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药物成瘾作为一种慢性复发性的脑疾病,具有从偶然性用药、规律性用药到强迫性用药的渐进式发展特征。研究提示,药物成瘾存在潜在的个体易感性机制,即在成瘾发生过程中不同个体接触药物后的成瘾风险并不相同,探索药物成瘾的神经生物标记是揭示成瘾易感性机制的重要途径。近十多年来,关于成瘾易感性标记的研究不断积聚。文章从神经认知、神经影像及脑电生理、分子遗传等层面梳理与药物成瘾生物标记有关的证据,试图在基因-大脑-心理-行为的理论框架下,对成瘾的发生发展机制进行综合阐释,期望为未来研究在探索药物成瘾的候选神经生物标记、寻找临床干预试验的精准靶点等方面提供更多理论参考。  相似文献   

精神疾病在很大程度上受到遗传的影响,而对疾病的遗传学研究却没有得到一致的结论,内表型正是在这一背景下提出。内表型是可以通过生化测试或显微镜检查发现的内在的表现型,即内表型不是很明显的、外在的而是微观的、内在的,内表型比疾病的外在表现更接近疾病的生物学基础,更少受到外在因素的影响,因而通过内表型来研究疾病的遗传基因有着显著的优势。现有的精神疾病诊断和分类标准都是以临床症状和行为描述为基础的,缺少生物学基础,基于内表型的分析对建立疾病的诊断和分类的生物学基础是非常重要的。内表型可以是神经生理的,生物化学的,神经解剖的,认知的,神经心理学的测量。作为内表型需要满足与疾病共同存在,可遗传,状态独立,在家庭中和疾病共分离,在病人未发病亲属中比一般人群的比率要高等标准。该文在介绍了内表型的概念,说明了内表型的原理,优点与用处,以及作为内表型需要满足的标准之后,进而以几种常见的精神疾病(多动症、精神分裂症、抑郁症)为例说明了目前认知内表型研究的进展,其中反应抑制和工作记忆可以作为多动症的内表型,注意、言语记忆和工作记忆可以作为精神分裂症和抑郁症的内表型,文章回顾了它们作为内表型所满足的标准的相关文献。最后对内表型的研究做出了展望  相似文献   

本研究对深圳市1279名初一学生进行连续3年追踪测量,采用增长混合模型和网络分析方法,识别网瘾风险青少年及其网瘾症状的演化规律。增长混合模型结果显示,根据青少年网瘾的发展趋势可以将青少年区分为正常组和风险组。网络分析结果表明,风险组青少年的网瘾在不同阶段呈现不同的核心症状:在初一时,“强迫性网络使用”、“满足感缺失”、“情绪失控”和“戒断反应”的中心性均较高;在初二时,“满足感缺失”成为了该时间点中心性最高的核心症状;在初三时,“戒断反应”成为了中心性最高的核心症状。本研究拓宽了对青少年网瘾动态变化性的认识,扩充了识别网瘾风险青少年的方法,为未来设计有针对性的干预方案提供实证依据。  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍是一种遗传性很高的认知功能缺陷, 运用关联分析对其遗传机制进行研究是近年来的新趋势。从研究方法的视角可以将现有的关联分析研究归为以下三类:家系法研究、病例-控制法研究和数量性状关联分析研究。阅读障碍关联分析研究的新趋势主要体现在与全基因组扫描技术、神经成像技术以及基因功能研究的结合上, 促进了从“基因-大脑-行为”层面对发展性阅读障碍的遗传机制进行理解。  相似文献   

