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Kawachi Y  Gyoba J 《Perception》2006,35(9):1289-1294
Two identical visual objects moving across each other in a two-dimensional display can be perceived as either streaming through or bouncing off each other. The bouncing event percept is promoted by the presentation of a brief sound at the point of coincidence of the two objects. In this study, we examined the effect of the presence of a moving object near the two objects as well as the brief sound on the stream/bounce event perception. When both the nearby moving object and brief sound were presented, a streaming event, not a bouncing event, was robustly perceived (experiment 1). The percentage of the streaming percept was also systematically affected by the proximity of the nearby object (experiment 2). These results suggest that the processing of intramodal grouping between a nearby moving object and either of the two objects in the stream/bounce display interferes with crossmodal (audiovisual) processing. Moreover, we demonstrated that, depending on the trajectory of the nearby moving object, the processing of intramodal grouping can promote the bouncing percept, just as crossmodal processing does (experiment 3).  相似文献   

Coherent visual experience of dynamic scenes requires not only that the visual system segment scenes into component objects but that these object representations persist, so that an object can be identified as the same object from an earlier time. Object files (OFs) are visual representations thought to mediate such abilities: OFs lie between lower level sensory processing and higher level recognition, and they track salient objects over time and motion. OFs have traditionally been studied via object-specific preview benefits (OSPBs), in which discriminations of an object's features are speeded when an earlier preview of those features occurred on the same object, as opposed to on a different object, beyond general displaywide priming. Despite its popularity, many fundamental aspects of the OF framework remain unexplored. For example, although OFs are thought to be involved primarily in online visual processing, we do not know how long such representations persist; previous studies found OSPBs for up to 1500 msec but did not test for longer durations. We explored this issue using a modified object reviewing paradigm and found that robust OSPBs persist for more than five times longer than has previously been tested-for at least 8 sec, and possibly for much longer. Object files may be the "glue" that makes visual experience coherent not just in online moment-by-moment processing, but on the scale of seconds that characterizes our everyday perceptual experiences. These findings also bear on research in infant cognition, where OFs are thought to explain infants' abilities to track and enumerate small sets of objects over longer durations.  相似文献   

In three experiments, the effect of target luminance on estimates of visual persistence was determined on a popular successive-field task. Even though the experiments differed from each other only in terms of minor changes in stimulus conditions, very different effects were obtained across the three experiments. The different findings were attributed to the often overlooked roles of masking and target degradation on tasks of persistence. Implications for the numerous contradictory findings in the persistence literature are discussed, and the current popularity of the successive-field task is questioned.  相似文献   

Movement in a part of either of two binocular fields can, under some conditions, produce temporary obliteration of the corresponding part of the other field. This paper is a mainly qualitative study of this rather surprising phenomenon. The effect is found to increase from the fovea to the periphery, to be greatest at a velocity of about 20° visual angle per sec. and to vary with the orientation of the fixation point in the visual field. Some further lines of research designed to elucidate the relation of the effect described here to certain other visual phenomena are suggested.  相似文献   

A single line was presented in a succession of orientations, each orientation separated by a fixed angle and by a fixed interval of time, and subjects reported the number of successive lines that appeared to rotate together. The perceived number of rotating lines increased linearly with the rate of stimulus presentation, with a slope that was proportional to the spatial separation. The linear functions obtained in this first experiment predicted the results of a second experiment in which subjects adjusted the spatial and temporal variables to a discrimination threshold for seeing two rotating lines. If the slope of the linear functions is considered to be an estimate of the duration of visible persistence, then these results suggest that the visible persistence of a briefly presented stimulus increases with the distance separating that stimulus from other stimuli.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we explored the basis of adults’ judgments of individual object persistence through transformation. Participants watched scenarios in which an object underwent a transformation into an object belonging to the same or a different basic-level kind. Participants were queried about the object’s persistence through the transformation as an individual (indexed by its proper name) and as a member of the original kind (indexed by its basic-level count noun in Experiments 1 and 2, or by its superordinate-level noun in Experiment 3). In all experiments, participants rated objects that were altered in a way that maintained basic-level kind to be less likely to retain their proper name than those that were altered in a way that changed basic-level kind. These findings suggest that shared basic-level kind membership serves as a dimension of similarity over which objects’ unique individual identities are highlighted. We discuss the implications of the results for existing theoretical accounts of adults’ judgments of individual object persistence.  相似文献   

Priming reflects an important means of learning that is mediated by implicit memory. Importantly, priming occurs for previously viewed objects (item-specific priming) and their category relatives (category-wide priming). Two distinct neural mechanisms are known to mediate priming, including the sharpening of a neural object representation and the retrieval of stimulus–response mappings. Here, we investigated whether the relationship between these neural mechanisms could help explain why item-specific priming generates faster responses than category-wide priming. Participants studied pictures of everyday objects, and then performed a difficult picture identification task while we recorded event-related potentials (ERP). The identification task gradually revealed random line segments of previously viewed items (Studied), category exemplars of previously viewed items (Exemplar), and items that were not previously viewed (Unstudied). Studied items were identified sooner than Unstudied items, showing evidence of item-specific priming, and importantly Exemplar items were also identified sooner than Unstudied items, showing evidence of category-wide priming. Early activity showed sustained neural suppression of parietal activity for both types of priming. However, these neural suppression effects may have stemmed from distinct processes because while category-wide neural suppression was correlated with priming behavior, item-specific neural suppression was not. Late activity, examined with response-locked ERPs, showed additional processes related to item-specific priming including neural suppression in occipital areas and parietal activity that was correlated with behavior. Together, we conclude that item-specific and category-wide priming are mediated by separate, parallel neural mechanisms in the context of the current paradigm. Temporal differences in behavior are determined by the timecourses of these distinct processes.  相似文献   

