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LIKE BLACK SWANS: SOME PEOPLE AND THEMES, by Brocard Sewell. Tabb House , 1982, pp
FAITH AND THE MYSTERY OF GOD by M. F. Wiles, London, SCM , 1982. pp
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST JOHN, VOL III, by Rudolf Schnackenburg, translated by David Smith and G. A. Kon.
Herder's Theological Commentary on the New Testament. Burns & Oates , London, 1982. pp
WITH PITY NOT WITH BLAME, by Robert Llewelyn. Dorton, Longman and Todd . 1982. pp
ROME AND ANGLICANS by J. C. H. Aveling, D. M. Loades and H. R. McAdoo. Walter de Gruyter & Co , 1982. pp
ISRAEL'S PROPHETIC TRADITION: Essays in Honour of Peter Ackroyd, edited by R Coggin, A Phillips, and M Knibb. CUP . 1982. pp
ON THE BEGINNINGS OF THE ORDER OF PREACHERS by Jordan of Saxony, edited and translated by Simon Tugwell, O P. Dominican Sources : New Editions in English. pp  相似文献   

The attitudes of adolescents toward sex role stereotyping in 1956 were compared with the attitudes of youth in 1982. Contrary to our prediction, sex role stereotyping was not significantly less in 1982 than in 1956. Boys emphasized both sex role differentiation, and the symbols of male dominance and female subordination, more than girls did. However, girls showed significantly less dissatisfaction with being a girl in 1982 than girls did in 1956. It may be that the basic power relationships of gender had not altered by 1982 but that the self-image of girls had improved.We wish to express our appreciation to the superintendent and to the teachers who generously assisted us.  相似文献   

