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为满足迅速变化的环境要求,个体需要快速灵活地调整认知加工策略。背景颜色是一个重要的环境因素,它能够影响人的认知和行为表现。然而,背景颜色对认知控制在线调整的影响,是一个关键但又被忽略的问题。为解决这个问题,本研究采用字母flanker任务,考察了灰色、蓝色和红色背景条件下的一致性序列效应。结果发现,蓝色背景下的一致性序列效应不显著,而灰色和红色背景下得到了显著的一致性序列效应;此外,在这三种颜色背景下,flanker干扰效应无显著差异。这些结果说明,蓝色背景影响一致性序列效应,但干扰效应不受背景颜色的调节。当前的研究首次揭示了背景颜色对认知控制在线调整的影响,也进一步加深了我们对一致性序列效应的理解。  相似文献   

为考察背景颜色对中性面孔情绪识别的影响及时间特征,采用混合实验设计,背景颜色为组内变量,呈现时间为组间变量,要求被试报告对中性面孔的愉快体验及其程度。结果发现:(1)背景颜色主效应显著,相较于冷色调,暖色调背景下,中性面孔愉快感知百分比更高,愉快程度评定分数也更高。(2)颜色和时间的交互作用不存在显著差异。这表明,背景颜色影响个体对中性面孔图片的情绪识别,且该效应在不同时间进程下均存在。  相似文献   

基于单探测变化觉察和双任务范式,采用项目数量(3)×呈现时间(2)×文字线索(2)混合实验设计,对沉浸式虚拟学习环境图形加工特征和认知负荷进行探讨,以任务绩效法与主观测量法评定认知负荷。44名大学生的实验结果显示:(1)项目数量对虚拟空间图形识记主任务绩效和主观认知负荷有显著影响,项目数量越多,主任务正确率越低,反应时越长,主观评定认知负荷越高,同时加工刺激数量以4个为宜;(2)呈现时间对虚拟空间图形识记次任务绩效有显著影响,呈现时间越长,次任务正确率越高,呈现时间超过0.5s有利于次任务加工;(3)文字线索对虚拟图形识记认知负荷有显著影响,重复性文字线索会增加认知负荷。结果表明,在沉浸式虚拟环境中,图形加工的认知负荷特点与平面和三维图形基本一致,项目数量多、呈现时间短以及有重复性文字线索时,认知负荷更高;任务绩效和主观测量评定指标在反映认知负荷强度上不完全一致。  相似文献   

韩琴  胡卫平  贾小娟 《心理科学》2013,36(2):417-423
采用4(小组结构)*2(任务难度)混合实验设计,以149名小学四年级学生为被试,考察了在不同任务难度情景中,同伴互动小组结构对创造性问题提出的影响。结果表明:(1)与单独学习相比,同伴互动的学习方式更能促进学生创造性问题提出的发展;(2)小组结构对学生的创造性问题提出有显著影响,同质组、自选组学生的创造性问题提出得分显著高于控制组;(3)任务难度对学生的创造性问题提出有显著影响,低难度任务情境下的创造性问题提出得分显著高于在高难度情境;(4)小组结构与任务难度对学生创造性问题提出的影响存在显著的交互效应。  相似文献   

可取难度理论和不流畅理论认为不流畅加工可促进学习,认知负荷理论则认为知觉不流畅所激发的额外认知负荷可能阻碍学习。研究采用2(知觉流畅性:流畅,不流畅)×3(背景图相关度:相关背景图、无关背景图和空白背景)被试间实验设计,考察学习意义材料时认知负荷(通过插入的背景图控制)与知觉流畅性的相互作用。结果发现:(1)知觉流畅性的主效应显著,知觉流畅时的学习成绩显著高于知觉不流畅时的成绩;背景图相关度的主效应显著,相关背景图条件下的成绩显著高于空白背景和无关背景图。(2)知觉流畅性与背景图相关度的交互作用显著,在知觉流畅条件下,呈现相关背景图的得分显著高于空白背景和无关背景图,后二者无显著差异;知觉不流畅条件下,三者间无显著差异。研究结果表明,在知觉流畅的条件下插入相关背景图有利于意义材料的学习;该结果支持认知负荷理论。  相似文献   

采用不等组实验组、控制组前测后测的准实验设计,探讨了翻转课堂背景下翻转教学法对高中生认知负荷及学习成绩的影响。结果发现:(1)翻转教学法能有效降低高中生的内在认知负荷,提高其学习成绩与学习效率;(2)翻转课堂背景下,高中生的认知负荷存在知识反转效应,即高成绩者的收益低于低成绩者。结果提示,翻转课堂取得优异学习效果的心理机制在于通过有效降低学习者的内在认知负荷而影响其学习成绩;同时,翻转教学法的运用过程中须考虑学习者认知负荷的变化及学习效率,其对所有的学习者不是同等有效的。  相似文献   

