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The Institute of Psychology in Moscow became affiliated with the Academy of Sciences (AS USSR) 20 years ago. In this article a brief history of the Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Psychology is presented, along with a critical examination of the Institute's contribution to world psychology. Through an appraisal of laboratories, productivity, and journal articles, it is argued that Soviet psychologists affiliated with the Institute have made a modest impression on world psychology. The reason for the limited contribution is attributed to the lack of support from the Academy, the lack of essential equipment and supplies, the repressive political environment under which scientists have been forced to operate, and ethnocentrism brought about through cultural and physical isolation.  相似文献   

Object relations theory has been used effectively by private social work practitioners in both diagnosis and treatment applications. This article presents an overview of the important concepts in object relations theory and developmental theory, with an emphasis on synthesizing such concepts for direct use in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects both members of a couple. However, relatively few studies have focused on the entire couple system as the unit of observation when examining the psychosocial impact of this disease. This narrative review examines the literature between 1980 and 2010 that uses the couple as the unit of observation. A total of 49 articles were identified for review. Articles were grouped by their central themes or outcomes: (1) sexual functioning, (2) relationship adjustment and support, (3) culture and spirituality, (4) treatment/education programs, and (5) diabetes as a risk factor. Research and clinical implications such as increasing the utilization of dyadic analytical strategies and the importance of assessing illness burden from each partners’ perspective are discussed. Identified benefits of incorporating the couple dyad for future research and clinical practice included: (1) understanding the influence of variables such as a non-diabetic partner and gender have on diabetes adjustment and management, (2) the role disease severity and management of diabetes by the partner living with diabetes has on spousal support and non-diabetic partner emotional wellbeing, (3) the interdependent nature of couple outcomes in the areas of adjustment to sexual dysfunction, perceived illness burden, and couple satisfaction, as well as, (4) disease as both an individual and a shared experience among couples.  相似文献   

This paper explores the topic of intersubjective motivation, understood as the process of being motivated by the subjectivity of other subjects. The author outlines a general conception of intersubjective motivation, arguing for the importance of that conception in advancing the relational project within psychoanalysis. The author reviews a handful of relational and intersubjective approaches, identifying and evaluating strategies that might be employed to explain the phenomenon of intersubjective motivation. Using Jessica Benjamin's theory of intersubjectivity as a starting point, the author proposes an original model of the intrapsychic conditions for intersubjective motivation identified as the intersubjective relational configuration. The clinical implications of these ideas are traced out, and an argument is made for the development of a comprehensive psychoanalytic theory of motivation, one that includes intrapsychic as well as intersubjective elements.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of three variables to verdict confidence in an experimental simulation of the jury deliberation process. The three variables were: sex of juror, verdict (guilty or innocent), and the similarity or dissimilarity between juror and confederate verdicts (congruence or incongruence). The subjects were 35 male and 37 female college students. They deliberated in groups containing a male confederate who role-played an obnoxious anti-White or anti-Black juror. Results indicated that before deliberation, male and guilt verdict jurors were more confident than females and innocent verdict jurors. After deliberation, however, sex differences in verdict confidence were absent while innocent verdicts jurors were more confident than guilt verdict jurors. Most important, as predicted from Heider's Balance Theory, males who deliberated with a confederate whose verdict was congruent with theirs' became less confident in their verdicts. Unexpectedly, females became more confident. The study's major hypothesis, then, that it may be advantageous for the defense to accept a juror who zealously advocates a guilty verdict, was only supported for males.  相似文献   

改革开放30年来的中国女性主义伦理学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
70年代之前,性别是一切女性主义者在探究妇女千百年来受歧视和压迫根源时最先投向的视点.因此,性别理论是女性主义伦理学研究的基础.中国学者从引入、介绍西方女性主义伦理学,到对女性主义伦理学展开深入研究,使得女性主义伦理学成为当今中国女性主义哲学学科中探讨最为充分、深入的一个领域.本文将从西方女性主义伦理学的介绍和引入、深化和发展以及若干实践主题的探讨等三个方面对改革开放30年来我国的女性主义伦理学研究做一综述.  相似文献   

It is generally agreed upon that Grice’s causal theory of perception describes a necessary condition for perception. It does not describe sufficient conditions, however, since there are entities in causal chains that we do not perceive and not all causal chains yield perceptions. One strategy for overcoming these problems is that of strengthening the notion of causality (as done by David Lewis). Another is that of specifying the criteria according to which perceptual experiences should match the way the world is (Frank Jackson and Michael Tye). Finally, one can also try to provide sufficient conditions by elaborating on the content of perceptual experiences (Alva N?e). These different strategies are considered in this paper, with the conclusion that none of them is successful. However, a careful examination of their problems points towards the general solution that we outline at the end.
Valtteri Arstila (Corresponding author)Email:
Kalle PihlainenEmail:

To whatever school of psychology we lay claim, it makes modest sense as pastors engaging in counseling as an act of faithfulness to the God who created the creature with the capacity to change, that we remain first and foremost the theologians we are called to be. We may lament that legions of priests and priestesses from the pantheon of classical and popular psychology have bowed the knee to an unknown God as though there were no God, and turned Psyche herself into a fragmented oracle. This reflects the pride of human achievement and the limitation of human learning. Nonetheless, it is this believer's persuasion that from cradle to grave, at the crossroads of suffering and thresholds of pain, at the heights of development and depths of regression, the beginning of wisdom is the confession of faith in the living God. Any thoroughgoing psychological theory of natural change encompasses more than psychology. Nature, including human nature, is never bereft of the forming and transforming presence of the Holy. is adjunct in philosophy and theology at  相似文献   

This commentary connects two studies of academic procrastination, Beswick, Rothblum and Mann (1988), which studied the antecedents of academic procrastination, and Steel (2016), which focuses on the personality correlates of academic procrastination. The author identifies reasons for growth in the field of procrastination research, discusses definitions of procrastination, and then comments on the two studies of academic procrastination identified above. In assessing current status and future directions in the field of procrastination research, the author discusses the relationship between and measurement of behavioural and decisional procrastination, the domain specificity or domain generality of procrastination, and the need for the field to move beyond studies of academic procrastination into other domains such as illness and health where procrastination is a major problem, then ends with a comment on cross‐cultural differences in procrastination and a summary conclusion about the field.  相似文献   




Can people have their motivational states affected subliminally? Two experiments are presented that address this controversial question. In the first, participants watched an episode of The Simpsons television program. Embedded in the program were verbal and pictorial stimuli related to thirst that were presented below conscious awareness. The results show that, compared to their pre‐exposure ratings and compared to a control group, participants became thirstier following exposure. A second experiment replicated this finding and showed that the effect was not a result of straightforward linguistic priming. The implications of the results for subliminal advertising and for theoretical issues of preconscious processing are discussed.  相似文献   

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