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艺术疗法述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨雪龙  童辉杰 《社会心理科学》2003,18(4):128-131,150
论述了艺术疗法的原理及其治疗的一般过程,结合国外研究探讨了艺术疗法在各种不同领域的应用,并指出在有效性评估上存在的问题及今后的发展方向。  相似文献   




绘画艺术疗法在欧美地区已经得到广泛的应用,成为了心理咨询与治疗的主要技术之一,但在我国是近10年来才开始兴起。绘画艺术疗法作为一种独特的心理治疗手段,在精神分裂症、抑郁症、儿童孤独症、癌症等其他临床疾病的治疗过程均有着独特的疗效。本文将从其理论和作用机制、临床应用现状及应用前景等方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

通过对阿梅代奥·莫迪里阿尼的身世背景以及绘画生涯进行叙述,从而对其作品进行了更深入的分析。从莫迪里阿尼的绘画中寻找艺术美学,从他的绘画手法找寻生命真谛,借助他人的赏析评论对其绘画艺术进行概括,为今后的绘画艺术作品赏析提供助力。  相似文献   

近年来 ,日本、韩国、一些西方学者和国内学术界颇为关注老庄关于心理治疗的问题。笔者曾在《医学与哲学》(2 0 0 1年第 8期)发表一篇文章 ,其中提到“玄览 -心斋疗法”,其后 ,收到一些询问 ,现将想法进一步写下 ,向同仁们请教。1 玄览 -心斋疗法的理论基础玄览 :语出《老子》第 1 0章。玄 :指本原。览 :指镜子 ,心镜。老子说 :“除玄览 ,能无乎 ?”原意指“洗净这面镜子 (心镜 ) ,还能照不出瑕疵吗 ?”此处用玄览 ,取其“洗净镜 ,照出暇疵”之意。心斋 :语出《庄子·人间世》。斋之原意指饮食中的不荤不酒。心斋 ,指心灵的空静 ,保持清洁…  相似文献   

悟践疗法与中国心理治疗本土化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国心理学家在心理治疗本土化方面进行了许多尝试,其中开本土化之先河的是悟践疗法.从悟践疗法的发展可以了解在不同社会历史背景下中国心理治疗本土化的早期特征.悟践疗法的人性主义理论是中国心理治疗本土化的理论产物,强调人性是由生物性、心理性和社会性三方面融合的全方位、全息的整体.悟践疗法的认知与行为的有机结合是中国心理治疗本土化的实践特色.理论和实践证明:悟践疗法具有承前启后、与时俱进的历史和现实意义.  相似文献   

中国心理学家在心理治疗本土化方面进行了许多尝试,其中开本土化之先河的是悟践疗法。从悟践疗法的发展可以了解在不同社会历史背景下中国心理治疗本土化的早期特征。悟践疗法的人性主义理论是中国心理治疗本土化的理论产物,强调人性是由生物性、心理性和社会性三方面融合的全方位、全息的整体。悟践疗法的认知与行为的有机结合是中国心理治疗本土化的实践特色。理论和实践证明:悟践疗法具有承前启后、与时俱进的历史和现实意义。  相似文献   

唐代是中国古代绘画全面发展的时期。这一时期,中国社会发展水平处于世界前列,具有自由开放、华丽壮美的时代特征,使得唐代文化异常灿烂夺目,宗教思想、文学艺术、史学、科学技术等领域成果辉煌,促使中国绘画艺术全面繁盛,造就吴道子、阎立本、王维、钱国养、殷季友、张萱、周昉、杨宁等杰出画家。另外,社会风气开放,民间生活多姿多彩,都使得唐朝呈现出高度的文明气象。唐代绘画是中国封建社会绘画的巅峰,画坛活跃,名家辈出,风格纷呈。这一时期,宗教画的生活气息越来越浓厚,佛教绘画世俗化,人物画、山水画、花鸟画分科独立,绘画史论随之丰富,显示了唐代美学理论的深度。  相似文献   

绘画作为一种心理治疗方法有其独特作用,不仅可以处理人们的情绪和心理创伤问题,而且可以使心理障碍患者的自我形象、自尊或自我概念、社交技能等得到提升,促进语言的发展与认知功能的改善.机理是,绘画是人们最适宜的心灵表达方式,它作为一种人类心理意象的主要表现形式,发展象征性的语言,能触及人所不知的心灵感受,并能创造性地将它们整合到人格里,直至发生治疗性的变化.  相似文献   

励骅  郭本禹 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1267-1271
阿德勒为心理治疗提供了一个经得起时间考验的综合理论。他对人类行为做了务实的概念化处理,并改变了程序使其可能整合当代心理治疗理论中众多有价值的见解。阿德勒心理治疗与当代实践之间存在很多相似之处,因为阿德勒治疗是一种现在与未来定向的、限时性的(即短程的)、整合性和折衷性的方法。  相似文献   