白学军  姚海娟 《心理学报》2018,50(11):1197-1211
本研究采用2个实验, 考察创造性思维测验得分高低者在Stroop任务干扰条件上的差异, 从行为和生理指标探讨认知抑制与创造性思维的关系, 以及时间压力对认知抑制与创造性思维关系的调节作用。实验1采用Stroop颜色命名任务。结果发现, 相比低创者, 高创者的反应时干扰效应量和正确率干扰效应量均更小。实验2采用更灵活的Stroop字义-颜色命名转换任务, 操纵不同的时间压力条件, 并记录被试完成任务时的皮肤电活动。结果发现, 高创者在有时间压力条件下的干扰效应量显著小于无时间压力条件下, 而低创者在有和无时间压力条件下的干扰效应量无显著差异; 高创者在颜色命名任务的不一致条件下的皮肤电活动变化显著高于一致条件, 而低创者在颜色命名任务的一致和不一致条件下无显著差异。研究表明:总体而言, 相比低创者, 高创者的认知抑制能力更高, 能够有效抑制优势的但不相关的反应倾向。时间压力在认知抑制与创造性思维的关系中起调节作用, 高创者面对不同任务要求能够灵活调整自身的认知抑制水平, 并表现出变化的生理唤醒水平。结果支持创造性思维的适应性认知抑制假说。  相似文献   

李宏汀  王平飞 《心理科学》2012,35(4):848-851
前人研究表明:年龄影响颜色偏爱、抽象颜色偏爱不同于具体颜色偏爱。因此本研究在抽象颜色偏爱实验基础上通过设计高保真网页研究青年人、老年人的网页颜色偏爱(包括主题色及其与文本色的搭配)。结果表明:(1)年龄、性别不会影响网页颜色偏爱。(2)浅蓝色、蓝色比较适合作为网页主题色。(3)网页主题采用不同颜色时,被试对文本色偏爱表现出较高的规律性,黑色、蓝色更适合作为网页文本色。  相似文献   

颜色突显是指在与视觉搜索任务有关的视觉显示中,采用颜色突出显示多个项目中的目标项目,从而提高视觉搜索效率的一种方法或技术。本文采用视觉搜索任务,以正确率和反应时为指标对单彩色和复杂彩色背景下不同颜色突显的视觉搜索绩效进行了研究。结果表明:(1)在单彩色背景和复杂彩色背景下,颜色突显条件视觉搜索绩效显著优于非突显条件;(2)在浅蓝或浅绿的单彩色背景下,四种颜色突显绩效中,红色突显绩效最好,紫色最差,而在随机彩色背景和复杂彩色背景下,颜色突显绩效差异并不显著;(3)在彩色背景下的颜色突显绩效会受到干扰数字的颜色的影响,其中在单色和随机彩色背景下,干扰目标颜色为黑色时的视觉搜索绩效优于干扰目标颜色为白色时的情景,而在自然彩色背景下,这种视觉搜索优势并不存在。  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过3个实验从信息凸显的角度探讨红色图形对健康行为的助推作用。实验一和实验二分别采用星号图和直条图,通过操纵图形颜色或装有实验材料的信封颜色,以探讨数量信息表征方式(图形 vs. 数字)及颜色(红色 vs. 蓝色、黑色或白色)对健康风险回避行为的影响。实验三将针对宫颈癌疫苗接种这一健康行为,采用更加形象的人物杆形图进一步考察在不同决策框架下(损失/收益)红色图形能否有效助推个体的健康行为意愿。结果发现,在损失及收益情景下,红色图形均能稳定助推个体的健康行为,但当用信封颜色操纵颜色背景时,红色的影响力会降低。结果支持:红色图形可有效助推个体的健康行为。  相似文献   

采用自然分类法考察中国台湾佛教徒、道教徒、基督徒和非宗教信徒的基本颜色词分类,并做多维标度和聚类分析,以揭示宗教对信徒颜色认知的影响。结果发现,中国台湾三大宗教信徒对基本颜色词的分类既具有共性,又存在差异,宗教信徒与非宗教信徒的基本颜色词分类也存在着共性和差异,共性反映了汉语言和汉文化的影响,差异反映了宗教对颜色认知的影响。研究表明,颜色通过意象式传播方式影响信徒的颜色认知,支持颜色词与颜色认知的相互作用理论。  相似文献   

Grapheme-color synaesthesia is a rare condition in which perception of a letter or a digit is associated with concurrent perception of a color. Synaesthetes report that these color experiences are vivid and realistic. We used a Stroop task to show that synaesthetically induced color, like real color, is processed in color-opponent channels (red-green or blue-yellow). Synaesthetic color produced maximal interference with the perception and naming of the real color of a grapheme if the real color was opponent to the synaesthetic color. Interference was reduced considerably if the synaesthetic and real colors engaged different color channels (e.g., synaesthetic blue and real red). No dependence on color opponency was found for semantic conflicts between shape and color (e.g., a blue lemon). Thus, the neural representation of synaesthetic colors closely resembles that of real colors. This suggests involvement of early stages of visual processing in color synaesthesia and explains the vivid and realistic nature of synaesthetic experiences.  相似文献   

