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The essence of the story of King Oedipus forms a cornerstone of psychoanalysis since Freud. Oedipality means the painful experience of the child who is left outside the mutual relationship between the parents and the child's wish to kill one parent and marry the other one. The life-long oedipal attitude and relationship develop in dyadic and triadic relationships. An example is given of a boy whose dyadic relationships are threatened by triads, and whose triads are threatened by integrated oedipality. Only after the oedipal situation is worked through does it become possible to live and love in reality, and to maintain manifold relationships. This development is also reflected in thinking, which only slowly develops into multidimensional levels of symbolization and thought. Prior to this development, we continue to “marry dyads” and “kill triads” and remain driven by dyadic and triadic wishes in all fields of our life.  相似文献   

目标定向在自我调节学习中的作用   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
该研究主要探讨了目标定向与认知策略、失败应对方式之间的关系,以及三者与学业成绩之间的关系,在此基础上对目标定向在自我调节学习中的作用提出了假设:目标定向是自我调节学习的始动机制,它影响着个体在学习中所采用的认知策略,以及在学业失败后所选择的应对方式,而认知策略和失败应对方式则直接对学习效果产生影响。  相似文献   

A distinction is discussed between manifest and latent concepts on the one hand and observable and unobservable psychological processes (of which learning is one) on the other. Previous attempts at measurement by Hull and Björkman are briefly reviewed. An analysis is presented of improved performance in terms of the latent variables of the Law of Comparative Judgment. Finally, the author's method for successive intervals scaling is applied to some paired associate learning data.  相似文献   

The authors outline the major role played by Ohtsuki Kenji in the formation of the Japanese Psychoanalytic Society. Unlike the other pioneers of psychoanalysis in Japan, Ohtsuki never went abroad or met Freud. He was a literature graduate who taught himself the fundamentals of psychoanalysis. He organised the translation of Freud's complete works, formed a psychoanalytic training institute and started a journal that carried English-language editorials. These became the major means whereby foreign analysts came to know and understand the Japanese psychoanalytic scene. A number of rival groups amalgamated to form the Japanese Psychoanalytical Association in the mid-fifties, excluding Ohtsuki's group despite its pre-war prominence. The authors reconsider Ohtsuki's role in the light of his many articles, his autobiography, new information uncovered in interviews conducted with current analysts and with Ohtsuki's widow and son. They describe his championing of lay analysis, and his criticisms of medicalisation of the discipline and of the view from abroad that questioned the suitability of Japanese culture for psychoanalytic therapy, as well as his efforts to modify some of the basic tenets of psychoanalysis to accord with his own views in his later work.  相似文献   

This quasi-experimental field study examined the impact of attending a voluntary, organizational-level new employee orientation training program on organizational socialization. Six content dimensions of socialization were measured before and 1 to 2 months following orientation training for a sample of 116 new employees in a variety of occupations. Results revealed that employees attending the orientation training were significantly more socialized on 3 of the 6 socialization content dimensions (goals/values, history, & people) than employees who did not attend the training. Employees attending the orientation training also had significantly higher levels of affective organizational commitment than nonattendees, a relationship that was fully mediated by the socialization content dimensions, primarily goals/values, and history.  相似文献   

中日心理学史上的早期联系与交流   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵莉如 《心理学报》1991,24(2):88-96
本文论述了中日两国最早的心理学译书出于同一美国心理学原著,心理学译名相互影响和使用,最早的心理学杂志同期出版等史实。  相似文献   

两难对策中价值取向对群体合作行为的影响   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
严进  王重鸣 《心理学报》2000,32(3):332-336
采用实验室方法,通过两难对策任务的情景模拟,研究群体成员的价值取向对群体合作行为的影响。62名被试参加了实验。结果发现:(1)群体合作行为受到群体成员价值取向的影响,合作型成员会产生更多的群体合作行为;(2)群体的合作行为也受到合作者对策策略的影响,对应策略将导致最多的群体合作行为;(3)两者的交互作用对群体的合作行为具有影响,但不显著。  相似文献   

Abstract— The present studies show that preferences change systematically depending on the global context and the measurement task Subjects evaluated apartments described by monthly rent and distance to campus using two different tasks (choices and attractiveness ratings) in two different global contexts (one with a narrow range of rents and a wide range of distances, and the other with a wide range of rents and a narrow range of distances) With the task held constant, preference orders for the same pair of apartments reversed in the two different contexts Similarly, with the context held constant, preference orders for the same pair of apartments reversed in the two tasks Taken together, the effects are startling Out of 25 apartments common to all four conditions, the preference rank of the apartment that was most expensive and closest to campus ranged from the 28th percentile to the 80th percentile We argue that, in the present experiments, the global context influences the scale values (or the perceptions of the attributes), and the task influences the weights (or the psychological importance) of the attributes.  相似文献   