MARTIN BUBER'S LIFE AND WORK: THE EARLY YEARS 1878-1923 by Maurice Friedman. Search Press , 1982. pp
POLITICS THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS by Stan Windass, New Foundations , Banbury 1981. pp
THE GREAT CODE: The Bible and Literature, by Northrop Frye. Routledge & Kagan Paul , London 1982. pp
THE INNER LONELINESS by Dom Sebastian Moore, Darton, Longman & Todd , 1982. pp
AN INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC by A. C. Grayling. The Harvester Press , Sussex, Barnes & Noble Books , New Jersey, 1982. pp
THE SOCIAL TEACHING OF VATICAN II by Rodger Charles S. J. with Drostan MacLaren O P. Plater Publications, Ignatius Press , Oxford and San Francisco, 1982. pp
THEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS Volume XX, by Karl Rahner. Darton, Longman & Todd , 1981. pp
THE PHILOSOPHICAL FRONTIERS OF CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY: Essays presented to D. M. MacKinnon, edited by Brian Hebblethwaite and Stewart Sutherland. Cambridge University Press , 1982 pp
FREUD, MARX AND MORALS by Hugo Meynell. Macmillan , 1981 pp  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1985,26(1):57-115
Book Reviewed in this article: Traditional Sayings in the Old Testament. By Carole R. Fontaine. Pp. viii, 279, Sheffield, The Almond Press, 1982, £17.95 (hardback), £8.95 (paperback). The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and the Christian Faith. By Vesilin Keisch. Pp.206, Crestwood, New York, St Vladimirs Seminary Press, 1982, £6.25. The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and the Christian Faith. By Vesilin Keisch. Pp.206, Crestwood, New York, St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982, £6.25. The Resurrection of Jesus: A Jewish Perspective. By Pinchas Lapide. Pp.160, London, SPCK, 1983, 4.95. Easter Enigma. By John Wenham. Pp.162, Exeter, Paternoster Press, 1984, £2.95. The Anastasis: the Resurrection of Jesus as an Historical Event. By J. Duncan M. Derrett. Pp.xiv, 166, Shipston-on-Stour, P. Drinkwater, 1982, £5.00. The Open Heaven: A Study of Apocalyptic in Judaism and Early Christianity. By Christopher Rowland. Pp. xii, 562, London, SPCK, 1982, £22.50. Christianity Rediscovered: An Epistle from the Masai. By Vincent J. Donovan. Pp. viii, 200, London, SCM Press, 1982, £5.50. Basics of a Roman Catholic Theology. By William A. Van Roo, S.J. Pp.387, Rome, Gregorian University Press, 1982, $21.00. Charisms and Charismatic Renewal: a Biblical and Theological Study. By Francis A. Sullivan. Pp.184, Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 1982, £5.95. Holiness and Politics. By Peter Hinchliff. Pp.214, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1982, £8.95. Rational Theology and the Creativity of God. By Keith Ward. Pp.240, Oxford, Blackwell, 1982, £14.00. The Point of Christology. By S.M. Ogden. Pp.xii, 193 (The 1980 Sarum Lectures), London, SCM Press, 1982, £5.95. Fullness of Humanity: Christ's Humanness and Ours. By T.E. Pollard. Pp.126 (The 1980 Croall Lectures), Sheffield, The Almond Press, 1982, £9.95 (hardback), £5.95 (paperback). Milton's Good God: A Study in Literary Theodicy. By Dennis Richard Danielson. Pp.xi, 292, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £20.00. Biblical Tradition in Blake's Early Prophecies: The Great Code of Art. By Leslie Tannenbaum. Pp.xiii, 373, Princeton University Press, 1982, £17.60. The Inner Journey of the Poet and Other Papers. By Kathleen Raine, edited by Brian Keeble. Pp.xii, 208, London, George Allen and Unwin, 1982, £9.95. i Vol. 34: Horayot and Niddah. Translated by Jacob Neusner. Pp.xiii, 243 (Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism), Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1982, £17.50. Holy Land Pilgrimage in the Later Roman Empire A.D. 312–460. By Ed. Hunt. Pp. £+ 269, Oxford University Press, 1982, £16.50. Constantine versus Christ: The Triumph of Ideology. By Alistair Kee. Pp.186, London, SCM Press, 1982, £5.95. Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity. By Peter Brown. Pp.347, London, Faber and Faber, 1982, £10.50. Elishe: History of Vardan and the Armenian War. Translation and commentary by Robert W. Thomson. Pp.x, 353, 1 map, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1982, £21.00. Ireland in Early Mediaeval Europe: Studies in Memory of Kathleen Hughes. Edited by Dorothy Whitelock, Rosamond McKitterick and David Dumville. Pp.x, 406, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £39.00. Letters from Ireland 1228–1229 by Stephen of Lexington. Translated with an introduction by B.W. O'Dwyer. Pp.vii, 292, Kalamazoo, Cistercian Publications, 1982, $24.95. The Occupation of Celtic Sites in Ireland by the Canons Regular of St Augustine and the Cistercians. By Geraldine Carville. Pp.ix, 158, Kalamazoo, Cistercian Publications, 1982, $13.95. Chartres: The Masons who built a Legend. By John James. Pp.200, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, £17.50. Temples, Churches and Mosques: A Guide to the Appreciation of Religious Architecture. By J.G. Davies. Pp.x, 262, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1982, £12.50. The Murdered Magicians: The Templars and their Myth. By Peter Partner. Pp.xxi, 209. Oxford University Press, 1982, £12.95. The Italian Crusades: The Papal-Angevin Alliance and the Crusades Against Christian Lay Powers, 1254–1343. By Norman Housley. Pp.xi, 293, Oxford, Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1982, £17.50. The Westminster Chronicle, 1381–1394. Edited and Translated by L.C. Hector and Barbara F. Harvey. Pp.lxxvii, 563. Oxford, the Clarendon Press, 1982, £42.00. Frömmigkeitstheologie am Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts. By Berndt Hamm. Pp.xv, 378 (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie), Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1982, 168 DM. Erasmi Opera omnia, IX, 2: Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami Apologia respondens ad ea quae Iambus Lopis Stunica taxavrat in prima duntaxat Novi Testamenti aeditione. Edited by Henk Jan de Jonge. Pp.292, Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1983, 280 guilders. The Christian Polity of John Calvin. By Harro Höpfl. Pp.x, 303, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £27.50. Concerning the Eternal Predestination of God. By John Calvin, translated with an Introduction by J.K.S. Reid. Pp.191, Cambridge, James Clarke & Co., 1982, £5.95. Spanish Protestants and Reformers in the Sixteenth Century: A Bibliography. By A. Gordon Kinder. Pp.108, London, Grant & Cutler, 1983, £6.80. Moderate Puritans and the Elizabethan Church. By Peter Lake. Pp.viii, 357, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £27.50. Resistance and Compromise: The Political Thought of Elizabethan Catholics. By Peter Holmes. Pp.viii, 279, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £22.50. Dutch Puritanism: A History of English and Scottish Churches of the Netherlands in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Keith L. Sprunger. Pp.xiii, 485, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1982, 172 guilders. John Toland and the Deist Controversy. By Robert E. Sullivan. Pp.viii, 355, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1982, £19.95. Radical Sects of Revolutionary New England. By Stephen A. Marini. Pp. 213, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1982, £11.55. Religion and Society in North America: An Annotated