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Through the defining power of words, the phrase “difficult-to-reach” patient reflects the extent to which the analyst inverts the patient's will to change and makes the analyst the subjective agent of treatment progress. If making a constructive contribution to another person's life engenders a sense of creative agency, the traditional dichotomies of analyst/helper who gives and an empty patient who receives may not be useful. I trace the evolution of a 23-year-long psychotherapy from a parent–child dynamic through to more uncertain relational terrain in order to illustrate how the analyst's own evolution may have clashed with the patient's ambivalence toward change and endings. I raise questions of how the dignity of making a creative contribution to the “reachable enough” analyst's life may enable the patient to work through gratitude, attain a sense of belonging, and terminate with good conscience.  相似文献   

In spite of the fact that Freud's self‐analysis was at the centre of so many of his discoveries, self‐analysis remains a complex, controversial and elusive exercise. While self‐analysis is often seen as emerging at the end of an analysis and then used as a criteria in assessing the suitability for termination, I try to attend to the patient's resistance to self‐analysis throughout an analysis. I take the view that the development of the patient's capacity for self‐analysis within the analytic session contributes to the patient's growth and their creative and independent thinking during the analysis, which prepares him or her for a fuller life after the formal analysis ends. The model I will present is based on an over lapping of the patient's and the analyst's self‐analysis, with recognition and use of the analyst's counter‐transference. My focus is on the analyst's self‐analysis that is in response to a particular crisis of not knowing, which results in feeling intellectually and emotionally stuck. This paper is not a case study, but a brief look at the process I went through to arrive at a particular interpretation with a particular patient during a particular session. I will concentrate on resistances in which both patient and analyst initially rely upon what is consciously known.  相似文献   

Acting out should be expected in the treatment of incest victims. These persons attempt to communicate through actions a plethora of confusing feelings resulting from the incest; such actions occur outside the therapy sessions and their meanings are out of the patient's awareness. Working through the underlying feelings is the necessary therapeutic task. It is unlikely that acting-out behavior will be completely eliminated, but the development of self-acceptance and a willingness to explore the meaning of the behaviors are reasonable and attainable therapeutic goals with the help of the other group members.

Three areas of acting out are elucidated: sex, power and sadism, and self-destructiveness. Clinical vignettes drawn from the authors' experience conducting group psychotherapy are used to illustrate both acting out and working through.  相似文献   

In the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease the occupational therapy goal is to enable persons to function as optimally as possible. Maximizing the patient's functioning in daily life necessitates a framework for clinical reasoning. Clinical reasoning currently emphasizes what persons can do but may fail to recognize the complex factors involved in what a person actually will do. A framework to guide clinical decision making for persons with Alzheimer's disease based on the model of human occupation was developed. The use of this framework is illustrated through a case application.  相似文献   

Although showing superior maintenance, behavioral treatments of obesity typically produce small weight losses at a decelerating rate. Rather than reflecting poor compliance with treatment, these findings are consistent with known compensatory metabolic changes that operate to slow weight loss and promote regain. Other problems associated with dieting include failure of caloric regulation, hyper-responsivity to food palatability, and hunger, which is greatest under conditions of moderate restriction and unpredictability of access to food. The inevitability of treatment failure in many instances must be faced and efforts made to prevent further worsening of the obese patient's self-esteem. Prognosis and treatment planning may be aided by consideration of the historical difficulties of weight loss, the degree of hunger experienced on diets, which may reflect important physiological differences among individuals, and the use of food to optimize arousal level. Full involvement of the patient in setting goals and planning treatment is recommended.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of narcissistic personality disorders as they present clinically along a spectrum of severity ranging from the best functioning forms of pathological narcissism to the most threatening to the patient's psychosocial and physical survival. It proposes a general interpretive psychoanalytic stance with all these clinical syndromes that range from standard psychoanalysis to a specific psychoanalytical psychotherapy for the most repressive and life threatening conditions that may not respond to standard psychoanalysis proper. This general psychoanalytic approach is placed into the context of related developments in contemporary psychoanalytic understanding of pathological narcissism and its treatment.  相似文献   

