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IntroductionAlzheimer's disease may modify moral judgment.ObjectiveIn two studies, we assessed the impact of dementia on blame and forgiveness. Study 1 compared the ways in which young adults, older adults, and older adults with dementia cognitively integrated two factors. Study 2 assessed the number of different factors that older adults with dementia were able to integrate during these moral judgments.MethodThe participants recorded their moral judgements in a blame task and in a forgiveness task. In study 1, the two questionnaires contained scenarios built from the combination of two factors. In study 2, the participants were confronted with the same tasks under three different conditions with scenarios that combined three, four or five factors.ResultsThe data from study 1 showed that the older adults with dementia did not combine the two factors in the same way as young adults did: the combination depended on the type of moral judgment. Study 2 revealed differences in moral judgment between older adults with dementia and adults without dementia in all tasks (i.e. with three, four or five factors combined).ConclusionDementia has an impact on moral judgments. Moral judgment among people with dementia is both task- and condition-dependant.  相似文献   

Common factor aging theories state that correlations among cognitive age effects signify a single underlying causal process. The logic underlying this proposition was evaluated by examining correlated cognitive change in a sample of 391 initially nondemented older adults who were tested annually for up to 16 years. Between-person correlations among rates of change (range = .56-.61) were partly attributable to model misspecification and the aggregation of heterogeneous groups of individuals. Correlated within-person cognitive change was much stronger in the cases (.45-.51) than in the noncases (.07-.18). These results demonstrate that correlated change may either signify causal commonality or the cumulative effects of multiple age-related conditions that can affect multiple cognitive systems.  相似文献   


This study aimed to observe dementia’s role in the relationship between spirituality, quality of life, and depression in aging. The sample included 61 participants between 65 and 98 years old, separated into two groups: participants diagnosed with dementia (= 31) and control participants (= 30). There was no significant difference in spirituality between demented and control participants; however, different patterns of correlation were observed between spirituality, depression, and quality of life in these groups. Although the level of spirituality did not differ despite dementia, this pathology would appear to play a role in the relationship between spirituality, quality of life, and depression.  相似文献   

We examined 1-year stability of life story chapters and memories. In addition, we examined age differences in stability. At baseline and 1 year later, 70 emerging, 60 middle-aged, and 59 older participants described up to 10 chapters and 10 memories (in counterbalanced order). Participants self-rated chapters/memories on emotional tone, self-change connections, and self-stability connections. Chapters/memories were content coded for stability between time 1 and 2 and for emotional tone. Chapters were significantly more stable than memories. However, there were no significant differences between chapters and memories regarding stability of associated emotional tone, self-change connections, and self-stability connections. We found few age differences in stability. The results suggest that chapters may play a central role in the stability of narrative identity.  相似文献   

Reminiscence by elderly people, known as life review (Butler, 1963), has been widely used as a therapeutic technique. This paper discusses a study with fifteen ageing families in which a therapist assisted the ageing member in producing a videotaped vignette from the life review. The resulting video life reviews were found to be an effective tool in helping the ageing family in 're-storying' the past events with new narrative and meaning. Three predominant themes were identified: (1) historical and evaluative reviews, (2) transition reviews, and (3) reviews dealing with emotional pain. Also discussed are the reactions of the ageing families to the video life reviews, the therapeutic uses of the technique, and format suggestions for therapists.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether a test of velocity discrimination is a reliable and valid measure of proprioception in healthy older adults. Results revealed excellent test-retest reliability over a 2-week period. Velocity discrimination also indicated good construct validity with modest correlations with center of pressure sway outcomes in eyes open and closed conditions as well as stair climbing time. Good construct validity was identified by velocity discrimination sensitivity to age with a higher mean value for the older participants than for the younger participants. These findings suggest velocity discrimination is a valid and reliable measure of velocity sense, which may be included with measures of position and movement sense to enhance the proprioceptive testing repertoire among researchers. Implications of these results are discussed in terms of evaluation of proprioceptive training programs aimed to enhance postural control.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of dietary weight loss and exercise on the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of overweight and obese, older adults with knee osteoarthritis. A total of 316 older men and women with documented evidence of knee osteoarthritis were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 18-month interventions: dietary weight loss, exercise, dietary weight loss and exercise, or healthy lifestyle control. Measures included the SF-36 Health Survey and satisfaction with body function and appearance. Results revealed that the combined diet and exercise intervention had the most consistent, positive effect on HRQL compared with the control group; however, findings were restricted to measures of physical health or psychological outcomes that are related to the physical self.  相似文献   

Activity, event transactions, and quality of life in older adults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A multidimensional assessment of activity and subjective well-being based on a cognitive model of event causation was tested in a sample of 60 older adults. Activity was conceptualized as involving the occurrence of an event, the presence or absence of a response to that event, and the hedonic tone of the outcome of that transaction. Events were categorized as to whether the environment or the individual initiated them: demands or desires, respectively. Well-being was conceptualized as having two independent components, positive and negative, assessed by positive and negative mood scales and general well-being and quality-of-life scales. Analyses showed that older adults who were responsive to events reported more positive well-being, but high responding was also associated with negative aspects of well-being. Demands interacted with desire responding and outcome; affective outcomes of desired actions were significantly influenced by the occurrence of demand events. Results are interpreted in an expanded model of activity theory.  相似文献   

