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Whether psychoanalysis can take over the responsibility for psychotherapy when it is not operating as a part of psychoanalysis but on its own is a question which has currently become significant again. The present paper gives an affirmative answer, but under certain limiting conditions only. Psychoanalysis can take responsibility for psychotherapy. It can base this on the fact that the definition of “depth psychological psychotherapy” binds psychotherapy—as it is usually called—to psychoanalysis. How this is possible in practice is determined during the training. The training at the Michael-Balint-Institute in Hamburg is presented which partly occurs jointly and partly separately, in this way representing the reality of the two separate fields linked to each other and yet independent. The common ground is constituted by the basic principles of psychoanalysis. As an example of this common ground, the seminar on the technique of diagnosis and treatment, which is part of the early curriculum, is discussed in detail. Later on in the training, the two curricula separate more and more, each taking over its own responsibility. Not only questions of the contents but also formal aspects have to be considered. There are good reasons for establishing an independent Institute for Psychotherapy which runs the necessary arrangements together with the Institute for Psychoanalysis, from which it derives, and also remains close to the latter. Finally, it is pointed out that all of this is only possible when respecting each other’s work. Independent psychotherapy is not less valuable than psychoanalysis, but simply something else.  相似文献   

U. Sachsse 《Psychotherapeut》2002,47(3):135-151
Given an indication for out-patient or in-patient psychotherapy, patients, psychotherapists and general practitioners have nowadays the choice among a wide spectrum of psychotherapeutic methods and treatments. Or, which is the right one? In this essay, a fictitious anamnesis should exemplify the different therapies available for one and the same problem, every one being potentially adequate (listed in the order of the initials of the first author): Dialectic-behavioral therapy (DBT), couple and family therapy, in-patient psychodynamic psychotherapy at a special ward for borderline-patients, client-centered therapy (GT), imaginative therapy (Katathymes Bilderleben KIP) and in-patient trauma-centered psychotherapy. The essence is, that meanwhile there exist for every patient and every problem several adequate therapeutic strategies which are adequate and none of them is able to substantiate to be the sole adequate one. Rather, evidence shows that every therapy method has its own focus of efficiency, its limits and its clear contra-indications.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Brustkrebs erzwingt geradezu unsere Aufmerksamkeit mit seiner hohen Prävalenz—30% aller Krebsneuerkrankungen bei nordamerikanischen Frauen sind Brustkrebs—, und er ist die zweithäufigste Todesursache bei Frauen in Nordamerika. Weiße nordamerikanische Frauen haben ein Risiko von 1:9, im Laufe ihres Lebens an Brustkrebs zu erkranken. Es gibt zahlreiche Anknüpfungspunkte, darunter genetische und familiäre Prädisposition, primäre Krebserkrankung/Langzeitüberleben und rezidivierende oder metastasierende Krankheit. Brustkrebs ist eine Krankheit, bei der jede Form der Krebsbehandlung eingesetzt wird—Chirurgie, Chemotherapie, Bestrahlung, Hormontherapie und die viel versprechenden, kürzlich entwickelten immunologischen Interventionen. Zugleich ist die Brust als Körperteil kulturell hochgradig besetzt und als Symbol der Weiblichkeit, der Attraktivität, der Sexualität und der Fortpflanzung aufmerksam und emotional viel beachtet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Anwendung von Gruppenpsychotherapien auf dieses Spektrum klinischer Belange diskutiert.
Molyn LeszczEmail:

Die aus Richtern am Bundesgerichtshof, Bundesanw?lten, forensischen Psychiatern und Psychologen, Sexualmedizinern und weiteren Juristen bestehende interdisziplin?re Arbeitsgruppe, die sich bereits mit Mindestanforderungen für Schuldf?higkeitsgutachten befasst hat2, hat nun auch die nachfolgenden Empfehlungen für die vielf?ltig zu erstattenden forensischen Prognosegutachten erarbeitet. Wegen der H?ufigkeit und der Bedeutung dieser Gutachten in der Strafvollstreckung ist die Arbeitsgruppe um drei erfahrene Vollstreckungsrichter erweitert worden. Die Mitglieder waren: VRinBGH Dr. Rissing-van Saan, VRiBGH Nack, RiBGH Basdorf, RiBGH Dr. Bode, RiBGH Dr. Boetticher, RiBGH Maatz, RiBGH Pfister, VRiBGH a.D. Dr. Sch?fer, die Bundesanw?lte Hannich und Altvater, die Vollstreckungsrichter RiOLG B?hm, Karlsruhe, RiOLG Dr. Müller-Metz, Frankfurt a.M., VRiLG Dr. Wolf, Marburg, der Kriminologe Prof. Dr. Sch?ch, München, der Rechtsanwalt Dr. Deckers, Düsseldorf, die forensischen Psychiater Prof. Dr. Berner, Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Dittmann, Basel, Prof. Dr. Kr?ber, Berlin, Prof. Dr. Leygraf, Essen, Dr. Müller-Isberner, Gie?en, Prof. Dr. Nedopil, München, Prof. Dr. Sa?, Aachen, Dr. Habermeyer, Rostock, die Sexualmediziner Prof. Dr. Dr. Beier, Berlin, Prof. Dr. Bosinski, Kiel, und der Rechtspsychologe Prof. Dr. K?hnken, Kiel. 1 Dieser Beitrag ist bereits erschienen in NStZ 26:237–544 (2006), Abdruck mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Verlages C. H. Beck 2 NStZ 25:57–62 (2005), Nervenarzt 76:1154–1159 (2005), Forens Psychiatr Psychol Kriminol 1:3–9 (2007)  相似文献   