Bibliography. Edited by Robert deV: Brunkow. Pp.xi, 515, Santa Barbara, ABC-Clio; Oxford, EBC-Clio, 1983, £57.75. Charles Lowder and the Ritualist Movement. By Lida Ellsworth. Pp.vi, 234, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1982, £17.95. How the Pope became Infallible: Pius IX and the Politics of Persuasion. By August Bernhard Hasler. Pp.xi, 383, New York, Doubleday, 1981, $14.95; London, Sheldon Pres, 1982, £15.00. Hauptsache der Papst ist katholisch. Edited by Bruno Nies. Pp.104, Salzburg, Otto Müller, 1982, öS 140. Religious Change in Contemporary Poland: Secularization and Politics. By Maciej Pomian-Srednicki. Pp.227, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982, £12.50. World Christian Encyclopedia: A Comparative Survey of Churches and Religions in the Modern World. Edited by David B. Barrett. Pp.1010, Nairobi, Oxford University Press, 1982, £55.00. Probability and Evidence. By Paul Horwich. Pp.vii, 146 (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy), Cambridge University Press, 1982, £15.00. Philosophical Foundations of Probability Theory. By Roy Weatherford. Pp.xi, 282 (International Library of Philosophy), London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, £15.00. The Origins of Greek Thought. By Jean-Pierre Vernant. Pp.144, London, Methuen, 1982, £9.95. Portraying Analogy. By J.F. Ross. Pp.xi, 244 (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy), Cambridge University Press, 1981, £20.00. The Marriage of East and West. By Bede Griffiths. Pp.224, London, Collins, 1982, £5.95. The Religious Experience: A Socio-Psychological Perspective. By C.D. Batson & W.L. Ventis Pp.ix, 356, New York, Oxford University Press, 1982, £18.50 (hardback),£9.95 (paperback).  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1984,25(4):488-528
Books Reviewed in this Article: Introduction to the Critical Study of the Text of the Hebrew Bible. By J. Weingreen. Pp.vii, 103, Oxford, Clarendon Press; New York, Oxford University Press, 1982, £5.50. The Archaeology of the Land of Israel. By Yohanan Aharoni. Pp.xx, 344, Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1982, $27.50 (hardback), $18.95 (paperback); London, SCM Press, 1982, £12.50. A Commentary on the Gospel of Mark. By Terence J. Keegan. Pp.183, New York, Paulist Press, and Leominster, Fowler Wright Books, 1981, £4.45. The Panorama of Luke: An Introduction to the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. By Neil Richardson. Pp.116, London, Epworth Press, 1982, £3.95. The Synoptic Gospels: An Introduction. By Keith F. Nickle. Pp.119, London SCM Press, 1982, £5.50. What is a Gospel? By Nicholas King. Pp.132, Leigh-on-Sea, Kevin Mayhew, 1982, £3.00. The Women Around Jesus: Reflections on Authentic Personhood. By Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel, translated by J. Bowden. Pp.xii, 148, London, SCM Press, 1982, £3.95. Paul and Paulinism: Essays in honour of C.K. Barrett. Edited by M.D. Hooker and S.G. Wilson. Pp.xxvii, 404, London, SPCK, 1982, £25.00. Divine Revelation and the Limits of Historical Criticism. By William J. Abraham. Pp.222, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1982, £15.00. The Social Teaching of Vatican II. By Rodger Charles with Drostan Maclaren. Pp.xxvi, 569, San Francisco, Ignatius Press; Oxford, Plater Publications, 1982, £12.75. Option for the Poor: A Hundred Years of Vatican Social Teaching. By Donal Dorr. Pp.viii, 328, New York, Orbis Books; Dublin, Gill & Macmillan, 1983, £7.95. The Kindness that Kills. Edited by Digby Anderson. Pp.xii, 170, London SPCK, 1984, £3.95. Communism in the Bible. By José Porfiro Miranda. Pp.x, 86, London, SCM Press Ltd. 1982, £3.50. Why I am still a Catholic. Edited by Robert Nowell. Pp.157, London, Collins, 1982, £4.95. Does God Answer Prayer? By Peter Baelz. Pp.55, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1982, £1.95. A Cry for Mercy. By Henri J.M. Nouwen. Pp.175, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1982, £3.50. The Living Reminder. By Henri J.M. Nouwen. Pp.80, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1982, £2.95. Making All Things New. By Henri J.M. Nouwen. Pp.95, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1982. £2.95. Picturing God. By Norman Pittenger. Pp.x, 147, London, SCM Press, 1982, £4.50. Christotherapy II, The Fasting and Feasting Heart. By Bernard J. Tyrrell. Pp.xiii, 337, New York, Paulist Press, 1982, £6.70. With Respect: A Doctor's Response to a Healing Pope. By Frank Lake. Pp.xxiii, 327, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1982, £6.95. Euthanasia and Clinical Practice: Trends, Principles and Alternatives: The Report of a Working Party. Pp.viii, 88, London, The Linacre Centre, 1982, £2.75. Essays in Religion and Morality. By William James. Pp.xxviii, 345, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1982, £17.50. Freud and Jung: Conflicts of Interpretation. By Robert Steele. Pp.vii, 390, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, £14.95. Archetype: A Natural History of the Self. By Anthony Stevens. Pp.xi, 324, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, £12.50. The Seeing Eye: Hermeneutical Phenomenology in the Study of Religion. By Walter L. Brenneman Jr. and Stanley O. Yarian, in association with Alan M. Olson. Pp.xii, 177, University Park and London, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1982, £8.10. Contemporary Philosophy of Religion. Edited by S.M. Cahn and D. Schatz. Pp.x, 310, Oxford University Press, 1982, £6.95. Beyond Empiricism: Philosophy of Science in Sociology. By Andrew Tudor. Pp.xii, 213 (Monographs in Social Theory), London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982, £4.95. Philosophy and Human Geography: An Introduction to Contemporary Approaches. By R.J. Johnston. Pp.viii, 152, London, Edward Arnold, 1982, £5.50. The Literate Revolution in Greece and its Cultural Consequences. By Eric A. Havelock. pp.viii, 362, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1982, £17.70 (hardback), £6.30 (paperback). The Philosophy of Robert Grosseteste. By James McEvoy. Pp.xviii, 560, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1982, £35.00. Kant's Life and Thought. By Ernst Cassirer, translated by James Haden, introduction by Stephan Körner. Pp.xxiii, 429, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1981, £17.50. Kant's Theory of Form: An Essay on the Critique of Pure Reason. By Robert B. Pippin. Pp.xii, 247, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1982, £16.50. The Basic Problems of Phenomenology. By Martin Heidegger, translated by Albert Hofstadter. Pp.xxxi, 396, Bloomington, Indiana, Indiana University Press, 1982, £16.50. In the Active Voice By Mary Douglas. Pp.xi, 306, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, £9.75. Structural Sociology. Edited by Ino Rossi. Pp.xiv, 363, New York, Columbia University Presss, 1982, £45.50. A Vanquished Hope: The Movement for Church Renewal in Russia, 1905–1906. By J.W. Cunningham. Pp.384, Crestwood (New York), St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1981, £7.95. Christians in Ulster 1968–1980. By Eric Gallagher and Stanley Worrall. P.241, Oxford University Press, 1982, £10.00. Scotland and the Papacy. By John Cooney. Pp.126, Edinburgh, Paul Harris, 1982, £8.95 (hardback), £4.95 (paperback). Scotia Pontificia. Edited by Robert Somerville. Pp.xiii, 177, Oxford, Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1982, £25.00.  相似文献   

