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Somatoform disorders are usually associated with disturbances in affective processing and consequently with relational disorders. The effect of psychotherapy on the emotional regulation and the relational behaviour in the course of treatment of a patient with somatoform autonomous dysfunction and dysthymia has been examined. Pre-post comparisons of inpatient treatment have been performed by means of standardized questionnaire data; the course of therapy has been evaluated by the analysis of the dependence of the leading symptom of hypogastric pain on mood parameters with the help of multivariate time-series analyses. One effect of psychotherapy was the initiation of an intrapsychic discourse, which led to an improved ability of affect regulation as well as to a better functioning in relationships. This was accompanied by a reduction of somatization. The interrelations between somatization, affect- and relationship-regulation are discussed.  相似文献   



In 2000/2001 the authors presented the theory and practice of the ecological approach to the psychotherapy of panic disorders. The aim of the present study was to investigate the psychotherapeutic effectiveness of its application, supplemented by cognitive behavioural elements. According to the ecological approach, panic disorder arises whenever external changes in the living conditions enforce changes in professional or interpersonal relationships, which had been previously postponed and/or avoided out of fear of their consequences.


A total of 24 therapies consisting of 11–20 sessions were examined. Patients were examined 5 times from the beginning of the therapy until at least 1 year after cessation. Standardized questionnaires for the diagnosis and severity of the panic syndrome were used including the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS), the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), the Symptom Checklist (SCL) 90-R and a relationship questionnaire.


In the subjects’ self-evaluation 67% had recovered or showed only mild symptoms 1 year after therapy compared to 75% in the evaluation by the therapists. Effect sizes before and after therapy varied between 0.78 and 2.73 and all were significant. In addition, we developed a questionnaire on relationships, according to the ecological hypothesis. This showed that more than 80% of the subjects experienced essential changes in their relationships prior to the onset of the panic disorder requiring further developmental changes, which could be mastered with increasing success in the course of therapy.


Compared to other studies the combination of ecological and cognitive-behavioural approaches in this study resulted in impressive symptom and therapy reduction in less than 20 sessions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Konzept der Panikstörung ging ursprünglich auf neurobiologische Modellvorstellungen zurück, die rasch von verhaltenstherapeutischen Ansätzen aufgegriffen und differenziert wurden, während die Rezeption durch psychoanalytische Ansätze zurückhaltend erfolgte. In dieser Übersicht werden aktuelle neurobiologische, verhaltenstherapeutische und psychodynamische Modelle dargestellt. Neurobiologische Ansätze beschreiben die zentrale und periphere Fehlsteuerung des Stresshormonsystems. Verhaltenstherapeutische Modelle erklären die Aufrechterhaltung der Störung durch konditionierte Furchtreaktionen, Fehlinterpretation körperlicher Sensationen bzw. dispositionale Angstsensitivität. Neuere psychodynamische Konzepte beschreiben mangelnde Toleranz für intensive Affekte und Trennungserfahrungen aufgrund unsicherer Objektbeziehungsrepäsentanzen als Ursachenfaktoren für Panik. Sie schaffen damit Verbindungen zu tierexperimentellen und neurobiologischen Studien, die die Bedeutung vorzeitiger Trennungserfahrungen für lebenslang erhöhte Stressreagibilität und Furchtsamkeit herausgearbeitet haben. Neurobiologische, verhaltenstherapeutische und psychodynamische Ansätze ergänzen sich beim Verständnis dieses heterogenen Krankheitsbildes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei der Psychotherapie der Panikstörung ist die Wirksamkeit störungsbezogener verhaltenstherapeutischer Ansätze in zahlreichen randomisierten kontrollierten Studien nachgewiesen; für die Wirksamkeit einer störungsbezogenen psychodynamischen Kurzzeitpsychotherapie (panikfokussierte psychodynamische Psychotherapie, PFPP) gibt es erste empirische Belege. Die theoretische Fundierung der therapeutischen Zugänge und die daraus abgeleiteten Behandlungsprinzipien werden für die beiden Therapieverfahren dargestellt; eine aktuelle Übersicht zu empirischen Wirksamkeitsnachweisen wird gegeben: Schulenübergreifend sind Vorgehensweisen wirksam, die die Auseinandersetzung mit der Paniksymptomatik in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Die Verhaltenstherapie erreicht dies mit der Exposition gegenüber panikbezogenen Körpersensationen und -situationen; in der psychodynamischen Psychotherapie hat sich die aktive Exploration panikbezogener Kognitionen und Emotionen sowie die Deutung der für Patienten mit Panikstörungen typischen ambivalent-abhängigen, konfliktvermeidenden Übertragung bewährt. Die mit der Überwindung der habituellen Vermeidung verbundene Stärkung des Selbstwertgefühls wird als wirksamer Faktor diskutiert.  相似文献   

