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Causal capture: contextual effects on the perception of collision events   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In addition to perceiving the colors, shapes, and motions of objects, observers can perceive higher–level properties of visual events. One such property is causation, as when an observer sees one object cause another object to move by colliding with it. We report a striking new type of contextual effect on the perception of such collision events. Consider an object (A) that moves toward a stationary object (B) until they are adjacent, at which point A stops and B starts moving along the same path. Such "launches" are perceived in terms beyond these kinematics: As noted in Michotte's classic studies, observers perceive A as being the cause of B's motion. When A and B fully overlap before B's motion, however, observers often see this test event as a completely noncausal "pass": One object remains stationary while another passes over it. When a distinct launch event occurs nearby, however, the test event is "captured": It too is now irresistibly seen as causal. For this causal capture to occur, the context event need be present for only 50 ms surrounding the "impact," but capture is destroyed by only 200 ms of temporal asynchrony between the two events. We report a study of such cases, and others, that help define the rules that the visual system uses to construct percepts of seemingly high–level properties like causation.  相似文献   

C Casco  D Spinelli 《Perception》1988,17(6):721-727
Twelve observers viewed two alternating frames, each consisting of three rectangular bars which were displaced laterally by one cycle in one frame with respect to the other. At long interframe intervals (IFIs) observers perceived a group of three elements moving as a whole (group movement), whereas with IFIs shorter than 40-60 ms the overlapping elements in each frame appeared stationary while the third element appeared to move from one end of the display to the other (end-to-end movement). The percentage of group movement responses in central viewing was compared to those obtained for stimulus presentation in the left and right visual fields (4 deg eccentricity), for opposite horizontal directions of motion. All ten right-handed subjects showed a left-field advantage in sensitivity to group movement. The two left-handed subjects showed a similar advantage in sensitivity with right-field presentation. The effects of monocular vision, hand used in the task, spatial frequency, and contrast on visual field asymmetry were all investigated in two right-handed subjects. None of these factors affected the left-right asymmetry.  相似文献   

Bridgeman B  Gaunt J  Plumb E  Quan J  Chiu E  Woods C 《Perception》2008,37(6):811-4; discussion 815
Two theories define the relationship between sensory experience and perception of location. The doctrine of specific nerve energies relies on hard-wired, genetically specified relationships between stimulation and perception, modifiable only within limits by adaptation. In a newer sensorimotor account, experience tunes the relationship between stimulation and perception. The perception of pressure phosphenes can differentiate the two theories, because the phosphene appears at a location predicted by physiological optics and in a modality predicted by specific nerve energies. Moving a finger vertically along the outer orbit of the eye while pressing gently on it through the lid during nasally directed gaze results in apparent motion of the phosphene out of phase with the finger, therefore in contradiction to information from motor efference to the finger, tactile sense at the fingertip, eyelid and bulb, joint receptors, and proprioception from muscles driving the finger. A test of the sensorimotor theory giving it every advantage had six observers in darkness moving their fingers along the eye and observing phosphenes for 1 h and 2400 motion cycles; the phosphene always obeyed the doctrine of specific nerve energies, never adapting or changing modality as the sensorimotor theory predicts.  相似文献   

When people make judgments of visual-spatial forms, they generally perform better if the information is presented in their left visual hemispace (LVH), whereas for verbal material, they generally show a right visual hemispace (RVH) bias. For verbal material, the strength and direction of the effect also has been linked to task difficulty, with the bias shifting toward the RVH as task difficulty increases. Two experiments are presented that show the reverse direction of change for a nonverbal task; that is, when a nonverbal task is more difficult, the usual LVH effect shifts toward an RVH bias. Taking into account recent developments in theory and research on hemispheric differences in styles of information processing, we propose that task difficulty is related more generally to changes in processing style.  相似文献   