归因疗法——一种重要的心理治疗方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
归因疗法是心理治疗的重要方法之一。迄今为止 ,人们已经发展了运用归因理论于治疗实践的两种一般模式 :“真归因疗法”引导患者用准确的归因代替错误的归因 ,“误归因疗法”引导患者用不准确而有益的归因代替准确而有害的归因。归因疗法受到了其他心理治疗理论的怀疑和批评。  相似文献   

Our aging population is growing in size and diversity. To integrate different views on aging and make explicit the role of culture as a contextual factor, we modified Knight’s (Psychotherapy with older adults, 2004) Contextual, Cohort-based, Maturity, Specific Challenge (CCMSC) model of psychotherapy with older adults into the Contextual Adult Lifespan Theory for Adapting Psychotherapy (CALTAP). This article describes various components of the CALTAP, which serves as a meta-theoretical framework in guiding an integrated psychotherapy approach for the aging population. The interaction between environmental factors like cohort differences and socio-cultural contexts and individual factors such as maturation and age-related specific challenges not only shapes the experience and presentation of older adults in clinical settings, but also highlights special considerations in adapting psychotherapy for older adults.  相似文献   

Beels CC 《Family process》2007,46(4):421-436
Some psychotherapies may work because they resemble rites of passage. To explore this idea, this article describes an "individual" case of depression in which drug, cognitive, and narrative approaches fell short of effectiveness, and change occurred in a series of experiences that resemble a rite of passage. This resemblance is illuminated by examining two apparently quite different healing processes--Alcoholics Anonymous and multifamily group therapy in schizophrenia--to explore the elements they have in common with the case described: the acceptance of what Victor Turner called a liminal experience, and the importance of witnesses to the ritual support for that acceptance. The discussion contributes to a loosening of the distinctions between the processes of individual, family, group, and other social therapies and leads to questions about the expert knowledge the therapist provides.  相似文献   

Consideration of the semantic problem of revolution in psychotherapy is followed by some justifications for a critical and subjective approach to this discussion. Alleged revolutions in the field are critically examined, followed by an envisaged revolution and its possible ingredients. Attention is paid to the concept of a revolutionary new human, with affective-somatic and embodied-mystical examples given. Obstacles to such revolution are briefly examined and the concept of universal human sickness or anthropathology is discussed, along with the notion of an anti-anthropathological revolution.  相似文献   

The present paper discusses the phenomenological approach to art-therapy and suggests an operational terminology for its main theoretical concepts. First we present the general assumptions that underline art therapy. Definitions, leading approaches, and the therapeutic effect of artwork are considered. Next we indicate the need for relevant and particular theories of art therapy. Phenomenological theory is examined as a case in point because of its popularity among art therapists. Despite its philosophical appeal, however, we find phenomenological theory lacking the operational terminology that is essential to form a coherent and distinct school of therapy. In the present paper, we extract from phenomenological theory operational principles, which can be followed and applied by art therapists. In this analysis, we take into consideration Betensky's pioneer attempt to create the bridge between phenomenological theory as applied in verbal psychotherapy and art therapy. We end by discussing the urgent need to operationalize other verbal psychotherapeutic theories so they are relevant for art-therapy practice and may help create greater similarities among art therapists of the same school of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

This article presents acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) as a spiritually integrated therapeutic modality. ACT is a value‐driven therapy that involves facilitating transcendence of physical, mental, and emotional experience to alleviate human suffering; as such, ACT shares common ground with the domain of spirituality. Approached as a spiritually integrated therapy, ACT can help clients to access spiritual resources and create life meaning as well as aid in the resolution or transformation of spiritual struggles. Given that spiritual struggles, in particular, can have a significant impact on mental health and well‐being, this article provides guidance in how ACT can address such struggles.  相似文献   

After a brief exposition of Elementary Pragmatic Model about changes in dyadic interactions, the validity and clinical usefulness of the model was evaluated with a newly created test, called SISCI-Sentences. This test is composed of 90 Sentences with strong psychological impact. Administration of this test to non-clinical and clinical participants produced statistically significant differences between the choices of participants in the two groups. Implications of these results for the use of these Sentences in the course of psychotherapy are discussed.
Luciano L’AbateEmail:

The aim of this review was to consider the literature concerned with a sequential use of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in mood disorders. Review of the clinical trials where treatment components were used in a sequential order were identified by using MEDLINE, a manual search of the literature and the Index Medicus. In unipolar recurrent depression, the sequential use of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy was found to improve relapse rate. In bipolar disorder, the use of psychotherapeutic strategies in patients who were already assuming mood stabilizers was also found to yield clinical benefits. The sequential model has the potential for improving the logic and timing of interventions. A conceptual shift in current assessment methods (staging) is needed.  相似文献   

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