In every analysis, the analyst develops an internal relationship with the patient's objects—that is, the people in the patient's life and mind. Sometimes these figures can inhabit the analyst's mind as a source of data, but at other times, the analyst may feel preoccupied with or even invaded by them. The author presents two clinical cases: one in which the seeming absence of a good object in the patient's mind made the analyst hesitate to proceed with an analysis, and another in which the patient's preoccupation with a “bad” object was shared and mirrored by the analyst's own inner preoccupation with the object. The use and experience of these two objects by the analyst are discussed with particular attention to the countertransference.  相似文献   

In this paper the author argues that interpretations made when the analyst has not done the emotional work of recognising and bearing what kind of object she has become in the patient's psychic reality will be experienced as empty tactics – even lies – rather than interpretations of integrity. However, interpreting from a position of bearing the truth of the patient's perception will be technically difficult and indicate turmoil as the analyst struggles to take in the patient's view of her. If the analyst avoids integrating her own picture of herself with the patient's picture (despite giving voice to the patient's picture) the split inside the analyst will be felt and intensify the patient's need to split. Vignettes demonstrate how the analyst, believing she is trying to understand, may become a projective‐identification‐refusing object and the issue of the analyst's disclosure of her countertransference is examined. Ultimately, the author argues, a capacity to receive and bear projective identification requires empathy with both patient and analyst‐as‐patient's object, engaged in a process about which both are ambivalent.  相似文献   

A substantial proportion of therapists will at some point in their professional life experience the loss of a patient to suicide. Our aims were to assess how therapists react to patient's suicide over time and which factors contribute to the reaction. One third of the therapists, mostly women, suffer from severe distress. The impact is not different for therapists in institutional settings and therapists in private practice. The item “overall distress” immediately after the suicide predicts emotional reactions and changes in behavior. Our data suggest that identifying the severely distressed subgroup could be done using a visual analogue scale for overall distress. As a consequence, more specific and intensified help could be provided to these individuals.  相似文献   

The present article attempts to clarify the difficult diagnostic discrimination between malingering and factitious disorder with physical symptoms. It is proposed that diagnostic evaluations focusing on the patient's observed symptomatology will be limited in their accuracy and utility. Instead, a longitudinal approach is needed to include the course of the disorder over time, its response to treatment, and the proposed etiology of the disorder. It is hoped that with a better understanding of these two disorders, prompt and accurate diagnosis can lay the foundation for effective management of both malingering and factitious disorders.  相似文献   

This article will explore special leader issues that emerge in psychodynamically oriented therapy groups with adult children of alcoholics. Particular focus will be on countertransference feelings that get stirred up in group leaders and techniques for dealing with some of these special dilemmas. Specific issues include (a) assumption of sameness between the therapist and the patient (the therapist assuming that he or she “understands” because of having also grown up in an alcoholic family); (b) the “will to restore,” which may be destructive when the therapist, whose own self-esteem is dependent on the patient's progress in therapy, forces a “rush to recovery” on the patient; (c) other personal issues in the life of the therapist that may also resonate with experiences of the patient; (d) “countertransference goodness and availability” as it affects therapists' abilities to set reasonable limits on their patients, as well as reasonable expectations for themselves; and (e) special issues regarding therapist transparency and self-disclosure.  相似文献   


The five points of Arnold Rothstein's interesting monograph are each discussed and critiqued in this article. In particular, Rothstein is commended for his commitment to expanding the availability of an intensive, psychoanalytic treatment for a broad spectrum of patients who may often be very difficult to engage. Rothstein also accounts for difficulties in engaging analytic patients from obstacles in the attitudes of analysts such as a latent lack of conviction about the efficacy of psychoanalysis and from overly restricted stereotypes about the spectrum of appropriate patients. He recommends a flexibility of technique and accommodation to the needs of patients with which this author agrees.

Others of Rothstein's observations and recommendations seem more problematic. Specifically, issue is taken with his suggestion that analysts attempt to provide a trial of psychoanalysis for all nonpsychotic patients and to begin on a less intensive basis only within the frame or interpreting prospective patients' objections as a resistance. This author also disagrees with Rothstein's interpretation that patients resist the offer of a psychoanalysis out of a self-defeating masochistic enactment that needs interpretation. Case examples are provided that belie this overly generalized interpretation. Additionally, this author critiques the metapsychological assumptions underlying this particular mode of interpreting a reluctance to begin psychoanalysis.

