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The article raises some questions about issues in the recently published volume Mourning religion, edited by Parsons et al. (2008).  相似文献   

This reflection on the book /Mourning and Religion/ (2008) offers a reading of Freud’s foundational text /Mourning and Melancholia/ in which the relationship between mourning and melancholia is theorized slightly differently from that in /Mourning and Religion./ Mourning and melancholia are here seen as clinically distinct responses to object loss: melancholia resulting from a more unconsciously ambivalent and complex relationship to the lost object. And drawing on the work of Hans Loewald, mourning is understood as more dialectical and less linear. Some implications of these models of mourning and melancholia for a psychoanalysis of the origin of the field of religious studies are mentioned.  相似文献   

Synchronicity describes a meaningful coincidence of events, which is familiar to us from treatments of our patients, but unfortunately has not yet been empirically substantiated. Adding to previous findings that point out beneficial aspects of synchronicity (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), in this paper I will show through a series of five synchronistic moments which happened in the context of therapy and analysis and which have been documented empirically, how synchronicities occur and can be used therapeutically. In my research I found several situational factors that can be considered structural aspects of synchronistic moments. Furthermore, I will show that synchronistic phenomena can have a positive influence if certain relational and transference-countertransference referential aspects are considered by the therapist and analyst. The concept of synchronicity brings the possibility of a further therapeutical instrument for the patient-analyst-dyad.  相似文献   

Arguments in favor of legalized assisted suicide often center on issues of personal privacy and freedom of choice over one's body. Many disability advocates assert, however, that autonomy arguments neglect the complex sociopolitical determinants of despair for people with disabilities. Specifically, they argue that social approval of suicide for individuals with irreversible conditions is discriminatory and that relaxing restrictions on assisted suicide would jeopardize, not advance, the freedom of persons with disabilities to direct the lives they choose. This paper examines the idea promoted by some proponents of assisted suicide that it is reasonable to be depressed about one's diminished quality of life in cases of irreversible illness or disability and, therefore, such depression should not call into question the individual's competence to request assistance in dying. The concept of rational depression is defined and examined in the context of: four real-life cases involving individuals with disabilities who requested assistance in dying; a set of criteria commonly applied to decision-making to determine rationality; and research bearing on the emotional status of people with disabilities. It is concluded that although disability is associated with particular socially mediated stressors, there is no theoretical or empirical evidence to indicate that depression and its role in the right to die is dynamically different, more natural, or more reasonable for disabled people than for non-disabled people.  相似文献   

Atferdsterapeutiske kasusstudier blir vurdert med hensyn til indre og ytre validitet. Det slås fast at det er sjelden at et funns ytre validitet, dets generaliserbarhet, drøftes. Indikasjonsområdet for ulike terapeutiske tiltak blir dermed ikke avklart. En framgangsmåte, basert pa kasusstudier, for bedre å klargjøre indikasjoner med hensyn til klientkarakteristika, blir skissert.  相似文献   

Freud's topographical model of conscious and unconscious had a powerful early influence on pastoral psychology. The hegemony of this so-called depth-oriented repression model is being challenged on a number of fronts. The increasing recognition of the mutability of memory, and the politicization of repressed memory has called the idea of the repression barrier under scrutiny. Psychoanalytic thinkers and neurobiologists are separately rejecting the concept of repression in favor of dissociative processes and multiple mental states. Postmodernists question the notion of unitary self. This article explores the importance of these critiques for theological anthropology, and suggests their implications toward a new, more multiple and mutable imago Dei. The article concludes with implications of the new models of mind, emphasizing dissociation and multiplicity, toward a constructivist, intersubjective view of meaning-making in pastoral praxis.  相似文献   

Sonnenburg  Cherie  Miller  Yvette D. 《Sex roles》2021,85(11-12):661-676
Sex Roles - Contemporary literature confirms that “good mother” ideology dominates cultural discourses of motherhood in Australia, USA, United Kingdom, and Korea. Within this context,...  相似文献   

Many reports independently confirm that even more than a quarter of a century after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the results of research and development in those countries that were under its influence are insufficient in comparison to the rest of the world. Given that human intelligence is not distributed unevenly and that science is a powerful driving force for the future of an economy, there is a hidden problem, which, if it can be resolved, may release great economic potential. The first generation of researchers from Armenia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Slovakia and Ukraine, who successfully completed their education after the political revolution, were surveyed. The survey revealed many similarities with regards to ethics, but that there is mounting evidence that the main cause of the current situation is the state of the local legal systems. The conclusion was drawn that a conceptual change in staffing within the relevant legal systems is required to release potential and stimulate wealth creation.  相似文献   

1 1. A version of this paper was given at the Institute of Psychoanalysis Conference: ‘Mourning and Melancholia through the Life Cycle’, London, 1998. This paper is a re-reading of Freud’s classic paper. The themes of mourning and melancholia are viewed in relation to children and adolescents with illustrations from case histories. Mourning is interpreted in a broader sense: not only as grief (both expectable and traumatic) but as a response to the developmental process itself as phases of childhood are shed and an emerging newer identity is assumed. The author argues that Freud’s paper left the way open to make a number of further distinctions of the processes involved within melancholia.  相似文献   