Stalking victims show a high level of psychological disturbance and frequently need professional help. Thus, stalking must be considered as a serious issue in the field of psychosocial care. However, specific intervention programs to support stalking victims are not available. This paper reports on a pilot project that offers therapeutic help to stalking victims via a structured outpatient group therapy approach. The program aims at setting up appropriate behavior patterns concerning contact with the stalker, strengthening the victims’ self-efficacy and developing coping strategies for stalking-related stress situations. To investigate the effectiveness of the group program, an evaluation study has been conducted using self-report inventories, interview data and biological parameters. Preliminary results from 4 completed groups with 13 participants, indicating that the approach is highly effective, are reported. The potential of the group approach to improve psychosocial care provision for stalking victims is discussed. The need to integrate psychotherapeutic approaches into a multi-professional support system for stalking victims, comprising legal counsel, police measures and psychosocial interventions, is emphasized.  相似文献   

Despite continually increasing evidence for the effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy in general, the empirical status of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (LTPP) remains controversial. Convincing outcome studies of LTPP were lacking for a long time. This article gives an overview of available systematic reviews addressing the evidence for LTPP. The findings suggest that LTPP can yield large and stable effects across a variety of diagnoses and particularly in complex mental disorders, which even tend to increase after termination of treatment. In comparison to other shorter or less intensive methods of psychotherapy, LTPP has proven to be significantly superior with respect to most outcome domains. First economic analyses suggest that LTPP may be cost-effective in the long run. The comparison of randomized controlled with observational studies revealed no significant differences in outcome; however, the evidence for LTPP is frequently challenged by proponents of other therapeutic approaches or scientific orientations. The criticisms were repeatedly answered and none of the concerns raised by critics identified an issue that would have affected the overall conclusions of the available reviews. Nevertheless, further studies are urgently required to broaden the evidence base for LTPP in order to allow more refined analyses addressing the effects of specific forms of LTPP both in specific disorders and in comparison to specific forms of alternative therapies.  相似文献   

The article describes some of the foundations of the striving for happiness and the experience of happiness from the point of view of different psychoanalytical theories and applies this to the luck of “Hans in luck” in the fairy tale. While happiness in the drive theory is reached through the gratification of needs, in the theory of narcissism it is defined as a regression to a narcissistic feeling of unity. In object-relations theory it is described how, beside happiness as a mere passive aim of expectation, a capacity to be happy has to be developed progressively.  相似文献   

In many countries, psychotherapy is increasingly influenced by standards of scientifically evaluated methods and disorder-specific approaches. Referring to the definitions of the Scientific Council for Psychotherapy in Germany (WBP) concerning the differentiation of modalities, methods and techniques, this article points out that clear distinctions between modalities and methods are increasingly vanishing; instead, the tendency, especially within behavior therapy, to integrate all scientifically based methods and techniques is prevailing. This trend runs parallel with a development away from ?disorder-specific“ to a ?disorder-oriented“ approach. Facing the fact that technical aspects explain a relatively small proportion of outcome variance in psychotherapy, research related to the quality of psychotherapists is recommended. In addition, ?empirically validated psychotherapists“ should receive guidelines instead of rules of action.  相似文献   

Early experience concerning relationships and interactions form the psychological structure which provides a child with optimal flexibility for age-appropriate developmental tasks. Each new developmental step builds on previous experience. Structural deficits may lead to adjustment, self-regulation, and self-organization disorders. The parent–preschool child intervention is a way to therapeutically help very young children and their parents. The high potential benefits lies in the knowledge that early emotional experience affects both mental and physical health. The experience of a positive and sustainable relationship with at least one person is an important protective factor in the development of the child. Studies have confirmed a positive relationship between secure attachment and later school performance. No other early intellectual support can replace a stable emotional bond to an attachment figure. Therefore, parent–toddler interventions are an important preventive measure with lifelong effects.  相似文献   