K Watanabe  S Shimojo 《Perception》1998,27(9):1041-1054
Identical visual targets moving across each other with equal and constant speed can be perceived either to bounce off or to stream through each other. This bistable motion perception has been studied mostly in the context of motion integration. Since the perception of most ambiguous motion is affected by attention, there is the possibility of attentional modulation occurring in this case as well. We investigated whether distraction of attention from the moving targets would alter the relative frequency of each percept. During the observation of the streaming/bouncing motion event in the peripheral visual field, visual attention was disrupted by an abrupt presentation of a visual distractor at various timings and locations (experiment 1; exogenous distraction of attention) or by the demand of an additional discrimination task (experiments 2 and 3; endogenous distraction of attention). Both types of distractions of attention increased the frequency of the bouncing percept and decreased that of the streaming percept. These results suggest that attention may facilitate the perception of object motion as continuing in the same direction as in the past.  相似文献   

This study examined the detection of collision events when multiple moving objects were present in the scene. Observers were presented with displays simulating a 3-D environment with multiple moving objects. The authors examined the ability of observers to detect collisions using a signal-detection paradigm and a visual search paradigm. The results indicated that, overall, observers were quite accurate at detecting collisions. Observers used both expansion information and static position to detect collisions, with expansion information being the more important source. Singleton search conditions were not processed in parallel, and conjunction search conditions had poorer performance than singleton search conditions. In addition, reaction times were greater for target-present trials as compared with target-absent trials. The results are interpreted in terms of 4 visual search hypotheses for collision detection when multiple moving objects are present.  相似文献   

An apparatus suitable for conducting simultaneous or delayed matching-to-sample experiments with as many as eight comparison stimuli is described. Data are presented which indicate that pigeons are capable of performing such a task. It is concluded that the simultaneous matching-to-sample procedure with more than two comparison stimuli is an efficient means of obtaining information about discrimination capacity and that this procedure may be suitable for studying visual perception in infrahuman Ss.  相似文献   

In earlier work, the author has demonstrated that tactile pattern perception and visual pattern perception exhibit many parallels when the effective spatial resolution of vision is reduced to that of touch, thus supporting the hypothesis that the two pattern senses are functionally similar when matched in spatial bandwidth. The present experiments demonstrate a clear counter-example to this hypothesis of functional similarity. Specifically, it was found that the lateral masking effect of a surround on tactile character recognition increases when the surround changes in composition from solid lines to dots, whereas for vision, recognition performance goes in the opposite direction. This finding necessitates some modification of the model of character recognition proposed by the author (Loornis, 1990) as it applies to the sensing of raised tactile patterns. One possible modification would be to incorporate, as the initial stage of pattern transformation, the continuum mechanics model for the skin that was developed by Phillips and Johnson (1981b).  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that hemispheric asymmetries for conscious visual perception do not lead to asymmetries for unconscious visual perception. These studies utilized emotionally neutral items as stimuli. The current research utilized both emotionally negative and neutral stimuli to assess hemispheric differences for conscious and unconscious visual perception. Conscious perception was measured using a subjective measure of awareness reported by participants on each trial. Unconscious perception was measured by an "exclusion task," a form of word-stem-completion task. Consistent with predictions, negative stimuli were consciously perceived most often when presented to the right hemisphere. Negative stimuli presented to the right hemisphere showed no evidence of unconscious perception, suggesting that the hemispheric asymmetry for the conscious perception of negative information occurs at the expense of unconscious perception.  相似文献   

Kelley and Stahelski's (1970) triangle hypothesis states that competitors hold homogeneous views of others by assuming that most others are competitive, whereas cooperators or pro-social people hold more heterogeneous views by assuming that others are either cooperative or competitive. To evaluate the triangle hypothesis, this study examines differences between pro-socials, individualists, and competitors not only in their expectations about others' choice behaviour, but also in the confidence with which such expectations are held. It was found that pro-social subjects expected more cooperation than individualists and competitors. More importantly, as predicted on the basis of the triangle hypothesis, pro-socials were less confident about their expectations than competitors, with individualists holding intermediate levels of confidence.  相似文献   

