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Journal of Religion and Health - Chaplains have been embedded in military settings for over a millennium. In recent years however, the decline in spiritual/religious (S/R) affiliation of military...  相似文献   

Depression represents a major source of disability among individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), with estimates of prevalence in this population ranging over 50%. In comparison with other sequelae of TBI, depression is often poorly conceptualized and treated among acute care and rehabilitation professionals. One reason for this is the lack of clear etiological models for the development of depression following TBI. This paper argues that post-TBI depression actually represents a heterogeneous category, with multiple etiologic pathways and clinical implications. The literature in this area is reviewed, with an emphasis on an appreciation of the diversity within this clinical population. Conclusions focus on suggestions for differential diagnosis and treatment options.  相似文献   

Research on emotional (non-)expression is characterized by two facets; it has mainly focused on healthy individuals and it has failed to explore the relationships between the different concepts describing expression and non-expression. A meta-analysis was conducted in order to identify the differential effects of emotional expression and non-expression in patient samples. Results showed that neither expression, nor non-expression of emotions was related to perception of disease severity. Psychological distress increased in relation to emotional non-expression, but no effect was shown for emotional expression. Emotional non-expression was also related to adopting a helpless attitude towards the disease. The conceptual and methodological disparities identified in the retrieved studies undermined the validity of the emerged relationships. Reported changes in physical and psychological outcomes were related to the kind of research design, operationalization of (non-)expression and the clinical and psychological condition of the recruited samples. Implications for improving future research are discussed.  相似文献   

了解临床护士心理弹性现状,分析影响护士心理弹性的因素,为管理者掌握临床护士心理健康状况,提高心理弹性水平提供参考依据。采用中文版心理弹性量表(CD—RISC),对535名临床护士进行调查。结果显示,临床护士心理弹性总分为(56.78±18.43)分;其心理弹性在不同人口统计学方面差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05);多元逐步回归分析显示心理弹性的主要影响因素是:工作年限和是否为独生子女。临床护士心理弹性处于中等水平,医院管理者应重视培养个体心理弹性素质,有针对性地开展弹性拓展训练,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings - Correlates of post-traumatic growth (PTG) have been examined in the area of health psychology previously, with much focus on aspects of...  相似文献   

跨文化适应影响因素研究述评   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
跨文化接触会影响人的适应,影响跨文化适应的因素有内部因素和外部因素,外部因素包括生活变化、社会支持、旅居时间、文化距离、歧视与偏见等,内部因素包括认知评价方式、应对方式、人格、与文化相关的知识与技能、人口统计学因素  相似文献   

青少年社会交往:影响因素及其干预研究述要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋振韶  金盛华 《心理科学》2001,24(6):713-716
社会交往是青少年生活中的一个重要部分,对青少年心理发展有着重要影响。青少年时期的社会交往以及由此而习得的交往技能,对青少年的社会性和情感发展具有深远的影响。研究青少年社会交往以及父母、同伴和教师在其中担当的角色,可以更好地认识青少年社会交往的本质,引导青少年通过积极的社会交往得到更好的发展和适应,使青少年社会交往成为系统教育的重要补充。  相似文献   

This article reviews research conducted to date on the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI), a self-report test of psychopathology. The composition of the test and its theoretical basis are described. Data regarding its internal psychometric structure are reviewed. Finally, the article summarizes the research on the validity of the MCMI.  相似文献   

为系统评价中国居民脂肪肝发病的主要危险因素,检索文献数据库,收集国内1997年~2008年有关脂肪肝发病危险因素的16篇文献,利用Meta分析方法,进行综合统计分析,累计病例7 200例.对照11 884例.结果超重(23≤BMI<25)、肥胖(BMl≥25)、过量饮酒、吸烟、高脂饮食、食用蔬菜、饮绿茶、爱好运动、运动少、高脂血症、高HDL-Ch、低HDL-Ch、高血压、高血糖、高血总胆固醇(≥6.5mmol/L)及糖尿病合并0R值(95%CI)分别为1.68(0.68~3.90)、5.01(3.23~7.76)、3.52(1.52~8.15)、1.18(1.01~1.37)、2.82(1.50~5.31)、0.45(0.37~0.55)、0.52(0.43~0.64)、0.32(0.14~0.74)、3.49(1.26~9.65)、4.91(2.69~8.96)、0.31(0.17~0.57)、2.14(1.50~3.03)、2.19(1.43~3.35)、2.75(1.66~4.58)、2.96(0.26~32.98)、2.29(1.30~4.01).结论为目前影响中国人群脂肪肝发生的危险因素依次为肥胖、高脂血症、饮酒、运动少、高脂饮食、高血糖、糖尿病、高血压、低HDL-Ch和吸烟;保护因素为饮用绿茶,食用蔬菜,以及高HDL-ch;尚不能确定与中国人脂肪肝发生的相关性因素为超重和高血胆固醇.  相似文献   

