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Yamamoto N 《Cognitive processing》2012,13(Z1):S365-S368
It has been shown that active control of locomotion increases accuracy and precision of nonvisual space perception, but psychological mechanisms of this enhancement are poorly understood. The present study explored a hypothesis that active control of locomotion enhances space perception by facilitating crossmodal interaction between visual and nonvisual spatial information. In an experiment, blindfolded participants walked along a linear path under one of the following two conditions: (1) They walked by themselves following a guide rope and (2) they were led by an experimenter. Subsequently, they indicated the walked distance by tossing a beanbag to the origin of locomotion. The former condition gave participants greater control of their locomotion and thus represented a more active walking condition. In addition, before each trial, half the participants viewed the room in which they performed the distance perception task. The other half remained blindfolded throughout the experiment. Results showed that although the room was devoid of any particular cues for walked distances, visual knowledge of the surroundings improved the precision of nonvisual distance perception. Importantly, however, the benefit of preview was observed only when participants walked more actively. This indicates that active control of locomotion allowed participants to better utilize their visual memory of the environment for perceiving nonvisually encoded distance, suggesting that active control of locomotion served as a catalyst for integrating visual and nonvisual information to derive spatial representations of higher quality.  相似文献   

The experiences associated with remembering, including metamemory feelings about the act of remembering and attempts at remembering, are not often integrated into general accounts of memory. For example, David Rubin (2022) proposes a unified, three-dimensional conceptual space for mapping memory states, a map that does not systematically specify metamemory feelings. Drawing on Rubin's model, we define a distinct role for metamemory in relation to first-order memory content. We propose a fourth dimension for the model and support the proposal with conceptual, neurocognitive, and clinical lines of reasoning. We use the modified model to illustrate several cases, and show how it helps to conceptualize a new category of memory state: autonoetic knowing, exemplified by déjà vu. We also caution not to assume that memory experience is directly correlated with or caused by memory content, an assumption Tulving (1989) labeled the doctrine of concordance.  相似文献   

Human infants show a preference for individuals who are similar to them. Using point-light displays of human walkers and crawlers as stimuli, we examined whether infants' preference for the motions of crawling and walking changes between, before, and after the onset of bipedal walking. The results show that crawling and walking infants prefer the types of locomotion that are similar to their own, respectively. These indicate that the infants detect the similarities between the motions they performed and they observed, which provides the behavioral evidence that the production of a particular motion is connected to its perception in infancy.  相似文献   

Four rats had continuous access to activity wheels first, then access for 1 hr per day, and, subsequently, continuous access. Limiting S's access to the wheel substantially increased the total frequency of running. A distributional analysis of response duration, burst duration, and interburst interval showed that the increased frequency arose almost entirely from a shortening of the interval between successive bursts. In contrast, speed of the individual response and number of responses per burst changed only negligibly. If S were running, the probability that it would either stop or continue did not differ appreciably for the conditions of continuous or limited access to the wheel. But if S were not running, the probability that it would start running was appreciably greater for limited than for continuous access.  相似文献   

Young children’s novel word extensions indicate that their animal categories, like those of adults, are characterized by multiple similarities among instances; whereas their artifact categories, again like those of adults, are characterized more simply by commonalities among instances in shape. Three experiments shed light on the nature and development of a mechanism that enables children to organize novel lexical categories differently for different kinds of objects. Experiment 1 shows that, by adult judgments, animals and artifacts present different category organizations. Experiment 2 shows relations between both age and the number of nouns young children have acquired, and children’s kind‐specific generalizations of newly learned nouns. Experiment 3 is a training study in which even younger children show an ability to learn and then generalize highly abstract relations between different contextual cues and different category structures; and importantly, to learn more than one set of such relations at a time. Together, these three findings indicate one way in which children are able to rapidly and accurately form lexical categories that parallel those of adults in their language community.  相似文献   

The authors ran 3 experiments to investigate how catchers deal with the horizontal component of the ball's trajectory in an interception task during locomotion. The experiments were built upon the finding that velocity adaptations are based upon changes in the horizontal angular position or velocity of the ball with respect to the observer (M. Lenoir, M. Janssens, E. Musch, E. Thiery, J. Uyttenhove, 1999) a potential underlying information source for that strategy is described. In Experiment 1, actor (N = 10 participants)and ball approached each other along the legs of a V-shaped track. When the velocity and the initial angular bearing of the ball were varied, the observed behavior fitted with nulling the horizontal angular velocity of the ball: A positive or negative angular velocity was compensated by a velocity change. Evidence was obtained that those adaptations are modulated by a critical change in, rather than by a critical state of, the environment-actor system. In Experiment 2, the distance between the head and an artificial end-effector was varied. Irrespective of that distance, participants (N = 7) accelerated and decelerated in order to keep the angular velocity of the ball with respect to the end-effector close to constant. The ecological relevance of that constant bearing angle strategy was confirmed in Experiment 3: Participants (N = 7) in that experiment freely ran to catch fly balls. The present results support the concept that one can explain with a limited number of control variables an actor's behavior in an interception task during self-motion.  相似文献   

