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The Psychological Record - Although behavior therapies are putatively based on traditional learning paradigms, standard clinical practice with outpatient clients presenting problems of personal...  相似文献   


Humanistic psychology has a long-standing tradition of challenging implicit assumptions about the nature of subjectivity. These challenges and critiques have exposed psychology's “natural attitude” and in so doing, have led it in a more liberatory direction. However, the role of the rational, especially as it has been used to sustain an oppressive status quo, remains an undertheorized topic within humanistic psychology. For example, privileging the role of the rational within humanistic discourse has inadvertently contributed to dichotomous and essentialist views of femininity and masculinity. To truly appreciate the sociopolitical grounding of identity and experience, humanistic psychology must be willing to examine and relinquish its (over) investment in rationality.  相似文献   

Today there are 2 positive psychologies: 1 that is humanistic and 1 that is not. Both focus on researching, understanding, and fostering well-being, optimal functioning, and healthy social institutions. However, in addition to emerging at different times, the 2 psychologies are characterized by major philosophical and methodological differences that help determine what is seen and not seen from each point of view. One area where these distinctions show up most strikingly is in the psychology of self-esteem. Although humanistic positive psychology understands self-esteem as playing a key role in human behavior, the more positivistic positive psychology seems to have largely missed such an important factor. This article examines how the psychology of self-esteem could be a meeting ground between these 2 approaches.  相似文献   

人本心理学在20世纪末遭遇了内外两方面的危机。但其形成的社会文化与心理学基础依然存在。主流心理学,特别是积极心理学的发展还为她提供了复兴机遇。在未来,人本心理学家需要重审自身使命,明晰研究主题,完善研究方法,保持开放态度,强化组织管理,以推动人本心理学走上复兴之路。  相似文献   

新文化运动时期,胡适始终坚持从作为文明主体的人(国民)的角度探求民族复兴国家崛起的根本道路,也即其反复强调的"为祖国造不能亡之因",国民素质的时代性转换构成了胡适文化思想的逻辑主线。本文阐述了胡适从"新民"到"立人"的国民性改造思想转换的逻辑,揭示了胡适所试图建构的符合工业文明时代要求的文明主体的素质结构及其建构途径和方式。  相似文献   

The 9-month ethnography reported here investigated the critical factors underpinning organizational functioning in a national sport organization. The findings illustrate the pivotal importance of interpersonal relationships and highlight the emergence of emotion-related abilities as highly influential in successful person-organization dynamics. Specifically, these related to managing conflict, communicating emotion, managing and expressing emotion for the psychological contract, contagious emotion regulation, and emotion regulation for building strong relationships. Individuals better able to monitor and manage their own emotions and those of others were able to develop and maintain more successful interpersonal relationships during a period of organizational change.  相似文献   

《Psychoanalytic Social Work》2013,20(2-3):137-155
This paper illustrates how a process of psychoanalytic psychotherapy can be enhanced and extehded by combining ideas from narrative theory and self psychology within a multigenerational family systems perspective. The illustration is based on a summary and discussion of a satisfactorily completed thirty-session psychotherapy for an adult man who sought therapy for relief from his depression.  相似文献   

What is humanistic psychology's most enduring crisis as it looks forward for a positive future? As we attempt to address this question, we argue that humanistic psychology has always neglected the task of theorizing the self. This is, indeed, a great cause of concern, given the concept's centrality to most of its defining tenets and principles. Within this frame, we propose the Galactic Self that can embrace the dichotomies presented by the conflicting theoretical positions of self in psychology, while expanding its horizons to capture its infiniteness. Such a self is dynamic, transformative, expansive, evolving and infinite in nature, and complements humanistic psychology's promise of understanding an ever-evolving human psyche.  相似文献   

Genetic counselors and other health professionals may encounter adoption during any counseling session. They must be skilled in using appropriate language and understand how to approach and discuss this topic with clients. A thorough knowledge of adoption as an option for clients facing a prenatal or postnatal diagnosis is necessary when presenting individuals with non-biased information needed for informed decision-making. However, three preliminary studies have demonstrated an absence of graduate education and lack of a professional knowledge base regarding this option (Mates 2008; Oksala 2007; Perry 2003). We discuss the impact of medical professionals’ preconceptions on client decision-making, increasing early identification of fetal anomalies, deficiency of adoption knowledge and resources, and the resulting need for genetic counselors and other health professionals to develop their skills in discussing adoption with clients.  相似文献   

