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采用观察法对106对新婚夫妻在问题解决和社会支持任务中的行为进行录像,并采用在中国被试中经过修订的IFIRS进行编码;以即时互动满意度和夫妻报告的婚姻质量分别作为即时效应和状态效应的预测指标,检验夫妻互动行为两种效应的不同。结果发现:(1)妻子在4个互动中的消极行为均显著高于丈夫;妻子在自己的问题解决和丈夫社会支持话题中的积极卷入显著高于丈夫,妻子的积极情绪在丈夫社会支持互动中显著高于丈夫。(2)就即时效应而言,妻子的消极行为在丈夫问题解决和自己的社会支持情境中均具有主客体效应;丈夫的消极行为和积极情绪分别在自己的社会支持和问题解决情境中具有主体效应;丈夫的积极卷入在丈夫和妻子问题解决情境中分别具有主体效应和客体效应。(3)就状态效应而言,丈夫的积极卷入在丈夫问题解决和妻子社会支持情境中均具有主客体效应,在妻子问题解决和丈夫社会支持中均具有主体效应;妻子的积极情绪在丈夫问题解决情境中具有主体效应,丈夫的积极情绪和消极行为在妻子问题解决情境中均具有客体效应。  相似文献   

本研究采用主—客体互倚模型(actor-partner interdependence model,APIM)的方法深入探讨夫妻的依恋风格、婚姻归因与自身及配偶感知到的婚姻质量之间的关系。以方便取样的方式在北京地区选取155对夫妻,采用Brennan等(1998)编制的亲密关系经历量表(ECR),Stander编制的婚姻归因量表(MAQ)和Spanier编制的婚姻质量问卷(DAS),要求夫妻双方分别报告其依恋风格、婚姻归因方式和感知到的婚姻质量。通过配对t检验、相关分析和结构方程模型分析发现:(1)夫妻对婚姻质量的总体知觉较为一致,但丈夫的婚姻满意度显著高于妻子;(2)夫妻双方在回避依恋和焦虑依恋两个分量表上不存在显著差异,但在婚姻归因上,妻子比丈夫表现出了更多的消极归因;(3)妻子的消极依恋显著地负向预测自身感知到的婚姻质量,而丈夫的消极依恋对自身感知到的婚姻质量没有显著影响;(4)在控制了丈夫、妻子的依恋风格、归因方式对其自身婚姻质量的主体效应之后,丈夫的依恋风格不能显著预测妻子感受到的婚姻质量,但其归因方式可以显著地预测妻子感受到的婚姻质量;然而妻子的归因方式并不能显著预测丈夫的婚姻质量。  相似文献   

采用社会支持观察研究范式及问卷调查相结合的方式,对41对新婚夫妻进行提供支持、接收支持以及婚姻满意度测量,探讨提供支持与配偶接收支持之间关系的性别效应及婚姻满意度的情感覆盖效应.结果显示:①妻子提供的支持可以预测丈夫接收到的支持,但丈夫提供的支持不能预测妻子接收到的支持.②妻子接收到的支持与丈夫提供的支持之间的不一致受婚姻满意度的情感覆盖效应的调节,而丈夫则没有这种效应.结论:妻子在对丈夫的支持行为进行解码时,更多受到婚姻满意度的情感覆盖效应影响.  相似文献   

选取北京389对夫妻,采用婚姻压力、婚姻质量、婚姻承诺和夫妻支持问卷,探讨了婚姻压力和婚姻质量、婚姻承诺和夫妻支持的现状,以及承诺和支持在压力对婚姻质量影响中的调节效应。结果发现:(1)丈夫的婚姻质量、婚姻承诺及提供信息支持的水平显著高于妻子。(2)婚姻压力显著负向预测夫妻各自的婚姻质量,但只有妻子感知的婚姻压力能显著负向预测丈夫的婚姻质量。(3)婚姻承诺和夫妻支持的调节作用存在性别差异,即自身和配偶的承诺和支持水平,只能在妻子的婚姻压力对自身婚姻质量的预测中起到调节作用,而丈夫身上并未发现这一效应。  相似文献   