While commending Rothstein's therapeutic goals and recommended flexibility of technique, this author would also stress a fundamental concern about the patient's conscious and unconscious experience of the analyst's agenda. In other words, rather than working toward the analyst's goal of establishing a psychoanalytic situation, emphasis is placed instead on the basic right of patients to proceed in a manner that respects their sovereignty over how intensively they may choose to work. Therefore, in contradistinction to Rothstein's suggestions, it is recommended that the analyst's primary focus should be to provide an availability to work on the patient's conflicts and developmental needs with a respect for the timing of their emergence and expression within a treatment frame that invites but does not prematurely elicit and confront. By proceeding in this way a patient's salient dynamics will be allowed to emerge “organically” instead of being hastened prematurely in reaction to the analyst's insistence on the Tightness of a particular schedule or manner of proceeding. This author believes that with this approach more, rather than fewer, patients will be able to accept the recommendation of an intensive psychoanalytic treatment.  相似文献   

Although prolonged exposure therapy (PE) is considered an evidence-based treatment for PTSD, there has been little published about the use of this treatment for older adults with comorbid early-stage dementia. As the number of older adults in the United States continues to grow, so will their unique mental health needs. The present article describes the successful coordination of care and application of PE in the assessment and treatment of a Vietnam veteran with comorbid PTSD and early-stage dementia. Measures related to the patient's cognitive and psychological functioning were obtained before, during, and after treatment. PE was associated with significant declines in PTSD and depression symptoms. Moreover, the patient's cognitive functioning was made clearer in the absence of severe psychiatric symptoms. Factors contributing to the patient's positive response are discussed.  相似文献   


Three distinct, yet overlapping, phases of treatment emerge when working with some borderline and psychotic patients. This are patients who test the ordinary limits of psychoanalysis, but can profit from its deep exploration. The first phase is colored by acting out, interpersonally and intrapsychically. An analytic envelope of containment is necessary to sustain the treatment. Interpretive holding and containing help the patient find a psychic receptacle capable of detoxifying violent projections. Many of these patients terminate prematurely. The second phase is centered around the patient's defensive use of the death instinct to extinguish or destroy certain parts of their mental functioning. This difficult standoff between parts of the patient's mind becomes replicated in the transference. The third phase reveals the more fundamental problem of paranoid~schizoid anxieties of loss and primitive experiences of guilt. These include fears of persecution and annihilation. Some patients abort treatment in the first or second phase and never work through the phantasies and feelings of loss. Nevertheless, much intrapsychic and interpersonal progress is possible. Given the instability and chaotic nature of these patient's object relations, the analyst must be cautiously optimistic in their work and realize the potential to help the patient even when presented with less than optimal working conditions.  相似文献   

This paper explores the interrelationship between patients' exercise of will to make advances in an analysis and their readiness to forgive their analysts for their human limitations. There is a thin line between idealization of the analyst, probably a necessary component of the process, and resentment of the analyst for his or her privileged position in the world and in the analytic situation itself. The patient's “progress” emerges as a kind of reparative gift, one that implicitly overcomes the patient's tendency to withhold such change out a sense of chronic, malignant envy. Particularly poignant in terms of its potential to elicit the patient's reparative concern is the situation in which the analyst is struggling with his or her mortality because of aging or life-threatening illness. In this essay two clinical vignettes are presented to illustrate some of the issues that this situation poses. One begins with an elderly patient appearing at the door of the analyst's (the author's) home the day of his return from the hospital after coronary bypass surgery. The other begins with an analyst who is terminally ill appearing at the door of a patient who is threatening suicide. The two stories are compared in terms of their implications for human agency, the exercise of will, and the coconstruction of meaning in the face of mortality in the analytic process.  相似文献   

This paper examines the meaning for the patient of the analyst's personal life and personality which are ostensibly banished from the consulting room. The therapist has a not‐always‐so‐secret “secret life”; that the patient is supposed to “not know”; about. Yet, more or less unconscious perceptions, impressions, and fantasies about extratherapeutic aspects of the analyst are omnipresent and significantly color the psychoanalytic enterprise.

