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杜光庭是唐末五代著名的"道门领袖",也是当时重要的文学家。学界一般认为杜光庭被僖宗召见赐紫的时间在僖宗即位之初,本文认为此说不准确。杜光庭被召见赐紫当在僖宗入蜀之初,即中和元年(881)。875年,杜光庭因访道求经而离开天台,先后漫游浙江开化、武夷山、江西崇仁县的沸湖山等地,最后来到蜀中。876年后,杜光庭以成都为中心,漫游蜀中及周边地区。881年,唐僖宗逃奔成都,在成都召见杜光庭并赐紫。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to assess fearful and aversive aspects of dating relationships among teens and to examine those experiences by gender. We examined both survey data and cognitive interviews with teens to understand how teens experience their dating relationships and how they interpret the meaning of the items in a fear measure modified for use with teens. We found that fearful and aversive dating situations are common in adolescent dating relationships. As teens move along the continuum from friendships to romantic involvement, both boys and girls experience the aggressive and coercive behaviors that sometimes accompany these new emotional and interpersonal situations.  相似文献   

Gary L. Hansen 《Sex roles》1985,12(7-8):713-721
In a study of dating jealousy, questionnaires were administered to 147 male and 189 female college students. Subjects were asked to rate how they would feel about their dating partner's behavior in five hypothetical situations designed to measure jealousy. Results indicate that females are more jealous than males over situations involving the partner spending time on a hobby or with family members, but other situations evoke no sex differences. Sex-role orientation is the variable most consistently related to dating jealousy, with sex-role traditional subjects being the most jealous. A significant proportion of subjects expect dating partners to give up close personal friendships with others of the opposite sex, and most subjects begin to expect sexual exclusiveness from the earliest stages of their relationships.  相似文献   

Subjects were asked to date 28 ‘recent’ public events that had occurred in the previous 7 years, and 28 ‘historical’ events that occurred between 1765 and 1947. For both kinds of event, the age of older events was underestimated and that of more recent events overestimated, a result agreeing with previous research. Whether the events were well or poorly known, as rated by a separate sample of subjects, affected the dating error of historical but not recent events. The results suggest that both recent and historical events are dated by a rather abstract, constructive process, rather than by cues relating to the age of the memory or the time of its formation.  相似文献   

Research documents a high prevalence of dating violence among U.S. youth. This violence is linked to a host of negative mental and physical health consequences and high-risk behaviors. African immigrants comprise about 3.9% of all immigrants in the United States and recent trends suggest this population is rapidly increasing. Despite this, limited research exists on dating violence among African immigrant youth. This article summarizes the literature on dating violence in Africa, then highlights the dearth of research on African immigrant youth. The literature suggests that African immigrant girls are in a uniquely vulnerable position that increases their risk for dating violence and other abuses, warranting our attention to the issue. Future research directions and service implications with this population are presented.  相似文献   

葛洪的年寿及卒年,历来争议较大。通过详细考辨《神仙传》《世说新语》《高僧传》《晋书》《道藏》以及敦煌遗书等所载有关葛洪卒年的各种文献,笔者认为葛洪实卒于晋康帝建元元年(公元343年),享年六十一岁。  相似文献   

本文通过对不同文种、不同记载的史料进行比较研究,勾勒了阿底峡大师早年的生平,分析了阿底峡所处时代的特征,从而为追溯阿底峡思想的来源提供了基础。  相似文献   

This literature review focuses on the prevalence rates of teen dating violence in the United States, emergence of dating violence research, reasons of teen dating violence in the African American community, consequences of it regarding physical and mental health, and the impact of it on psychological and physical health. The research shows a trickledown effect of racism, low socio-economic status, and growing up in poor neighborhoods leading to domestic violence in African American families, which then gets reinforced with messages received from peers and the media.  相似文献   