Neuropsychology Review - Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead to impairments in emotion recognition that can present considerable challenges to social communication and the maintenance of...  相似文献   

This review paper integrates recent structural and functional imaging, postmortem, animal lesion, and neurochemical research about the pathophysiology of autism. An understanding of the neurobiological correlates of autism is becoming increasingly important as more children are diagnosed with the condition and funding for well-targeted interventions increases. Converging evidence suggests that autism involves abnormalities in brain volume, neurotransmitter systems, and neuronal growth. In addition, evidence firmly links autism with abnormalities in the cerebellum, the medial temporal lobe, and the frontal lobe. Potential implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are reviewed.  相似文献   

Pediatric medical traumatic stress (PMTS) is common among injured/ill children and is associated with elevated distress, treatment non‐adherence, and poor health outcomes. As survivorship of life‐threatening pediatric injury and illness continues to increase alongside rapid medical advancements, rates of PMTS and negative sequelae are expected to grow; however, research on prevention and treatment of PMTS is limited. The current study sought to systematically review the literature using a developmental framework to highlight research gaps. Sixteen peer‐reviewed studies were identified via a systematic literature search. Consistent with best practices for treatment of childhood trauma, caregiver involvement and CBT principles served as the foundation for most interventions. All studies reported improvements in PMTS; however, among the most methodologically rigorous, few found statistically superior reductions in PMTS between intervention and control groups. While many studies focused on a specific developmental stage and discussed developmental considerations, others took a “one‐size‐fits” approach. Interventions that demonstrated the most promising findings were online, self‐guided, or time‐limited. Future research would benefit from expanding diversity of participants, continuing to evaluate novel delivery methods, and integrating developmental considerations along with trauma‐informed care (TIC) approaches, given their useful framework for understanding child traumatic stress responses and avenues for prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

Traumatic Brain Injury as a Risk Factor for Alzheimer's Disease: A Review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Accumulating epidemiological evidence implicates traumatic brain injury as a pathogenic agent in the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Considering the increase in the prevalence of both traumatic brain injury and AD in recent times, the possibility that brain trauma may provoke the early development of AD has important implications for health service planning, preventative efforts, and medico-legal compensation settlements. This paper evaluates the plausibility of the proposed link between traumatic brain injury and AD, largely by way of exploring a theoretical perspective advanced by Satz (1993) and considering recent contributions from the epidemiological, neuropathological, and biochemical literature that are pertinent to this issue. The literature reviewed provides sufficient support and empirical vindication to give credence to the proposed association between these two neuropsychological entities at the statistical, theoretical, and biological level.  相似文献   

韩冰  王良燕 《心理科学》2017,40(1):193-199
文章通过对品牌负面事件溢出效应文献的系统梳理,提出了目前研究主要从品牌组合或品牌联盟内部、竞争品牌或品类、品牌原产国及该国其他品牌三个视角出发展开,并据此详细解读了基于这三种视角的溢出效应的影响因素。文章还进一步对溢出效应的产生机制以及应对策略相关文献加以述评,进而提出未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

儿童朴素物理学的错误概念及影响概念转换的因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
建构主义的学习观认为,新知识的学习总是建立在旧知识的基础上,新旧知识经验进行双向交流。儿童在日常生活中形成的自发概念是科学学习的重要基础,而其中与基本科学理论不一致的错误概念阻碍了学习过程。该文概述了儿童朴素物理学的错误概念研究,探讨自发概念的结构及其争论,并总结了影响概念转换的重要因素,包括认知冲突感,元认知和动机因素,认识论信念因素等  相似文献   

This study sought to compare the original and revised scoring systems of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ) and to assess the construct validity of the Dependent and Self-critical subscales of the DEQ in a clinically depressed sample. Subjects were 103 depressed inpatients who completed the DEQ the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Hopelessness Scale, the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ), the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS), and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). The original and revised scoring systems of the DEQ evidenced good concurrent validity for each factor scale, but the revised system did not sufficiently discriminate dependent and self-critical dimensions. Using the original scoring system, self-criticism was significantly and positively related to severity of depression, whereas dependency was not, particularly for males. Factor analysis of the DEQ scales and the other scales used in this study supported the dependent and self-critical dimensions. For men, the correlation of the DEQ with the MMPI scales indicated that self-criticism was associated with psychotic symptoms, hostility/conflict, and a distress/exaggerated response set, whereas dependency did not correlate significantly with any MMPI scales. Females, however, did not exhibit a differential pattern of correlations between either the Dependency or the Self-criticism scales and the MMPI. These findings suggest possible gender differences in the clinical characteristics of male and female dependent and self-critical depressive subtypes.  相似文献   