Moreover the analyst as a person generally plays a critical and underacknowledged role in the patient's experience of the endeavor. Constructing multiple overlapping images of the analyst and of the analytic relationship, the patient discovers himself or herself in the matrix of these relationships with various images of the analytic other. The analysand is motivated to make sense of the analyst as wholly as possible, the better to place into context the analyst's interventions. The patient's resulting view of the analyst's subjective experience acts as a lens that filters and subtly alters the meaning of the analyst's communications.

I illustrate these points by relating my work with a patient whose dreams uncannily picked up on a (consciously) unknown aspect of my private life—my having a handicapped son. The treatment thereafter centered on the patient's identification with my child (as someone “disabled") and on the meaning of her having dreamt something so personal about her therapist.  相似文献   

A psychotic breakdown in adolescence marks the emergence of a manifest aspect of a more complex process that has its origins in the patient's family pre‐history and in the patient's childhood story. This period of life is characterized by a sensorial explosion and adolescents will react differently according to the different resources they have at their disposal. Adolescents will attempt to create defensive solutions in order to face this decompensation on their own. In particular, polymorphously perverse behaviours can be utilized because of their specific characteristics in order to create a potent defence used to arrest a still more severe regression and at the same time providing the time necessary to safely navigate through a difficult and dangerous developmental phase. These solutions can be transitory or transform themselves into lasting defensive adaptations. These defensive modalities are very complex and articulated and can become fossilized in time, as, for example, in the case of a use of perverse defences against a breakdown. An analyst finding him/herself in these situations will find it difficult to differentiate in the diagnosis between a condition that is due to a perverse functioning used as a defence against decompensation, and a truly perverse structure that is beginning to emerge after puberty.  相似文献   

How would religion and a life event carrying an existential threat (LEET) jointly impact a person's life goals of becoming wealthy and successful in one's career? Goal reprioritisation, socioemotional selectivity, and gerotranscendence theories predict a shift away from material goals following a LEET, independent of the effect of religion. However, terror management theory (TMT) predicts that the effect of death thoughts depends on one's prevailing cultural values. As religion can be regarded as a culture, it is possible that Christians' and non-believers' material life goals would be differentially altered by LEET. Data from 1259 young Chinese adults reveal no main effect of LEET, but a strong effect of religion. Moreover, there was an interaction effect between LEET and religion on material life goals: LEET weakened material goals for Christians but not for non-believers. These findings suggest that TMT is more suitable than the other theories for predicting life goal changes.  相似文献   

In this paper, I will consider a type of misunderstanding in the analytical dialogue and the possible unconscious motivations underlying this. I will also make reference to the patient's use of the analyst's words for the purpose of narcissistic enactment and will explore the extent of the analyst's involvement in this. The subjects of misunderstanding and narcissistic enactment will be dealt with in relation to a patient's way of processing certain interpretations at the beginning of analysis and the concealment of her way of processing the analyst's words. By contributing dreams and other significant material in the sessions, the patient gradually revealed her phantasies which enabled the analyst to uncover the possible factors which determined her particular attribution of meaning to the analyst's words and her retention of information about how she had initially construed his interpretations.  相似文献   

The legal foundation of psychosomatic rehabilitation, which amounts to more than half of all inpatient psychotherapies performed in Germany, includes the duty of the patient to cooperate, the pre-condition that there is a chance for increasing or restoring patient’s ability to work, and the obligation for therapists, to perform a socio-medical rating of patient's ability to work as well as a judgement about his/her credibility concerning the asserted handicaps and disabilities. All this has an influence on the relationship between psychotherapist und patient and leads to problems in the treatment especially of those patients, who wish to retire. For the psychotherapist not only counter—transferences may be difficult to handle but also role conflicts resulting above all from the challenge being simultaneously psychotherapist and medical expert, who has to rate patient's ability for work and his credibility. To keep capacity of acting, the psychotherapist should reflect these issues and make them transparent for the patient. Sufficient supervision is very important. This will not only improve patient's, but also pension scheme's profit.  相似文献   

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