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A randomly dotted yellow disk was rotated at a speed of 5 rpm, alternating in direction every 10 sec. Its change in direction of rotation was paired with a change in surround color, which was either red or green. After 15 min of exposure, observers reported vivid motion aftereffects contingent on the color of both the stationary disk and the surround, even though during adaptation only motion or color was associated with either alone. In further experiments, it was established that a change in color (or direction of motion) of the disk could be associated with a change in direction of motion (or color) of the surround. Such lateral effects were found even when a wide (5 degree) annulus was introduced between the disk and the surround during adaptation and testing. Furthermore, the aftereffects generalized to the annulus, which was not associated with either color or motion during adaptation. However, when the disk alone was adapted to color and motion, no generalization to the surround was found (and vice versa), suggesting that the effects are not produced by adaptation of large receptive fields or by scatter of light within the eye. The results appear to conflict with the ideas that contingent aftereffects are confined to the adapted area of the retina and that they are built up by links between single-duty neurones, and with an extreme view of the segregation of color and motion early in human vision.  相似文献   

Adaptation to convex and concave arcs in different colored light results in curvature-specific color aftereffects when arcs are later viewed in white light. In three experiments, it was shown that these color aftereffects often are partial (restricted to limited regions of the test arcs) rather than uniform, and in addition that aftereffects induced by exposure to arcs transfer to straight-line displays of particular orientation, and vice versa. These data were interpreted as evidence that arcs are processed in the visual system in relation to the orientations of local straight line approximations instead of on a global basis. In these terms, curvature-specific color aftereffects are merely complex forms of the orientation-specific color aftereffects first described by McCollough (1965).  相似文献   

Five experiments reexamined color aftereffects contingent on the semantic properties of text (Allan, Siegel, Collins, & MacQueen, 1989). The influence of different assessment techniques and the effect of eye movements and overlapping contour information on the induction of color aftereffects by word and nonword letter strings were determined. Experiment 1 showed that no aftereffect was found when a traditional method of assessing color aftereffects was used. Experiments 2 and 4 demonstrated color aftereffects forboth words and nonwords, but only when subjects fixated the same locus during induction and testing and only when assessed with the technique described by Allan et al. (1989). If, however, eye movements were made during induction, no color aftereffect was obtained (Experiment 3). Induction to nontext patterns with properties similar to those of text but with fewer overlapping contours resulted in a strong color aftereffect (Experiment 5). These results suggest that the color aftereffect contingent on text is very weak and is not dependent on semantic factors, but that it is a product of induction to local color and orientation information.  相似文献   

In the typical induction of the orientation-contingent color aftereffect (CCAE), the stimuli are composed of elements that differ in both color and luminance. Three experiments are reported that show that chromatic contrast between stimulus elements is insufficient for the induction of the orientation-CCAE and that luminance contrast is necessary. These experiments expand on previous research concerned with the role of luminance contrast in the induction of orientation-CCAEs by eliminating alternative explanations.  相似文献   

The McCollough effect was shown to be spatial-frequency selective by Lovegrove and Over (1972) after adaptation with vertical colored square-wave gratings separated by 1 octave. Adaptation with slide-presented red and green vertical square-wave gratings separated by 1 octave failed to produce contingent color aftereffects (CAEs).However, when each of these gratings was adapted alone, strong CAEs were produced. Adaptation with vertical colored sine-wave gratings separated by 1 octave also failed to produce CAEs, but strong effects were produced by adaptation with each grating alone. By varying the spatial frequency of the test sine wave, CAEs were found to be tuned for spatial frequency at 2.85 octaves after adaptation of 4 cycles per degree (cpd) and at 2.30 octaves after adaptation of 8 cpd. Adaptation of both vertical and horizontal sine-wave gratings produced strong CAEs, with bandwidths ranging from 1.96 to 2.90 octaves and with lower adapting contrast producing weaker CAEs. These results indicate that the McCollough effect is more broadly tuned for spatial frequency than are simple adaptation effects.  相似文献   

The intensity of the McCollough effect is modified when, following exposure to the inducing chromatic stimuli, the achromatic test gratings are seen oscillating orthogonally to their orientations. Green aftereffect seen on stationary test gratings is enhanced by oscillations, while pink aftereffect present on the stationary gratings fades upon oscillation of the test stimulus. These opponent changes are tentatively accounted for in terms of an interaction between Fechner-Benham type induced color and processes that mediate the orientation-specific chromatic aftereffects.  相似文献   