The results of experiments reported by Oakes and Curtis (1982), Tennen, Drum, Gillen and Stanton (1982), and Tennen, Gillen, and Drum (1982) are seen as inconsistent with the cognitive learned helplessness theory of Seligman and his associates (Abramson, Seligman, & Teasdale, 1978; Alloy & Seligman, 1979). Comments on the Oakes and Curtis studies by Alloy (1982) and by Silver, Wortman, and Klos (1982) are seen as employing three defensive strategies: (1) Declaring the research findings to be irrelevant to the theory; (2) declaring the experiments to be flawed; and (3) modifying the theory to accommodate the research findings. This rejoinder argues that the research findings are relevant and that the criticisms are of questionable validity. It is suggested that the questions of the validity of the theory raised by these findings not be declared to be resolved, but that additional data bearing on the questions be sought.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Memory, Learning and Higher Function: A Cellular View. C. D. Woody. N.Y. Springer-Verlag. 1982. No price given. Neuropsychology and Cognition. Vols. I & 11. R. N. Malatesha and L. C. Hartlage (Eds.). The Hague. Martinus Nijhoff. 1982. No price given. Game Theory and Experimental Games. A. Colman. Oxford. Pergamon. 1982. 301. $17.95. Experiential Psychotherapies in Australia. Dick Armstrong and Phill Boas (Eds.). Bundoora, Victoria. PIT. 1980. 196. $12.95. Time-Series Analysis: A Comprehensive Introduction for Social Scientists. John M. Gottman. New York. Cambridge University Press. 1981. xvi + 400. No price given. Developmental Plasticity. Eugene S. Gollin (Ed.). London. Academic Press. 1981. viii + 282. $25.00. Learning Counselling and Problem-Solving Skills. Leslie E. Borck and Stephen B. Fawcett. New York. The Haworth Press. 1982. x + 160. No price given. The Psychology of Physical Symptoms. James W. Pennebaker. N.Y. Springer-Verlag. 1982. x + 197. No price given. The Psychology of Deductive Reasoning. Johnathan St. B. T. Evans. London. Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1982. 277. $34.50. Equity and Justice in Social Behaviour. Jerald Greenberg and Ronald L. Cohen (Eds.). N.Y. Academic Press. 1982. xxi + 492. N o price given. The Abilities and Achievements of Orientals in North America. Philip E. Vernon. New York. Academic Press. 1982. xiv + 321. As29.50. The Theory and Practice of Organizational Psychology: A Collection of Original Essays. Nigel Nicholson and Toby D. Wall (Eds.). London. Academic Press. 1982. ix + 261. No price given. Grammatical Man. Jeremy Campbell. London. Allen Lane. 1983. 319. $29.95 cloth. Aggression: Theoretical and Empirical Reviews, Vol. 2: Issues in Research. Russell Geen and Edward Donnerstein (Eds.). N.Y. Academic Press. 1983. xviii + 209. US $22.00. Disorders of Space Exploration and Cognition. Ennio De Renzie. Chichester. John Wiley and Sons. 1982. xv + 268. $51.00. Adtmances in Child Development and Behatmior. Volume 16. Hayne W. Reese and Lewis P. Lipsitt (Eds.). New York. Academic Press. 1982. 345. $34.00. Improiming Group Decision Making in Organizations: Approaches from Theory and Research. Richard A. Guzzo (Ed.). New York. Academic Press. 1982. xi + 160. US $19.50. Development of Perception: Psychobiological Perspectitmes Vol. 1: Audition, Somaric Perception and the Chemical Senses. Richard N. Aslin, Jeffrey R. Alberts and Michael R. Petersen (Eds.). New York. Academic Press. 1981. xviii + 463. No price given. Schizophrenia and Madness. Andrew Croyden Smith. London. George Allen & Unwin. 1982. xii + 160. $29.95 cloth, $13.95 paper. Tactual Perception: A Sourcebook. William Schiff and Emerson Foulke (Eds.). Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 1982. xiii + 465. 225.00. Clinical Psychopathology. E. M. Coles. London. Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1982. xxii + 502. $19.50 paper.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1985,26(3):319-361
Book Reviewed in this article: Great Themes from the Old Testament. By Norbert Lohfink. Pp.x, 267, Edinburgh, 1982, T. & T. Clark Ltd., £7.95. Interpreting the Hebrew Bible: Essays in Honour of E.I.J. Rosenthal. Edited by J.A. Emerton and Stefan C. Reif. Pp.xv, 318, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £22.50. Wisdom in the Old Testament Traditions. By Donn F. Morgan. Pp.180, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1982, £12.00 (hardback), £4.95 (paperback). Joseph Ibn Kaspi's Gevia 'Kesef. By Basil Herring. Pp.xii, 301, New York, Ktav, 1982, no price given. Klassiker der Theologie, I and II. Edited by Heinrich Fries and Georg Kretschmar. Pp.462 and 486, illustrated, Munich, Verlag C.H. Beck, 1981 and 1983, no price given. Tatian: ‘Oratio ad Graecos’ and Fragments. Edited and translated by Molly Whittaker. Pp.xxv, 92 (Oxford Early Christian Texts), Oxford, Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1982, £11.50. La Salvatión par la Fe: La Noción ‘Fides’ en Hilario de Poitiers. By Antonio Peñamaria de Llano. Pp.287 (Publicaciones de la Facultad de Teologia del Norte de España 47), Burgos, Ediciones Aldecoa, 1981, 1000 Ptas. The Practical and Theological Chapters and the Three Theological Discourses by Symeon the New Theologian. Translated, with an introduction, by Paul McGuckin. Pp. 144 (Cistercian Studies 41), Kalamazoo, Cistercian Publications, 1982, no price given. Christian Antioch: A Study of Early Christian Thought in the East. By D.S. Wallace-Hadrill. Pp.viii, 218, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £17.50. Reformed Thought and Scholasticism: The Arguments for the Existence of God in Dutch Theology, 1575–1650. By John Platt. Pp.viii, 249 (Studies in the History of Christian Thought 29), Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1982, 98 guilders. The World to Come. By Don Cupitt. Pp.xvii, 171, London, SCM Press, 1982, £4.95. Holding Fast to God: A Reply to Don Cupitt. By Keith Ward. Pp.x, 166, London, SPCK, 1982, £4.95. God Has Many Names. By John Hick, Pp.140, Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1982, $7.95. Prophetic Faith and the Secular Age. By Levi A. Olan. Pp.xiv, 162, New York, Ktav, 1982, $15.00. Process Theology as Political Theology. By John B. Cobb Jr. Pp.xvi, 168, Manchester University Press, and Philadelphia, The Westminster Press, 1982, £6.50 or $8.95. Non-Violence Central to Christian Spirituality: Perspectives from Scripture to the Present. Edited by Joseph T. Culliton. Pp.viii, 302 (Toronto Studies in Theology, Volume 8), New York and Toronto, The Edwin Mellen Press, 1982, $39.95. A Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. Edited by Gordon S. Wakefield. Pp.xvi, 400, London, SCM Press, 1983, £15.00. Abba: Guides to Wholeness and Holiness East and West. Edited by John R. Sommer-feldt. Pp.xii, 416 (Cistercian Studies Series 38), Kalamazoo, Cistercian Publications, 1982, no price given. Liturgy Reshaped. Edited by Kenneth Stevenson. Pp.ix, 181, London, SPCK, 1982, £8.50. A History of the Anglican Liturgy. By G.J. Cuming. Pp.xv, 337, London, Macmillan, 1982, £20.00. Nuptial Blessing: A Study of Christian Marriage Rites. By Kenneth Stevenson. Pp.ix, 258 (Alcuin Club Collection 64), London, SPCK, 1982, £10.50. Confession: Studies in deviance and religion. By Mike Hepworth and Bryan S. Turner. Pp.viii, 200, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, £9.95. Through a Darkening Glass: Philosophy, Literature, and Cultural Change. By D.Z. Phillips. Pp.x, 196, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1982, £10.00. Abortion: The Moral Issue. Edited by Edward Batchelor Jr. Pp.viii, 246. New York, The Pilgrim Press, 1982, £15.95 (hardback), £8.95 (paperback). Community, Anarchy and Liberty. By Michael Taylor. Pp.vii, 184. Cambridge University Press, 1982, £14.00 (hardback), £4.95 (paperback). Traditional and Analytical Philosophy: Lectures on the Philosophy of Language. By Ernst Tugendhat. Pp.xii, 438, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £29.50. Realism, Rationalism and Scientific Method. By Paul K. Feyerabend. Pp.xiv, 353, Cambridge University Press, 1981, £22.50. Problems of Empiricism. By Paul K. Feyerabend. Pp.xii, 252, Cambridge University Press, 1981, £17.50. Teleology Revisited and Other Essays in the Philosophy and History of Science. By Ernest Nagel. Pp.352, New York, Columbia University Press, 1982, $17.00. Philosophy of Education An Introduction. By T.W. Moore. Pp.xi, 142 (International Library of The Philosophy of Education), London, Routledge Kegan Paul, 1982, £3.95. Socrates: Philosophy in Plato's Early Dialogues. By G.X. Santas. Pp.xiii, 343, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982, £5.95. Plato. By R.M. Hare, Pp.viii, 82, Oxford University Press, 1982, £6.95 (hardback), £1.50 (paperback). Aristotle. By Jonathan Barnes. Pp.101, Oxford University Press, 1982, £6.95 (hardback), £1.50 (paperback). John Buridan on Self-Reference. By G.E. Hughes. Pp.xi, 233, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £20.00 (hardback), £6.95 (paperback). Jeremy Bentham: An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Edited by J.H. Burns and H.L.A. Hart. Pp.lxx, 343, London, Methuen, 1982, £6.95. The Tradition of Political Hedonism from Hobbes to J.S. Mill. By Frederick Vaughan. Pp.ix, 271, New York, Fordham University Press, 1982, $25.00 (hardback), $12.00 (paperback). Mill on Liberty: A Defence. By John Gray. Pp.xiii, 143, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983, £8.95. Stolen Lightning. By Daniel O'Keefe. Pp.581, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1982, £17.00. Boiling Energy: Community Healing among the Kalahari Kung. By Richard Katz. Pp.xix, 329, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press, 1982, £17.50. The Konds: Human Sacrifice and Religious Change. By Barbara M. Boal. Pp.xiv, 294, Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1983, £16.00. Science and the Renewal of Belief. By Russell Stannard. Pp.213, London, SCM Press, 1982, £2.95. BOOK REVIEWS The Society for Psychical Research 1882–1982: A History. By Renée Haynes. Pp.xv, 240, London, Macdonald, 1982, £7.95.  相似文献   