In order to identify the role of language in extracting a particular referential property which was involved in a reference situation but which was not expressed as relevant, in the linguistic structure of the subjects' native language, three experiments were performed. Forty subjects were exposed to the same referential situations but to different linguistic structures, each encoding a particular referential property that was, relevant. Miniature artificial languages were used. The referential properties examined were prototypical transitivity as defined by Slobin (1980) and plurality. The results showed that prototypical transitivity was extracted more readily than plurality, even though the subjects were more familiar with the latter property. The discussion emphasized how language serves to promote, the extraction and encoding of linguistically relevant properties that underlie referential situations.Deep gratitude is due to Prof. D. D. Steinberg for his cogent and critical reading of the earlier version of the paper.  相似文献   

In order to code visual peripersonal space, human and non-human primates need an integrated system that controls both visual and tactile inputs within peripersonal space around the face and the hand, based on visual experience of body parts. The existence of such a system in humans has been demonstrated, and there is evidence showing that visual peripersonal space relating to the hand has important dynamic properties, for example, it can be expanded and contracted depending on tool use. There is also evidence for a high degree of functional similarity between the characteristics of the visual peripersonal space in humans and in monkeys.  相似文献   

During free walking, gait is automatically adjusted to provide optimal mechanical output and minimal energy expenditure; gait parameters, such as cadence, fluctuate from one stride to the next around average values. It was described that this fluctuation exhibited long-range correlations and fractal-like patterns. In addition, it was suggested that these long-range correlations disappeared if the participant followed the beep of metronome to regulate his or her pace. Until now, these fractal fluctuations were only observed for stride interval, because no technique existed to adequately analyze an extended time of free walking. The aim of the present study was to measure walking speed (WS), step frequency (SF) and step length (SL) with high accuracy (<1 cm) satellite positioning method (global positioning system or GPS) in order to detect long-range correlations in the stride-to-stride fluctuations. Eight participants walked 30 min under free and constrained (metronome) conditions. Under free walking conditions, DFA (detrended fluctuation analysis) and surrogate data tests showed that the fluctuation of WS, SL and SF exhibited a fractal pattern (i.e., scaling exponent alpha: 0.5 < alpha < 1) in a large majority of participants (7/8). Under constrained conditions (metronome), SF fluctuations became significantly anti-correlated (alpha < 0.5) in all participants. However, the scaling exponent of SL and WS was not modified. We conclude that, when the walking pace is controlled by an auditory signal, the feedback loop between the planned movement (at supraspinal level) and the sensory inputs induces a continual shifting of SF around the mean (persistent anti-correlation), but with no effect on the fluctuation dynamics of the other parameters (SL, WS).  相似文献   

The effect of repeating relevant (colour) and irrelevant (word) stimulus information is investigated in two Stroop tasks. Thomas (1977) observed that the Stroop effect is reduced when the irrelevant word is repeated from trial n -1 to trial n. A similar effect was observed in the Simon task (Notebaert, Soetens, & Melis, 2001; Notebaert & Soetens, 2003a). MacLeod (1991) interprets this effect as sustained suppression and relates it to negative priming. In this paper we investigate whether the reduced Stroop effect for word repetitions is indeed related to the negative priming effect. In Experiment 1 with a response-stimulus interval (RSI) of 50 ms, the Stroop effect is not influenced by the sequence of the word and there is no negative priming effect. In Experiment 2 with an RSI of 200 ms, the Stroop effect is reduced for word repetitions but there is still no negative priming effect. This does not support the sustained-suppression hypothesis. The reduced Stroop effect for word repetitions is explained in terms of response priming.  相似文献   


In this paper, ways of contemplating and accommodating the unfamiliar, especially the “other” of spiritual experience, are considered. Some concepts from psychoanalysis, such as Winnicott's “potential space” and his notion of “holding,” are helpful in comprehending spiritual experiences that can easily be misunderstood, or “flattened out” to use Bion's phrase. Interesting and rather remarkable confluences in these concepts from psychoanalysis and from Tibetan Buddhism (bardo) and cultural anthropology (liminality) are considered in their functions of both enabling and comprehending these extraordinary and often life-enhancing experiences.  相似文献   

This paper defines a category of bounded distributive lattice-ordered grupoids with a left-residual operation that corresponds to a weak system in the family of relevant logics. Algebras corresponding to stronger systems are obtained by adding further postulates. A duality theoey piggy-backed on the Priestley duality theory for distributive lattices is developed for these algebras. The duality theory is then applied in providing characterizations of the dual spaces corresponding to stronger relevant logics.The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

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