姻亲关系是婚姻家庭生活中的重要议题,但研究却较少涉及。本研究以选自四川及重庆城市和乡镇的341对夫妻为被试,采用问卷调查的方法考察姻亲关系与夫妻婚姻质量间的关系,并检验姻亲冲突下伴侣支持在其中的调节作用。结果表明:我国夫妻的姻亲关系普遍处于中等偏上的状态,妻子的姻亲关系问题显著多于丈夫,但受到的姻亲冲突下伴侣支持显著少于丈夫;丈夫和妻子报告的姻亲关系均能显著正向预测自身的婚姻质量,丈夫报告的姻亲关系还能显著正向预测妻子婚姻质量;妻子受到的姻亲冲突下伴侣支持在妻子报告的姻亲关系与其婚姻质量间起调节作用,高伴侣支持可以减缓姻亲关系对婚姻质量的消极影响。  相似文献   

采用实验室观察法,对106对夫妻在问题解决和社会支持任务中的互动行为进行录像并编码,探索丈夫和妻子互动类型的异同及其与婚姻质量的关系,旨在为新冠肺炎疫情后婚姻干预提供建议。研究发现:(1)丈夫和妻子的互动类型呈现跨情境上"量"的变化,跨性别上"质"的差异。(2)"温暖支持型"和"敌意-退缩型"的丈夫和妻子,自己及配偶的婚姻质量都分别稳定地的居于最好和最差的一组。在问题解决情境中,"传统内敛型"、"微敌意型"的丈夫,与"温暖支持型"一样,其妻子婚姻质量都处于最好的一组;但"微敌意型"的妻子,其丈夫婚姻质量处于最差的一组;"理智型"和"激烈型"的妻子,其丈夫婚姻质量得分都处于较高的一组。研究根据以上结果对新冠肺炎疫情后婚姻干预的"关键互动模式""关键领域""关键对象"提出建议。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法对澳门(118对)和东北地区(266对)夫妻进行研究,以检验两地夫妻沟通模式的差异,及其对婚姻满意度的主客体效应。结果发现:澳门夫妻双方回避沟通显著少于东北夫妻;两地夫妻报告的妻子要求/丈夫回避行为多于丈夫要求/妻子回避行为;建设性沟通对两地夫妻婚姻满意度正向预测力最强;要求/回避沟通只对澳门夫妻的婚姻满意度有负向预测力。两地妻子的建设性沟通都能显著正向预测丈夫的婚姻满意度,而只有东北地区丈夫的建设性沟通能正向预测妻子婚姻满意度。  相似文献   

婚姻承诺和婚姻质量的关系近年来是婚姻研究领域关注的重要课题。承诺是保持婚姻的意愿,会导致婚姻中牺牲行为的产生。然而,承诺和牺牲对婚姻质量的影响至今并没有得到一致结论。那么,承诺对婚姻质量影响的不一致是否是因为牺牲所起作用的不一致导致?以往研究并没有得到探讨。为此,从北京选取389对夫妻,采用夫妻独立作答的方式,对他们的婚姻承诺,牺牲行为和婚姻质量进行测查,以探讨婚姻承诺、牺牲与婚姻质量的关系,以及牺牲在婚姻承诺和婚姻质量关系间的作用。结果发现:(1)丈夫对婚姻承诺和婚姻质量的感知显著高于妻子;并且丈夫比妻子报告有更多的"行动服务"上的牺牲行为。(2)夫妻的婚姻承诺对自身牺牲频率和婚姻质量均有显著预测作用,同时妻子的婚姻承诺还对丈夫的婚姻质量有显著预测作用。(3)丈夫的牺牲频率在丈夫婚姻承诺对自身婚姻质量的影响中起着完全中介作用。同时,丈夫的牺牲频率也能显著预测妻子感知到的婚姻质量,而妻子的牺牲频率在本身对双方的婚姻质量均无直接或间接的预测作用。说明丈夫的牺牲行为对婚姻关系有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

