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This study aims to reparameterize ordinary factors into between‐ and within‐person factor effects and utilize an array of the within‐person factor loadings as a latent profile which encapsulates all score responses of individuals in a population. To illustrate, the Woodcock–Johnson III (WJ‐III) tests of cognitive abilities were analysed and one between‐ and two within‐person factors were identified. The scoring patterns of individuals in the WJ‐III sample were interpreted according to the within‐person factor patterns. Regression analyses were performed to examine how much the within‐person factors accounted for the person scoring patterns and criterion variables. Finally, the importance and applications of the between‐ and within‐person factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Although research suggests the important role of gender in emotional labour, its effect on the relationship between emotional labour demands and wages has not been examined explicitly. The current study investigates this relationship by testing hypotheses derived from theories of vocational choice and labour market supply and demand. Hypotheses are tested using a unique within‐person, between‐jobs longitudinal dataset with information on two jobs for each worker in a national sample of U.S. workers (N=5,488). After controlling for relevant variables related to wages, results suggest men incur wage penalties of approximately 6% when moving to occupations with higher emotional labour demands. Women do not experience statistically significant wage effects from moving to an occupation with higher emotional labour demands. These findings are discussed and interpreted based on the theoretical frameworks.  相似文献   

This study investigated how emotion changes within persons across different episodes of romantic relationship conflict. Presumably, changes in different types of emotion are linked to changes in the types of underlying adaptive concerns people have during conflict, which in turn are linked to changes in the types of emotion that one's partner is perceived to express. Over the span of 8 weeks, 105 college students in romantic relationships completed between 2 and 5 online assessments of a recent relationship conflict. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to distinguish within‐person effects from between‐person effects. Results confirmed expected differences between types of emotion and types of underlying concern, indicated that most effects occur at the within‐person level, and identified mediating pathways.  相似文献   

The response time‐based concealed information test can reveal when a person recognizes a relevant item among other, irrelevant items, based on comparatively slower responding. Thereby, if a person is concealing the knowledge about the relevance of this item (e.g., recognizing it as a murder weapon), this deception can be revealed. A recent study, conducted online and using a between‐subject design, introduced a significantly enhanced version by including additional items in the task. While this modified version outperformed the original version, it also resulted in a much higher rate of participant dropouts (i.e., participants leaving the experiment's website without completing the task). The grave implication is that the perceived enhancement is perhaps merely due to selective attrition. Therefore, the current experiment replicates the original one, but using a within‐subject design. The results show that there is a large enhancement even when selective attrition is prevented.  相似文献   

This paper integrates recent meta‐analytical findings regarding group differences in job‐ and educational‐related criteria and cognitive ability measures used as predictors in personnel selection and selection to higher education institutions. The findings suggest that cognitive ability measures reveal much higher group differences than the corresponding between‐group differences in job‐ and educational‐related criteria. One possible explanation for these differential gaps is that cognitive ability measures are objective and standardized while the typical measures used as job‐ and‐educational related criteria are non‐standardized subjective evaluations of job performance and academic achievement. While these findings are consistent with unbiased prediction or over‐prediction for lower scoring groups, they imply that selection is biased against them. Implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Hyperacusis, over‐sensitivity to sounds, causes distress and disability and the etiology is not fully understood. The study aims to explore possible associations between health‐relevant personality traits and hyperacusis. Hyperacusis was assessed using the Hyperacusis Questionnaire (HQ), and clinical uncomfortable loudness levels (ULL). Personality was measured with the Health‐relevant Personality (HP5i) Inventory. The study sample was 348 (140 men and 208 women; age 23–71 years). Moderate correlations were found between the personality trait negative affectivity (NA; a facet of neuroticism) and dimensions of the HQ and weak correlations were found with the ULLs. Hedonic capacity (a facet of extraversion) was significantly correlated with the HQ but not with the ULLs. Impulsivity (a facet of conscientiousness) was correlated with the HQ and the ULLs. A significant difference in mean values was found in all hyperacusis measures and different levels of NA – those with higher levels displayed more severe signs of hyperacusis. A multiple logistic regression analysis showed that higher levels of NA increases the odds of having hyperacusis on average 4.6 times for men and 2.4 times for women. These findings imply that health‐relevant personality traits should be considered in the diagnosis and treatment of hyperacusis.  相似文献   

