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Drawing on social support theory, this study examines the main and interactive effects of parental perceived stress and social support on externalizing behaviors in military youth. Findings reveal that not only do social support and stress affect the conduct of military children, but social support also moderately buffers the effects of parental stress. Given the increasing distance between military and American culture, more generally, this research is one opportunity to make sense of contradictory expectations about the well-being of military youth. In doing so, it provides implications for how a more supportive organization can benefit military families.  相似文献   

The concept of social support is used increasingly to understand families and their functioning. While conceptualization of the support process is regrettably absent for much research on families, earlier models developed for examining social support of individuals can enlighten research on families. The history of the social support concept is presented along with an overview of current typologies of social support and models of how it impacts physical and mental health. Research on the social support of families with children with special needs is reviewed relative to these issues. Greater recognition of a comprehensive model of support is advocated. Recommendations are made for longitudinal research on temporal patterns of utilization and satisfaction with support, and for consideration of cultural contexts in interpreting social supports.  相似文献   


Value priorities were analyzed as they relate to nationality (American vs. British) and gender in a study involving 207 university students from the 2 countries. Participants responded anonymously to S. H. Schwartz's Value Survey (1992, 1994), consisting of various individualistic and collectivistic values. American students assigned greater importance to the individualistic values of achievement, hedonism, self-direction, and stimulation than British students did; students from the 2 countries assigned equal importance to the power value type. Compared with men, women from both countries assigned greater value priorities to the collectivistic values of benevolence, universalism, security, and subordination of self to others. Women and men, however, did not differ on the individualistic values, and, in fact, women placed greater importance on achievement than men did. The results for the individualistic values are discussed primarily within the context of major changes in the career and work opportunities afforded women by society in the past 30 years.  相似文献   


A sample of 146 Bedouin-Arab pupils from polygamous and monogamous families participated in this study, which was conducted in a Bedouin-Arab village in the Negev, Israel. The authors compared learning achievement, social adjustment, and family conflict. Data revealed differences between the two groups: The children from monogamous families had higher levels of learning achievement than did the children from polygamous families; in addition, those from monogamous families adjusted to the school framework better than did those from polygamous families. The mean conflict rating of children from polygamous families was higher than that of their counterparts from monogamous families. The father's level of education tended to be inversely correlated with family size in terms of both number of children and number of wives.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research on families with physically handicapped children, and integrates this work within a social ecological perspective. Methodological difficulties in past research that contribute to a lack of consensus in the area are discussed. Research on stresses experienced by various subsystems within families with handicapped children is presented, with recommendations for future family-oriented research and intervention. The interactions of families with handicapped children with their social support networks are reviewed, underscoring the importance of these processes for coping and adaptation.  相似文献   

This study explored the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms related to social support received by the children and adolescents who survived the earthquake on January 12, 2010, in Haiti. A strategy of stratified sampling was used, and 540 children and teenagers were questioned. Questionnaires based on the PTSD Checklist, the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, and the Peritraumatic Distress Inventory, among others, were used and bivariate statistical analyses were carried out. The results showed high rates of complete and partial PTSD symptoms, with higher rates among females, and indicated the need for reinforcing social support as a resilience factor for youth.  相似文献   


This study’s research question is: What aspects of social support are associated with adaptation in single-mother families? In a mixed-methods design, 47 participants were recruited through snowball sampling in Cape Town, South Africa. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and questionnaires were completed. Qualitative analysis indicated two main sources, paid and unpaid support. The quantitative analysis confirmed the following adaptation resources: harnessing family and friend support; having friends as a support; socializing with friends; receiving emotional support, practical help, and advice from friends. Significant differences were found between the family and friends groups for socializing and obtaining financial aid as a support.  相似文献   

采用整群取样方法对选自北京市的1164名流动儿童进行问卷调查, 考察社会支持、社会认同在歧视知觉与社会文化适应关系中的作用。结果表明, 流动儿童的歧视知觉整体上并不明显, 其社会文化适应状况整体良好; 歧视知觉对社会文化适应有显著负向预测性(β=-0.39, p<0.001); 在歧视知觉与社会文化适应的负向预测关系中, 社会支持起部分中介作用, 城市认同有增强作用, 老家认同有缓冲作用; 社会支持的中介作用受到城市认同、老家认同的调节。  相似文献   

