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A factor analysis was performed combining HSPQ forms A and B scores from a group of high school males (N = 1504) and a group of high school females (N + 1255). Eight factors were extracted and rotated from each of the two groups. It was found that the resulting factor patterns were both clearer (had better simple structure) and more closely matched the second order factor structure found among adults than previous HSPQ structures. These results supported the contention that (a) there are comparable second order personality factors between adults and high school students, and (b) since the factor pattern was similar to patterns found previously, the primary factors tend to be stable.  相似文献   

A battery of 10 traditional paper-and-pencil aptitude tests and a battery of 25 cognitive-components-based tests were administered to 298 men and women to investigate the common sources of variance in those batteries. Earlier confirmatory factor analyses showed each battery to have a hierarchical structure, each with a single higher order factor. The higher order factor in the paper-and-pencil battery had previously been identified as general cognitive ability, or g. The higher order factor from the cognitive-components battery had been identified as working memory. The intercorrelation of the higher order factors from the two batteries was .994, indicating that both measured g. The proportion of common variance because of g was greater in the cognitive-components battery than in the paper-and-pencil battery. The correlations between each factor based on cognitive components and g averaged .946. Despite theoretical foundations and arguments, cognitive components tests appear to measure much the same thing as traditional paper-and-pencil tests.  相似文献   

A biographical information blank (BIB) was administered to students in grades 7, 9, and 11, and was subsequently analyzed to determine the stability of both its factor pattern and structure. This was done by deriving a single average factor pattern matrix which was rotated to simple structure and then to similarity to each of three factor matrices at each grade level. Of 11 factors extracted, all but three showed reasonably good stability. Those factors that showed the greatest change, in terms of their presence over the three grade levels, were General Appreciation of School Courses, Social Activities, and High Level Literary Activities. Implications of stability in factor pattern and structure for further BIB development and for utilization in the framework of a longitudinal study are discussed.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to expand the nexus of cognitive and psychomotor abilities. A cognitive aptitude battery and a psychomotor battery were administered to 429 military recruits. A confirmatory factor analysis yielded higher-order factors of general cognitive ability (g) and psychomotor/technical knowledge (PM/TK). PM/TK was interpreted as Vernon's (1969) practical factor (k:m). In the joint analysis of these batteries, g and PM/TK each accounted for about 31% of the common variance. No residualized lower-order factor accounted for more than 7% PM/TK influenced a broad range of lower-order psychomotor factors. The first practical implication of these findings is that psychomotor tests are expected to be at least generally interchangeable. A second implication is that the incremental validity of psychomotor tests beyond cognitive tests is expected to be small. These findings should help guide test developers and inform personnel selecting agencies regarding the expected utility of psychomotor tests.  相似文献   

Twenty-five group tests, assembled with certain hypotheses concerning the first and second closure factors in mind, were administered to 154 subjects, mostly graduate students. The intercorrelations were analyzed factorially, yielding eight factors that were rotated to an oblique simple structure. The factors were interpreted as: speed of closure, C1; flexibility of closure, C2; verbal closure, C3; word fluency, W; reasoning, R; perceptual speed, P; the first space factor, S1; and speed of handwriting, H. Four second-order factors were tentatively described as analytical ability, synthetic ability, speed of perception, and word fluency. Three of the reasoning tests had their highest loadings on C2 and one on C3, which seems to be evidence that flexibility of closure generalizes in the cognitive domain and is associated with analytical ability.This paper summarizes part of a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago. The writer is deeply indebted to Dr. L. L. Thurstone for his generous advice and guidance. The complete study is obtainable on microfilm, from the University of Chicago library, Film No. T1279 (price $2.15). It includes reproductions of the tests used, score distributions, and plots of the obliqueV-matrices.  相似文献   

Factorial results are affected by selection of subjects and by selection of tests. It is shown that the addition of one or more tests which are linear combinations of tests already in a battery causes the addition of one or more incidental factors. If the given test battery reveals a simple structure, the addition of tests which are linear combinations of the given tests leaves the structure unaffected unless the number of incidental factors is so large that the common factors become indeterminate.  相似文献   

YELA M 《Psychometrika》1949,14(2):121-135
A battery of 20 tests originally analyzed by Alexander (1) was reworked according to the principle of simple structure. His results were sustained in general. Both analyses yielded five factors in the first-order domain. Of these, three factors in the re-analysis (v,X andF) have almost exactly the same loadings as the corresponding factors in the original work, and were interpreted in the same way. The loading pattern of a fourth factor,Z, left uninterpreted in the original study, happened to be more clear in the re-analysis, and an interpretation was attempted. It appears to be a factor of perceptual synthesis, and seems to play an important role in intellectual processes. A fifth factor, not present in Alexander's results, appeared in the new analysis: the reasoning factor, involved in inductive and deductive thinking. All four cognitive factors are related to a general factor that can be thought of as representing abstraction and education of relations and correlates, these processes being, therefore, the essential feature underlying intellectual behavior, at least in that sector surveyed by the tests of the present battery.The analysis of the data was done in the Psychometric Laboratory of The University of Chicago, under a fellowship from The University of Madrid (Junta de Relaciones Culturales). The author wishes to express his gratitude to Professor L. L. Thurstone, whose advice as a scientist and kindness as a friend, have been the principal stimulus for this work.  相似文献   