Using the construct of brand personality to measure automobile and soft drink personalities, two studies represented self‐congruity by combining brands and the self‐image into Pathfinder associative networks (Schvaneveldt et al., 1989 ). Self‐congruity, the number of links between the self and each brand, was predictive of preference and ideal brand. Because brand personality and self‐image are knowledge structures, and facets of brand personality also describe the self, self‐congruity can be represented and measured in networks. This approach could be helpful to marketers studying how the self is related to each brand and how brands interrelate. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To read this article's abstract in both Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, please visit the article's full‐text page on Wiley InterScience ( http://interscience.wiley.com/journal/famp ). This study examines the relationship between the therapeutic alliance and distress using the couple rather than the individual as the unit of analysis. One hundred and seventy‐three couples receiving treatment for relational distress at two university clinics participated in this study. The actor–partner interdependence model was used to analyze the relationship of each partner's between‐ and within‐system alliance scores and distress at session four. Results provide support for actor effects on relational distress for both male and female partners and for actor effects on psychological distress for female partners. Limited support was found for partner effects on distress. Furthermore, results indicate that the alliance between partners is a stronger predictor of improvement in early sessions in comparison with the alliance between the individual and the therapist.  相似文献   

The purpose was to contribute to a better understanding of the personality structure and dynamics of paranoia. In study 1, 29 paranoid patients and three control groups (30 schizophrenics, 27 depressives, and 64 healthy subjects) were administered the Cognitive Orientation (CO) Questionnaire of Paranoia, which included beliefs of four types (goals, norms, about self, and general) referring to 44 themes (e.g. masculinity, strength). Discriminant analyses (based on longer and shorter versions of the questionnaire) showed that the four belief types enabled significant discrimination among the four groups and that there is a CO based on themes and conflicts characteristic for paranoia. In Study 2, 31 paranoids and 31 healthy controls were administered the Meaning Test which yielded prevalidated scores for 124 personality traits. The results showed that paranoids have a clear-cut personality profile, with traits in clinical (e.g. obsessive), interpersonal (e.g. extravert, leadership), emotional, cognitive, and other domains. The findings are integrated and the convergences between the behavioral tendencies and personality traits specified, in an attempt to identify the major features of the paranoid, including potential dangers and therapeutic chances. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Political skill is the ability to understand others and use that knowledge to influence others to act in ways that enhance one's personal and/or organizational objectives. The Political Skill Inventory ( Ferris et al., 2005 ) assesses this talent, and has potential for use in personnel decision making. However, central organizational stakeholders are concerned about the distortion of self‐rating scores in job application; consequently, we examined the effects of a job application situation on self‐ratings of political skill in a field experiment with 205 job incumbents. The findings showed consistently that the relationship of self‐ratings of political skill and job performance ratings by supervisors (ρ=.30, p<.01) were not distorted in job application. Implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

Social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986, 2001) and perceptual control theory (Powers, 1978, 1991) have described the self‐efficacy/performance relationship in stark contrast. Additionally, recent work exploring these discrepancies has yielded future research suggestions yet to be undertaken (Bandura & Locke, 2003; Vancouver, Thompson, Tischner, & Putka, 2002; Yeo & Neal, 2006). Thus, this study explored the relationship between self‐efficacy and performance between‐ and within‐individuals over time. Division I collegiate American football players (N = 115) completed self‐efficacy questionnaires and one‐repetition maximum squat tests at 3 time points during off‐season strength training. Results revealed that self‐efficacy was positively related to squat performance at both the within‐ and between‐person levels when controlling for athletes' raw past performance.  相似文献   

The phenomenology and psychosocial conditions of the multiple personality syndrome are examined, and the problem that this syndrome seems to raise for the idea of a single self-conscious psychological subject is explored. Tracing the development of the disorder in a disturbed, emotionally repressive, and often violent family background, an explanation for this process is sought in terms of the cognitive effort involved in the achievement of self-identity. It is contended that, far from undermining a strong principle of the self-conscious psychological unity of the individual, this disorder provides a key to the understanding of that unity and the influences to which it is subject.  相似文献   

This comment notes a misrepresentation of work by Caprara and Cervone (2000) contained in a recent contribution to this journal (Ashton & Lee, 2005 ). This occurrence is taken as an opportunity to highlight a positive development in personality science: investigators' increasing awareness of distinctions among alternative conceptual models that address qualitatively distinct scientific goals that each fall within the confines of the professional field. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study tested whether the structure of affect observed on the basis of between‐person (BP) differences is equivalent to the affect structures that organize the variability of affective states within persons (WP) over time. Further aims were to identify individual differences in the degree of divergence between the WP and BP structure and examine its association to dispositional and contextual variables (neuroticism, extraversion, well‐being and stress). In 100 daily sessions, 101 younger adults rated their mood on the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. Variability of five negative affect items across time was so low that they were excluded from the analyses. We thus worked with a modified negative affect subscale. WP affect structures diverged reliably from the BP structure, with individual differences in the degree of divergence. Differences in the WP structural characteristics and the degree of divergence could be predicted by well‐being and stress. We conclude that BP and WP structures of affect are not equivalent and that BP and WP variation should be considered as distinct phenomena. It would be wrong, for example, to conceive of positive and negative affect as independent at the WP level, as suggested by BP findings. Yet, individual differences in WP structural characteristics are related to stable BP differences, and the degree to which individuals' affect structures diverge from the BP structure can provide important insights into intraindividual functioning. Copyright © 2014 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

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