Prejudiced attitudes toward deaf people are a well-established phenomenon (Higgins & Nash, 1982; Moores, 1982; Quigley & Kretschmer, 1982). In recent years, however, a new phenomenon has appeared, and some members of the deaf population now openly express prejudice against the hearing (Boros & Stuckless, 1982; Nash & Nash, 1981). The phenomenon may be an interesting example of Allport's (1954) classical analysis: The victims of the prejudice may tend to reciprocate and/or internalize the prejudice to which they have been exposed. The purpose of our analysis is to examine this phenomenon in more detail, particularly from the perspective of social learning theory as described by Bandura and Walters (1963), Walters (1966), and Bandura (1977).  相似文献   

The findings of Oakes and Curtis (1982), Tennen, Drum, Gillen, and Stanton (1982), and Tennen, Gillen, and Drum (1982) provide a challenge to learned helplessness theory's focus on cognitive mediators of the helplessness phenomenon. In response to these findings, Alloy (1982) argues that these studies do not challenge helplessness theory because they do not measure expected control and because they confuse necessary and sufficient causes of learned helplessness. Silver, Wortman, and Klos (1982) contend that these studies provide an inadequate test of the model because subjects are confronted with experiences which are unlike those in their natural environment. The present article argues that by Alloy's (1982) criteria, an adequate test of the learned helplessness model has not yet been conducted. Previous studies which measured expected control have not supported the model's predictions. Moreover, if perceived response–outcome independence is a sufficient, but not a necessary cause of learned helplessness, the model loses much of its heuristic value. In response to the argument that these studies lack ecological validity, this article clarifies the distinction between experimental realism and mundane realism. While real-world studies have discovered intriguing relations between perceptions of control, attributions, and coping with illness or victimization, they have not tested predictions of the learned helplessness model.  相似文献   