The author discusses the differences and similarities between Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration and the theories of the American Humanistic psychologists. All are personality growth theories; however, the philosophical assumptions underlying the theories differ. The Humanistic psychologists subscribe to eudaimonistic ethics of self-fulfillment and happiness, whereas Dabrowski follows the Existentialists and stresses the dignity of human beings. He stresses the suffering associated with the attainment of higher levels of spiritual development. Underlying these different views on the nature of human existence may be differing assumptions about the metaphysics of evil. Theologians have discussed the metaphysics of evil since the early days of the church as the problem of theodicy. This article suggests that the American Humanistic psychologists and Dabrowski implicitly followed different theodicies. This could account for the resistance to Dabrowksi's theory in North America.  相似文献   

This essay begins by providing a brief overview of the historical periods and central projects that constitute the field of psychology and religion. It then delves more deeply into one of those projects, psychology as religion, which is commensurate with the emerging phenomena of spirituality and its attendant ideal type, the inner-worldly mystic. It concludes by showing how a psychosocial concept of mourning underlies and unites those working in the numerous and apparently differing projects within the field of psychology and religion.  相似文献   

Journal of Business and Psychology - The application of single-item measures has the potential to help applied researchers address conceptual, methodological, and empirical challenges. Based on a...  相似文献   

Meaningful living is a central focus of several humanistic theories and therapies. Measurement of life meaning meets many obstacles, including pragmatic concerns, such as measuring subjective experiences, and theoretical objections often offered by humanistic psychologists. The purpose of this article is to summarize empirical efforts related to logotherapy, a humanistic–existential paradigm, to illustrate the utility of assessment within the larger context of humanistic psychology. An overview of five logotherapeutic measures of meaning is provided. These measures include the Purpose in Life test (PIL), the Life Purpose Questionnaire (LPQ), the Seeking of Noetic Goals test (SONG), the Meaning in Suffering Test (MIST), and the Life Attitude Profile Revised (LAP–R). Directions for use of such measures in future research are also offered.  相似文献   

In this epilogue to the special issue of Journal of Applied Sport Psychology on organizational sport psychology, I provide a brief commentary on each of the articles contained within the issue and offer some reflections on the field. In drawing together my reflections on the current state of the field of organizational sport psychology, I offer three pressing observations relating to the need for intervention work, the need for greater duty of care, and the need for practitioner action.  相似文献   

This paper uses newly available evidence to shed light on the circumstances and causes of the 6 October 1973 Yom Kippur surprise attack of Egyptian and Syrian forces on Israeli positions at the Suez Canal and the Golan Heights. The evidence suggests that an important circumstance that accounts for the surprise effect these actions managed to produce, despite ample warning signs, is traceable to a high need for cognitive closure among major figures in the Israeli intelligence establishment. Such a need may have prompted leading intelligence analysts to "freeze" on the conventional wisdom that an attack was unlikely and to become impervious to information suggesting that it was imminent. The discussion considers the psychological forces affecting intelligence operations in predicting the initiation of hostile enemy activities, and it describes possible avenues of dealing with the psychological impediments to open–mindedness that may pervasively characterize such circumstances.  相似文献   

The most enduring theoretical model for explaining the rise and fall of religious movements has been some form of the church-sect theory. Yet this model offers little explanation for the continued vitality of the Roman Catholic Church. We argue that a key to this institutional success is the Church 's ability to retain sect-like revival movements within its boundaries. We demonstrate that religious orders, like Protestant sects, stimulate organizational growth, develop innovations for adapting the church to a new culture or era, and provide institutional support for a high tension faith. Unlike Protestant sects, however, they do so within the institutional church. This source of internal reform and revival helps to explain the long term vitality of the Roman Catholic Church and its ability to operaate effectively as a religiou monopoly.  相似文献   

沈伊默  袁登华  张华  杨东  张进辅  张庆林 《心理学报》2009,41(12):1215-1227
从社会交换理论的角度探讨了组织支持感(POS)和组织外在声望感知(PEP)对组织公民行为的影响, 以及在这一影响过程中组织认同和自尊需要的角色和地位。采用结构方程建模和层次回归分析的方法, 通过对23家企业的员工和主管的配对问卷调查所获取的234份有效数据进行分析, 结果表明: (1)POS对组织认同有着直接的显著影响, 并完全通过组织认同的中介作用对两种组织公民行为(注重个体的和注重组织的组织公民行为)产生间接的影响; (2)PEP对组织认同也有着直接的显著影响, 并完全通过组织认同的中介作用对两种组织公民行为产生间接的影响; (3)个体的自尊需要对POS和组织认同的关系有调节作用, 但对PEP和组织认同的关系没有调节作用。  相似文献   

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