It has been argued that adaptation to a series of angles with vertices pointing up and illuminated in one color, and to angles with vertices pointing down and illuminated in the opponent color, results in color aftereffects that are contingent on angle direction. In the present paper, using a number of test figures, we demonstrate that adaptation to these ascending/descending angles results in color aftereffects that can be accounted for in terms of spatially localized, orientation-color pairings. In the light of our results, we suggest that previous inferences concerning angle-contingent color aftereffects should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, we found that in addition to expected reports of color aftereffects on patterns viewed during induction, reliable and predictable reports of color were given by subjects to patterns they did not view during induction. These reports to noninduced patterns were generally to patterns that were orthogonal to the patterns seen during induction. Induction with, for example, a red vertical grating led to appropriate aftereffects (i.e., green) on that vertical pattern and to the complementary aftereffect (i.e., pink) on a horizontal grating. We suggest that such color aftereffects on noninduced patterns are based on a shift in the activity of orientation coding mechanisms as a result of viewing the inducing patterns. We further propose that the results are consistent with the Lie transformation group theory of neuropsychology and that they add to a growing body of research demonstrating the applicability of this theory to the understanding of pattern-contingent color aftereffects.  相似文献   

The McCollough effect was shown to be spatial-frequency selective by Lovegrove and Over (1972) after adaptation with vertical colored square-wave gratings separated by 1 octave. Adaptation with slide-presented red and green vertical square-wave gratings separated by 1 octave failed to produce contingent color aftereffects (CAEs). However, when each of these gratings was adapted alone, strong CAEs were produced. Adaptation with vertical colored sine-wave gratings separated by 1 octave also failed to produce CAEs, but strong effects were produced by adaptation with each grating alone. By varying the spatial frequency of the test sine wave, CAEs were found to be tuned for spatial frequency at 2.85 octaves after adaptation of 4 cycles per degree (cpd) and at 2.30 octaves after adaptation of 8 cpd. Adaptation of both vertical and horizontal sine-wave gratings produced strong CAEs, with bandwidths ranging from 1.96 to 2.90 octaves and with lower adapting contrast producing weaker CAEs. These results indicate that the McCollough effect is more broadly tuned for spatial frequency than are simple adaptation effects.  相似文献   

The spatial-frequency theory of vision has been supported by adaptation studies using checkerboards in which contingent color aftereffects (CAEs) were produced at fundamental frequencies oriented at 45\dg to the edges. A replication of this study failed to produce CAEs at the orientation of either the edges or the fundamentals. Using a computer-generated display, no CAEs were produced by adaptation of a square or an oblique checkerboard. But when one type of checkerboard (4 cpd) was adapted alone, CAEs were produced on the adapted checkerboard and on sine-wave gratings aligned with the fundamental and third harmonics of the checkerboard spectrum. Adaptation of a coarser checkerboard (0.80 cpd) produced CAEs aligned with both the edges and the harmonic frequencies. With checkerboards of both frequencies, CAEs were also found on the other type of checkerboard that had not been adapted. This observation raises problems for any edge-detector theory of vision, because there was no adaptation to edges. It was concluded that spatial-frequency mechanisms are operating at both low- and high-spatial frequencies and that an edge mechanism is operative at lower frequencies. The implications of these results are assessed for other theories of spatial vision.  相似文献   

Orientation-contingent color aftereffects (CAEs) were studied using a color-cancellation technique for measurement. Procedures involved more than one period of inspection, each of which established CAEs, carried out successively to produce a combined or net CAE (akin to “nullification” used in other studies). When opposite color-orientation pairings were used in successive inspections, the net CAE was predicted faithfully by summation of the constituent CAEs as measured from each period of inspection independently, and thus showed qualitative as well as quantitative changes in coloration over time. This implies that “nullification” does not truly eliminate CAEs as has previously been assumed, and suggests that the units of measure used here may be linearly representative of CAE strengths. When the successive inspections used identical color-orientation pairings, however, summation was poor. This can be explained if inspection alters the mechanisms underlying CAEs, rendering retention of a successively established CAE of the same kind less effective.  相似文献   

The spatial-frequency theory of vision has been supported by adaptation studies using checkerboards in which contingent color aftereffects (CAEs) were produced at fundamental frequencies oriented at 45 degrees to the edges. A replication of this study failed to produce CAEs at the orientation of either the edges or the fundamentals. Using a computer-generated display, no CAEs were produced by adaptation of a square or an oblique checkerboard. But when one type of checkerboard (4 cpd) was adapted alone, CAEs were produced on the adapted checkerboard and on sine-wave gratings aligned with the fundamental and third harmonics of the checkerboard spectrum. Adaptation of a coarser checkerboard (0.80 cpd) produced CAEs aligned with both the edges and the harmonic frequencies. With checkerboards of both frequencies, CAEs were also found on the other type of checkerboard that had not been adapted. This observation raises problems for any edge-detector theory of vision, because there was no adaptation to edges. It was concluded that spatial-frequency mechanisms are operating at both low- and high-spatial frequencies and that an edge mechanism is operative at lower frequencies. The implications of these results are assessed for other theories of spatial vision.  相似文献   

