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In visual perception, part segmentation of an object is considered to be guided by image-based properties, such as occurrences of deep concavities in the outer contour. However, object-based properties can also provide information regarding segmentation. In this study, outer contours and interpretations of object configurations were manipulated to examine differences between image-based and object-based segmentation in a visual search task. We found that locating a two-dimensional object configuration with deep concavities in the outer contour depends on the type of outer contour of the surrounding distractors. In addition, locating a three-dimensional object configuration was harder when it was surrounded by object-based-disconnected distractors, as compared with object-based-connected distractors, regardless of image-based connections in these distractors. We conclude that segmentation based on the outer contours of a target facilitates its localization. However, when three-dimensional information is available, segmentation strongly depends on object-based properties, rather than on image-based properties.  相似文献   

Images are mental representations accommodated by grammatical structures. These structures order sensori-input of information as well as provide for articulated ways of expressing motor sequences associated with images. The psychological process of perception is reflected in the development of paradigmatic structures. The psychological process of action (behavior and its mental representations) is reflected in the development of syntagmatic structures. Forming and expressing imagery requires both paradigmatic and syntagmatic structuring. The former relates to logical issues of identity of objects and to the formation of concepts. The latter relates to the solution of psycho-logical questions of causality through articulation of grammatical roles in sentences. Two issues affecting the formation of a model to account for imagery are examined: (1) The tendency to explain imagery as a result of motor sequences and to utilize performance grammar. (2) The impact of ontogenesis on social processes affecting the logical and psycho-logical concerns facing the person at different stages of development. The grammar of imagery is seen as broader than one of performance. The epistemology of imagemaking does not reflect a linear ontogenetic development which precludes attention to problems of creating the logical structures of an object.  相似文献   

We used kanji characters (Chinese ideographic characters) and hiragana characters (Japanese phonographic characters) in the transfer‐appropriate processing paradigm to examine whether or not people without brain damage conduct perceptual segmentation while generating a visual mental image. Ninety‐six participants were divided into three study conditions: (a) seeing hiragana characters and generating a mental image of the corresponding kanji characters; (b) seeing the kanji characters; and (c) seeing the hiragana characters without generating the image of the kanji characters. Generating an image of a kanji character did not transfer at test to the decision as to whether the visually presented kanji character was vertically segmented or not, whereas it did transfer to a semantic decision as to whether the kanji character had a concrete or abstract meaning. Seeing a kanji character transferred to both decisions. Seeing hiragana characters without generating an image of the kanji characters transferred to neither decision. These results suggest that perceptual segmentation is not routinely conducted by normals in the process of image generation.  相似文献   

Application of artificial intelligence in Bio-Medical image processing is gaining more and more importance in the field of Medical Science. The bio medical images, has to go through several steps before the diagnosis of the disease. Firstly, the images has to be acquired and preprocessing has to be done and the data has to be stored in memory. It requires huge amount of memory and processing time. Among the preprocessing steps, edge detection is one of the major step. Edge detection filters the unwanted details in the image, and preserves the edges of the image, which describe the boundary of the image. In biomedical application, for the detection of the diseases, it is very essential to have the boundary detail of the acquired image of the organ under observation. Thus it is very essential to extract the edges of the images. Power is one of the main parameters that have to be considered while dealing with biomedical instruments. The biomedical signal processing instruments should be capable of operating at low power and also at high speed. In order to segregate the images into different levels or stage, we use convolutional neural networks for classification. By having a hardware architecture for image edge detection, the computational time for pre-processing of the image can be reduced, and the hardware can be a part of acquisition device itself. In this paper a low-power architecture for edge detection to detect the biomedical images are presented. The edge detection output are given to the system, which will diagnose the diseases using image classification using convolutional neural network. In this paper, Sobel and Prewitt, algorithms are used for edge detection using 180 nm technology. The edge detection algorithms are implemented using VLSI, and digital IC design of the architecture is presented. The algorithms for edge detection is co-simulated using MATLAB and Modelsim. The architecture is first simulated using CMOS logic and new method using domino logic is presented for low power consumption.  相似文献   