依恋内部工作模型反映了个体在关系中对自我和他人的认知,虽然有很多研究证实了依恋风格与关系质量存在紧密关联,但自我和他人两个工作模型是否在预测关系质量上存在差异性尚未得到明确回答。本研究以老年群体为研究对象,直接考察自我模型与他人模型分别以怎样的方式预测婚姻满意度。研究使用问卷法对112对老年夫妻的内部工作模型、夫妻依恋取向、婚姻满意度等进行了测量,采用中介模型、交叉互倚模型以及方差分析分别从被试个体、夫妻主客体效应、以及夫妻匹配模式三个分析视角考察了依恋的两种内部工作模型与婚姻满意度的关联性。结果发现,相比他人模型,老年人自我模型与婚姻满意度的关联更为密切,且可以通过夫妻依恋双维度对其产生影响。但同时也发现,老年人依恋的内部工作模型与婚姻满意度的关联受到夫妻角色差异的影响:对于丈夫而言,自我模型与婚姻满意度的关联更为紧密,这可能与中国传统文化中的男性主导地位有关;而对于妻子而言,他人模型与婚姻满意度的关系更为紧密,这可能与女性在社会互动中更倾向于关系导向有关,也可能是传统文化中的“夫为妻纲”对老年女性的影响使然。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对263对夫妻的原生家庭父母冲突、 夫妻冲突解决模式和婚姻质量进行测量.结果表明,(1)个体的原生家庭父母冲突与自身以及配偶的婚姻质量呈显著负相关;(2)丈夫的原生家庭冲突可以预测自身以及妻子的冲突解决模式,妻子的原生家庭冲突可预测丈夫的冲突解决模式;(3)丈夫夫妻冲突解决模式在双方原生家庭父母冲突对自...  相似文献   

夫妻相似性和婚姻质量的关系一直是婚姻适应研究领域关注的重要课题,然而至今并没有得到一致的结论,而且两者间的作用机制也没有得到充分探讨。为此,从澳门选取132对夫妻,采用夫妻独立作答的方式,对他们的价值观,沟通模式和婚姻适应进行测查,以探讨夫妻价值观的相似性和差异,以及沟通在夫妻价值观相似性和婚姻质量两者关系间的作用。经t检验、阶层内相关和结构方差模型分析,结果发现:(1)夫妻在价值观方面存在相似性,其实夫妻的相似性明显多于随机配对的夫妻;也存在差异,其中丈夫比妻子更看重权力和成就;(2)丈夫报告的双方回避沟通明显多于妻子,但其报告的婚姻满意度和情感表达明显好于妻子;(3)研究不仅验证了以往研究结果,即夫妻越相似,其婚姻质量就越高,而且进一步发现这种关系通过沟通起作用。最后,研究得出结论,伴侣选择应是相似和互补结合的产物,而沟通是夫妻关系的基石。  相似文献   

Previous research on marital communication indicates that women have more influence in marital problem solving because they raise the issues and shape the discussion. Other studies suggest that men have the power in marital problem solving. This study re-examines power and influence from the partners’ point of view. Twenty-seven couples — 18 with a first child under 2, and 9 undecided about having children — were videotaped while working on a self-selected problem concerning their division of family labor. Data sources included: (a) transcribed audiotaped accounts given by each partner while viewing a videotape of their problem-solving discussion; (b) self-report questionnaires; and (c) ratings by a research team of the concordance between spouses’ accounts. Husbands and wives were perceived as having a primary influence on different aspects of the discussion. Women tended to raise the issues and draw men out in the early phase of the discussion, while men controlled the content and emotional depth of the later discussion phases, and largely determined the outcome. The women's accounts emphasized that their influence in the early phase was often illusory: their behavior was shaped primarily by the effort to choose strategies that would avoid upsetting their husbands. In terms of overall satisfaction with marriage, wives had greater tolerance than their husbands for conflict in the area of division of domestic labor, but less tolerance for their husbands’ domination of the discussion process. Women's marital satisfaction was higher when there was concordance between spouses in their accounts of their problem-solving discussion. This research highlights the importance of eliciting spouses’ own perceptions and definitions in understanding the impact of gender-linked power differences in marital communication.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study of adult attachment and depression during the transition to parenthood, 76 couples completed questionnaires on three occasions: during the second trimester of pregnancy, and six weeks and six months postbirth. On the first and second occasions, the couples were also interviewed about their experiences of pregnancy and parenthood, respectively. Measures were also completed at similar time intervals by a comparison group of 74 childless couples. Attachment security was assessed in terms of the dimensions of discomfort with closeness and relationship anxiety. Relationship anxiety was less stable for transition wives than for other participants. Relationship anxiety also predicted increases in new mothers’ depressive symptoms, after controlling for a broad range of other risk factors. However, the association between relationship anxiety and maternal depression was moderated by husbands’ caregiving style. Maternal depression was linked to increases in husbands’ and wives’ attachment insecurity and marital dissatisfaction. Results are discussed in terms of the impact of depression and negative working models of attachment on couple interaction.  相似文献   