为了探讨流动儿童孤独感、歧视知觉、社会支持随时间变化的特点,以及社会支持、歧视知觉对孤独感的影响作用及机制,本研究从北京市公立学校和打工子弟学校选取1164名流动儿童,采用问卷调查的形式对流动儿童的孤独感、歧视知觉和社会支持进行了为期一年的追踪测查,回收有效追踪数据680份。对前、后测均参加的680名被试数据进行分析发现:(1)随着进入城市时间的增长,流动儿童的孤独感和歧视知觉显著减少,报告的社会支持显著增加;(2)流动儿童报告的社会支持、歧视知觉与孤独感之间是相互作用的动态过程。前测的歧视知觉和报告的社会支持共同影响前测孤独感;同时,前测孤独感又会影响后测歧视知觉和报告的社会支持,进而影响后测孤独感。并且在这个动态作用过程中,前、后测社会支持既能分别直接影响前、后测孤独感,前测社会支持还能通过后测社会支持和歧视知觉间接影响后测孤独感;而前、后测歧视知觉则只能分别直接影响前、后测孤独感;(3)前测歧视知觉和社会支持都不能直接影响后测的孤独感,而是需要通过影响后测歧视知觉和社会支持才能对后测的孤独感产生作用。  相似文献   

Latino immigrant families with children with disabilities experience multiple sources of oppression during their settlement process in the United States. Unfair social structures and dominant cultural values and norms and the way they influence the immigrants' personal life stories generate a cycle of oppression very difficult to break. This paper presents a case study of how a group of Latino parents carried out a process of liberation fueled by the generation of empowering community narratives (critical awareness leading to transformative action) that resulted from a community-university partnership. Participants initiated a process that led them to discover their own stories of oppression and create new stories; to deconstruct the dominant cultural narratives and modify existing ones; and to understand contexts for power sharing. This joint reflection and increased awareness propelled group members to take action by founding a grassroots organization to redress some of the injustices that were partly responsible for their oppression, thus generating shifts at the personal, relational, and collective levels. In light of the theory of liberation, we discuss the participants' development of critical awareness that led them to take action to address their unmet needs.  相似文献   

Although many studies have been directed toward investigating different dimensions of adults' social networks, little has been done with studying children's social networks. The present paper describes a scale which has been developed for assessing the social networks of children. Results indicate that a network where one is not similar to one's peers (on age, sex, and race), and one which contains a large number of members who provide physical assistance is predictive of adjustment in school-age children. The implications of the findings for special services providers in schools are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined different cognitive phenomena in relation to social phobia among children (aged 7 to 11) and adolescents (aged 12–16) separately. Fifty socially phobic youths were compared to 30 normal control children on measures of social anxiety, social expectation as well as self- and observer-rated performance during two social tasks involving a same-aged peer. Additionally, a video-mediated recall procedure was conducted immediately following the two behavioral tasks to examine specific types of self-talk. Results indicated that socially phobic youths had lower expectations of their performance and rated their actual performance worse than controls during a social interaction task, but not a read-aloud task. Self-ratings of decreased performance among socially phobic youths were corroborated by blind observers. Although differences in specific types of self-talk were found between the two groups, these findings were generally moderated by age. Furthermore, certain cognitive symptoms associated with the disorder were more commonly found among older socially phobic youths. The current findings highlight the importance of considering developmental factors in the presentation and treatment of social phobia in youths.  相似文献   

Youth in military families experience a relatively unique set of stressors that can put them at risk for numerous psychological and behavior problems. Thus, there is a need to identify potential mechanisms by which children can gain resiliency against these stressors. One potential mechanism that has yet to be empirically studied with military youth is social networking sites (SNSs). SNSs have gained significant popularity among society, especially youth. Given the significance of these communication tools in youths’ lives, it is important to analyze how SNS use may affect military youth and their ability to cope with common military life stressors. The current review examines the potential positive and negative consequences associated with SNS use in coping with three common stressors of youth in military families: parent deployment, frequent relocation, and having a family member with a psychological or physical disability. By drawing from SNS and military literature, we predict that SNS use can be a positive tool for helping children in military families to cope with stressors. However, certain SNS behaviors can potentially result in more negative outcomes. Recommendations for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the families of the new cohort of war veterans now entering the civilian population in the United States are over two million young children (Cozza, Haskins & Lerner, 2013; Institute of Medicine, 2013). Several noteworthy studies have shown that children exposed to separation from a parent due to combat‐related deployment are at elevated risk for a variety of negative consequences (Lester & Flake, 2013). Cozza et al. (2013) argue that existing studies of military children focus too much on the stresses or deficits they experience, failing to give sufficient attention to their strengths, the strengths of their families, or the supports around them. In the current study we focus on risk and promotive factors in the lives of children aged 0–10 in military families. We examine the likelihood of negative outcomes as functions of additive, cumulative, and interactive relationships between risk and promotive factors and children's outcomes. Risk factors, particularly parental depression, community poverty, and cumulative risk, were more strongly associated with children's outcomes than promotive factors. There was, however, a significant risk‐protective relationship between accumulations of risk and promotive factors, consistent with promotive conditions operating in a protective fashion under conditions of elevated risk.  相似文献   