The relation between resilience and mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) outcome has been theorized but empirical studies have been scarce. This systematic review aimed to describe the research in this area. Electronic databases (Medline, CINAHL, PsychINFO, SPORTdiscus, and PILOTS) were searched from inception to August 2015 for studies in which resilience was measured following TBI. The search terms included ‘TBI’ ‘concussion’ ‘postconcussion’ ‘resilience’ and ‘hardiness’. Inclusion criteria were peer reviewed original research reports published in English, human participants aged 18 years and over with brain injury, and an accepted definition of mild TBI. Hand searching of identified articles was also undertaken. Of the 71 studies identified, five studies were accepted for review. These studies were formally assessed for risk of bias by two independent reviewers. Each study carried a risk of bias, most commonly a detection bias, but none were excluded on this basis. A narrative interpretation of the findings was used because the studies reflected fundamental differences in the conceptualization of resilience. No studies employed a trajectory based approach to measure a resilient outcome. In most cases, the eligible studies assessed trait resilience with a scale and used it as a predictor of outcome (postconcussion symptoms). Three of these studies showed that greater trait resilience was associated with better mild TBI outcomes (fewer symptoms). Future research of the adult mild TBI response that predicts a resilient outcome is encouraged. These studies could yield empirical evidence for a resilient, and other possible mild TBI outcomes.  相似文献   

The nature of acute and chronic stress is explored, including analysis of three different ways of categorizing the duration of a stressful episode: the duration of the physical stressor, the duration of threat perception or demand, and the persistence of response. Of particular interest here are situations characterized by brief stressor exposure but long-term threat perception and/ or stress response. Traumatic events are ordinarily very brief but frequently give rise to chronic threat and stubborn response patterns. In many of these cases, distress clearly outlives the event and the “normal” postevent recovery period. Possible mechanisms for such situations are discussed, as are implications for the study of traumatic stress.  相似文献   

The emergence of a research literature exploring parallels between physical and nonphysical (i.e., social, relational, indirect) forms of aggression has raised many questions about the developmental effects of aggressive behavior on psychological functioning, peer relationships, and social status. Although both forms of aggression have been linked to problematic outcomes in childhood and adolescence, more recent findings have highlighted the importance of considering the possible social rewards conferred by socially aggressive behavior. This paper examines relevant theory and empirical research investigating the adaptive and maladaptive correlates specific to nonphysical forms of aggression. Findings are explored at the level of group (e.g., peer rejection), dyadic (e.g., friendship quality), and individual (e.g., depressive symptoms) variables. Key developmental considerations and methodological issues are addressed, and recommendations for future research integrating current theoretical conceptualizations and empirical findings on social aggression are advanced.  相似文献   

Although psychiatric symptom severity and impairment are overlapping but nevertheless distinct illness parameters, little research has examined whether variables found to be associated with the severity are also correlated with symptom-induced impairment. Parents and teachers completed ratings of symptom-induced impairment for DSM-IV-referenced syndromes, and parents completed a background questionnaire for a consecutively referred sample of primarily male (81 %) 6-to-12 year olds with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (N?=?221). Some clinical correlates (e.g., IQ?<?70, maternal level of education, pregnancy complications, current use of psychotropic medication, season of birth) were associated with impairment for several disorders, whereas others were correlated with only a few syndromes (e.g., gender, co-morbid medical conditions) or were not related to impairment in any disorder (e.g., family psychopathology). There was little convergence in findings for parents’ versus teachers’ ratings. Some clinical correlates (e.g., season of birth, current psychotropic medication, maternal education) were unique predictors of three or more disorders. Pregnancy complications were uniquely associated with social anxiety and schizoid personality symptom-induced impairment. IQ was a unique predictor of schizophrenia, ASD, oppositional defiant disorder symptom-induced impairment. Children whose mothers had relatively fewer years of education had greater odds for symptom-induced impairment in social anxiety, depression, aggression, and mania and greater number of impairing conditions. Season of birth was the most robust correlate of symptom-induced impairment as rated by teachers but not by parents. Children born in fall evidenced higher rates of co-occurring psychiatric and ASD symptom-induced impairment and total number of impairing conditions. Many variables previously linked with symptom severity are also correlated with impairment.  相似文献   

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