H A Rosenstock 《Adolescence》1985,20(80):959-973
Data for the presenting complaints, average age and sex distribution, average length of stay and the discharge diagnosis for 900 consecutive adolescents treated at the Adolescent Center of Houston International Hospital between 1974 and 1982 were reviewed. The number of cases remained fairly constant over the 9 years. As the males and females showed an increase in age, the increase in age for males (13.4 years to 15.2 years) was greater than that for females (14.4 years to 15.0 years). The average age for male admissions during 1974-1976 was significantly lower than 1980-1982 (p less than 0.03). The average length of stay for males during 1980-1982 was significantly greater than 1974-1976 (p less than 0.05). The most frequent presenting symptoms in decreasing order for 1974-1982 were depression, school problems, family problems, threatening behavior, runaway behavior, and suicidal ideation. Depression increased from 15.6% in 1974-1976 to 29.6% of presenting symptoms. Substance abuse increased from 4% (1974-1976) to 8.8% (1980-1982). Suicidal ideation increased three-fold over the same period (3.3% to 10.6%). A significantly greater number of males presented with 1) impulsivity, 2) aggressiveness, 3) withdrawal behavior, 4) stealing, and 5) disruptive behavior. A significantly greater number of females presented with 1) runaway behavior, and 2) suicidal ideation. The 10 most frequent discharge diagnoses are listed. Depression as a diagnosis increased almost four-fold between 1977-1979 and 1980-1982 (7.6% versus 27.5%).  相似文献   