以往研究指出青少年阶段是情绪障碍的高发时期, 各种情绪问题深刻影响青少年的身心健康。通过文献分析得出青春期压力所采取的应对方式(即个体对压力事件做出反应的稳定方式)可能是决定青少年情绪障碍易感程度的核心因素; 而认知训练可降低该易感性, 从而提高青少年的心理健康水平。为了验证上述观点, 综合采用行为调查与生理测量, EEG/ERP与fMRI手段, 拟开展如下4个方面的研究工作:1)青春期发育阶段影响个体负性情绪易感性的大脑机制; 2)认知应对方式与青春期发育阶段的交互作用对负性情绪易感性的影响及大脑机制; 3)认知训练(包括注意训练、解释训练与接受训练)对健康青少年负面情绪易感性的调节作用及大脑可塑性机制; 4)认知训练对青少年抑郁/焦虑症患者情绪应对方式与临床症状的影响及大脑可塑性机制。通过上述系列研究, 揭示青少年更高情绪障碍易感性的认知神经机制, 找出并培养有利于青少年身心健康的情绪应对方法, 从而为情绪障碍的临床治疗奠定理论与实践基础。  相似文献   

成功的新产品开发是企业获取竞争优势的重要因素, 但创新产品并非总能得到市场的接受, 大多数的新产品扩散往往以失败告终。因此, 业界和学界对新产品采纳问题进行了诸多探索。新产品采纳过程是指创新产品从被设计制造出来, 到最终被消费者或潜在消费者认识和采用的过程。对相关研究综述发现:以Rogers创新扩散模型为依据, 按采纳时间和特征的不同, 新产品采纳者可以系统分为早期采纳者和晚期采纳者, 二者之间主要从创新性、产品理解和易感性三个维度进行区分。具体来说, 早期采纳者具有高创新性、高产品理解和低易感性; 晚期采纳者具有低创新性、低产品理解和高易感性。在此基础上, 我们探究了各维度下影响消费者新产品采纳的具体因素。未来研究可以从这三个维度出发, 结合已有研究的不足以及当前环境、消费特点等进行拓展。  相似文献   

为探索应激对决策的作用机理及其个体差异,减少工程作业中因应激导致的决策失误,本研究采用特里尔社会应激测试和气球模拟风险任务考察应激反应与应激下风险倾向的关系,并探索兴奋易感性在其中的调节作用。研究结果表明,应激下个体的皮质醇反应越大,行为越冒险。且这一作用受到兴奋易感性的调节:兴奋易感性较高的个体,应激下皮质醇反应越大,行为越冒险;而兴奋易感性较低的个体,其皮质醇变化不能预测风险倾向。该发现提示了兴奋易感性在应激影响中的重要作用,也为高压岗位的人员选拔提供了科学启示。  相似文献   

四重模型(The Quadruple Process Model,简称Quad Model)是一个可对内隐任务中四种性质不同加工的独立、同时性影响进行测量的多项式模型。首先采用武器识别任务等实例对模型参数、结构、数据分析及可行性进行说明;随后介绍该模型在内隐研究中的应用,涉及情境易变性与可塑性、个体与群体差异及内隐任务外行为等三类问题;最后从多方面对其进行评价与展望。  相似文献   

结肠癌基因的发现过程长久以来,医生们就知道一些肿瘤如常见的乳腺癌、结肠癌等趋向于家族发病。这一观察揭示,尽管食物和其它环境因素对肿瘤的发生有影响,但这些疾病的易感性是能够遗传的。过去几年里,寻找可能导致这些易感性基因成为基因研究者重要的研究目标。19...  相似文献   

近10年来, 越来越多的研究表明, 对可操作物体的识别不仅依赖物体的视觉信息, 同时也依赖操作它的动作信息和知识, 即可操作性。来自行为实验、脑成像和脑损伤病人的研究都表明, 物体的可操作性在物体识别中会被激活, 并起着重要的作用。可操作性的研究不但重新解释了生物与非生物、名词与动词的分离现象, 而且对于研究物体表征, 以及视觉物体识别的神经通路有着重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