The development of Physical Dating Aggression from the age of 16 to 18 years was investigated in relation to time-invariant predictors (gender, parental education, family composition, number of partners) and to time-varying effects of delinquent behavior and perception of victimization by the partner. The sample consisted of 181 adolescents with a current or past dating relationship. Results showed an average trend of decrease from 16 to 18 years with significant inter-individual variability in intra-individual change across time, suggesting that different trajectories of Physical Dating Aggression among the population can be found. Inter-individual variability can be explained by background variables representing a distal risk on Dating Aggression at 16 years (mother’s education, precocious dating experience), and by time-varying effect of delinquent behavior and perception of partner perpetration. These latter variables can act as snares (Moffitt 1993), representing mechanisms responsible for prolonging the otherwise normative pattern of decrease of Physical Dating Aggression.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of interpersonal control on sexual aggression while dating. A sample of white, heterosexual, college dating relationships is examined. Data are collected on men and women who inflict and sustain sexual aggression. The results indicate that, net of other effects, interpersonal control is a significant predictor of both men and women inflicting and women sustaining sexual aggression. It is argued that future research should look more to interaction patterns among couples rather than viewing sexual aggression as the result of men demonstrating their masculinity.  相似文献   

俞琰是宋末元初著名的易学家和道教学者,很多学者曾从道教内丹修炼和易学史的角度对俞琰进行了较为深入的研究,可是对其生年卒年却无法得出较为一致的明确结论.本稿考察了与俞琰有关的各类文献,对俞琰的生年卒年作出了较为详尽的考订.  相似文献   

This study focused on romantic relational aggression, a variable that appears to predict intimate partner violence but remains understudied in the college population. College student participants (N?=?260) between the ages of 18 and 25 who reported that they had been in a romantic relationship during the past year completed measures of romantic relational aggression, sex role attitudes, acceptance of couple violence, and trait anger. Although respondent gender and sex role attitudes predicted romantic relational aggression as expected, gender did not moderate the relationship between sex role attitudes and relational aggression. Acceptance of violence predicted the perpetration of romantic relational aggression above and beyond the effects of trait anger and sex role attitudes. Trait anger also predicted romantic relational aggression.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated a dating bias in which people tend to estimate recent dates too remotely and remote dates too recently. Experiment 1 examined and upheld a prediction of the hypothesis that bias arises because events whose time of occurrence is unknown are dated through associated events for which some time information is available. Experiment 2 required some subjects to date prototype events while others dated specific events. Prototype events were dated more recently, and the errors in dating specific events were related to differences in the way the prototype events were dated. Both sets of results were predicted by the association hypothesis, according to which events whose dates are well known are dated with reference either to specific associated events or to prototype events.  相似文献   

Here are two widely held positions on the ethics of dating: First, people are generally morally justified in excluding people they don’t find attractive from their dating pool. Second, people are not justified in maintaining a dating pool that is racially exclusive, even on grounds like attraction. In this paper, we demonstrate how these positions are consistent. To do so we differentiate our attitudes in dating and our dating behavior. Then we show how existing criticisms of racialized attitudes in dating are incomplete as practical criticisms of our behavior. Finally, we give our account of the moral reasons whites have to change their dating preferences when they exclude people of color. In doing so, we supplement existing discussions of race-based discrimination in dating.  相似文献   

This study explores men’s experiences in compensated dating (CD), particularly their process of becoming a client of CD in Hong Kong. By drawing on 30 individual interviews with male clients, cyber-ethnography of a major CD on-line forum, informal conversations with CD participants, off-line participant observations, and the sparse literature available on this under-examined social phenomenon, we also analyze men’s subjective understandings of being a client, of CD providers, and of CD itself, which influence men’s CD experiences and condom use behavior. Finally, this study sheds light on the contemporary issues of masculinity and sexuality in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

In a survey of 504 college students examining predictors of violence in heterosexual relationships, over half of both men and women had committed at least one physically violent act, and men more often than women reported having been the victims of such acts. Most respondents who reported some experience with violence had both committed and received it, were involved in relatively few different types of violence, and first experienced violence when a relationship had moved beyond the casual dating stage. Modest associations between physical violence and sexual aggression were uncovered. In a series of discriminant analyses, men who abused their partners were not readily distinguished from men who did not, but tended to be young, low in family income, traditional in attitudes toward women, abused as children, currently living with a woman, and from Appalachian areas. Women who abused were more readily discriminated and scored low in social desirability, were abused as children, and were from non-Appalachian areas. Men who were abused were likely to be living with a woman and tended to be low in family income; similarly, cohabitation was related among women to being a target of violence, as were having been abused as a child and scoring low in social desirability. Findings are related to those of other studies of dating abuse, as well as to the family violence and aggression literatures.  相似文献   

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