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We employed the backward masking paradigm to map the early computation involved in the perception of printed words in Hebrew. By independently manipulating orthographic and phonological overlap between targets and masks, we examined whether orthographic and phonological structure imposes late or early constraints on lexical access. The results demonstrated that the probability of reinstating a masked target depended on both the orthographic and the phonological overlap between the target and the mask. However, whereas phonemic structure seems to constrain lexical access only at short exposure durations, orthographic overlap also exerts its influence at longer durations.  相似文献   

The extent to which orthographic and phonological processes are available during the initial moments of word recognition within each hemisphere is under specified, particularly for the right hemisphere. Few studies have investigated whether each hemisphere uses orthography and phonology under constraints that restrict the viewing time of words and reduce overt phonological demands. The current study used backward masking in the divided visual field paradigm to explore hemisphere differences in the availability of orthographic and phonological word recognition processes. A 20 ms and 60 ms SOA were used to track the time course of how these processes develop during pre-lexical moments of word recognition. Nonword masks varied in similarity to the target words such that there were four types: orthographically and phonologically similar, orthographically but not phonologically similar, phonologically but not orthographically similar and unrelated. The results showed the left hemisphere has access to both orthography and phonology early in the word recognition process. With more time to process the stimulus, the left hemisphere is able to use phonology which benefits word recognition to a larger extent than orthography. The right hemisphere also demonstrates access to both orthography and phonology in the initial moments of word recognition, however, orthographic similarity improves word recognition to a greater extent than phonological similarity.  相似文献   

Practice effects in backward masking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In two experiments we demonstrate that much larger practice effects occur in a backward masking paradigm where patterned masks are used than in similar visual processing paradigms, such as lateral masking and whole report. In additional experiments we examine four possible explanations for the large practice effects: increased familiarity with the paradigm in general, learning about the targets, learning about the masks, and enhanced sensory processing. Because of failure to observe similar practice effects in related paradigms not involving backward masking and because of the sustained nature of the improvement, we reject the first explanation as a source of practice effect. Experiment 3 allowed us to reject target learning as a source of improvement as well; target sets were switched at the end of training, but no decrement in performance was observed. In Experiment 4, mask sets were switched at the end of training, revealing a significant decrement in performance. Learning about the specific masks, then, does contribute to the observed improvement. However, it is responsible for only about one third of the overall improvement in performance. The final experiment provides evidence that the residual improvement is due to enhanced sensory processing. In that experiment, training on backward masking led to a lowered threshold in a two-flash paradigm but not to a significant change in whole-report performance.  相似文献   

The binaural auditory system exhibits certain advantages over the monaural system when detecting a tonal signal in a background of masking noise. These advantages have been described in detail and are referred to as masking-level differences, or MLDs. It has been demonstrated, for example, that performance in detecting a tonal signal that has been reversed in phase at one ear relative to the other ear is about 15–17 dB better than detection of the same signal in-phase at the two ears when masked by moderately intense masking noise that is in-phase at the two ears. The explanations for this phenomenon fall into two general categories, and both types of explanations are based upon the interaction of the tonal signal and masker when they are added together. In the present paper, data are presented which indicate that an MLD of at least 4–5 dB can be obtained in a binaural masking experiment in which the offset of the tonal signal precedes the onset of the noise masker.  相似文献   

Observers viewed briefly presented target dot patterns, either at low contrast without a mask (no mask, or NM) or at high contrast and followed by a long-lasting patterned mask (backward masking, or BM). Experiment 1 demonstrated independent processing of NM target dots but limited capacity processing of BM target dots. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that visual images may radically change sensitivity (d′) in BM but not in NM. Results suggest that d′ is reduced if the image suppresses dots relevant for the detection task, but that d′ is raised if the image suppresses dots that compete for processing with those the observer must detect.  相似文献   

Similarity effects in backward recognition masking   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Auditory backward recognition masking refers to the ability of a masking sound to terminate further perceptual resolution of a test sound presented slightly earlier in time. The present experiments were conducted to determine whether mask/test tone similarity effects in backward recognition masking could be reliably demonstrated. Although similarity effects were found in Experiments 1 and 2, only about 60% of the subjects demonstrated these effects. Experiment 3 was designed to isolate which stage of information processing is responsible for similarity effects. It was hypothesized that similarity effects are due to mask interference with the synthesized auditory memory of the test tone rather than to selective overwriting of a preperceptual auditory store: previous research has shown that interference in synthesized auditory memory depends on the similarity of the interfering stimulus to the items held in memory. By independently varying the backward masking interval and the interfering effect of the mask on the test tone memory, it was possible to demonstrate that similarity effects are indeed caused by mask interference in synthesized memory. The implications of these results are considered in the framework of auditory and visual masking.  相似文献   

The recognition of brief vowels was studied in forward and backward masking tasks. In a series of experiments in which both target and mask parameters were systematically varied, two populations of subjects were identified. The majority (Nonmaskers) evidenced little masking at any interstimulus interval, while relatively fewer subjects (Maskers) evidenced backward masking (but not forward masking) over a 100-200 ms interval. Increasing target set size systematically increased masking for the Maskers but not for the Nonmaskers. Adding white noise to the targets increased the extent of masking for both groups. These results suggest (1) that masking does not impose a substantive constraint on vowel perception in running speech, and (2) that multiple strategies may exist for vowel recognition.  相似文献   