Borna Disease Virus (BDV) wird seit mehr als 20 Jahren als potenzieller kausaler Co-Faktor insbesondere bei affektiven Erkrankungen diskutiert. Die folgende Kasuistik demonstriert die erste antivirale Behandlung einer BDV-infizierten Patientin mit einer bipolaren affektiven St?rung, die bei sonst therapieresistentem Verlauf mit klassischen Antidepressiva von der Amantadin-Behandlung klinisch sehr profitierte. Die Bedeutung der BDV-Infektion und ihrer Therapie bei affektiven Erkrankungen wird anhand dieser Kasuistik sowie neuerer Studien diskutiert.  相似文献   

Etiopathogenetic models of somatoform disorders and philosophical concepts of free will refer to theories of affect processing: affective dysregulation can promote psychosomatic ailments as well as problems in decision making. This observation brings forth the question if freedom of will is impaired in persons with somatoform disorders. By compiling, analyzing and contextualizing relevant models of current neuroscience, psychosomatic medicine and philosophy the psychodynamic construct of alexithymia as an etiologic factor of somatoform disorders and the conceptual integration of affective factors in a model of free will are developed on the basis of a common concept of affect. The synthesis of the discussed results and considerations, the multidimensional impairment of the ability to decide freely and self-determinedly due to somatoform disorders, is critically reflected; however, a blanket assumption is not admissible.  相似文献   

As a result of their prevalence somatoform disorders represent a substantial burden not only for health care systems but also for social security and pension programs around the world. In fact, in recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of applicants filing for disability pensions due to such disorders. Recent studies focus on the relationship between biological, psychological and social factors and the subjective experience of somatoform symptoms and their concomitant impairments. Despite this progress, diagnostic work in general remains a challenge. The purpose of this paper is first to discuss a dimensional diagnostic system for somatoform disorders. Secondly based on the dimensions of this diagnostic system, considerations regarding the differentiation of the diagnosis “pain disorder” will be made. Furthermore, considerations concerning the severity and prognosis of somatoform disorders are presented. These considerations should help to assess vocational disability.  相似文献   

This case presentation describes a 22-year-old woman after an episode of psychotic mania. Manic-psychotic and depressive episodes, partially with psychotic symptoms, and different diagnoses have been documented for the past 5 years, raising the question of the differential diagnosis between bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder. Depending on the classification (ICD-10 versus DSM-5), schizoaffective disorder is defined differently. According to ICD-10, schizoaffective episodes can be diagnosed when affective and schizophrenic symptoms occur simultaneously. In a different approach, DSM-V requires psychotic symptoms in the absence of major mood episodes for at least 2 weeks in the course of the disorder.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Somatoforme Störungen sind für das Gesundheitssystem sowohl wegen ihrer hohen Prävalenz und auch wegen der intensiven Inanspruchnahme medizinischer Leistungen von großer Bedeutung. Auch bei psychotherapeutischen Interventionen muss dies berücksichtigt werden, da eine Normalisierung des Inanspruchnahmeverhaltens ein zentrales Behandlungsziel sein sollte. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden Häufigkeit ambulanter Arztbesuche und Variablen des Inanspruchnahmeverhaltens untersucht. Insgesamt wurden 295 Allgemeinarztpatienten mit mindestens zwei organisch nicht hinreichend begründbaren Beschwerden in die Studie aufgenommen. Psychische Störungen und die Inanspruchnahme des Versorgungssystems wurden mit einem strukturierten Interview erhoben; daneben wurden zahlreiche Fragebögen eingesetzt. Die Mehrheit (82%) der untersuchten Patienten erfüllte die Kriterien von mindestens einer somatoformen Störung. Die Anzahl der Arztbesuche in den letzten 6 Monaten belief sich im Mittel auf 15 Kontakte. Sie korrelierten mit der Anzahl somatoformer Symptome, dem Alter, Gesundheitsängsten, genereller Angst und Depressivität. Die Regressionsanalyse bestätigt nur die Symptomanzahl und das Alter als signifikante Prädiktoren des Inanspruchnahmeverhaltens. Implikationen für die Therapie dieser Patientengruppe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Hausarztes werden diskutiert.  相似文献   