The nature of geriatric insomnia was studied by comparing older adults with (n = 42) and without (n = 30) insomnia complaints on measures of sleep, mood, life-style, health, and sleep-requirement expectations. Elderly persons with insomnia complaints reported longer sleep latency and more frequent and longer awakenings and used sleeping aids more often than those without insomnia complaints. Nocturnal sleep time was not a reliable discriminator. Poor sleepers showed greater discrepancies between their current sleep patterns and sleep-requirement expectations than did good sleepers. Elderly insomniacs acknowledged greater symptomatology of depression and anxiety than did good sleepers. Daytime napping and physical exercise were equivalent in both groups. Medical disorders, pain conditions, and drug usage (other than sleep aids) did not distinguish the two groups. Clinical implications for the treatment of geriatric insomnia are discussed.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined memory loss in a sample of 391 initially nondemented older adults. Analyses decomposed observed memory loss into decline associated with preclinical dementia, study attrition, terminal decline, and chronological age. Measuring memory as a function of only chronological age failed to provide an adequate representation of cognitive change. Disease progression accounted for virtually all of the memory loss in the 25% of the sample that developed diagnosable dementia. In the remainder of the sample, both chronological age and study attrition contributed to observed memory loss. These results suggest that much of memory loss in aging adults may be attributable to the progression of preclinical dementia and other nonnormative aging processes that are not captured by chronological age.  相似文献   

The Policy and Program Information Form-Ideal Form (POLIF-I) was developed to assess preferences of older adults for the policies and services of group living facilities. Compared with older community residents (n = 205), congregate apartment residents (n = 229) prefer facilities that have higher behavioral standards, deemphasize supportive services and formal avenues for resident influence, and emphasize privacy. In contrast to older respondents, experts (n = 44) prefer settings with lower behavioral standards, more supportive services, more resident input, and more privacy. Sociodemographic characteristics (marital status, occupation, education, age, gender) and functional ability are weakly associated with the policy and service preferences of older respondents. The POLIF-I has several applications, including examination of the congruence between residents' preferences and the actual policies and services of group living facilities.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a meta-analysis to determine the magnitude of older and younger adults' preferences for emotional stimuli in studies of attention and memory. Analyses involved 1,085 older adults from 37 independent samples and 3,150 younger adults from 86 independent samples. Both age groups exhibited small to medium emotion salience effects (i.e., preference for emotionally valenced stimuli over neutral stimuli) as well as positivity preferences (i.e., preference for positively valenced stimuli over neutral stimuli) and negativity preferences (i.e., preference for negatively valenced stimuli to neutral stimuli). There were few age differences overall. Type of measurement appeared to influence the magnitude of effects; recognition studies indicated significant age effects, where older adults showed smaller effects for emotion salience and negativity preferences than younger adults.  相似文献   

This study examines whether differences in late-life well-being are linked to how older adults encode emotionally valenced information. Using fMRI with 39 older adults varying in life satisfaction, we examined how viewing positive and negative images would affect activation and connectivity of an emotion-processing network. Participants engaged most regions within this network more robustly for positive than for negative images, but within the PFC this effect was moderated by life satisfaction, with individuals higher in satisfaction showing lower levels of activity during the processing of positive images. Participants high in satisfaction showed stronger correlations among network regions—particularly between the amygdala and other emotion processing regions—when viewing positive, as compared with negative, images. Participants low in satisfaction showed no valence effect. Findings suggest that late-life satisfaction is linked with how emotion-processing regions are engaged and connected during processing of valenced information. This first demonstration of a link between neural recruitment and late-life well-being suggests that differences in neural network activation and connectivity may account for the preferential encoding of positive information seen in some older adults.  相似文献   

Objective: The present study examined how the different attributes of daily social interactions (quality and quantity) were associated with physical health, and how these associations vary with age.

Method: Using an ecological momentary assessment approach, participants from an adulthood lifespan sample (n = 172; aged 20–79 years) reported their social interactions five times daily, and physical symptoms and symptom severity at the end of each day, for one week.

Main outcome measures: Number of physical symptoms and physical symptom severity.

Results: There was a within-person main effect of the quality (positivity), but not the quantity (frequency), of social interactions on the number of reported physical symptoms and their severity. Moderation analyses further revealed that the quality of daily social interactions predicted fewer physical symptoms for older adults, but not for younger adults; in contrast, the frequency of social interactions predicted less severe physical symptoms for younger adults, but not for older adults. Finally, the reported severity of physical symptoms predicted less frequent but more positive social interactions the next day.

Conclusions: Our findings point to the bidirectional associations between social interactions and health and highlight the importance of considering individuals' developmental context in future research and interventions.  相似文献   

The exceedingly large grip forces that many older adults employ when lifting objects with a precision pinch grip (Cole, 1991) may compensate for a reduced capability to produce a stable isometric force. That is, their grip force may fluctuate enough from moment to moment to yield grip forces that approach the force at which the object would slip from grasp. We examined the within-trial variability of isometric force in old (68-85 years, n = 13) and young (n = 11) human subjects (a) when they were asked to produce a constant pinch force at three target levels (0.49, 2.25, and 10.5 N) with external support of the arm, hand, and force transducer and (b) when they were asked to grasp, lift, and hold a small test object with a precision grip. Pinch force produced in the first task was equally stable across the two subject groups during analysis intervals that lasted 4 s. The elderly subjects produced grip forces when lifting objects that averaged twice as much as those produced by the young subjects. The force variability during the static (hold) phase of the lift for the old subjects was comparable with that used by the young subjects, after adjusting for the difference in grip force. The failure to observe less stable grip force in older adults contradicts a similar recent study. Differences in task (isometric grip force versus isometric abduction torque of a single digit) may account for this conflict, however. Thumb and finger forces for grip are produced through coactivation of many muscles and thus promote smooth force output through temporal summation of twitches. We conclude that peripheral reorganization of muscle in older adults does not yield increased instability of precision grip force and therefore does not contribute directly to increased grip forces in this population. However, force instability may affect other grip configurations (e.g., lateral pinch) or manipulation involving digit abduction or adduction forces.  相似文献   

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