levels of scoring errors may exist in the field use of the CS. Training standards may need to be devised to insure scoring competence.  相似文献   

A general scoring system, previously developed for the analysis of pictorial associations within the paradigm of Visual Imagery Sequences, was applied in the evaluation of visual associations to memory images of Rorschach inkblots (Imagery condition) in a comparison with standard Rorschach responses (Conventional condition). The participants, 80 consecutively selected psychiatric outpatients, were divided into Clinical Reactor and Nonreactor groups, according to how productive they were of psychodynamically revealing material during insight-oriented therapy using imagery. For this simple scoring method (which does not include the customary Rorschach scores), conclusions concerning Imagery Reactivity in the Rorschach agreed with those of previous studies using a scoring system more unique to the Rorschach. The inferences drawn from statistical analysis by groups and conditions also contribute additional refinements to the understanding of the subtle interplay between defensiveness and sensitivity to imagery in determining the patterns of scorable components within the response complex. This general scoring method correctly identified 95.6% of Imagery Reactors and 100% of Imagery Nonreactors, an improvement over the 87% efficiency of the previously described, Rorschach-based method for assessing Imagery Reactivity in the Rorschach.  相似文献   

Eplov, L.F., Petersen, J., Jørgensen, T., Johansen, C., Birket‐Smith, M., Lyngberg, A. C. & Mortensen, E. L. (2010). The Mental Vulnerability Questionnaire: A psychometric evaluation. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 51, 548–554. The Mental Vulnerability Questionnaire was originally a 22 item scale, later reduced to a 12 item scale. In population studies the 12 item scale has been a significant predictor of health and illness. The scale has not been psychometrically evaluated for more than 30 years, and the aim of the present study was both to evaluate the psychometric properties of the 22 and 12 item scales and of three new scales. The main study sample was a community sample comprising more than 6,000 men and women. In this sample the coefficients of homogeneity were all over 0.30 for the three new scales, but below 0.30 for the 12 and the 22 item scales. All five Mental Vulnerability scales had positively skewed score distributions which were associated significantly with both SCL‐90‐R symptom scores and NEO‐PI‐R personality scales (primarily Neuroticism and Extraversion). Coefficient alpha was highest for the 22 and 12 item scales, and the two scales also showed the highest long‐term stability. The three new scales reflect relatively independent dimensions of Psychosomatic Symptoms, Mental Symptoms, and Interpersonal Problems, but because of reliability problems it remains an open question whether they will prove useful as predictors of health and morbidity.  相似文献   

The relationships among expression of primary process thinking on the Rorschach, affective expression in fantasy play, and divergent thinking were investigated in first and second grade children. Sixty children received the rorschach (Holt's scoring system), a play task (Affect in Play Scale), and the Alternate Uses Test. Major hypotheses were supported because the amount of primary process thinking on the Rorschach (frequency and percent) was significantly, positively related to amount of affective expression and primary process expression in play. Also, expression of affect in play (frequency, variety, integration, and comfort) was significantly, positively related to divergent thinking, independent of IQ for both boys and girls. On the Rorschach, percent of primary process was significantly related to divergent thinking for boys. The results suggest that the ability to think imaginatively in a free-association style and the ability to have access to affect-laden material are related processes.  相似文献   

An adaptation of the Rorschach is described that can be used as part of a brief clinical evaluation. Some case illustrations are provided to demonstrate the method.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of the World Health Organization five wellbeing index (WHO‐5) were evaluated using two samples, a randomly selected sample (N = 3,896) from the Icelandic National Registry and a convenience sample of primary care patients (N = 126). The factor structure of the scale was tested with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The correlation between the WHO‐5 and other measures of depression and anxiety were calculated to assess the scale's convergent and divergent validity. The discriminant validity of the WHO‐5 was explored with a receiver operating analysis compared to the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. The CFA indicated that the factor structure of the WHO‐5 was one‐dimensional and factorial invariant between groups. The internal reliability of the WHO‐5 was adequate and the convergent, divergent and discriminant validity of the WHO‐5 was supported. It is concluded that the psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of the WHO‐5 are satisfactory.  相似文献   

The utility of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) as a screening instrument for anxiety and depression during pregnancy was investigated. A maximum likelihood factor analysis was conducted on the HADS to determine its psychometric properties and utility in 100 women from two culturally diverse populations (UK and Uzbekistan) at 12-weeks and 34-weeks pregnancy. The findings suggest that the HADS lacks the internal reliability requirements of a clinical assessment tool in this population. There was little evidence found to suggest that the HADS measures two dimensions of anxiety and depression consistently and reliably. The findings from this study suggest that the HADS could not be recommended as a clinical screening tool for anxiety and depression in pregnant women. Further research in this area is both desirable and required.  相似文献   

