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Although monkeys, pigeons, rats and chimpanzees all appear to be able to draw transitive inferences, young children fail to do so in some situations. If we take successful performance to be indicative of rationality-as animal researchers sometimes do (Monkeys are rational!McGonigle & Chalmers, 1992)-we have the paradox that animals are, on this criterion, more rational than are school-age children. It is possible, however, to complete 5-term transitive tasks by recruiting associative rather than logical processes; and, indeed, the tasks given to animals not only afford associative solutions but seem to require them (M&C tasks, after McGonigle & Chalmers, 1992). We asked whether 5- to 6-year-old children find a task that naturally affords the application of a logical rule (a B&T task, after Bryant & Trabasso, 1971) easier to perform than an M&C task that does not. The children found the B&T task easiera difference that could not be explained in terms of difference in memory for the premises. This leaves open the possibility that, although children are not restricted to associative strategies when completing 5-term series tasks, animals may be thus restricted.  相似文献   

Transitive performance (TP) is a learning-based behaviour exhibited by a wide range of species, where if a subject has been taught to prefer A when presented with the pair AB but to prefer B when presented with the pair BC, then the subject will also prefer A when presented with the novel pair AC. Most explanations of TP assume that subjects recognize and learn an underlying sequence from observing the training pairs. However, data from squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and young children contradict this, showing that when three different items (a triad) are drawn from the sequence, subjects' performance degrades systematically (McGonigle and Chalmers, Nature 267:694-696, 1977; Chalmers and McGonigle, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 37:355-377, 1984; Harris and McGonigle, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 47B:319-348, 1994). We present here the two-tier model, the first learning model of TP which accounts for this systematic performance degradation. Our model assumes primate TP is based on a general-purpose task learning system rather than a special-purpose sequence-learning system. It supports the hypothesis of Heckers et al. (Hippocampus 14:153-162, 2004) that TP is an expression of two separate general learning elements: one for associating actions and contexts, another for prioritising associations when more than one context is present. The two-tier model also provides explanations for why phased training is important for helping subjects learn the initial training pairs and why some subjects fail to do so. It also supports the Harris and McGonigle (The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 47B:319-348, 1994) explanation of why, once the training pairs have been acquired, subjects perform transitive choice automatically on two-item diads, but not when exposed to triads from the same sequence.  相似文献   

Six-year-old children were tested on several versions of the five-term transitivity problem as used by B. O. McGonigle and M. Chalmers (1977, Nature (London), 267, 694–696) with squirrel monkeys as subjects. Both binary and triadic versions of the tests were administered in both verbal and nonverbal modes to help determine whether or not any major procedural differences between the monkey version and that used conventionally in research with children might account for the monkey's apparently nonlogical solution of the problem. The main result is that children showed very similar response profiles to that of monkeys in all the conditions used. In addition, “labeling”, direct seriation, and “association” post-tests suggest that nonlogical strategies can underwrite ostensibly impeccable transitive “reasoning” in child as well as monkey.  相似文献   

Five squirrel monkeys showed a significant Symbolic Distance Effect (SDE) when tested on procedures designed to incorporate reaction time (RT) measures within the five-term series (“transitive inference”) task. Taken together with the high levels of transitive choice obtained by these subjects, this result shows that monkeys have met choice and reaction time criteria perceived by many as indexical of “linear representation”. Explicit evaluation of the representational implications of the SDE was subsequently undertaken in three-choice transfer tests, which initially revealed consistent deviations from the ranks predicted on a linear model. Extensive testing with the triadic method, however, elicited spontaneous improvement in overall choice ranking according to a linear principle. Further decomposition of the RT data showed that the irregularities in the initial transfer behaviour are by no means paradoxical. The ordinal separation data structure, from which the SDE is derived, masks two separate populations of scores--one fast and relatively undifferentiated, the other slow and based on judgements with poorly encoded items. And it is these factors, not inter-item distance, which, we argue, are the main determiners of the SDE. Whilst this phenomenon is thus only weakly indexical of principled linear representation, we contend that new (triad-based) ranking evidence suggests that monkeys may be capable of seriation as well as transitivity.  相似文献   