We have used a null method to measure the orientation-contingent aftereffects of color first described by McCollough. After alternately inspecting, for example, a green horizontal line grating and a magenta vertical line grating, the Os report that in achromatic test gratings the horizontal lines appear pinkish and the vertical lines appear greenish. We have used a special color-mixing projector to add variable amounts of green and magenta light to the test gratings until they appear matched and nearly achromatic. The colorimetric purity needed to achieve this null setting is a quantitative measure of the strength of the colored aftereffect. Following inspections of the colored patterns ranging from 15 sec to 150 min, six Os showed aftereffects lasting from a few minutes to 7 or more days. The indices of colorimetric purity increase with inspection time and decline with time after inspection. The decay function is not quite linear either on semilog or on log-log coordinates. The rate of decay is mainly dependent on the magnitude of the effect built up during inspection. We conclude that the buildup and decay of these aftereffects show some of the time characteristics usually associated with central adaptability rather than sensory adaptation.  相似文献   

A “competition” paradigm was developed to examine separately the effects of pattern contrast and spatial frequency characteristics on the strength of orientation-contingent color aftereffects (McCollough effects). After adapting to alternately presented red/black and green/black square-wave gratings (one horizontal, one vertical), 11 subjects viewed seven different kinds of test patterns. Unlike Standard McCollough effect test stimuli, the present patterns had variable luminance profiles running both horizontally and vertically within each test pattern area. Forced choice responses were used to determine which aftereffect color (red or green) appeared, as characteristics of vertical and horizontal luminance profiles were varied separately among test stimulus types. We conclude that pattern contrast and human contrast sensitivity account for aftereffect colors in such stimuli. When contrast is taken into consideration, aftereffects are not predicted by similarity between adaptation and test pattern Fourier characteristics, nor are they predicted by the width, per se, of pattern elements.  相似文献   

According to a conditioning analysis of the orientation-contingent color aftereffect (McCollough effect, ME), orientation stimulus (grids) become associated with color. Contrary to this interpretation are reports that simple forms cannot be used to elicit illusory color and that the ME is not degraded by decreasing the grid-color correlation. The present results indicate: (a) Form stimuli can contingently elicit color aftereffects; (b) even a non-patterned stimulus--the lightness of a frame surrounding a colored area--can contingently elicit color aftereffects; (c) this frame lightness-contingent aftereffect, like the ME, persists for at least 24 hr; and (d) the frame lightness-contingent aftereffect can be used to demonstrate that correlational manipulations affect the ME, as they affect other types of conditional responses.  相似文献   

We examined whether the orientation-contingent color aftereffect (the McCollough effect) could be mediated by subjective horizontal and vertical structure induced by the perception of transparency. In our experiments, red vertical bars and green horizontal bars were alternated as an adapting stimulus. After adaptation, subjects (n=6) were asked to adjust the green and red saturation of a test pattern until they obtained a neutral gray. Horizontal and vertical stripes were combined in the test pattern in three different ways: (1) overlapping with a luminance combination that gave rise to a perception of transparent overlays of horizontal and vertical stripes (valid transparency condition), (2) overlapping with luminance combinations that did not induce a perception of transparency (invalid transparency condition) and that appeased more as a patchwork of checks, and (3) presented in adjacent, nonoverlapping areas. Our results showed that the McCollough effect was significantly greater in the valid transparency condition than in the invalid transparency conditions. The effect in the valid transparency condition was nevertheless less strong than was the effect seen with the standard test stimulus made up of nonoverlapping vertical and horizontal stripes, Our results suggest that the McCollough effect can be mediated by the subjective spatial organization (inner representation of vertical and horizontal stripes) that accompanies the perception of transparency in our stimulus.  相似文献   

We examined whether the orientation-contingent color aftereffect (the McCollough effect) could be mediated by subjective horizontal and vertical structure induced by the perception of transparency. In our experiments, red vertical bars and green horizontal bars were alternated as an adapting stimulus. After adaptation, subjects (n = 6) were asked to adjust the green and red saturation of a test pattern until they obtained a neutral gray. Horizontal and vertical stripes were combined in the test pattern in three different ways: (1) overlapping with a luminance combination that gave rise to a perception of transparent overlays of horizontal and vertical stripes (valid transparency condition), (2) overlapping with luminance combinations that did not induce a perception of transparency (invalid transparency condition) and that appeared more as a patchwork of checks, and (3) presented in adjacent, nonoverlapping areas. Our results showed that the McCollough effect was significantly greater in the valid transparency condition than in the invalid transparency conditions. The effect in the valid transparency condition was nevertheless less strong than was the effect seen with the standard test stimulus made up of nonoverlapping vertical and horizontal stripes. Our results suggest that the McCollough effect can be mediated by the subjective spatial organization (inner representation of vertical and horizontal stripes) that accompanies the perception of transparency in our stimulus.  相似文献   

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