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相对剥夺感:概念、测量、影响因素及作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相对剥夺感(relative deprivation,RD)是指个体或群体通过与参照群体比较而感知到自身处于不利地位,进而体验到愤怒和不满等负性情绪的一种主观认知和情绪体验。目前,相对剥夺感的测量模型主要有个体–群体RD与认知–情感RD的二维垂直结构模型、认知–情感RD的双维结构模型、个体–群体RD的双维结构模型以及RD的三维结构模型。影响相对剥夺感的相关因素主要包括人口统计学变量、个体特征变量和社会环境变量。影响效应方面,相对剥夺感与心理健康、个体行为等个体水平变量以及群际态度、集群行为等群体水平变量的关系是当前关注的焦点。今后研究的重点应包括完善相对剥夺感的概念与结构、注重青少年及特殊群体研究、丰富研究内容和视角、强化纵向干预研究以及本土化和跨文化研究等。  相似文献   

黄永亮 《学海》2022,(6):150-157
近年来,我国中等收入群体的规模不断扩大,在社会总人口中占据一定比例。客观上,公众收入水平的提升以及中等收入群体规模的扩大为我国实现共同富裕奠定了现实基础。本文基于2021年“中国社会状况综合调查(CSS)”的数据,对当前我国中等收入群体社会公平感的现状进行了研究,同时运用分位数回归模型对中等收入群体社会公平感的影响因素进行了深入分析。研究发现:(1)个体客观收入水平的高低并不会直接对其社会公平感产生显著影响;(2)参照群体比较视角下的相对剥夺感会显著影响中等收入群体的社会公平感,其中“近位剥夺感”的影响效应要强于“远位剥夺感”;(3)性别歧视、户籍歧视以及家庭背景歧视均会对中等收入群体的社会公平感产生显著性影响。因此,实现共同富裕需要在主客观两个层面协调推进,在客观经济层面,需要不断提升公众的收入水平,持续扩大中等收入群体规模;在主观认知层面,需要通过降低公众的相对剥夺感,减少各类社会歧视,增强其社会公平感,从而为实现共同富裕夯实公众的心理基础。  相似文献   

为探讨城镇化进程中离乡农民的心理健康特点以及心理素质、相对剥夺感对其的影响,通过量表对1339名城乡居民进行调查。结果发现:离乡与留乡农民在幸福感、拥有生命意义感、感知控制感、心理素质方面显著低于城镇居民,在状态焦虑方面显著高于城镇居民; 离乡农民在抑郁上显著高于城镇居民,在感知控制感上显著高于留乡农民,在心理素质上显著低于留乡农民; 留乡农民在相对剥夺感上显著高于城镇居民; 离乡农民的幸福感、拥有生命意义感、感知控制感态与相对剥夺感呈显著负相关,与心理素质呈显著正相关; 离乡农民的抑郁、状态焦虑与相对剥夺感呈显著正相关,与心理素质呈显著负相关; 离乡农民的相对剥夺感与心理素质之间呈显著负相关。心理素质除了可以直接预测心理健康各项指标,还可以通过相对剥夺感的中介作用,间接预测幸福感、抑郁及状态焦虑。提升心理素质和降低相对剥夺感是离乡农民心理健康服务的重要切入点。  相似文献   

翻译与修订个体相对剥夺感问卷(Personal Relative Deprivation Scale,PRDS),并在大学生群体中进行了信效度检验。探索性因子分析结果显示,原问卷中两个反向计分的项目在主因子载荷很低,删除这两个项目后的PRDS-3各项目鉴别力良好; 探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析均显示PRDS-3符合单维度结构; PRDS-3重测信度为0.89,在不同样本间的内部一致性系数为0.77-0.81; PRDS-3得分与相对剥夺感、经济相对剥夺感、焦虑、压力、抑郁、攻击性等效标具有中高程度的相关关系(r>0.4,p<0.01)。PRDS-3得分与社会比较倾向的能力维度显著相关(r=0.46,p<0.01),且能部分地中介能力社会比较倾向对物质主义和生活满意度的影响。综上,可以认为,中文版PRDS-3信效度指标良好,符合测量学要求,可作为相对剥夺感的评估工具。  相似文献   

本文系江苏省哲学社会科学“九五”规划项目“社会转型期中国民众的相对剥夺感调查”的阶段性成果 ,我们本次调查以访谈形式得出如下结论 :①访谈对象对生活的不满意主要是经由心理比较而产生的相对剥夺感。②访谈对象的相对剥夺感主要集中在经济收入上 ,并有以社会不公作为收入差别原因的倾向。③访谈对象来源于与过去相比的相对剥夺感增加了。④政府官员腐败以及由此引发的各种社会腐败也加深了社会民众的相对剥夺感  相似文献   