A nonrecursive model with relationships between perceived lack of social support, perceived self-efficacy in eliciting support at the workplace, and the 3 successive burnout dimensions–emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment–was tested in a sample of 277 secondary-school teachers in The Netherlands. Results showed that teachers' perceived lack of support from colleagues and principals had a significant effect on their self-efficacy beliefs in eliciting support from them, while these self-efficacy beliefs were shown to predict their level of burnout. The hypothesized feedback loop was also confirmed: Teachers' level of burnout predicted the extent to which they feel lack of support. An additional effect of the personal-accomplishment dimension of burnout on perceived self-efficacy was suggested. It was concluded that perceived self-efficacy in eliciting support at the workplace is a usable construct in the prediction of teacher burnout. Future directions in research are suggested.  相似文献   

The general aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between peer violence in the school environment (bullying), subjective well-being and perceived social support from the perspective of 910 children and adolescents in Years 6 and 7 of primary school (M = 11.90 years old; SD = 1.21). The participants were taken from 27 primary schools—both state-run and private, urban and rural—in Cearà state (Brazil). The following instruments were used: the Peer Victimization and Aggression Scale (EVAP); the Social Support from Family and Friends Scale (SSA); an index of satisfaction with different developmental contexts (home, school, neighbourhood); and as indicators of subjective well-being, three scales (Single item on Overall Life Satisfaction, Personal Well-Being Index School Children, Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale). Results indicated that aggression and victimization behaviours correlated negatively with the three well-being indicators used, while social support and satisfaction with different developmental contexts correlated positively. When considering type of involvement in bullying, victims, perpetrators and perpetrator–victims all scored lower on subjective well-being than those not involved in bullying. A model is also presented that explains 42 % of well-being. Understanding how bullying relates to well-being and how social support and favourable developmental contexts can act as protective factors are particularly important when designing public policies aimed at intervening in violence prevention and promoting well-being in childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of perceived barriers to participation in treatment and the acceptability of treatment among children and parents. Children (N = 144, ages 6–14) referred for outpatient treatment for oppositional, aggressive, and antisocial behavior and their families participated. The main findings were that: (a) perceived barriers to participation in treatment predicted treatment acceptability as rated by children and parents; (b) the effect was not accounted for by socioeconomic disadvantage, parent psychopathology and stress, and severity of child dysfunction; and (c) treatment acceptability was related to therapeutic change in the children over the course of therapy but the relation was small. Overall, the findings indicate that families vary considerably in the barriers they perceive in coming to treatment and that these barriers influence the extent to which they and their children evaluate the acceptability of the treatments they receive. The implications of treatment acceptability for evaluation and delivery of psychotherapy are discussed.  相似文献   

This study considers the interrelationships among coping, conflictual social interactions, and social support, as well as their combined associations with positive and negative mood. Research has shown that each of these variables affects adjustment to stressful circumstances. Few studies, however, examine this full set of variables simultaneously. One hundred forty HIV-infected persons completed a questionnaire containing measures of coping, social support, conflictual social interactions, and positive and negative mood. Factor analyses showed that perceived social support and conflictual social interactions formed separate factors and were not strongly related. Compared to perceived social support, social conflict was more strongly related to coping behaviors, especially to social isolation, anger, and wishful thinking. Conflictual social interactions were more strongly related to negative mood than was perceived social support. Coping by withdrawing socially was significantly related to less positive and greater negative mood. The findings point to the importance of simultaneously considering coping, supportive relationships, and conflictual relationships in studies of adjustment to chronic illness. In particular, a dynamic may occur in which conflictual social interactions and social isolation aggravate each other and result in escalating psychological distress.  相似文献   

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