A well-documented characteristic of rule discovery behaviour is subjects' infrequent use of negative testing. Previous attempts at increasing the use of negative testing have met with little success. In an evaluation task, we found that subjects appreciate the benefits of negative testing and disconfirmation (Kareev & Halberstadt, this issue). Further, when given the choice, subjects prefer to begin their inquiry by employing a reception mode of inquiry, and only later switch to a generative strategy (Halberstadt & Kareev, 1992). In the present study we had subjects solve two rule-discovery problems. For the training problem, 180 subjects were assigned either to the traditional generation mode, in which subjects had to generate number triplets, or to a reception mode, in which subjects were presented with number triplets by the experimenter. For the subsequent test problem both groups used the traditional generation mode. Results revealed that subjects trained by the reception mode were more likely to use non-positive tests and more likely to solve the second problem. Apparently, training under the less demanding reception mode enabled subjects to realize the potential relevance of nonpositive testing.  相似文献   

Studies of time estimation have provided evidence that human time perception is determined by an internal clock containing a temporal oscillator and have also provided estimates of the frequency of this oscillator (Treisman, Faulkner, Naish, & Brogan, 1992; Treisman & Brogan, 1992). These estimates were based on the observation that when the intervals to be estimated are accompanied by auditory clicks that recur at certain critical rates, perturbations in time estimation occur. To test the hypothesis that the mechanisms that underlie the perception of time and those that control the timing of motor performance are similar, analogous experiments were performed on motor timing, with the object of seeing whether evidence for a clock would be obtained and if so whether its properties resemble those of the time perception clock. The prediction was made that perturbations in motor timing would be seen at the same or similar critical auditory click rates. The experiments examined choice reaction time and typing. The results support the hypothesis that a temporal oscillator paces motor performance and that this oscillator is similar to the oscillator underlying time perception. They also provide an estimate of the characteristic frequency of the oscillator.  相似文献   

In this study, incidental memory for familiar faces following different types of encoding task was investigated. Subjects who had been asked to name faces of celebrities at presentation subsequently remembered them significantly better than subjects who had been asked to provide contextual information about the faces, and than subjects who had been asked to distinguish them from unfamiliar faces. This effect persisted regardless of whether the tests required memory for names, faces, or biographical information. It is argued that these results can be explained in terms of the face-processing framework of Bruce and Young (1986) and the theory of episodic memory for faces put forward by Bruce (1982, 1988). However the findings are not consistent with levels of processing (Craik & Lockhart, 1972), nor transfer appropriate processing (Morris, Bransford, & Franks, 1977).  相似文献   

When a number of two-stimulus relations are established through training within a set of stimuli, other two-stimulus relations often emerge in the same set without direct training. These, termed "transitive stimulus relations," have been demonstrated with a variety of visual and auditory stimuli. The phenomenon has served as a behavioral model for explaining the emergence of rudimentary comprehension and reading skills, and the development of generative syntactic repertoires. This article considers the range of relations that can arise between a given number of stimuli in a class, the number of directly established two-stimulus relations necessary for the emergence of transitive relations, the forms that training sets of stimuli can take, and the number of transitive two-stimulus relations that can be induced without direct training. The procedures needed to establish and assess transitive stimulus control, the possible interactions between the training and testing procedures, and the constrainst these interactions place upon the analysis of transitive stimulus control are also examined. The present analysis indicates that in a transitivity test, choice among such stimuli may be controlled by (1) the relation between the sample and the positive comparison stimulus (transitive stimulus control), (2) the relation between the sample and the negative comparison stimulus (S- rule control), and (3) possible discriminative properties that may inadvertently be established in the positive and negative comparison stimuli (valence control). Methods are described for distinguishing these three forms of stimulus control.  相似文献   

In a “consistent” spatial choice reaction task the same spatial relationship obtains between each stimulus and its correct response. In an “inconsistent” task this is not so. While Duncan (1977a) found both easy (spatially corresponding) and difficult (spatially opposite) responses to be slowed in inconsistent tasks, Smith (1977) found this only for the corresponding responses, the reverse holding for opposites. Reasons for this discrepancy are examined. The result of Smith (1977) depends on the use of different numbers of alternative responses in consistent and inconsistent tasks, a situation allowing no useful comparison between the two. Effects of consistency are related to others in the literature. The general conclusion is that, in these tasks, response selection is based not on a list of associations between individual stimuli and responses, but on operations or rules each of which will generate a set of stimulus-response pairs.  相似文献   