本研究基于经典相对剥夺理论和发展情境理论, 采用纵向设计, 以湖北省某地区273名单亲家庭儿童为被试, 进行连续3次的追踪测查, 考察单亲家庭儿童相对剥夺感与心理适应的特点及其循环作用关系。结果发现: (1)单亲家庭男生的抑郁和孤独感水平比女生高; 贫困单亲家庭儿童的相对剥夺感、抑郁和孤独感水平比非贫困单亲家庭儿童高, 自尊水平比非贫困单亲家庭儿童低; (2)控制了性别、学段和家庭经济状况后, 在个体内水平上T1时的相对剥夺感显著负向预测T2时的心理适应, 进而显著负向预测T3时的相对剥夺感, 同时T2时的相对剥夺感也能显著负向预测T3时的心理适应; (3)相对剥夺感与心理适应的循环作用在不同家庭经济状况单亲儿童中存在显著差异, 贫困单亲家庭儿童的心理适应对其相对剥夺感的作用比非贫困单亲家庭儿童更大。可见, 单亲家庭儿童的相对剥夺感与心理适应存在循环作用关系, 即前测(Tn)的相对剥夺感会导致后测(Tn+1)的心理适应不良, 进而影响后测(Tn+2)的相对剥夺感, 研究结果对于单亲家庭儿童心理适应的干预具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

跨情境下集群行为的动因机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张书维  王二平  周洁 《心理学报》2012,44(4):524-545
群体性事件是当下我国典型的集群行为。本研究通过实验室情景设计的方法, 考察了跨情境下群体相对剥夺如何通过群体认同作用于集群行为, 及群体愤怒和群体效能对集群行为的影响。结果表明:1) 同一触发情境下, 群体认同调节群体相对剥夺-集群行为(意向)之间的关系。一般群体认同凸显的个体在高群体相对剥夺水平下有更强烈的集群行为参与(意向)。这源自群体认同对群体相对剥夺不同水平下群体效能与集群行为意向之间的二次调节。对于特定群体认同凸显的个体, 无论群体相对剥夺水平的高低, 都有较高的集群行为参与(意向)。这当中, 群体愤怒起到了部分中介的作用。2) 不同触发情境下, 群体认同对群体相对剥夺与集群行为意向的调节作用出现差异。该调节作用仅出现在利益无关情境中。此外, 群体愤怒与群体效能对集群行为意向的影响在不同情境下有区别:在利益无关情境中, 群体愤怒的影响显著大于群体效能; 在利益相关情境中, 群体效能与群体愤怒的影响无显著差异。本研究扩展了集群行为的双路径模型, 并为政府预防和化解群体性事件提供思路。  相似文献   

基于自我损耗理论和性别角色观念,以894名具有网络使用经验的大学生为被试,探讨相对剥夺感与大学生网络过激行为的关系及其作用机制。结果表明:(1)相对剥夺感能够显著正向预测大学生网络过激行为;(2)相对剥夺感通过自我损耗的中介作用预测网络过激行为;(3)性别调节该中介模型的前半路径和直接路径。具体来说,相对于女生,男生的相对剥夺感对自我损耗和网络过激行为的预测作用均更大。研究结论有助于揭示大学生网络过激行为的形成机制及个体差异,对大学生网络过激行为的干预具有参考价值。  相似文献   

相对剥夺感与社会适应方式:中介效应和调节效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马皑 《心理学报》2012,44(3):377-387
以6175名17岁以上的个体为被试, 采用四种自编问卷考察了相对剥夺感对创新和反叛这两种社会适应方式的影响, 归因方式在其中的中介作用和调节作用, 同时还考察了反叛在相对剥夺感和创新关系中的调节作用。结果发现:①相对剥夺感对创新和反叛具有正向预测作用, 相对剥夺感越高, 创新和反叛的程度越强烈; ②归因方式对相对剥夺感和创新的关系起部分中介作用, 对相对剥夺感和反叛的关系起部分中介作用; ③归因方式在相对剥夺感和反叛的关系中起调节作用, 能增强相对剥夺感和反叛之间的关系; ④在下层阶层中, 反叛在相对剥夺感和创新的关系中起调节作用, 能减弱相对剥夺感和创新之间的关系。综上所述可以认为, 相对剥夺感对社会适应方式具有正向预测作用; 归因方式对相对剥夺感与社会适应方式的关系起部分中介作用; 在弱势群体阶层中, 反叛能减弱相对剥夺感对创新的直接影响。  相似文献   