A new general explanation for u-shaped backward masking is analyzed and found to predict shifts in the interstimulus interval (ISI) that produces strongest masking. This predicted shift is then compared to six sets of masking data. The resulting comparisons force the general explanation to make certain assumptions to account for the data. In this way, the experimental data promote the development of a new theory of backward masking. The new theory suggests interpretations of the data that are sometimes novel, often more precise, and sometimes contrary to interpretations that are prevalent in the literature.  相似文献   

Access to grammatical gender in Hebrew was examined using gender decisions and grammaticality judgments. In gender decisions, and in rejecting agreement violations, the role of gender-marking regularity was robust; irregular feminine nouns were classified more slowly and produced more errors than did regular masculine nouns. These same exception nouns, however, produced radically different results when they appeared as part of a grammatical phrase. In this context, irregular nouns were processed as quickly and accurately as were regular nouns. These findings are interpreted within a model containing two routes to grammatical gender: one that involves an abstract gender node, and another that is form-based and is assumed to play a greater role in recovery from agreement errors. We also argue that there are cross-linguistic variations in the availability and speed of the form-based route to gender. Finally, we caution that under some circumstances grammatical gender may also be retrieved through a variety of heuristics that do not necessarily reflect the normal mechanisms of access to gender.  相似文献   

In concatenative languages such as English, the morphemes of a word are linked linearly so that words formed from the same base morpheme also resemble each other along orthographic dimensions. In Hebrew, by contrast, the morphemes of a word can be but are not generally concatenated. Instead, a pattern of vowels is infixed between the consonants of the root morpheme. Consequently, the shared portion of morphologically-related words in Hebrew is not always an orthographic unit. In a series of three experiments using the repetition priming task with visually presented Hebrew materials, primes that were formed from the same base morpheme and were morphologically-related to a target facilitated target recognition. Moreover, morphologically-related prime and target pairs that contained a disruption to the shared orthographic pattern showed the same pattern of facilitation as did nondisrupted pairs. That is, there was no effect over successive prime and target presentations, of disrupting the sequence of letters that constitutes the base morpheme or root. In addition, facilitation was similar across derivational, inflectional and identical primes. The conclusion of the present study is that morphological effects in word recognition are distinct from the effects of shared structure.  相似文献   

Peripheral processes in vision were investigated in two experiments involving monoptic backward masking with random noise. For young and old subjects, peripheral processing time (represented by stimulus onset asynchrony of target and mask) was characterized as a power function of target energy. Although processing time for both age groups showed a similar rate of decline with increasing target energy, old subjects processed targets more slowly at all energy levels. Results were independent of education, sex, and criterion differences between young and old. Target duration was related to critical interstimulus interval, such that stimulus onset asynchrony between target and mask was approximately constant for a given target energy within each age group. Evidence suggests that peripheral processing begins with target onset and that processing time is best characterized by a power function relating stimulus onset asynchrony of target and mask to target energy.  相似文献   

Educable adolescent male retardates were compared with normal males of equal CA and equal MA on a visual backward masking task. Significantly shorter interstimulus intervals were required to induce a masking effect in the equal-CA group than in the retarded and equal-MA groups, who did not differ from each other. Speed of visual processing is a function of MA. It is related to CA in normals. and to IQ when retardates are compared with equal-CA normals.  相似文献   

Three lexical decision experiments in French investigated the effects of briefly presented forward-masked non-word primes on latencies to phonologically and/or orthographically related targets. At 64-msec prime presentation durations, primes that are pseudohomophones of the target produced facilitatory effects compared to orthographic controls, but these orthographically similar non-word primes did not facilitate target recognition compared to unrelated controls. These results were obtained independently of target word frequency and independently of the presence or absence of pseudohomophone targets in the experimental lists. With a 32-msec prime duration, on the other hand, pseudohomophone and orthographic primes had similar effects on target recognition, both producing facilitation relative to unrelated controls. The results are discussed in terms of the time course of phonological and orthographic code activation in the processing of pronounceable strings of letters.  相似文献   

Under some conditions a dark interval in the target eye may be concomitant with presentation of a dichoptic mask. Results show that this monoptic dark interval contributes to the over-all observed dichoptic masking effect.  相似文献   

Printed letters were found to become increasingly susceptible to visual backward masking when presented to one side of the point of fixation: All masking was found to be a u-shaped function of the time interval separating the offset of the target from the onset of the masking figure. The interval at which maximum masking was observed, as well as the amount of masking observed, varied with the target-mask configuration studied. More masking was found when the ISI field was lighted than when it was not.  相似文献   

In the present study we examined the influence of manipulating the animacy of the sentential subject on the size of the syntactic priming effect induced by violation of subject–predicate gender agreement in Hebrew. The agreement violation delayed naming incongruent compared with congruent predicates. This priming effect was stronger when the sentential subject was an animate than an inanimate noun. Additional experiments revealed that: (1) the interaction between the priming effect and animacy of the subject could not be explained on the basis of differences in the phonological transparency of the gender inflection in the two groups of nouns, and (2) it was sensitive to the ratio of animate/inanimate conditions in a block. We suggest that the interaction between the processing of agreement and the effect of animacy is influenced by a controlled process of verifying the coherence of a currently identified word within a built-up context.  相似文献   

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