语言和文化对颜色认知的影响存在着直接语言效应和间接语言效应的争论。直接语言效应是指在识记颜色时人先将颜色转换成颜色名称, 再认时通过匹配保留在记忆中的颜色词与目标颜色名称来完成任务。颜色类别知觉是语言策略的结果。间接语言效应是指语言和文化塑造颜色知觉表征, 形成了一个曲形颜色知觉空间, 将人们的注意引向语言和文化定义的颜色类别分界。即使没有语言策略的参与, 类别效应也会出现。颜色文化是民族文化的重要组成部分。绿色和红色在维吾尔族和汉族的语言和文化中分别具有重要的意义。采用颜色相似性判断、颜色分类和颜色再认任务, 考察维吾尔族和汉族的大学生对红、绿的认知, 探查语言和文化对颜色认知的影响及其性质。结果表明, 与汉族相比, 维吾尔族对绿色的辨认、分类和再认存在反应优势, 对红色认知存在反应劣势。与颜色辨认反应比, 两个民族的颜色再认反应时显著长。整个研究表明, 语言和文化对颜色认知的影响存在着间接语言效应, 语言与文化塑造个体的颜色知觉空间。  相似文献   

Visual search studies have shown that attention can be top-down biased to a specific target color, so that only items with this color or a similar color can capture attention. According to some theories of attention, colors from different categories (i.e., red, green, blue, yellow) are represented independently. However, other accounts have proposed that these are related—either because color is filtered through broad overlapping channels (4-channel view), or because colors are represented in one continuous feature space (e.g., CIE space) and search is governed by specific principles (e.g., linear separability between colors, or top-down tuning to relative colors). The present study tested these different views using a cueing experiment in which observers had to select one target color (e.g., red) and ignore two or four differently colored distractors that were presented prior to the target (cues). The results showed clear evidence for top-down contingent capture by colors, as a target-colored cue captured attention more strongly than differently colored cues. However, the results failed to support any of the proposed views that different color categories are related to one another by overlapping channels, linear separability, or relational guidance (N = 96).  相似文献   

Color experience is structured. Some “unique” colors (red, green, yellow, and blue) appear as “pure,” or containing no trace of any other color. Others can be considered as a mixture of these colors, or as “binary colors.” According to a widespread assumption, this unique/binary structure of color experience is to be explained in terms of neurophysiological structuring (e.g., by opponent processes) and has no genuine explanatory basis in the physical stimulus. The argument from structure builds on these assumptions to argue that colors are not properties of surfaces and that color experiences are neural processes without environmental counterparts. We reconsider the argument both in terms of its logic and in the light of recent models in vision science which point at environment-involving patterns that may be at the basis of the unique/binary structure of color experience. We conclude that, in the light of internal and external problems which arise for it, the argument from structure fails.  相似文献   

Abstract—A color-word matching task was used to investigate the basis of Stroop interference. Subjects were shown a pair of stimuli: an ink color (e.g., a red bar) and a colored word (e.g., RED printed in red or blue) and decided whether the two items had the same meaning (meaning decisions) or whether they had the same surface color (visual decisions). In Experiment 1, the two stimuli were shown simultaneously, and conflicting visual information of the word (e.g., RED printed in blue, against a red bar) led to interference in meaning decisions, whereas conflicting verbal information (e.g., BLUE printed in red, against a red bar) produced no interference in visual decisions. In Experiment 2, as an increasing time interval was imposed between presentation of the color bar and the colored word, interference in meaning decisions diminished, whereas interference in visual decisions was established. These results suggest that semantic competition, not response competition, is the major source of Stroop and Stroop-like interference.  相似文献   

本研究对109名吊车工人进行了红橙黄绿蓝紫黑白等八种颜色的深度知觉阈限的测定.结果发现:在白色背景条件下,绿蓝两色为最佳深度色,最易辨别深度差异;黑紫红三色为二级深度色;橙黄两色为三级深度色;白色为四级深度色.易于深度辨别的颜色.,平均阈值小,分布较集中;不易深度辨别的颜色,平均阈值大,分布较分散.建议吊车设计部门,在吊钩臂部位的黄色背景上,涂上黑色条子.使吊车的吊钧本身具有颜色对比,少受作业环境的影响。  相似文献   

The present research sought to extend the nascent literature on color and psychological functioning by examining whether perception of the color green facilitates creativity. In four experiments, we demonstrated that a brief glimpse of green prior to a creativity task enhances creative performance. This green effect was observed using both achromatic (white, gray) and chromatic (red, blue) contrast colors that were carefully matched on nonhue properties, and using both picture-based and word-based assessments of creativity. Participants were not aware of the purpose of the experiment, and null effects were obtained on participants' self-reported mood and positive activation. These findings indicate that green has implications beyond aesthetics and suggest the need for sustained empirical work on the functional meaning of green.  相似文献   

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