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Eight women with Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) were asked, by means of semi-structured interview, what had been helpful and unhelpful in terms of social support from their partners, families, friends, acquaintances, doctors, nurses and other women with CPP. Firstly, thematic analysis employing a pre-defined social support category system revealed that particular forms of tangible support were preferred from specific support providers but emotional and informational support was appreciated from the whole support network. Secondly, interpretative phenomenological analysis revealed three major additional themes: ‘Pain and Suffering’ described the trauma suffered by these patients and the anger and anxiety surrounding their experience; ‘Ideal Social Support’ revealed a picture of desired support consisting of enduring emotional and practical support which did not undermine individual autonomy; ‘Shortfalls in Social Support’ had subsidiary themes entitled ‘Lack of empathy’ and ‘Lack of engagement’. These themes were described and discussed in relation to each other, extant research and their clinical implications.  相似文献   

The author examines the criticisms of counselors which center on such factors as age, sex, race, and elitism. Areas of confusion regarding the functions of the counselor are related to the teacher-counselor issue, the professional functions of the counselor, and the basic purpose of counseling. The counselor is seen primarily as doing psychological counseling with individuals and groups, rather than teaching or advising.  相似文献   

Victims' perceptions of social support: what is helpful from whom?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although research has demonstrated that social interactions influence psychological well-being, little is known about what specific actions victims of stressful life events experience as helpful or unhelpful. Wortman and Dunkel-Schetter (1979) previously suggested that victims frequently experience rejection, withdrawal, and communication problems with those close to them. To address these issues, 55 cancer patients were interviewed concerning the specific actions they found to be helpful or unhelpful from several potential support providers: spouse, other family members, friends, acquaintances, others with cancer, physicians, and nurses. The data indicated that the Wortman and Dunkel-Schetter victimization model applied better to interactions with friends and acquaintances than to interactions with close family members. In addition, support was found to be partially dependent on the source: Particular actions were perceived to be helpful from some but not other network members. Implications for theory and research on social support are discussed.  相似文献   

The article examines the long commitment of the black community to the education of its women as a tool toward liberation and the resulting emergence of a new genre of American intellectualism. The article explores the role of women as carriers and creditors of African American culture in the community, while distinguishing between intellect workers (those who distribute and apply culture) and intellectuals (those who create culture). In addition, the article explores how African American women, while providing a perspective of their own, have been uniquely able to bridge the concerns of black men and white women. It is the emergence of this new American radical intellectualism, as represented by African American women, that potentially comprises a significant and critical force within the American ideology. This new intelligentsia, the article surmises, is only limited by the prejudices and discrimination present in a racist, sexist, and classist society.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the experiences of women with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in mixed-stage and stage-specific groups. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was used to examine 15 interviews from eight women with MBC. The interviewees felt that their experiences were very much different from those of women with primary breast cancer (BC), because of their different prognoses. In mixed-stage groups, the interviewees described feeling silenced, marginalised and helpless. They did not receive support in these groups because survivors of primary BC are often afraid to face the idea of metastasis. In stage-specific MBC groups, on the other hand, women were able to talk openly and were understood by others with whom they identified. They became more informed about issues related to their illness. Seeing others living well despite MBC made them feel more hopeful. Although there are some disadvantages of participating in stage-specific groups, the findings suggest that, overall, stage-specific groups are more helpful to women with MBC than mixed-stage groups. These findings have implications for the provision of group support for this population.  相似文献   

Friedman O  Neary KR 《Cognition》2008,107(3):829-849
A basic problem of daily life is determining who owns what. One way that people may solve this problem is by relying on a ‘first possession’ heuristic, according to which the first person who possesses an object is its owner, even if others subsequently possess the object. We investigated preschoolers’ use of this heuristic in five experiments. In Experiments 1 and 2, 3- and 4-year-olds inferred that an object was owned by the character who possessed it first, even though another character subsequently possessed it. Two-year-olds also showed this bias, but only when the object was placed between the characters when children were asked about ownership. Experiment 3 ruled out the possibility that children’s bias to select the first possessor results from a tendency to select the character first associated with the object. Experiment 4 showed that 3- and 4-year-olds have difficulty disregarding the first possession heuristic, even when provided with evidence that the character who first possessed an object is not its owner. But Experiment 5 found that children can disregard the heuristic in at least some situations. These five experiments suggest that the first possession heuristic guides children’s ownership inferences. The findings provide the first evidence that preschoolers can infer who owns what, when not explicitly told, and when not reasoning about objects with which they are personally acquainted.  相似文献   

