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本研究通过比较重复学习新词时个体眼动模式的变化, 探讨发展性阅读障碍儿童的新词习得及改善途径。实验1以发展性阅读障碍、生理年龄和阅读能力匹配儿童为被试, 采用重复学习新词的范式, 探讨发展性阅读障碍儿童的新词习得。结果发现, 与匹配组相比, 发展性阅读障碍儿童在新词的首次注视时间和凝视时间上需要更多的语境才出现显著下降, 且在总注视时间上表现出更缓慢的下降。表明发展性阅读障碍儿童的新词习得慢于正常儿童。实验2以词间空格和正常无空格两种文本呈现方式, 仍采用重复学习新词范式, 探讨词间空格是否能促进发展性阅读障碍儿童的新词习得。结果发现, 在词间空格条件下, 发展性阅读障碍儿童的新词习得可达到正常儿童的水平。表明作为视觉词切分线索的词间空格, 可促进发展性阅读障碍儿童的新词习得。本研究结果为发展性阅读障碍儿童新词习得提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

本研究通过两个平行实验,探讨重复学习新词时首、尾词素位置概率信息作用于词切分的变化模式。采用阅读伴随词汇学习范式,将双字假词作为新词,实验1操纵首词素位置概率高低,保证尾词素相同;实验2操纵尾词素位置概率高低,保证首词素相同。采用眼动仪记录大学生阅读时的眼动轨迹。结果显示:(1)首、尾词素位置概率信息的词切分作用随新词在阅读中学习次数的增加而逐步变小,表现出“熟悉性效应”。(2)首词素位置概率信息的“熟悉性效应”表现在回视路径时间、总注视次数两个相对晚期的眼动指标,而尾词素位置概率信息的“熟悉性效应”则从凝视时间开始,到回视路径时间,再持续到总注视时间。结果表明首、尾词素的位置概率信息均作用于阅读伴随词汇学习的词切分,但首词素的作用时程更长,更稳定,支持了首词素在双字词加工中具有优势的观点。  相似文献   

通过消失文本范式操纵注视词的呈现时间,记录儿童(10~12岁)与成人(18~23岁)阅读消失文本和正常文本时的眼动行为,考察中文阅读中读者获取文本视觉信息速度的发展变化。结果发现:在40 ms及更长的文本呈现条件下,儿童与成人的阅读理解率和总阅读时间均不受显著的干扰,表明中文读者在非常短暂的文本呈现时间内能够快速地获取阅读所必需的文本视觉信息。然而,儿童受到消失文本操作更大的影响,表现为:儿童比成人采用更多回视进行信息的再次提取、再注视概率也较成人减少更多、同时当文本呈现时间不足时(20 ms),儿童需要增加更多的总阅读时间来完成阅读活动,表明阅读机能较低的儿童比成人需要更长的文本呈现时间。本研究也说明,儿童在阅读时认知加工速度比熟练读者慢,除了表现在信息获取的空间范围,还在一定程度上表现在视觉信息获取的速度方面,与拼音文字研究中所发现的结果不完全一致。  相似文献   

阅读研究中的主要眼动指标评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
眼跳和注视是阅读过程中的两种基本眼动现象.目前在对阅读的眼动研究中分析指标主要包括两类,一类是与眼睛何时移动有关的时间维度的眼动指标,具体包括以字或词为兴趣区的眼动指标,如单一注视时间、首次注视时间、第二次注视时间、凝视时间、离开目标后的首次注视时间、回视时间和总注视时间等,以及以短语或句子为兴趣区的眼动指标,如第一遍阅读时间、向前阅读时间、第二遍阅读时间、回视路径阅读时间、重读时间等.另一类是与眼睛移动位置有关的空间维度的眼动指标,具体包括眼跳距离、注视位置、注视次数、跳读率、再注视比率和回视次数等.在使用眼动指标时,需要注意眼动指标的分类、原始数据的删除标准以及眼动指标的选择等问题.  相似文献   

使用眼动仪记录汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童、正常年龄匹配和能力匹配儿童阅读插入空格文本时的眼动,考察在字、词以及非词间插入空格呈现文本对汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童阅读加工过程的影响。结果发现,阅读障碍儿童在字间空格条件下平均注视时间减少的程度大于正常儿童,注视次数在字间和词间空格条件下未见显著增加,能力匹配儿童的注视次数在这两种空格条件下却显著增加。结果说明,在字间和词间插入空格能够减少儿童的平均阅读时间,且字间空格文本呈现显著地提高了其阅读效率,说明空格对汉语阅读障碍儿童具有促进作用,这种促进主要是由于空格减少了其视觉拥挤效应所致。  相似文献   