为探讨相对剥夺感与大学生网络欺凌的关系及其作用机制,本研究构建了一个有调节的中介模型,重点考察道德推脱在二者关系中的中介作用以及道德认同的调节作用。以575名大学生为被试,采用问卷法对其相对剥夺感、道德推脱、道德认同和网络欺凌进行调查。结果表明:(1)在控制性别、年龄、主观阶层等级后,相对剥夺感能够显著正向预测大学生网络欺凌;(2)相对剥夺感通过道德推脱的中介作用预测网络欺凌;(3)道德推脱的中介作用受到道德认同的调节,即相较于高道德认同,低道德认同水平的大学生的道德推脱对网络欺凌的预测作用更大。研究结果有助于揭示大学生网络欺凌的形成机制,对大学生网络欺凌的干预具有启示意义。  相似文献   

In a longitudinal questionnaire field study on psychological consequences of German unification, the intergroup situation between East and West Germans was investigated. Data were collected in 1996 and 1998. The sample consisted of 585 East Germans and 387 West Germans who had never lived in the other part of Germany. It was assumed that East Germans' social identity is threatened due to their fraternal deprivation in comparison with West Germans. It was predicted that East Germans would employ ingroup bias as an identity management strategy in order to protect their emotional well‐being against harmful consequences of fraternal deprivation. In line with this prediction, it was found that (a) East Germans feel fraternally deprived compared to West Germans on important quality of life dimensions, (b) they display ingroup bias vis‐à‐vis West Germans, (c) ingroup bias increases with increasing East German identity, (d) ingroup bias is determined longitudinally by relative deprivation, and (e) ingroup bias buffers the effect of relative deprivation on mental health over time. As expected, ingroup bias and the effects of ingroup bias were larger for the dimension of personal integrity than for the dimensions of sympathy and competence. Ingroup bias is interpreted as compensatory self‐enhancement. West Germans feel fraternally privileged compared to East Germans and consider their advantages to be undeserved. Unexpectedly, West Germans display outgroup bias on the stereotype dimensions of integrity. This bias is interpreted as an effort to appease the moral outrage of East Germans and to silence their own guilty conscience due to undeserved advantages. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In most Western societies, wealth inequality is increasing, which in turn could increase people’s belief that one’s standing is relatively disadvantaged. Based on relative deprivation theory, we argue that such an experience of personal relative deprivation should causally lead to greater interpersonal hostility. Indeed, three experiments show that participants in a personal relative deprivation condition reported higher levels of aggressive affect and behaved more aggressively than participants in a personal relative gratification condition. Compared to a control condition, participants experiencing personal relative deprivation were more aggressive rather than participants experiencing personal relative gratification being less aggressive. However, personal relative deprivation increased aggressive behavior only toward targets that were the source for participants’ experience of disadvantage, but it did not increase aggression toward neutral targets.  相似文献   

As part of a mail survey about their work experiences, university faculty members reported their specific emotional reactions to group inequities in faculty pay and benefits. The results indicate that sadness, fear, and anger are distinct emotional responses to a collective disadvantage. Group-based anger mediated the relationship between collective disadvantage and willingness to protest whereas group-based sadness mediated the relationship between collective disadvantage and organizational loyalty. Based on an integration of cognitive appraisal models of emotion with RD theory, four other predictors of intergroup emotions—(1) the legitimacy of the process that produced the deprivation, (2) whether another agent was responsible, (3) group efficacy, and (4) whether the situation would improve or become worse—were identified and tested. The measurement of specific emotional reactions to perceived collective disadvantage extends and refines RD approaches to collective action and organizational loyalty.  相似文献   

Throughout evolutionary history, intergroup competition has been an influential part of social life. Although the topic has received substantial empirical attention among social psychologists, the majority of that work has focused on how ingroup and outgroup members regard one another. Only recently have researchers begun examining how intergroup rivalry changes that way that ingroup members perceive and relate to one another. New findings suggest that a variety of within‐group processes are influenced by the presence of a rival outgroup. In general, altruistic cooperation and prosocial motives increase among ingroup members when their group competes against another. The relationship between leaders and followers also shifts in response to intergroup rivalry: rather than wielding their power for selfish purposes, leaders prioritize the needs of their group. On the flip side, followers’ choice of leader changes, preferring males during times of intergroup competition but females in the absence of competition. Given the substantial impact of intergroup competition on ingroup processes, future research should continue to deepen the field’s knowledge of this topic. Additionally, the scope of research should be broadened to capture the effect of intergroup competition on ingroup dynamics, such as performance and group outcomes.  相似文献   