This field study represents the continuing effort to identify the determinants of learning within experiential small study groups. Thirty-seven training groups from the 1996 Institute of the American Group Psychotherapy Association were studied. Three process measures (Group Relationship Questionnaire [GRQ], Leader Adjective Measure [LAM], and Group Climate Questionnaire [GCQ]) were administered to 434 group members after the first two of four group sessions. Process variables were used to predict learning (measured by the Learning Evaluation Form [LEF]) at the end of the training groups. The factors derived from each of the measures showed good to excellent correspondence with previous studies employing the same instruments. Results suggest that perceptions of the leader and the group, rather than perceptions of one's own relationship to other group members, are more robust predictors of learning in these short-term training groups. Specifically, perceptions of an emotionally engaged group willing to confront conflict, and perceptions of a skillful leader, proved to be significant predictors of learning. Implications for the training of group therapists and group therapy research are discussed.  相似文献   

Tested a preventive intervention in which peer telephone dyads were developed for low-income, community-living, elderly women with low perceived social support. After an initial assessment, respondents were randomly assigned to either an assessment-only control or received 10 weeks of friendly staff telephone contact. After a second assessment, participants receiving the staff contact were randomly assigned to continue that contact or were paired in dyads to continue phone contact with one another. Dependent variables were measures of perceived social support, morale, depression, and loneliness. All groups, particularly the staff contact group, showed some improvement in mental health scores over time, but there were no significant differences between intervention groups, or between intervention and assessment-only control groups. The results suggest that participation in the study and in personal assessment interviews at home were probably morale enhancing, and that additional telephone contact did not significantly add to that effect. Evidence also indicates that, in this sample, low perceived family support was significantly related to poor mental health, so it is possible that a program designed to increase friend support may have been the wrong intervention.  相似文献   

Recent federal policy has highlighted historically underrecognized women's health issues. Women comprise the majority of the population, especially the elderly. Women's health care needs, utilization patterns, and outcomes vary from those of men, and often among each other. Primary health care services for women are multidisciplinary and emphasize prevention, education, and early intervention as well as treatment. Psychologists and other primary health care providers can collaborate to provide their services in a cost-effective manner that optimizes quality of care and comprehensive health care.  相似文献   

Our team recently conducted a randomized controlled trial comparing group cognitive behavior therapy for psychosis (CBTp) to group social skills training for symptom management and a wait-list control group, for early psychosis. The results at post-therapy and six months provided considerable empirical support for the efficacy of the group CBTp. The results of the one-year follow-up are described here. Given the high attrition rates, mostly in the comparison and control conditions, imputations were not possible, so that only the results of those having completed more than 50% of the group CBTp are presented. Significant improvements at 12 months were found for social support and insight. Negative symptoms remained low, whereas positive symptoms went back to pre-therapy levels. Challenges regarding attrition with this clientele are discussed.  相似文献   

The correlates and consequences of benefit finding on quality of life were examined for 364 women (93% Caucasian, 6% African American, and 1% Hispanic) diagnosed with Stage I, II, and III breast cancer. Benefit finding and quality of life were measured 4 months postdiagnosis (Tl), 3 months after Tl (T2), and 6 months after T2 (T3). Women with lower socioeconomic status, minorities, and those with more severe disease perceived more benefits at baseline. Benefit finding was associated with more negative affect at baseline and also interacted with stage of disease, such that negative relations to quality of life across time were limited to those with more severe disease. Findings suggest there are qualifiers as to whether "finding something good in the bad" is good or bad.  相似文献   