Billings, G. Alternatives to Nursing Home Care: An Update. Aging, 1982, Nos. 325–326, 2–11. Brill, R.S. New York City Home Care Project: A Coordinated Health and Social Service Approach. Aging, 1982, Nos. 325–326, 12–15. Gray, P.J. State Experiences with Long-term Care. Aging, 1982, Nos. 325–326, 28–33. Sager, A. Improving the Provision of Long-term Care. Aging, 1982, Nos. 325–326; 16–27.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1985,26(2):197-233
Book Reviewed in this article: Israel's Prophetic Tradition: Essays in honour of Peter R. Ackroyd. Edited by Richard Coggins, Anthony Phillips and Michael Knibb, Pp.xxi, 272. Cambridge University Press, 1982, £21.00 (paperback, 1984, £9.95). Essays on John. By C.K. Barrett. Pp.viii, 167, London, SPCK, 1982, £10.50. The Letter to the Colossians. By Eduard Schweizer, translated by Andrew Chester. Pp.319, London, SPCK, 1982, £12.50. Foundational Theology: Jesus and the Church. By Francis Schüssler Fiorenza. Pp.xix, 326, New York Crossroad, 1984, $22.50. The Darkness of God: Theology after Hiroshima. By Jim Garrison. Pp.x, 238, London, SCM Press, 1982, £5.95. Discerning the Mystery, An Essay on the Nature of neology. By Andrew Louth. Pp.xiv, 150, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1983, £12.50. The Tao and the Daimon: Segments of a Religious Inquiry. By Robert C. Neville. Pp.xv, 281, Albany, New York, State University of New York Press, 1982, $34.50 (hardback)), $11.95 (paperback). Person and Myth: Maurice Leenhardt in the Melanesian World. By James Clifford. Pp.xi, 270, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1982, £21.50. Transcendence and the Sacred. Edited by A.M. Olson and L.S. Rouner. Pp.xv, 230 (Boston University Studies in Philosophy and Religion 2), University of Notre Dame Press, 1981, £10.75. A History of Religious Ideas. Vol. 2: From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity. By Mircea Eliade. Translated by William R. Trask. Pp.xi, 565, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1982, £17.50. Ordeal by Labyrinth: Conversations with Claude-Henri Racquet. By Mircea Eliade. Translated by Derek Coltman. Pp.ix, 225, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1982, £12.55. Religious Philosophy of Prince-Bishop Njegosh of Montenegro. By Zika Rad. Prvulovich. Pp.xviii, 273, Birmingham, The Author (26 Wheeler's Lane, King's Heath, B13 OSA), 1984, £12.50 (hardback), £10.50 (paperback). The Home of Meaning: The Hermeneutics of the Subject of Paul Ricoeur. By John W. Van Dengel. Pp.xxi, 333, Washington, D.C., University Press of America, 1982, $24.50 (hardback), $13.25 (paperback). Life Forms and Meaning Stucture. By Alfred Schutz, translated, introduced and annotated by Helmut Wagner. Pp.vi, 217 (The International Library of Phenomenology and Moral Sciences), London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982, £11.95. The Shaping of Man: Philosophical Aspects of Sociobiology. By Roger Trigg. Pp.xx, 186. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1982, £12.50 (hardback), £5.95 (paperback). Marx and Marxisms: Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series, 14. Edited by G.H.R. Parkinson. Pp.vi, 268, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £9.95. Marx and Justice: The Radical Critique of Liberalism. By Allen E. Buchanan. Pp.xiv, 206, London, Methuen, 1982, £12.95. Israel Satanter: Text, Structure, Idea. By Hillel Goldberg. Pp.xvii, 358, New York, Ktav, 1981, $17.50. Freud on Femininity and Faith. By Judith Van Herik. Pp.xiii, 216, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1982, £17.50. Women, Reason and Nature. By Carol McMillan. Pp.x, 165, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1982, £12.50. Supererogation: Its Status in Ethical Theory. By David Heyd. Pp.vii, 191, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £14.00. The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. Edited by Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny and Jan Finborg. Pp.xi, 1035, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £40.00. St Thomas Aquinas. By Ralph McInerny. Pp.197, Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 1982, £4.50. Yves de Vallone: The Making of an Esprit-Fort. By James O'Higgins, S.J. Pp.viii, 248, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1982, $35.00. Religion and National Identity. Edited by Stuart Mews. Pp.xvi, 618 (Studies in Church History 18), Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1982, £19.50. Mortmain Legislation and the English Church, 1279–1500. By Sandra Raban. Pp.xii, 215, (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought. Third series 17), Cambridge University Press, 1982, £25.00. John XXIII, Pope of the Council. By Peter Hebblethwaite. Pp.viii, 550, London, Geoffrey Chapman, 1984, £14.95. i Compiled by J.F. Púglisi and S.J. Voicu. Pp.260, Rome, Centro Pro Unione, 1984, $20.00. Ireland: A Bibliography of Material held at St Deiniol's Library. Compiled by Helen C. Price. Pp.iv, 136, Hawarden, St Deiniol's, 1984, £2.50. The Later Poems, 1972–1982. By R.S. Thomas. Pp.224, London, Macmillan, 1984, £4.95.  相似文献   