Positive beliefs about worry are theorized to maintain excessive and uncontrollable worry, the hallmark of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The Why Worry-II (WW-II) is a 25-item revised questionnaire designed to measure five positive beliefs about worry. These five beliefs are that worry: (1) facilitates problem solving; (2) enhances motivation; (3) protects against negative emotions; (4) prevents negative outcomes; and (5) reflects a positive personality trait. The main goal of this study was to assess the WW-II’s psychometric properties, including its factor structure. Undergraduate participants (N = 309) completed the WW-II, and measures of worry, depression, anxiety, and positive and negative beliefs about worry. Overall, the results suggest that the five-factor model is a good fit to the data. The WW-II demonstrated excellent internal consistency, good test–retest reliability at six weeks, and evidence of convergent and divergent validity. The WW-II also uniquely predicted worry severity. Overall, our findings suggest that the WW-II has a five-factor structure congruent with theoretical predictions, sound psychometric properties, and a unique relationship to excessive worry. The theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the putative applicability and unquestioned heuristic value of capturing individual variation in behavioral inhibition (BIS) and approach system (BAS) sensitivities, the field has yet to achieve widespread agreement regarding a self-report instrument of choice. The current study evaluates perhaps the two strongest candidates, the BIS/BAS scales (Carver & White, 1994) and the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (SPSRQ; Torrubia, Avila, Molto, & Caseras, 2001). Using both confirmatory and exploratory factor analytic techniques in two university samples, we determined that neither measure achieved adequate fit to our data set, and both contain multiple items we deemed to be problematic. Models trimmed of the poor items achieved better fit than the full models. However, even after trimming the data, model fit was marginal at best. Caution is urged in the continued use of both measures on conceptual and psychometric grounds.  相似文献   

Although the expectancies component of the Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol Questionnaire has previously been shown to be factorially valid, the factor structure of its valuations component has not previously been examined. The aims of this paper were: (i) to replicate the factor structure of the expectancies items; (ii) to explore the factor structure of the valuations items; and (iii) to investigate the utility of using the Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol Questionnaire to predict drinking behavior. The questionnaire was administered to 1004 university students along with measures of quantity and frequency of alcohol consumption. Fromme, Stroot, and Kaplan's (1993) factor structure of the expectancies scales was replicated. The factor structures of the negative valuations scales were characterized by 2 rather than 3 factors. Negative expectancies improved upon the prediction of drinking quantity and frequency over-and-above positive expectancies, and valuations further improved prediction over-and-above expectancies. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of Dr Ronald Goldman's work on RE in the 1960s is not disputed. However, questions still remain about what was actually measured by his questionnaire. This article describes an attempt to define the constructs inherent in Goldman's work, to examine what his instrument was actually assessing, and to what extent his instrument can be shown to measure unidimensional factors. It is shown by this study that the statements made by children of different ages and quoted by Goldman as representing different levels of thinking do not cohere well. Nonetheless it is possible to identify a number of these statements which do cohere well. However, even these purified cores of statements do not function as Goldman predicted, that is, as a measure of cognitive development related to age. No correlation can be shown between the so‐called levels of thinking and age. However, an highly significant correlation emerges between ‘level’ of thinking and church attendance. This leads to the suggestion that Goldman's interview‐based test was not measuring a stage in cognitive development but rather a style of thinking related to religiosity.  相似文献   

Perceptual learning, improvement in perceptual skill with practice, can improve both accuracy and consistency of perceptual reports. Regression statistics can quantify ongoing calibration of perceptible scalar properties (i.e., improvements in accuracy and consistency) because, ideally, actual and perceived values are linearly related. Changes in variance accounted for (r2) track changes in consistency, and changes in both slope and intercept track changes in accuracy. Conjoint changes in all three regression statistics, obscured in separate plots, can be seen simultaneously in a perceptual calibration state space diagram, with the regression statistics as axes, in which an attractor (r2 = 1.00, slope = 1.00, intercept = 0.00) represents optimal performance. Decreases in the distance between the attractor and successive points in the state space, each representing perceptual performance, quantify perceptual learning; that distance is a perceptual calibration index. To show the utility of the perceptual calibration index, we illustrate its use in an experiment on wielding hand-held objects.  相似文献   

Two peer evaluation measures, the Pupil Evaluation Inventory (PEI) and positive and negative nominations were compared in a sample of 260 children in grades 1 to 5. Stabilities of the measures were assessed over a 4-month period. In the total sample, PEI factors and negative nominations were more stable than positive nominations, and PEI Aggression and Withdrawal scores were more stable than negative nominations. PEI Aggression and Withdrawal scores were more stable in grades 3 and 5 than in grade 1, and the Likability factor was more stable in grades 2 to 5 than in grade 1. Negative nominations were most strongly correlated with the PEI Aggression factor, and positive nominations were more strongly correlated with Likability than with Aggression. Implications for the use of these nomination measures are discussed.During the writing of this report Charlotte Johnston was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The authors wish to express appreciation to Dr. Edward Vertuno and to all the staff, teachers, and children of the Developmental Research School, Florida State University, whose cooperation made this research possible.  相似文献   

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