Genetic testing for susceptibility to major depressive disorder (MDD) is not available for clinical use at present. Given this, family history remains the best predictor for development of MDD, and family-history-based risk assessment and information about familial aspects of MDD may be useful to clients at increased risk for MDD attending for genetic counseling. This study uses a mixed-methods design to assess the information needs and preferences of people at increased familial risk for MDD. Telephone interviews were conducted with 23 individuals, who had at least one first-degree relative with MDD and were recruited through advertisements placed on depression education websites. The most preferred way to access depression information was via the internet (87 % of participants), although this preference may have been due to the internet-based recruitment method. The second most preferred dissemination strategy (56 %) was face-to-face delivery through a health professional, including genetic counselors. Individuals reported a need for information about etiology and development of MDD, reproductive decision-making, early detection of symptoms and risk-reducing strategies. Nearly all participants expressed an interest in risk assessment. The present study found evidence of a high level of interest for information targeted to people at increased familial risk for MDD. Genetic counselors are likely to be called upon increasingly to provide supportive counseling to assist clients at increased familial risk in interpreting and contextualizing such information once it becomes available.  相似文献   

HPA轴(下丘脑?垂体?肾上腺皮质轴, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortex axis)是人体应对压力的重要神经内分泌系统, 其终产物皮质醇常作为测量压力的生物学指标。目前的研究多通过皮质醇日常节律表示静息状态下HPA轴的活动, 而日常节律因其较高的稳定性和可靠性成为儿童生理健康评估的最佳指标。儿童期迅速发育的神经内分泌系统与儿童的行为相互作用, 并受到多种心理社会因素的影响。以往研究主要关注皮质醇日常节律与儿童问题行为及心理社会因素的关系, 未来研究应讨论逆境条件下影响儿童成长的危险性因素和保护性因素, 并探索环境对儿童行为影响可能存在的内分泌机制。  相似文献   

Several forms of eye movement dysfunction (EMD) are regarded as promising candidate endophenotypes of schizophrenia. Discrepancies in individual study results have led to inconsistent conclusions regarding particular aspects of EMD in relatives of schizophrenia patients. To quantitatively evaluate and compare the candidacy of smooth pursuit, saccade and fixation deficits in first-degree biological relatives, we conducted a set of meta-analytic investigations. Among 18 measures of EMD, memory-guided saccade accuracy and error rate, global smooth pursuit dysfunction, intrusive saccades during fixation, antisaccade error rate and smooth pursuit closed-loop gain emerged as best differentiating relatives from controls (standardized mean differences ranged from .46 to .66), with no significant differences among these measures. Anticipatory saccades, but no other smooth pursuit component measures were also increased in relatives. Visually-guided reflexive saccades were largely normal. Moderator analyses examining design characteristics revealed few variables affecting the magnitude of the meta-analytically observed effects. Moderate effect sizes of relatives v. controls in selective aspects of EMD supports their endophenotype potential. Future work should focus on facilitating endophenotype utility through attention to heterogeneity of EMD performance, relationships among forms of EMD, and application in molecular genetics studies.  相似文献   

《Brain and cognition》2009,69(3):436-461
Several forms of eye movement dysfunction (EMD) are regarded as promising candidate endophenotypes of schizophrenia. Discrepancies in individual study results have led to inconsistent conclusions regarding particular aspects of EMD in relatives of schizophrenia patients. To quantitatively evaluate and compare the candidacy of smooth pursuit, saccade and fixation deficits in first-degree biological relatives, we conducted a set of meta-analytic investigations. Among 18 measures of EMD, memory-guided saccade accuracy and error rate, global smooth pursuit dysfunction, intrusive saccades during fixation, antisaccade error rate and smooth pursuit closed-loop gain emerged as best differentiating relatives from controls (standardized mean differences ranged from .46 to .66), with no significant differences among these measures. Anticipatory saccades, but no other smooth pursuit component measures were also increased in relatives. Visually-guided reflexive saccades were largely normal. Moderator analyses examining design characteristics revealed few variables affecting the magnitude of the meta-analytically observed effects. Moderate effect sizes of relatives v. controls in selective aspects of EMD supports their endophenotype potential. Future work should focus on facilitating endophenotype utility through attention to heterogeneity of EMD performance, relationships among forms of EMD, and application in molecular genetics studies.  相似文献   