Numerous advances have been made in the last two decades in the measurement as well as in the conceptualization of change. Golembiewski, Billingsley, and Yeager (1976) conceptualized change as: (1) gamma change—subjects change their understanding of the variable being measured; (2) beta change—subjects recalibrate the measurement scale; and, (3) alpha change—change detected with a consistent measurement scale (i.e., no beta change) and for which gamma change has been ruled out. The present research examined these types of change by administering the Survey of Organizations questionnaire to a sample of military trainers at Time1 (N1, = 222) and Time2 (N2= 242) with no intervention. This design may be referred to as two premeasures of an abbreviated time series design. The results are discussed within the context of the alpha, beta, gamma change typology. After ruling out gamma change, the results revealed that alpha and beta change could be distinguished from each other and that beta change had been measured. The potential causes of the detected beta change (i.e., the rival hypotheses affecting internal validity) are analyzed. The implications of these results are discussed for the present research as well as for other empirical investigations of organizational change.  相似文献   

Kamata Toji 《Zygon》2016,51(1):43-62
Three approaches to scholarship are “scholarship as a way,” which aims at perfection of character; “scholarship as a method,” which clearly limits objects and methods in order to achieve precise perception and new knowledge; and “scholarship as an expression,” which takes various approaches to questions and inquiry. The “humanities” participate deeply and broadly in all three of these approaches. In relation to this view of the humanities, Japanese Shinto is a field of study that yields rich results. As a religion of awe, shrine groves, community, arts, and entertainment, it offers a research field that joins together the study of human beings, nature, society, and expression. Though we elucidate the characteristics of Shinto and its differences with Buddhism, we also draw attention to the seven dimensions of “place, way, beauty, festival, technique, poetry, and ecological wisdom,” and then finally take up “research on techniques of body and mind transformation” as a comprehensive and creative development in the “humanities.”  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a Work Incentive (WIN) Orientation and Assessment Program which was designed to (a) assess enrollee attitudes and abilities, and (b) provide enrollee pre-employment test orientation. A sample of 155 WIN enrollees was divided into two groups; the experimental group received two weeks of orientation and assessment. Results were obtained by using two criteria: First, the number of terminations prior to completing the EDP was examined for each group, and second, the total number of referrals to each of three major components was examined. Findings revealed a significantly lower number of terminations among the experimental group, but did not yield any difference in the number of referrals per component. It is suggested that further studies of this type include a more refined measure of enrollee success and satisfaction in various WIN components.  相似文献   

Step-path theory of action is used to conceptualize future orientation (FO) as anticipated path characteristics and to derive its function. Study 1 finds that stories written to FO sentences are significantly higher on n Achievement when referring to a young person, while stories written to past orientation sentences tend toward higher scores when referring to an old person. Study 2 finds that extremes on chronological age tend to accentuate these trends. Study 3 supports the “multiplicative rule” for the combination of subjective probabilities of success (Ps) along a contingent path for group data. Individual data show that the predicted accentuation of achievement motivation is mediated by a decrease in path length for nonmultipliers of Ps (time FO), and by an increase in path length for multipliers of Ps (task FO). Path Ps also influences the effects of time and task FO.  相似文献   

记忆研究的新取向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统的记忆心理学实验研究,其理念是数量取向的,将记忆隐喻为储藏室;而在近期,记忆研究的理念正朝着准确取向转变,关注记忆是否与实际对应符合。文章对准确取向记忆研究的基本特征予以归纳和分析,并对其涉及的现象、问题和理论进行了介绍。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether an affective response affects the dimensionality of perceptual measures of organizational climate. To accomplish this 8,938 nonsupervisory employees of a large utility completed both an organizational climate questionnaire and a measure of job satisfaction. The raw scores on the climate instrument were factor analyzed. Then the job satisfaction scores were partialed out of the intercorrelations of the items making up the climate instrument and the residual scores were submitted to a factor analysis. The results suggest that partialing job satisfaction out of responses to an organizational climate questionnaire served to improve the dimensionality of the climate instrument.  相似文献   

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