Are Asians and Asian Americans more or less likely to seek social support for dealing with stress than European Americans? On the one hand, the collectivist orientation of Asian countries might favor the sharing of stressful problems; on the other hand, efforts to maintain group harmony might discourage such efforts. In 2 studies, Koreans (Study 1) and Asians and Asian Americans in the United States (Study 2) reported using social support less for coping with stress than European Americans. Study 3 examined potential explanations for these effects and revealed that relationship concerns accounted for the cultural differences in use of support seeking. Discussion centers on the potential benefits and liabilities of seeking social support.  相似文献   

Using a retrospective design, the authors assessed several different aspects of social support (perceived, received, satisfaction with received, and support seeking) in 95 spouses of cancer survivors. The goals of the investigation were to (a) describe in detail the differences between husbands and wives on these support dimensions and (b) explore whether the relation between support and adjustment was different for husbands as compared to wives. While husbands and wives were generally similar-in their general perceptions of available support and in the amount of support they reported seeking, consistent with our hypothesis, compared to husbands of breast cancer victims, wives of prostate cancer victims reported receiving more support and being more satisfied with the support they received. Measures of social support predicted husbands’reports of marital satisfaction and adjustment, but not wives’reports. Partial correlation analyses indicated that sex differences in these support-adjustment links were not attributable to differences in age, or in the time between completing treatment and participating in the study. Sex differences observed in the present study are interpreted as highlighting the need for theory development to account for the complex mechanisms underlying links between supportive transactions and marital satisfaction and adjustment.  相似文献   

Reaction to the intervention paper by Heller et al. (1990) places their work into a larger framework of social support interventions to make explicit the assumptions underlying the project. It is suggested that the intervention was constrained by the experimental design of the evaluation research and overlooked important features in the process of relationship development among dyads. In developing interventions designed to impact personal relationships, it is recommended that community psychologists (a) consider the context in which personal relationships are formed, maintained, and terminated; (b) use the power of their scientific inquiry to create, strengthen, or legitimize new social roles for people who are disenfranchised; (c) promote the use and legitimacy of research methods that compliment rather than dictate the nature of interventions.  相似文献   

Few studies have explained the basis on which people with acknowledged physical pathology or disability report good self-perceived health. This limited qualitative study of 13 women identified two common pathways to subjective health taken by women treated for breast cancer, each involving a shift in emphasis from being healthy physically to being whole emotionally, relationally, or spiritually.  相似文献   

Parenting a child through adolescence can be a challenge for many parents; adolescents go through notable developmental, physical, and psychological changes that affect the relationships around them. Most parents find parental support during these years important. These young people's relationships with their parents are important to their mental health, but although parental support is universally available to parents of younger children, it is still scarce for parents of adolescents. The aim of this study was to explore what factors are associated with interest in universal parental support through telephone interviews and questionnaires with 223 parents of 13‐ to 17‐year‐olds. Parents’ interest in parental support was linked to their own anxious mood, their lower perceived parental capacity, their perception of the child as having psychiatric problems, the parents’ perception of their adolescents’ openness about things and their perception of the adolescent's overall difficulties in daily life due to psychiatric symptoms. The results show that lighter forms of support such as lectures or seminars were more appealing to parents with higher social status. Offering community‐based individual counseling and leader‐led parent training groups therefore has the potential to reach parents with difficulties more equally, while offering support only through lectures and seminars could increase the inequality between parents in different social situations.  相似文献   

The complex interfaces created by migration not only challenge core beliefs about the purpose of career guidance and counseling but also about the precise nature and level of the support required for migrants. However, the issue has had little academic attention. While traditional theories informing the practice of career guidance and counseling implicitly reflect a commitment to social equality, they were developed in relatively homogenous Western capitalist contexts that were strongly individualized, masculine, secular, action and future focused. As career guidance and counseling services in more individualized countries seek to meet the needs of a growing number of clients from more collectivist cultures, the universal relevance of such models is increasingly open to challenge. This article explores three core challenges posed by migration for the theory and practice of career guidance and counseling. The first relates to the very purpose of these types of services for migrants; the second, to the way in which migration requires a realignment of the relationship of theory with practice; and the third relates to the need to redefine service delivery models for this client group. The extent to which notions of “quality” in services are culturally dependent will also be considered, together with the potential for general service improvements being stimulated by the provision of high quality services for migrants.  相似文献   

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