In their evaluation of Tzeng and Tzeng's (1982) concerns over the level of sophistication currently evident in the study of Implicit Personality Theory (IPT), Jackson and Strieker (1982) and Mirels (1982a) reaffirm their disputed positions at the opposing extremes of the myth-vs.-fact continuum of IPT. The present paper re-examines major measurement and statistical issues in the empirical study of IPT that are still unacknowledged by either Jackson and Strieker, or Mirels, or both. It is demonstrated that their dispute is artificial and can be accounted for by their lack of measuremental sophistication and their statistical partialities. Researchers are cautioned to consider more than “mechanical computability” and “statistical adoptability” in conducting and/or judging similar empirical studies.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
ISAACSON, R. L. The Limbic System. Second Edition. New York: Plenum Press. 1982. Pp. 327. ISBN 0 306 40874 0.

DOMJAN, M. and BURKHARD, B. The Principles of Laming and Behavior. Monterey, Calif.: Brooks/Cole, 1982. Pp 389. $21.95 ISBN 0 8185 0466 8.

GRAY, J.A. The Neuropsychology annxiety. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1982. Pp 548. £27.50 ISBN 0 19 852109 x.  相似文献   

From time to time it is worthwhile looking back and reviewing significant developments in theorizing about, researching, and treating stuttering. Retrospectives of this type have been published in the Journal of Fluency Disorders for the periods 1972–1977, and 1977–1982. The present article is the third in this series of reviews and encompasses the period 1982–1987.  相似文献   

Paul Heelas  Leila Amaral 《Religion》2013,43(2):173-180
Wilfred Cantwell Smith, On Understanding Islam, selected studies, The Hague, Mouton, 1981, 351 pages. DM 105

Edward Mortimer, Faith and power: The politics of Islam, London, Faber &; Faber (1982), 407 pp., £10.50

David Westerlund, From socialism to Islam? Notes on Islam as a political factor in contemporary Africa, Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Research Report no. 61, Uppsala (1982), 62 pp. Skr 20

W. L. Brenneman, S. O. Yarian, and A. M. Olson, The seeing eye: Hermeneutical phenomenology in the study of religion, Pennsylvania State University Press (1982) x+177 pp. £8.10  相似文献   

Book reviews     
PASSINCHAM, R. E. The Human Primate. Oxford and San Francisco: W. H. Freeman. 1982. Pp. xii + 390. ISBN 0 7167 1356 X, £14.95 (hardback); 0 7167 1357 8, £7.50 (paperback).

MACPHAIL, E. M. Brain and Intelligence in Vertebrates. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1982. Pp. 423. £20. ISBN 0 19 854550 9.

KATSUKI, Y. Receptive Mechanisms of Sound in the Ear. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1982. Pp. 155. ISBN 0 521 24346 7. £20.00.  相似文献   

Richard Nelson-Jones: The Theory and Practice of Counselling Psychology. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982. £7.50.

Ian Jamieson and Martin Lightfoot: Schools and Industry. Schools Council Working Paper 73. London: Methuen, 1982. £6.95.

Eleanor O'Leary: The Psychology of Counselling. Cork: Cork University Press, 1982.

Kjell Raaheim and Janek Wankowski: Helping Students to Learn at University. Bergen, Norway: Sigma Forlag, 1981. £7.60.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1984,25(3):366-412

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