The diagnostic categories of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) are expanded psychotheologically in a model which includes not only the biological and psychological symptoms but also those emerging in the dimensions of personal meaning and continued being. Frankl's Logotherapy assists in elucidating what a crisis of meaning looks like clinically and Tillich's formulation of the anxiety of non-being is adapted for describing the ontological crisis in MDD. A case study applies the model to one individual's approach to eldership. The ontological dimension is identified as the particular concern of Pastoral Counseling.  相似文献   

Children of parents with major depressive disorder (MDD) are four to six times more likely than other children to develop MDD. Little research has examined whether comorbid parental diagnoses further increase children's risk. This study examines whether children of parents with comorbid MDD and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) (1) are at greater risk for experiencing depressive symptoms and/or episodes and (2) whether such increased risk may be due, in part, to their exhibiting higher levels of cognitive/interpersonal vulnerability factors. Children (n = 140; ages 6-14) of parents with MDD completed measures assessing cognitive/interpersonal vulnerability factors. Parents completed semi-structured clinical interviews assessing severity of current depressive symptoms and BPD. Both children and parents completed a semi-structured clinical interview assessing the child's current and past history of MDD. Children of parents with comorbid MDD and BPD exhibited higher levels of current depressive symptoms and higher levels of cognitive/interpersonal vulnerability factors than children of parents with MDD but no BPD, even after controlling for parents' current levels of depressive symptoms. The relationship between parental BPD and chil-dren's current levels of depressive symptoms was partially mediated by children's cognitive/interpersonal vulnerability factors. Last, children of parents with comorbid BPD and MDD were 6.84 times more likely to exhibit a current or past diagnosis of MDD.  相似文献   

Three questions were addressed using family study data from a community sample: (a) Which clinical features of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adolescents are associated with elevated rates of MDD in relatives? (b) Which features of MDD in relatives distinguish family members of depressed adolescents from relatives of adolescents without mood disorders (NMD)? and (c) Do depressed adolescents with particular features have higher proportions of depressed relatives with the same features? Participants included 268 MDD adolescents, 401 NMD adolescents, and their 2,202 first-degree relatives. Rates of MDD were highest among relatives of depressed adolescents with recurrent episodes and greater impairment. Depression severity best distinguished the relatives of depressed adolescents from relatives of controls. Specific clinical features did not aggregate in families.  相似文献   

Seventy-nine psychiatric inpatients were administered a battery of psychometric instruments that obtained information about early parental loss, exposure to family violence, and behavioral problems in themselves and in their first-degree relatives. These variables were correlated with suicide and violence risk measures. Suicide risk significantly correlated with all family variables whereas violence risk correlated with behavioral problems both in oneself and in one's first-degree relatives. Moreover, suicidal and/or violent patients had experienced maternal loss significantly more frequently than the nonsuicidal/nonviolent patients. In the suicidal/violent group, age of patient at death of parents was significantly lower than in the nonsuicidal/nonviolent group. Finally, family violence was significantly correlated with behavioral problems in self and in first-degree relatives. Findings are interpreted according to the authors' theoretical model of aggression regulation.  相似文献   

抑郁症具有中等的遗传度。通过影像遗传学方法探讨抑郁相关基因的多态性对神经活动的影响,发现编码五羟色胺、促肾上腺素释放激素受体、多巴胺等神经递质或受体的基因多态性会影响杏仁核、前扣带等情绪加工脑区的功能或结构,且多数基因与压力生活经历发生交互作用。表明基因与环境的交互作用在抑郁症发病机理中扮演重要角色。未来的研究应拓展遗传和神经影像分析方法,重视环境因素的测量,通过整合遗传、神经影像及环境变量构建抑郁病理模型。  相似文献   

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