P C Dodwell 《Perception》1977,6(2):209-212
McGonigle and Jones take exception to Dodwell's explanation of anomalous transfer (AT) as the outcome of relational discriminations among a set of stimulus patterns which vary along a single dimension of orientational salience, from 'horizontal' to 'vertical'. In particular they do not think that the continuum is generated by units with Hubel-and-Wiesel type retinal receptive fields. Instead, they invoke Garner's notions about stimulus structure to explain Dodwell's results, as well as their own finding of two situations where AT fails to occur. It seems that McGonigle and Jones missed the point of the relational discrimination explanation of AT. In fact, it is shown that AT is not predicted by this model for the conditions in which they failed to obtain it. The relational model makes definite predictions about conditions under which AT will occur; as this is not true of their invocation of Garner's ideas, the former is to be preferred. Whether or not outputs are coded by Hubel-and Wiesel type units is not particularly relevant to the main point, that AT is a result of relational learning. In fact, the model is an instance of how structure, in Garner's sense, can be generated.  相似文献   

In 1964, Deso Weiss published his landmark text Cluttering, after much persuasion by Charles Van Riper to put his thoughts in writing regarding this enigmatic speech and language disorder (Van Riper, personal communication, 1992). To our knowledge, Weiss's book was the only book in English devoted entirely to cluttering. Nearly 30 years later, a second text entitled Cluttering: A Clinical Perspective was published (Myers & St. Louis, 1992). The following annotations summarize nearly all that has been written on cluttering since Weiss's classic publication in 1964.  相似文献   

The authors introduce subset conjunction as a classification rule by which an acceptable alternative must satisfy some minimum number of criteria. The rule subsumes conjunctive and disjunctive decision strategies as special cases. Subset conjunction can be represented in a binary-response model, for example, in a logistic regression, using only main effects or only interaction effects. This results in a confounding of the main and interaction effects when there is little or no response error. With greater response error, a logistic regression, even if it gives a good fit to data, can produce parameter estimates that do not reflect the underlying decision process. The authors propose a model in which the binary classification of alternatives into acceptable/unacceptable categories is based on a probabilistic implementation of a subset-conjunctive process. The satisfaction of decision criteria biases the odds toward one outcome or the other. The authors then describe a two-stage choice model in which a (possibly large) set of alternatives is first reduced using a subset-conjunctive rule, after which an alternative is selected from this reduced set of items. They describe methods for estimating the unobserved consideration probabilities from classification and choice data, and illustrate the use of the models for cancer diagnosis and consumer choice. They report the results of simulations investigating estimation accuracy, incidence of local optima, and model fit. The authors thank the Editor, the Associate Editor, and three anonymous reviewers for their constructive suggestions, and also thank Asim Ansari and Raghuram Iyengar for their helpful comments. They also thank Sawtooth Software, McKinsey and Company, and Intelliquest for providing the PC choice data, and the University of Wisconsin for making the breast-cancer data available at the machine learning archives.  相似文献   

赵雷  周治金  刘昌 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1058-1062
采用双任务(dual-task)实验范式,探讨工作记忆成分在五项系列问题(five-term task)这种传递性推理中的作用。被试为80名大学生,实验材料为32个空间和时间内容的传递性推理题目。结果发现:(1)空间位置和时间关系的推理结果都支持心理模型理论,而不支持形式规则理论。(2)在推理前提的加工阶段,中央执行系统和视空间模板发挥着关键作用,语音环路没有参与;而在结论的推理阶段,工作记忆的三个成分均发挥了作用。(3)传递性推理在工作记忆系统中采用视空间编码进行表征。  相似文献   

This paper concerns the use of similarities based on geometric distance in models of categorization. Two problematic implications of such similarities are outlined. First, in a comparison between two stimuli, geometric distance implies that matching features are not taken into account. Second, missing features are assumed not to exist. Only nonmatching features enter into calculations of similarity. A new model is constructed that is based on the ALCOVE model (Kruschke, 1992), but it uses a feature-matching similarity measure (see, e.g., Tversky, 1977) rather than a geometric one. It is an on-line model in the sense that both dimensions and exemplars are constructed during the categorization process. The model accounts better than ALCOVE does for data with missing features (Experiments 1 and 2) and at least as well as ALCOVE for a data set without missing features (Nosofsky, Kruschke, & McKinley, 1992). This suggests that, at least for some stimulus materials, similarity in categorization is more akin to a feature-matching procedure than to geometric distance calculation.  相似文献   

Chalmers argues against physicalism using the premise that no truth about consciousness is deducible a priori from purely structural truths, and later defines what it is for a truth to be structural, which turns out to include spatiotemporal truths. But Chalmers then defines spatiotemporal terms by reference to their role in causing spatiotemporal experiences. Stoljar and Ebbers argue that these definitions allow for the trivial falsification of Chalmers premise about structure and consciousness. I show that this result can be avoided by tweaking the relevant premise, and that this tweak is not ad hoc.  相似文献   