采用EyeLink II眼动仪, 选取阅读障碍儿童及与其年龄相同、阅读能力水平相同的儿童为被试, 要求他们阅读正常无空格和词间空格句子。结果发现, 在阅读正常无空格和词间空格句子时, 阅读障碍儿童与年龄匹配组和能力匹配组儿童一样, 单次注视时往往将首次注视定位于词的中心, 多次注视时首次注视往往落在词的开头; 当首次注视落在词的开头时再注视该词的概率增加, 而且再注视往往落在词的结尾部分。我们认为, 中国儿童在阅读过程中采用的是“战略-战术”策略。  相似文献   

按照3~5年级小学生的语文阅读水平,在各年级中分别选取年龄相同的高、中、低三组儿童作为被试,要求他们阅读适合本年级阅读水平的5篇短文,探讨同一年龄段内读者阅读水平的高低对阅读眼动注视模式的影响是否存在发展上的差异。通过记录其眼动轨迹,结果发现:9岁儿童的阅读眼动注视模式受读者本身阅读水平的影响最大,10岁次之,到11岁,随着儿童基本眼动行为的成熟,这种影响随之消失。表明读者阅读眼动注视模式的发展动力来源于语言操作技能和眼球运动协调性提高的交互作用。  相似文献   

儿童早期的文字意识是儿童阅读能力发展最重要的两个预测变量之一,在幼儿时期表现为对文字的关注。研究以121名4-6岁幼儿为被试,采用TobiiT60眼动仪记录幼儿在图画书阅读过程中对文字注视的眼动。结果发现:1.幼儿在自主阅读情境下仍然首先关注图画、在阅读过程中主要关注图画,自主阅读情境中幼儿对文字的注视时间比例和注视次数比例远高于亲子阅读情境中的比例。2.年龄和文字面积是幼儿图画书自主阅读中文字注视的核心影响因素,幼儿对文字的注视比例随着年龄的增长而不断提高,文字面积通过年龄对幼儿的文字注视起作用。3.幼儿早期阅读能力经历了从图画到文字的发展过程,学前末期,幼儿逐渐成为一个初步的文字阅读者。  相似文献   

英文快速阅读的眼动特点与阅读成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文运用眼动仪对中国大学生在快读阅读英文文本时,其眼动特征与阅读成绩的关系进行了研究。结果表明:在平均注视时间、第一次注视时间、眼跳速度、眼跳次数等方面,高低分组存在显著性差异,高分组的眼动策略更灵活,对信息的加工效率更高。  相似文献   

采用眼动实验方法,对20名大学生阅读不同颜色中、英文材料时的眼动特征进行考察。结果发现:(1)颜色对中、英文阅读成绩影响趋势一致,红色成绩最好,黄色最差;(2)颜色对被试阅读眼动指标影响差异显著:注视次数上,红色和黑色最多;注视时间上,红色最短;眼跳距离上,黄色最长;注视频率上,黄色最低。  相似文献   

通过与生理年龄匹配儿童比较新词重复学习中眼跳定位模式变化的异同, 探讨发展性阅读障碍儿童在新词学习中的眼跳定位是否存在缺陷。以发展性阅读障碍儿童和生理年龄匹配儿童为被试, 采用重复学习新词范式, 结果发现:(1)与生理年龄匹配组相比, 发展性阅读障碍儿童跳入新词的眼跳距离较短、首次注视落点位置更靠近词首; (2)生理年龄匹配组儿童利用学习次数调节新词眼跳定位模式的能力高于发展性阅读障碍儿童, 即随着新词学习次数的增加, 生理年龄匹配组儿童跳入和跳出新词的眼跳距离随之增长, 首次注视落点位置更靠近词中心; 相比之下, 发展性阅读障碍儿童仅在跳出新词的眼跳距离上有所增长, 但增加幅度也显著小于生理年龄匹配组。结果表明, 发展性阅读障碍儿童在新词学习中的眼跳定位, 及利用学习次数对眼跳定位的调节上均表现出一定缺陷。  相似文献   

为考察词素熟悉性是否会影响视觉词切分线索在新词学习中的作用,本研究中新词由两类假词构成:第一类假词由两个高频字(高熟悉性词素)组成,第二类假词由两个低频字(低熟悉性词素)组成。实验采用学习-测试范式,将新词镶嵌在句子中供大学生被试阅读。结果发现,相比由低熟悉性词素构成的新词,词间空格在由高熟悉词素构成的新词中起到的促进作用更大。表明在汉语阅读过程中,词素熟悉性可能作为一种线索参与词切分。  相似文献   

Performance on three different tasks was compared: naming, lexical decision, and reading (with eye fixation times on a target word measured). We examined the word frequency effect for a common set of words for each task and each subject. Naming and reading (particularly gaze duration) yielded similar frequency effects for the target words. The frequency effect found in lexical decision was greater than that found in naming and in eye fixation times. In all tasks, there was a correlation between the frequency effect and average response time. In general, the results suggest that both the naming and the lexical decision tasks yield data about word recognition processes that are consistent with effects found in eye fixations during silent reading.  相似文献   