A critical challenge for visual perception is to represent objects as the same persisting individuals over time and motion. Across several areas of cognitive science, researchers have identified cohesion as among the most important theoretical principles of object persistence: An object must maintain a single bounded contour over time. Drawing inspiration from recent work in adult visual cognition, the present study tested the power of cohesion as a constraint as it operates early in development. In particular, we tested whether the most minimal cohesion violation - a single object splitting into two - would destroy infants' ability to represent a quantity of objects over occlusion. In a forced-choice crawling paradigm, 10- and 12-month-old infants witnessed crackers being sequentially placed into containers, and typically crawled toward the container with the greater cracker quantity. When one of the crackers was visibly split in half, however, infants failed to represent the relative quantities, despite controls for the overall quantities and the motions involved. This result helps to characterize the fidelity and specificity of cohesion as a fundamental principle of object persistence, suggesting that even the simplest possible cohesion violation can dramatically impair infants' object representations and influence their overt behavior.  相似文献   

The effects of moving task-irrelevant objects on time-to-contact (TTC) judgments were examined in 5 experiments. Observers viewed a directly approaching target in the presence of a distractor object moving in parallel with the target. In Experiments 1 to 4, observers decided whether the target would have collided with them earlier or later than a standard (absolute identification task). A contrast effect was observed: If the distractor arrived later than the target, it caused a bias toward early responses, relative to the condition without a distractor. The early-arriving distractor had no significant effect. The pattern of results was unaltered when potentially confounding information from individual visual cues was removed. The availability of stereoscopic information reduced the effect. The contrast effect was also observed if target and distractor were abstract geometric objects rather than simulations of real-world vehicles, rendering less likely a simple safety strategy activated by a potentially threatening distractor. Experiment 5 showed that the effect of the late-arriving distractor generalized to a prediction-motion task. The results indicate that task-irrelevant information in the background has to be considered in revision of time-to-contact theory.  相似文献   

Seven-letter targets were flashed for 50 msec and followed by either a blank adapting field (persisting representation of the stimulus fully available) or a series of continuous cycles of target and mask until the cumulative duration of the target matched the estimated duration of visual persistence (stimulus physically present for same interval as representation). The reportability of information from the targets in the latter case was only 50% that in the former. The interpretation is that visual persistence is an active, continuously operating process rather than a passive neural copy of the stimulus.  相似文献   

Sun HM  Gordon RD 《Memory & cognition》2010,38(8):1049-1057
In five experiments, we examined the influence of contextual objects’ location and visual features on visual memory. Participants’ visual memory was tested with a change detection task in which they had to judge whether the orientation (Experiments 1A, 1B, and 2) or color (Experiments 3A and 3B) of a target object was the same. Furthermore, contextual objects’ locations and visual features were manipulated in the test image. The results showed that change detection performance was better when contextual objects’ locations remained the same from study to test, demonstrating that the original spatial configuration is important for subsequent visual memory retrieval. The results further showed that changes to contextual objects’ orientation, but not color, reduced orientation change detection performance; and changes to contextual objects’ color, but not orientation, impaired color change detection performance. Therefore, contextual objects’ visual features are capable of affecting visual memory. However, selective attention plays an influential role in modulating such effects.  相似文献   

Kanai R  Verstraten FA 《Perception》2006,35(4):453-460
The position of a moving object is often mislocalised in the direction of movement. At the input stage of visual processing, the position of a moving object should still be represented veridically, whereas it should become closer to the mislocalised position at a later processing stage responsible for positional judgment. Here, we show that visual transients expose the veridical position of a moving object represented in early visual areas. For example, when a ring is flashed on a moving bar, the part of the bar within the ring is perceived at the veridical position, whereas the part outside the ring is perceived to be ahead of the ring as in the flash-lag effect. Our observations suggest that a filling-in process is triggered at the edges of the flash. This indicates that, in early cortical areas, moving objects are still represented at their veridical positions, and the perceived location is determined by the higher visual areas.  相似文献   

The close integration between visual and motor processes suggests that some visuomotor transformations may proceed automatically and to an extent that permits observable effects on subsequent actions. A series of experiments investigated the effects of visual objects on motor responses during a categorisation task. In Experiment 1 participants responded according to an object's natural or manufactured category. The responses consisted in uni-manual precision or power grasps that could be compatible or incompatible with the viewed object. The data indicate that object grasp compatibility significantly affected participant response times and that this did not depend upon the object being viewed within the reaching space. The time course of this effect was investigated in Experiments 2–4b by using a go-nogo paradigm with responses cued by tones and go-nogo trials cued by object category. The compatibility effect was not present under advance response cueing and rapidly diminished following object extinction. A final experiment established that the compatibility effect did not depend on a within-hand response choice, but was at least as great with bi-manual responses where a full power grasp could be used. Distributional analyses suggest that the effect is not subject to rapid decay but increases linearly with RT whilst the object remains visible. The data are consistent with the view that components of the actions an object affords are integral to its representation.  相似文献   

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