A rigorous and an approximate solution are found for the problem: Given a primary trait matrix forn tests andr 1 traits, and a matrix for the samen tests andr 2 reference axes, to discover the transformation which will transform the second matrix into the first, or primary trait matrix. Formulas for determining the limits of the effect of using the approximate solution are presented. The method is applied to a set of twenty hypothetical tests, defined by their loadings on four orthogonal primary traits. After factoring the inter-correlations of these variables by Thurstone's centroid method, approximating the diagonals, the original hypothetical matrix is reproduced with a root mean square discrepancy of .014 by assuming as known the primary trait loadings of only the first eight tests. The method is applied to the results of factoring two batteries of 14 tests, having 8 tests in common, to give the factor loadings of the two batteries on the same reference axes. The method provides a means of comparing directly and quantitatively the results of two different factor studies, provided they have tests in common, and of testing the stability of simple structure under changes in the battery. The relations of the method here developed to certain problems in multiple correlation are shown.  相似文献   

A new oblique factor rotation method is proposed, the aim of which is to identify a simple and well‐clustered structure in a factor loading matrix. A criterion consisting of the complexity of a factor loading matrix and a between‐cluster dissimilarity is optimized using the gradient projection algorithm and the k‐means algorithm. It is shown that if there is an oblique rotation of an initial loading matrix that has a perfect simple structure, then the proposed method with Kaiser's normalization will produce the perfect simple structure. Although many rotation methods can also recover a perfect simple structure, they perform poorly when a perfect simple structure is not possible. In this case, the new method tends to perform better because it clusters the loadings without requiring the clusters to be perfect. Artificial and real data analyses demonstrate that the proposed method can give a simple structure, which the other methods cannot produce, and provides a more interpretable result than those of widely known rotation techniques.  相似文献   

Eighty-two subtests chosen from a series of preceding researches as the best marker variables for 12 previously checked and interpreted personality factors (U.I. 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23–26, 28, 32, and 33) were administered to 2,522 boys of high school age. The ensuing factor analysis, aimed to check and precision the factor patterns, to lead to the definitive HSOA battery, and to yield scores for further age and genetic analyses, observed the following procedural requirements: (1) Scree test for number of factors, (2) iterated communalities, (3) blind automated rotation, carried further by rotoplot to a maximum simple structure, (4) a test of simple structure significance, and (5) matching of patterns for invariance against other studies. As before in this domain, 19–20 factors were found, and the 10 for which definite markers had been made available matched very well with former patterns. Although a small minority of tests failed to load as hypothesized, this results in some weakness of factor estimate only on U.I. 32, Exvia-Invia. For on all 10 factors for the planned HSOA battery, with this possible exception, the validities of weighted battery scores reached acceptable levels.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the third of a series of four experiments using similar concepts and methods for objective personality measurement, and overlapping test batteries. One hundred students were measured with 115 tests. The scores were correlated and factored by a re-iterated multiple group centroid method. The 17 factors thus obtained were rotated toward a clear simple structure. The relation of the rotated factors to earlier ones is indicated, but no extensive interpretation is attempted.  相似文献   

While Sensation Seeking is a construct which loads on both Extraversion (E) and Psychoticism (P), it is not clear whether Sensation Seeking can be reduced to E and P and whether all of its subfactors necessarily load on the same factor(s). We therefore decided to investigate the relationship among these. The 682 participants comprised a heterogeneous sample. They completed the SSS (Form V) and then the EPQ-R-S (short version of the revised EPQ). Factor analysis of the EPQ-R-S revealed simple structure, with 46 of the 48 items being correctly located on their respective factors. Analysis of the SSS also revealed simple structure, with 31 of the 40 items being correctly located on their respective factors. When the items from the EPQ-R-S and SSS were combined in one analysis, using a 4-factor constraint, we could identify these as follows: The first factor entailing items from 3 SSS scales (ES, Dis and BS) and 2 EPQ scales (L and P), could be referred to as Impulsive Unsocialized Sensation Seeking (P-ImpUSS). The second was identified as N; the third was identified as E; and the fourth as TAS. Thus it is P which loads on P-ImpUSS, with TAS being distinct from the latter.  相似文献   