Married couples with a female agoraphobic spouse (n = 22) were compared with demographically similar community control couples (n = 21) on self-report and observational measures of marital interaction. Consistent with hypotheses, husbands of agoraphobic women were more critical of their wives than were control husbands, and clinical couples were less likely to engage in positive problem solution than control couples. Contrary to hypothesis, clinical husbands were not less supportive than control husbands. Where general measures of marital distress were concerned, clinical couples, relative to control couples, evinced more distress by self-report, by their higher rate of negative nonverbal behavior, and by their longer sequences of negative exchanges.  相似文献   

Although gender ideologies and perceptions of equity in the division of household tasks have been associated with marital quality, there is limited understanding of the relationship between discrepancies (in husbands’ and wives’ subjective ideals and accounts of the division of labor) and relationship quality. We examined cognitive egalitarianism (beliefs about gender roles), behavioral egalitarianism (perceptions of the division of household tasks and management), and marital quality among 220 heterosexual, newlywed couples (N?=?440) living in east and central regions of the United States. We used multi-level modeling to examine associations between cognitive egalitarianism, behavioral egalitarianism, and marital quality with a specific focus on discrepancies in the reports of husbands and wives. As hypothesized, both husbands and wives had lower marital quality when their cognitive egalitarianism was discrepant from their partner, and such a discrepancy had a greater influence on wives’ reports of marital quality, especially for wives with higher cognitive egalitarianism. Although we expected similar results for the associations between behavioral egalitarianism and marital quality, we found that the strength of the association between wives’ behavioral egalitarianism and marital quality decreased as the discrepancy from their husbands’ behavioral egalitarianism increased. The association between cognitive egalitarianism and marital quality also increased as behavioral egalitarianism increased for wives but not for husbands. The results of this study illustrate the central role of spousal discrepancy in perceptions and enactment of household labor.  相似文献   

Relationships with parents have significant implications for well‐being throughout the lifespan. At midlife, these ties are situated within both developmental and family contexts that often involve the adult offspring's spouse. Yet, it is not known how ties with aging parents are related to psychological well‐being within middle‐aged couples. This study examined how middle‐aged wives’ and husbands’ views of the current quality of relationships with their own parents (positive and negative) are linked to their own and their partner's psychological well‐being. Using a sample of 132 middle‐aged couples from Wave 1 of the Family Exchanges Study, we estimated actor–partner interdependence models to evaluate these dyadic associations while controlling for each spouse's marital satisfaction. Both actor and partner effects were observed. With respect to actor effects, wives who reported more negative relationship quality with their own parents had elevated depressive symptoms and lower life satisfaction. Husbands who reported more negative relationship quality with their own parents had lower life satisfaction. In terms of partner effects, husbands had lower depressive symptoms and greater life satisfaction when wives reported more positive relationship quality with their own parents. Finally, the link between wives’ positive ties with parents and husbands’ lower depressive symptoms was intensified when husbands had less positive relationships with their own parents. Findings suggest that relationship quality with wives’ aging parents has implications for both spouses’ well‐being and may serve as a critical social resource for husbands.  相似文献   

Marital commitment and satisfaction are known to be closely related, but only limited research has examined the asymmetric interaction patterns between spouses. In this paper, the authors study 400 Chinese couples and find that communication mediates the relationship between marital commitment and marital satisfaction. Using the actor–partner interdependence model, they find that wives and husbands show asymmetric associations for marital commitment, communication and satisfaction. Specifically, compared with husbands, wives are more attuned to the path from marital commitment to marital satisfaction via communication. Implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the relationship between perception of parents' marriage, marital satisfaction, and attachment behaviors. Participants included 521 married couples taken from the RELATE project. Gender differences were found between husbands and wives perception of parents' marriage and marital satisfaction. Results also indicated that attachment behaviors were positively and significantly related to increased martial satisfaction for both husbands and wives. Additionally, attachment behaviors moderated the relationship between perception of parents' marriage and marital satisfaction. When perception of parents' marriage was negative but attachment behaviors were high, marital satisfaction increased. These findings underscore the importance attachment behaviors play in married relationships. Clinical implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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