Social identity theory is employed to conceptualise the role of group identification in the conversion of discontent into participation in political protest. It is assumed that higher levels of group identification stimulate participation in protest on behalf of the group. Perceived characteristics of the intergroup situation such as the permeability of group boundaries, and the stability and legitimacy of intergroup relations are supposed to modify the role of group identification. Group identification is decomposed into an affective and a behavioural component. Furthermore, ingroup identification is distinguished from outgroup differentiation; and groups are defined at different levels of inclusiveness. In a longitudinal study among Dutch farmers (n=168) the relationship between group identification and protest participation is investigated. Group identification, be it affective or behavioural, appears to influence action preparedness. People seem to enter the protest arena with some level of group identification. This level of group identification sets the level of action preparedness. Once set, the level of action preparedness remains fairly stable over time and appears to be a strong predictor of future action preparedness and participation. Action preparedness in its turn together with the behavioural component of group identification influences actual participation in collective action. Outgroup differentiation did not have any impact on protest participation. Identification with farmers in the European Union did not matter, but identification with farmers at the national or regional level did stimulate protest participation. Perceived characteristics of the intergroup situation did not have an impact on group identification, but permeability and stability did affect protest participation. Theoretical implications of the findings are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Social identities are an important component of an individual’s self-concept. In the current research, we examine how identification with a group can lead to biased intergroup judgments similar to those made when evaluating the self, relative to others. We compared evaluations of in- and outgroups in order to examine differences in temporal perspective and optimistic evaluations. Our findings suggest that compared to an outgroup, ingroup members more strongly consider the future potential of their group, are more optimistic when considering future ingroup outcomes, and hold a more uniformly positive view of an ingroup’s future. Furthermore, we find that when evaluating ingroups, shifts in temporal perspectives are related to greater optimism. We conclude by discussing theoretical implications and future research related to temporal judgments and social groups.  相似文献   

Theorists have long argued that two forms of relative deprivation exist: individual‐based relative deprivation (IRD) whereby a person feels deprived relative to other individuals and group‐based relative deprivation (GRD) whereby a person feels his/her ingroup is deprived relative to other groups. Combinations of IRD and GRD are therefore assumed to produce four response profiles: (i) high on IRD and GRD (i.e. ‘doubly deprived’); (ii) high on IRD, low on GRD; (iii) low on IRD, high on GRD; or (iv) low on IRD and GRD. The existence of these profiles, however, has never been assessed. We address this oversight by using latent profile analysis to identify distinct response patterns to measures of IRD and GRD. Across two studies, we found no support for this typology, nor the oft‐assumed doubly deprived profile. Rather, response patterns showed moderate levels of IRD across discrete profiles accompanied by considerable variability in GRD.  相似文献   

Studied the effects of reward magnitude and comparability of the outgroup on minimal intergroup discrimination where self-interest was related to ingroup profit. Favouritism towards own group is hypothesized to arise from intergroup comparisons to enhance self-esteem as well as instrumental rivalry for group and self-interest. Sixty-two fourteen to fifteen years' old school-boys and girls were randomly assigned to a high or low reward condition in which they distributed monetary rewards, via choice-matrices, to the ingroup and a relevant comparison outgroup, and the ingroup and an irrelevant comparison outgroup. Monetary self-interest was explicitly and directly linked to ingroup's absolute profit. Ss sacrificed group and personal gain to achieve intergroup differences in monetary outcomes favouring the ingroup; and were less fair and more discriminatory towards the relevant than irrelevant outgroup. especially with High Rewards.  相似文献   

Relative deprivation theory centers around the proposition that the negative affect associated with judgments of one's own status is not simply a function of one's objective status. Instead, resentment, anger, dissatisfaction and other deprivation-related emotions vary with the subjective assessment of one's status. In the present experiment, subjects read vignettes in which the hypothesized preconditions of felt deprivation were manipulated. They then indicated the degree of perceived resentment and related cognitive-emotional factors attributed to the story characters. Perceptions of deprivation become more prevalent when an individual who lacks a desired outcome (X) (a) compares with another who does possess X, (b) feels entitled to X, (c) feels it was once feasible to attain X, and (d) feels it is not feasible to attain X in the future. The results also suggest that certain preconditions, such as the presence of a comparison other and entitlement, act conjunctively in affecting judgments of felt deprivation. Finally, personal control over desired outcomes appears to be important for relative deprivation theory.  相似文献   

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