Two questionnaires designed by Howarth (HPQ, APF2) whose factor space in unexplored and the EPQ (Eysenck) were jointly scale factored on 79 subjects, under the hypothesis that Eysenck's superfactors of P, E, and N should be represented as major influences in the resultant factor structure. A prinicipal component analysis yielded 7 factors from 24 by the Kaiser-Guttman and Scree Test, these 7 being rotated to a maximum simple structure by the Direct Oblimin procedure. Although failing to satisfy Bargmann's test of simple structure, this solution was accepted as adequate, noting the deficiencies og Bargmann's test and the efficiencies of the rotation method used. Within the 7 factor solution, P, E, and N were seen to be located as factor numbers 2, 3 and 1, respectively. One interesting detail is that a sociability primary loaded with an impulsivity primary on the Extraversion factor contrary to Guilford's (1977) arguments for the independence of these primaries. It is concluded that Eysenck's assertion of the enduring stability and breadth of the PEN factor triad has been upheld.  相似文献   

Scores obtained at eight different stages of practice on the Complex Coordination Test together with scores on 18 reference tests were subjected to a Thurstone Centroid Factor Analysis. Nine meaningful factors were identified in the experimental battery. The results indicated considerable, but systematic, changes in the factor structure of the Complex Coordination Test as practice on the task was continued. The test became less complex (factorially) as practice was continued. Moreover, there was a change in thenature of the factors contributing variance at early and later stages of practice. Implications of the findings are related to certain problems of learning theory, psychomotor test development, and criterion analysis. Skill Components Research Laboratory. The opinions or conclusions contained in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or indorsement of the Department of the Air Force. The writers are indebted to Dr. Jack A. Adams for the basic data on which this analysis is based.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the nexus of cognitive and psychomotor tests as might be used for personnel selection and assessment. These two domains are frequently seen as independent. A multiple aptitude cognitive test battery and a psychomotor test battery were administered to 354 United States Air Force recruits. The average multiple correlation of the cognitive tests and each psychomotor score as a criterion was 0.34, corrected for range restriction. Confirmatory factor analyses disclosed general cognitive and general psychomotor factors, three lower-order psychomotor factors, and two lower-order cognitive factors. The general cognitive factor accounted for 39% of the variance and the general psychomotor factor accounted for 29% of the variance. Residualized, the lower-order factors accounted for between 10% and 3% of the variance. The average g saturations (loadings) of the cognitive and psychomotor tests were 0.82 and 0.34 respectively. An implication for personnel selection is that the incremental validity of psychomotor tracking tests beyond the validity of cognitive tests will be small due to the commonality of measurement. A further implication of findings is the need to study the validity of the general and specific psychomotor factors.  相似文献   

A simple method is presented for examining the hierarchical structure of a set of variables, based on factor scores from rotated solutions involving one to many factors. The correlations among orthogonal factor scores from adjoining levels can be viewed as path coefficients in a hierarchical structure. The method is easily implemented using any of a wide variety of standard computer programs, and it has proved to be extremely useful in a number of diverse applications, some of which are here described.  相似文献   

We tested the cross‐cultural generalizability of personality structure by factor‐analysing self‐ratings of 435 Korean university students on the 406 most frequently used Korean personality trait adjectives. A plot of eigenvalues and a test of factor replicability both suggested a four‐factor solution. The four varimax‐rotated factors showed strong correlations with the first four factors of the Big Five (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Emotional Stability), as measured by markers selected a priori from the pool of 406 adjectives. We also investigated a five‐factor solution, in an attempt to recover an Intellect factor. The five varimax‐rotated factors corresponded closely to the classic Big Five, but with a minor difference in the rotation of the Conscientiousness and Intellect factors. Solutions involving six and seven factors were also investigated, and these solutions produced a Truthfulness factor similar to some previously discovered lexical factors. The results of the study were discussed in relation to the lexical hypothesis and to previous studies of personality structure in East Asian languages. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A battery of thirty-six tests was given to a group of high-school seniors. The factorial analysis reveals essentially the same primary factors that were found in previous studies. The test battery reveals a simple structure.  相似文献   

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-fourth edition (WAIS-IV) and the Wechsler Memory Scale-fourth edition (WMS-IV) were co-developed to be used individually or as a combined battery of tests. The independent factor structure of each of the tests has been identified; however, the combined factor structure has yet to be determined. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to the WAIS-IV/WMS-IV Adult battery (i.e., age 16-69 years) co-norming sample (n = 900) to test 13 measurement models. The results indicated that two models fit the data equally well. One model is a seven-factor solution without a hierarchical general ability factor: Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Processing Speed, Auditory Working Memory, Visual Working Memory, Auditory Memory, and Visual Memory. The second model is a five-factor model composed of Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Processing Speed, Working Memory, and Memory with a hierarchical general ability factor. Interpretative implications for each model are discussed.  相似文献   

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