The article discusses current problems with the quality of psychotherapeutical services. Based on professional quality-management models (ISO 9.000, EFQM) a concept of quality management and accreditation for psychoanalysts is proposed.  相似文献   

The legal and administrative framework for psychotherapy of offenders in prisons and secure forensic hospitals is outlined. Established treatment programs for offenders are presented including different variations of standardized cognitive behavioral approaches, e. g. relapse prevention programs (RP), dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT), transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP), and mentalization-based treatment (MBT). The foci of the individual programs as well as their integrative tendencies are described. In psychodynamic therapies cognitive processes are taken into consideration and, vice versa, cognitive-behavioral therapists discover the significance of the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Unterschiedsschwelle für Gefühle kann bestimmt werden, wenn man hierfür (abweichend von den Verfahren der Wahrnehmungspsychologie) nicht Reizgrößen, sondern physiologische Veränderungen, die mit Gefühlen korreliert sind, zugrunde legt. Es ist demnach die Frage zu stellen, bei welchem Grad einer solchen körperlichen Veränderung im Durchschnitt auch eine emotionale merklich wird.Als physiologische Variable wurden die Schwankungen des Hautwiderstandes (sog. psychogalvanische Reaktion) gewählt, da diese in enger Beziehung zum Auftreten von Gefühlen stehen. Im Experiment wurden Reizwörter optisch dargeboten, die von den Vpen hinsichtlich der Größe der Gefühlsbetonung paarweise miteinander zu vergleichen und zu beurteilen waren. Gleichzeitig wurden die bei der Darbietung der Reizwörter auftretenden Hautwiderstandsänderungen in Direktschreibung registriert. Zur Auswertung wurden die Flächen der Widerstandsänderungen in einem Näherungsmaß bestimmt. Aus den zusammengehörigen Widerstandsreaktionen wurden dann sowohl die Flächendifferenzen als auch die Flächenverhältnisse gebildet und mit den Urteilen der Vpen in Beziehung gesetzt.Die Bestimmung der Korrelation zwischen der radizierten Flächendifferenz der Widerstandsänderungen und der Beurteilung des Gefühlswertes des Reizwortpaars ergab: Die Tatsache, daß die Wortpaare um so eindeutiger beurteilt wurden, je größer die ihnen zugeordneten Flächendifferenzen waren, bestätigte zunächst die Hypothese, daß eine Unterschiedsschwelle für Gefühle in Einheiten eines physiologischen Korrelats angegeben werden kann.Aus den gewonnenen Meßwerten (Flächendifferenzen und Flächenverhältnisse) und den zugehörigen Urteilen wird alsdann die Bestimmung der Unterschiedsschwelle auf der Basis von 50% und von 75% richtiger Urteile an Hand verschiedener Methoden demonstriert.Eine weitere Aufgabe besteht darin, aus einer größeren Anzahl von Ergebnissen eine Maßeinheit für Gefühle abzuleiten.  相似文献   

A Situated Artificial Communicator for Assembly Tasks Summary. In this article we describe a Situated Artificial Communicator for assembly tasks. The main components of the system we are developing are a speech understanding module and a two-arm-robot module. The robot system can be instructed using spontaneous speech. The speech understanding module is based on Combinatory Categorial Grammar, which makes incremental and interactive speech understanding possible. The robot module is provided with multiple sensors and it masters complex assembly operations like peg-in-hole or screwing a nut into a bolt. The architecture and the underlying cognitive principles enable interactive processing that depends on the actual situation and allows the system to take advantage of redundant items of information. Due to these principles our Situated Artificial Communicator is highly robust. Zusammenfassung. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir einen Situierten Künstlichen Kommunikator vor, im vorliegenden Fall ein Robotersystem für Konstruktionsaufgaben. Das Robotersystem kann durch spontansprachliche Anweisungen gesteuert werden. Die Hauptkomponenten des Systems sind eine Sprachverstehenskomponente und eine Zwei-Arm-Roboterkomponente. Die Sprachverstehenskomponente basiert auf der Combinatory Categorial Grammar und ermöglicht eine inkrementelle und interaktive Sprachverarbeitung. Die Roboterkomponente verfügt über eine Vielzahl von Sensoren und beherrscht Montageoperationen wie Stecken und Schrauben. Durch die gewählte Architektur und die zugrundegelegten kognitiven Verarbeitungsprinzipien können Teilkomponenten des Systems der aktuellen Situation entsprechend interagieren und Informationsredundanz nutzen. Das System erhält dadurch eine hohe Robustheit.  相似文献   

Psychoeducation programs have been developed for patients with psychoses and also for patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Psychoeducation has the function of a basic psychotherapeutic program that offers patients and their relatives a better understanding of the illness and of the treatment options as well as a means of communication at eye level with the therapists. This article introduces the Munich model of psychoeducation for BPD and the modifications for the work with relatives.  相似文献   

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