佛学中的“相”是纯粹形式,是无实质的空架子,“缘生说”将物我剖割为这些空架子,因而,物我之“现相”空、生命空、世界空。《易》之“象”是有生命意味、有实质的形式,它之生命意味源于物我本身固有的对立统一元素之间的相反相成。“象”有自体,因而,它不可还原为其他存在。物我所现之“象”皆真实不虚。熊十力由援“象”人“相”,到将“相”“象化”,展示了他出入佛老,彻底皈依儒宗的思想历程。  相似文献   

A series of four experiments was conducted to determine whether English-learning infants can use allophonic cues to word boundaries to segment words from fluent speech. Infants were familiarized with a pair of two-syllable items, such as nitrates and night rates and then were tested on their ability to detect these same words in fluent speech passages. The presence of allophonic cues to word boundaries did not help 9-month-olds to distinguish one of the familiarized words from an acoustically similar foil. Infants familiarized with nitrates were just as likely to listen to a passage about night rates as they were to listen to one about nitrates. Nevertheless, when the passages contained distributional cues that favored the extraction of the familiarized targets, 9-month-olds were able to segment these items from fluent speech. By the age of 10.5 months, infants were able to rely solely on allophonic cues to locate the familiarized target words in passages. We consider what implications these findings have for understanding how word segmentation skills develop.  相似文献   

Although traditionally texture segmentation has been regarded as an automatic, preattentive process, participants confronted with texture segmentation in experimental settings (i.e., with brief presentation time and subsequent masking) are initially unable to perform the task. According to perceptual learning concepts, participants must learn to fine-tune their sensory channels before perception improves under restricted viewing conditions. The present article proposes an alternative perspective that emphasizes the role of the mask. Four experiments showed that the amount of observed learning depends on the structural and temporal homogeneity or heterogeneity of the mask. The authors suggest that learning consists of separating the task-relevant signal stemming from the texture from the task-irrelevant signal of the mask and of ignoring the mask.  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue from a metasemantic principle to the existence of analytic sentences. According to the metasemantic principle, an external feature is relevant to determining which concept one expresses with an expression only if one is disposed to treat this feature as relevant. This entails that if one isn’t disposed to treat external features as relevant to determining which concept one expresses, and one still expresses a given concept, then something other than external features must determine that one does. I argue that, in such cases, what determines that one expresses the concept also puts one in a position to know that certain sentences are true—these sentences are thus analytic relative to this determination basis. Finally, I argue that there are such cases: some sentences are analytic relative to what determines that we express certain key concepts, and these sentences include ones that have always been thought to be the best candidates for being analytic, namely, stipulative truths, and first principles of mathematics.  相似文献   

This article traces the development of my own scholarly work on Paul from the individualism of “justification by faith” as the theological canon during my student period, to studies of Paul within his historical context and his efforts to unite Jews and non-Jews. The changes in my own studies took place within the larger shift in New Testament studies from a German, Protestant hegemony to an American, non-confessional scene. The historical-critical method was supplemented with other methods, illustrated here by studies of honour and shame societies. In conclusion, I outline how these changes have influenced my own teaching of Paul, as a contextual theologian.  相似文献   

康德为道德寻求客观依据而确立的道德律令,继承了基督教传统道德金律的律法、普世、上帝等观念。但是康德并非简单地蹈袭了基督教文化传统。他要为具有普遍性价值的道德律找到一个新的更为可靠的基础,这就是人的理性。因而,他从理性角度赋予了这种基督教传统文化思想以新的时代意义。这种新的解释具有现代科学理性及人文性特征,从而对后世学者在道德问题上的探寻产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

《The Black scholar》2013,43(4):94-100

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