Rats retain source memory (memory for the origin of information) over a retention interval of at least 1 week, whereas their spatial working memory (radial maze locations) decays within approximately 1 day. We have argued that different forgetting functions dissociate memory systems. However, the two tasks, in our previous work, used different reward values. The source memory task used multiple pellets of a preferred food flavor (chocolate), whereas the spatial working memory task provided access to a single pellet of standard chow-flavored food at each location. Thus, according to the reward-value hypothesis, enhanced performance in the source memory task stems from enhanced encoding/memory of a preferred reward. We tested the reward-value hypothesis by using a standard 8-arm radial maze task to compare spatial working memory accuracy of rats rewarded with either multiple chocolate or chow pellets at each location using a between-subjects design. The reward-value hypothesis predicts superior accuracy for high-valued rewards. We documented equivalent spatial memory accuracy for high- and low-value rewards. Importantly, a 24-h retention interval produced equivalent spatial working memory accuracy for both flavors. These data are inconsistent with the reward-value hypothesis and suggest that reward value does not explain our earlier findings that source memory survives unusually long retention intervals.  相似文献   

The goal of the present set of studies is to explore the boundary conditions of category transfer in causal learning. Previous research has shown that people are capable of inducing categories based on causal learning input, and they often transfer these categories to new causal learning tasks. However, occasionally learners abandon the learned categories and induce new ones. Whereas previously it has been argued that transfer is only observed with essentialist categories in which the hidden properties are causally relevant for the target effect in the transfer relation, we here propose an alternative explanation, the unbroken mechanism hypothesis. This hypothesis claims that categories are transferred from a previously learned causal relation to a new causal relation when learners assume a causal mechanism linking the two relations that is continuous and unbroken. The findings of two causal learning experiments support the unbroken mechanism hypothesis.  相似文献   

Unawareness of visual and sensorimotor defects: A hypothesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A theory is proposed to account for unawareness of blindness, hemianopsia, and hemiplegia, and for phantom limb after amputation. It is assumed that interruption of a sensory pathway at any level--from peripheral nerve to primary sensory cortex--is not associated with any immediate sensory experience that uniquely specifies the defect. Instead the sensory loss must be discovered by a process of self-observation and inference. Discovery is easy for defects that create major functional disability, such as total blindness. Hence unawareness of total blindness occurs only in association with severe intellectual impairment, precluding the required self-observation and inference. In contrast, hemianopsia is difficult to discover because several mechanisms automatically compensate the defect effectively. Thus unawareness of hemianopsia is common, even in intellectually normal individuals. Insensate fields are often the source of suggested (false) percepts, because no information from such a field specifies the absence of a sensory stimulus. The most powerful source of suggestion is sensory activity in uninvolved portions of the affected sensory field. Thus hemianopsics may perceive complete geometric forms when only incomplete forms are shown and the missing portion falls in the hemianopsic fields. Such perceptual completion also occurs in hemianesthetic hemiplegics, creating the illusion that there are normally functioning limbs on the affected side. This perceptual completion increases the difficulty of discovery of hemianesthetic hemiplegia, but the disability is still sufficiently obvious that some additional cognitive impairment is invariably present in patients with lasting unawareness of hemiplegia. Phantom limb after amputation is the product of perceptual completion without associated cognitive impairment. The patient with phantom limb is thus aware of the illusory quality of his phantom. Some insight into the neural basis of perceptual completion and of unawareness of sensory loss may derive from considering sensory systems and associative cortex as parallel-distributed processing mechanisms.  相似文献   

A test of the selective-exposure hypothesis in persuasion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In a recent investigation carried out among the Qolla Indians of Peru, Bolton (1973a) tested the hypothesis that hypoglycemia tends to produce high levels of individual aggressiveness. Glycemic condition was determined by the readings on a 4-hour glucose tolerance test performed on a sample of 54 adult males. Key informants then ranked these subjects on overt aggressiveness. A correlational analysis of the data supported the hypothesis that moderately hypoglycemic subjects would be more aggressive than the normoglycemic subjects. The present paper responds to questions raised about this study and describes the results of an additional test of the hypoglycemia-aggression hypothesis. The dependent variable in this follow-up study is fantasy aggression. Aggression scores were derived from Sentence Completion Test protocols for the same sample of subjects used in the first study. The results indicate a significant correlation between glycemic condition and aggression scores (Biserial, 0.57), thus providing further confirmation of the hypoglycemia-aggression hypothesis.  相似文献   

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