On–off phenomena in Parkinson's disease (PD) are unpredictable motor fluctuations associated with long-term levodopa use. Mood fluctuations have been found to coincide with the motor fluctuations in that depression and anxiety increase while the person with PD is in the off state. What has been relatively unexplored is whether those persons with PD who have on–off phenomena differ psychologically in fundamental ways from those who do not have on–off phenomena. In the present study, depression and anxiety symptoms were assessed in 36 persons with PD (n = 14 with on–off phenomena, n = 22 without on–off phenomena). All those with on–off phenomena were assessed in their on state. Those persons with PD with on–off phenomena had significantly higher levels of anxiety than those without on–off phenomena. However, both groups, regardless of on–off status, were mildly depressed. Neurobiological interpretations of the results implicate the locus coeruleus in the pathogenesis of both on–off phenomena and anxiety, whereas psychological interpretations of the results involve the issues of learned helplessness and control over health symptoms in PD.  相似文献   

Mother, Melancholia, and Play in Erik H. Erikson’s Childhood and Society   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In an earlier article on Erik H. Erikson’s earliest writings (Capps, 2007), I focused on the relationship between the child’s melancholia and conflict with maternal authority, and drew attention to the restorative role of humor. In this article, I discuss two of the three chapters in part three, “The Growth of the Ego,” of Erikson’s first major book, Childhood and Society [Erikson, Childhood and society. New York: W. W. Norton, 1950, Childhood and society (rev. edition). New York: W. W. Norton, 1963]. I explore the same theme of the relationship of melancholia and the mother, but focus on the restorative role of play. I interpret the differences between the two cases in light of Sigmund Freud’s essay, “Mourning and Melancholia” [Freud, Mourning and melancholia. In S. Freud, General psychological theory (pp. 164–179). P. Rieff (ed.). New York: Collier Books. 1963].
Donald CappsEmail:

The focus of this article is the use of experience made within the literature of the “new” economical discipline of experience economy. By combining a methodological individualism with a causal and dehumanising picture of the process of experience, this discipline conceives economic interactions as acts of autonomy. These acts, it is claimed, are part of economical instrumental reason restructuring itself by using experiences as tools in convincing consumers that they are free to pursue their respective paths of lives. Described through the use of positioning theory, however, this turns out to be a result of an effort of equipping consumers with a new economic norm of forced positioning disguised as deliberate self-positioning.  相似文献   

Gy. Fuhrmann 《Synthese》1988,75(3):317-347
Prototypes and fuzziness are regarded in this paper as fundamental phenomena in the inherent logic of concepts whose relationship, however, has not been sufficiently clarified. Therefore, modifications are proposed in the definition of both. Prototypes are defined as the elements possessing maximal degree of membership in the given category such thatthis membership has maximal cognitive efficiency in representing theelement. A modified fuzzy set (m-fuzzy set) is defined on aclass (possibly self-contradictory collection) such that its core (the collection of elements with full membership) is aset (self-consistent collection) comprising the finite set of the prototypes. In this scheme of recursive representation the possibility of contradictions, which has been proven to be inevitable in the logic of concepts, islocalized. Finally a related model of the brain's pattern recognition mechanism is briefly summarized.  相似文献   

The processing of two spatial terms which refer to proximity and distance, near and far, was investigated in a word-picture comparison task. Two alternative hypotheses were tested, one based on the notion of linguistic markedness and supporting the positive status of far, and the other based on semantic-pragmatic factors and proposing that near is the positive member of the pair. An analysis of the true-false decision latencies indicated that near was generally verified faster than far in judgments in which the terms were used to describe both ego-to-object and object-to-object distance. A third experiment addressed the question of whether the advantage obtained in the verification of near may be accounted for in terms of the priority of the interpersonal dimension of representation relative to the objective one. The results are discussed with regard to the semantic representation of the two words.  相似文献   

Empirical investigation into anxiety and depression has led some researchers to question the conceptual distinctness of these constructs. N. S. Endler, B. J. Cox, J. D. A. Parker, and R. M. Bagby (1992) provided empirical evidence that state and trait anxiety (using the Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales; N. S. Endler, J. M. Edwards, and R. Vitelli, 1991) may be differentiated from depression (using the Beck Depression Inventory; A. T. Beck, 1978) in a student sample. The present study extended this research by employing a different sample, a clinical sample of panic disorder patients (N = 189). Further support for the conceptual distinctness of anxiety and depression is presented herein. The concept of a general distress factor that encompasses both constructs is also discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment in public places is a forbidden form of sex discrimination that includes both verbal and nonverbal behaviors—such as wolf whistles, leers, winks, grabs, pinches, catcalls, and street remarks—and is often overlooked by social science researchers. The present study, using mixed methods and “exploratory design-instrument development method” was conducted to investigate the aspects of Iranian women’s experiences of sexual harassment in public places using a student sample. Using the grounded theory method, the qualitative part of this study was conducted by face-to-face, in-depth interviews with 16 female students of Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, which resulted in seven axial categories and one core category. The results of the qualitative part of the study were used to develop the instrument of the quantitative part, the questionnaire. Using the survey technique, the quantitative phase of this study employed a sample of 369 female students of Shiraz University, selected by stratified sampling. Data analysis procedures included a theme analysis of the interviews, a statistical analysis of the survey, and an integrated consideration of the qualitative and quantitative results. We found that experiencing sexual harassment is significantly correlated with presence in public places, acceptance of gender rules, mother’s education and the kind of women’s dressing and make up.  相似文献   

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