P Zwitserlood 《Cognition》1989,32(1):25-64
Models of word recognition differ with respect to where the effects of sentential-semantic context are to be located. Using a crossmodal priming technique, this research investigated the availability of lexical entries as a function of stimulus information and contextual constraint. To investigate the exact locus of the effects of sentential contexts, probes that were associatively related to contextually appropriate and inappropriate words were presented at various positions before and concurrent with the spoken word. The results show that sentential contexts do not preselect a set of contextually appropriate words before any sensory information about the spoken word is available. Moreover, during lexical access, defined here as the initial contact with lexical entries and their semantic and syntactic properties, both contextually appropriate and inappropriate words are activated. Contextual effects are located after lexical access, at a point in time during word processing where the sensory input by itself is still insufficiently informative to disambiguate between the activated entries. This suggests that sentential-semantic contexts have their effects during the process of selecting one of the activated candidates for recognition.  相似文献   

Latent semantic analysis (LSA) and transitional probability (TP), two computational methods used to reflect lexical semantic representation from large text corpora, were employed to examine the effects of word predictability on Chinese reading. Participants' eye movements were monitored, and the influence of word complexity (number of strokes), word frequency, and word predictability on different eye movement measures (first-fixation duration, gaze duration, and total time) were examined. We found influences of TP on first-fixation duration and gaze duration and of LSA on total time. The results suggest that TP reflects an early stage of lexical processing while LSA reflects a later stage.  相似文献   

This study assessed eye movement abnormalities of adolescent dyslexic readers and interpreted the findings by linking the dual-route model of single word reading with the E-Z Reader model of eye movement control during silent sentence reading. A dysfunction of the lexical route was assumed to account for a reduced number of words which received only a single fixation or which were skipped and for the increased number of words with multiple fixations and a marked effect of word length on gaze duration. This pattern was interpreted as a frequent failure of orthographic whole-word recognition (based on orthographic lexicon entries) and on reliance on serial sublexical processing instead. Inefficiency of the lexical route was inferred from prolonged gaze durations for singly fixated words. These findings were related to the E-Z Reader model of eye movement control. Slow activation of word phonology accounted for the low skipping rate of dyslexic readers. Frequent reliance on sublexical decoding was inferred from a tendency to fixate word beginnings and from short forward saccades. Overall, the linkage of the dual-route model of single word reading and a model of eye movement control led to a useful framework for understanding eye movement abnormalities of dyslexic readers.  相似文献   

Abstract— Semantically associated and unassociated word pairs were embedded in normal meaningful sentences and in sentences that were semantically anomalous throughout The influence of lexical context was isolated via comparison of responses to the second words of the associated and unassociated pairs. The influence of sentence-level context was isolated by comparing responses to the same words in the two sentence types Subjects of high, medium and low working memory capacity (as evaluated by the reading span test) showed modulations of event-related brain potentials in response so lexical context. In contrast, only the high- and medium-capacity groups were responsive to purely sentence-level semantic context. The results demonstrate that sentential context influences the processing of words in intermediate sentence positions at normal reading speeds but that the on-line utilization of this context is more demanding of working memory than single-word contexts.  相似文献   

Parallel distributed processing (PDP) models of reading developed out of an appreciation of the role that context plays in letter and word perception. Adult readers can more accurately identify letters in a word than alone or in other random display contexts, a phenomenon known as the Word Superiority Effect (WSE). We examined the effects of orthographic context on the letter recognition skills of dyslexic children, comparing their performance to adults, and chronological- and reading-age matched groups. Consistent with previous studies, results showed adults better able to identify letters in the context of words and pseudowords than in random letter strings. Young normal readers demonstrated the WSE, but their pseudoword advantage was less than adults. The dyslexic children showed no WSE at all. PDP computer simulations for the experimental data using the Interactive Activation model (IA) suggested that the orthographic components of the lexical system of normal children are interactive and distributed as they are in adults but provide less bottom-up activation. In addition, top-down processing increases with age and reading skill, but may be absent for dyslexic readers.  相似文献   

The effect of semantic priming upon lexical decisions made for words in isolation (Experiment 1) and during sentence comprehension (Experiment 2) was investigated using a cross-modal lexical decision task. In Experiment 1, subjects made lexical decisions to both auditory and visual stimuli. Processing auditorily presented words facilitated subsequent lexical decisions on semantically related visual words. In Experiment 2, subjects comprehended auditorily presented sentences while simultaneously making lexical decisions for visually presented stimuli. Lexical decisions were facilitated when a visual word appeared immediately following a related word in the sentential material. Lexical decisions were also facilitated when the visual word appeared three syllables following closure of the clause containing the related material. Arguments are made for autonomy of semantic priming during sentence comprehension.  相似文献   

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