The present single case study is aimed to investigate neuro-physiological correlates of checking and ordering compulsions in a 40 years old patient suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) by means of the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) method. After the presentation of the psychogenesis and psychodynamic of the OCD case, the cardinal symptom, a compulsive reading disturbance, is described in detail. Based on the symptom analysis eight different texts, hierarchically arranged by their degrees of difficulty were composed and presented to the patient for reading during fMRI. The results of the fMRI during symptom provocation display significant increase of activation in fronto-thalamic-cortical neural circuits with the occurence of compulsive reading disturbances compared with unproblematic texts and with the reading of a control subject. The findings are discussed in relation to the neurobiologic literature as well as to an object-psychological model of the OCD.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Bryn Mawr College Mit 2 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the pathogen responsible for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Worldwide there are currently about 40 million people infected with HIV and an estimated 44,000 in Germany. If left untreated after a few years the infection leads to the manifestation of AIDS and eventually to death through opportunistic infections and malignant tumors. Infection with HIV is not curable. Nevertheless, antiretroviral treatment can slow the progress of the disease and prolong life expectancy significantly. Once antiretroviral treatment has started the medication must be taken regularly and lifelong. Serious side effects of the medication pose a significant stress on physical and psychological well-being and impair adherence. Infection with HIV means a total change in life perspectives and requires extensive adaptations in lifestyle. Problems with adaptation and mental disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety disorders, adjustment disorder) are, therefore, frequent. With disease progression neurocognitive impairments are increasingly likely. Mental disorders and neurocognitive impairments adversely affect treatment adherence, increase health risk behavior and reduce immune function. Psychological interventions contribute significantly to the reduction in health risk behavior, improve treatment adherence and are successful in the treatment of depression and anxiety.  相似文献   

A questionnaire study on work-related trauma of journalists was conducted on the internet. 61 journalists (22 women) provided information about the type and frequency of highly stressful assignments and traumatic life events, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PCL-C), depression (CES-D) and coping style (emotional competence, FAPK, 3; sense of coherence, SOC). 46% of the participants lived in the USA, 41% in Europe; their mean age was 37 years and they had an average job experience of 13 years. They reported an average of 81 assignments in which they had been confronted with seriously injured, dying or dead persons or had worked at the risk of their own life. 13% had developed a full and 15% a partial post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Compared to less disturbed individuals, the participants with (full or partial) PTSD reported significantly more often about violence in their original families, depressive symptoms and deficiencies in their emotional competence.  相似文献   

Although dependent and avoidant personality disorders are frequent in patient populations, there are only few studies in which the efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions for these two personality disorders was reviewed. The purpose of this study was to examine whether psychodynamic short-term therapy based on the model of the cyclic maladaptive pattern (CMP) is effective for reducing the mental impairment of patients diagnosed with a dependent or an avoidant personality disorder. Data were collected via a self-report scale (Symptom-Checklist, SCL) and expert ratings by therapists [Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale and Severity of Impairment-Score (Beeinträchtigungsschwere-Score, BSS)]. In the study 20 patients received 25 sessions of outpatient therapy. Mental impairment decreased significantly from the beginning to the end of the therapy; moreover this decrease remained stable over a 2-year period following completion of the therapy. The findings show that psychodynamic short-term therapy can lead to an enduring improvement in the mental health of patients with a dependent or an avoidant personality disorder.  相似文献   

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