Adolescent childbearing among lower socioeconomic-status African American girls who are 16 to 21 years of age is a career choice and an alternative, normative life path within African American culture. Career choice is defined here to signify selection of a role through which one implements one's identity and which represents one's life work. This choice is first addressed from the perspective of vocational psychology and is then presented within two models of developmental psychology: the model of female development presented by Chodorow (1978) and Gilligan (1982) and the model of ecological human development by Bronfenbrenner (1977, 1988). These views incorporate a reassessment of the negative consequences of adolescent child-bearing. Finally, implications for research and practice are suggested.  相似文献   

On a repetitive tapping task, the within-hand variability of intertap intervals is reduced when participants tap with two hands as compared to one-hand tapping. Because this bimanual advantage can be attributed to timer variance (Wing-Kristofferson model, 1973a, b), separate timers have been proposed for each hand, whose outputs are then averaged (Helmuth & Ivry, 1996). An alternative notion is that action timing is based on its sensory reafferences (Aschersleben & Prinz, 1995; Prinz, 1990). The bimanual advantage is then due to increased sensory reafference. We studied bimanual tapping with the continuation paradigm. Participants first synchronized their taps with a metronome and then continued without the pacing signal. Experiment 1 replicated the bimanual advantage. Experiment 2 examined the influence of additional sensory reafferences. Results showed a reduction of timer variance for both uni- and bimanual tapping when auditory feedback was added to each tap. Experiment 3 showed that the bimanual advantage decreased when auditory feedback was removed from taps with the left hand. Results indicate that the sensory reafferences of both hands are used and integrated into timing. This is consistent with the assumption that the bimanual advantage is at least partly due to the increase in sensory reafference. A reformulation of the Wing-Kristofferson model is proposed to explain these results, in which the timer provides action goals in terms of sensory reafferences.  相似文献   

Children aged 48–77 months were afforded experience in either color oddity or nominal class sorting prior to a transfer task testing the ability to apply the oddity rule (“which one doesn't belong”) to three picture arrays where solution was based on nominal class membership. The youngest children in the sample did not benefit from either perceptual rule experience or nominal sorting experience. Subsequent age groups benefited first from the nominal sorting treatment, then from both perceptual rule and nominal sorting activities, and finally the older children did not require priming in either the perceptual or nominal domain for success on the transfer task.  相似文献   

Models of intertemporal choice draw on three evaluation rules, which we compare in the restricted domain of choices between smaller sooner and larger later monetary outcomes. The hyperbolic discounting model proposes an alternative‐based rule, in which options are evaluated separately. The interval discounting model proposes a hybrid rule, in which the outcomes are evaluated separately, but the delays to those outcomes are evaluated in comparison with one another. The tradeoff model proposes an attribute‐based rule, in which both outcomes and delays are evaluated in comparison with one another: People consider both the intervals between the outcomes and the compensations received or paid over those intervals. We compare highly general parametric functional forms of these models by means of a Bayesian analysis, a method of analysis not previously used in intertemporal choice. We find that the hyperbolic discounting model is outperformed by the interval discounting model, which, in turn, is outperformed by the tradeoff model. Our cognitive modeling is among the first to offer quantitative evidence against the conventional view that people make intertemporal choices by discounting the value of future outcomes, and in favor of the view that they directly compare options along the time and outcome attributes.  相似文献   

Subjects were given a prediction task in which they had to learn that one cue, P (positive), was followed by the outcome, and a compound of P and another cue, N (negative), was not followed by the outcome. Next, N was tested in compound with a transfer cue, T, which had signalled the outcome but had never been compounded with N. Experiment 1 confirmed an important assumption of the Rescorla-Wagner model (Wagner & Rescorla, 1972) that negation of T should depend on the specific P cue compound with N being positively contingent. Experiments 2 and 3 confirmed the model's prediction that no decrement in negative transfer should be observed following postlearning devaluation of P. Unfortunately, the model did not anticipate that a large proportion of devaluation trials relative to learning trials would attenuate negative transfer (Experiment 4), nor did it predict that negative transfer would occur when P was neutral during the learning stage and was only later made positive (Experiment 3). The results can be accommodated by the Rescorla-Wagner model if one assumes that absent cues have their associative strengths altered.  相似文献   

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