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Non‐anxious college students first performed a semantic‐judgement task that was designed to train either threat‐related or threat‐unrelated interpretations of threat‐ambiguous homographs (e.g. mug). Next they performed an ostensibly separate transfer task of constructing personal mental images for single words, in a series that included new, threat‐ambiguous homographs. In two experiments, the number of threat‐related interpretations in the transfer task significantly increased following threat‐related experience during the training phase, compared to other training conditions. We conclude that interpretive biases typically shown by anxious people can be established in non‐anxious students in ways that generalize to novel tasks and materials. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three experiments revealed that memory for verbs is more dependent on semantic context than is memory for nouns. The participants in Experiment 1 were asked to remember either nouns or verbs from intransitive sentences. A recognition test included verbatim sentences, sentences with an old noun and a new verb, sentences with an old verb and a new noun, and entirely new sentences. Memory for verbs was significantly better when the verb was presented with the same noun at encoding and at retrieval. This contextual effect was much smaller for nouns. Experiments 2 and 3 replicated this effect and provided evidence that context effects reflect facilitation from bringing to mind the same meaning of a verb at encoding and at retrieval. Memory for verbs may be more dependent on semantic context because the meanings of verbs are more variable across semantic contexts than are the meanings of nouns.  相似文献   

Working memory involvement in propositional reasoning was explored after different kinds of training. The training conditions aimed to reduce the impact of non-analytic heuristics and to enhance analytic inference processes according to mental logic theories, the mental model theory, and the theory of pragmatic reasoning schemata. Following an initial training phase, secondary task interference was investigated using concurrent spatial tapping (Experiment 1), random number generation (Experiment 2), and articulatory suppression (Experiment 3). A training condition practicing the construction and use of mental models via a truth table task increased the disruption of reasoning performance by random number generation and articulatory suppression, whereas the other training conditions did not affect susceptibility to secondary task interference. The results corroborate implications of the mental model theory of reasoning.  相似文献   

Spatial language influences memory for spatial scenes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Does language influence recognition for spatial scenes? In Experiments 1 and 2, participants viewed ambiguous pictures, with or without spatial sentences. In a yes—no recognition task, only the spatial sentences group made more false alarms toward the center of the spatial category than in the other direction; three other comparison groups showed no such tendency. This shift toward the core of the semantic category suggests that spatial language interacted with perceptual information during encoding. In Experiment 3, we varied the materials to test the interactive encoding account against a separate encoding account in which separately stored sentences are accessed during picture recognition. The results support the interactive encoding account in which spatial language influences the encoding and memory of spatial relations.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that a complex relationship exists between emotion and memory. Support is given to the idea that emotional memory is dominant over item memory and that emotion memory is an instance of general semantic memory.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the effects of prior knowledge on the learning and retention of new information. Subjects learned varying amounts of prior knowledge about individuals referred to by first name/last name combinations. In the first two experiments, subjects more rapidly learned new information about individuals for whom they were given prior knowledge, retrieved this information more slowly, and showed smaller interference (fan) effects. This complex of results is predicted by a spreading activation model in which we assume subjects try to integrate the prior knowledge with the new information in a network fashion. The third experiment, in addition to including conditions of prior vs. no prior experimental knowledge, included well-known names like Ted Kennedy, about which subjects have a great deal of preexperimental prior knowledge. The relationships between conditions of experimental prior knowledge and no prior knowledge obtained in Experiments 1 and 2 were replicated, but the well-known names did not behave simply like the extreme of experimental prior knowledge. In particular, subjects showed the fastest verification of new facts learned about the well-known names, rather than the slowest, as predicted from the spreading activation network model.  相似文献   

Social influences on spatial memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Transthyretin influences spatial reference memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transthyretin (TTR) is a plasma and cerebrospinal fluid carrier for thyroxine and retinol, described also to sequester the amyloid beta peptide. TTR levels have been described as decreased in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Alzheimer's disease. In order to investigate the role of TTR in learning and memory, we studied young adult and old TTR-null 129/Sv mice for cognitive performance. In the absence of TTR, 5-month-old mice display spatial reference memory impairment when compared to age-matched wild-type mice. Interestingly, while aging in wild-type mice is associated with a worsening reference memory performance, TTR-null mice show no further impairment with increasing age. As a result, no significant differences were found in this spatial reference task in old mice. Our data show that the absence of TTR seems to accelerate the poorer cognitive performance normally associated with aging.  相似文献   

The Whorf-Sapir hypothesis has raised considerable controversy in the literatures of psychology and anthropology. Several misconceptions of the hypothesis are reviewed, and the hypothesis was experimentally supported in a visual reproduction paradigm. Subjects were first given label training for a set of figures, and were then asked to recall by drawing the shapes. Training with categorized labels resulted in a 25% improvement in recall when compared to a condition with nonword (paralog) labels. Even stronger evidence of linguistic influence on visual memory was obtained by examining the order of recall. The conceptual relationships among labels strongly influenced the sequence of reproductions.  相似文献   

Memory is better for emotional words than for neutral words, but the conditions contributing to emotional memory improvement are not entirely understood. Elsewhere, it has been observed that retrieval of a word is easier when its attributes are congruent with a property assessed during an earlier judgment task. The present study examined whether affective assessment of a word matters to its remembrance. Two experiments were run, one in which only valence assessment was performed, and another in which valence assessment was combined with a running recognition for list words. In both experiments, some participants judged whether each word in a randomized list was negative (negative monitoring), and others judged whether each was positive (positive monitoring). We then tested their explicit memory for the words via both free recall and delayed recognition. Both experiments revealed an affective congruence effect, such that negative words were more likely to be recalled and recognized after negative monitoring, whereas positive words likewise benefited from positive monitoring. Memory for neutral words was better after negative monitoring than positive monitoring.Thus, memory for both emotional and neutral words is contingent on one's affective orientation during encoding.  相似文献   

The process-dissociation procedure was used to investigate conscious and unconscious influences of memory for object location. In two experiments, subjects worked with drawings of household objects and rooms of a house depicted on a computer monitor to simulate placing objects in various locations. Memory for object locations was tested by having subjects search for those objects. A double dissociation was obtained between estimates of conscious and unconscious influences of memory computed from equations that assumed independence between these two influences: Age-related differences were found in the estimate of conscious influences, but not in the estimate of unconscious influences, whereas manipulation of habit strength affected the unconscious estimate, but not the conscious estimate. These results were closely fit by a multinomial model assuming independence between conscious and unconscious influences of memory.  相似文献   

Spontaneous analogical transfer is the use of information from one problem to solve another problem, without an explicit hint to use the previous information. The results of five experiments were that if subjects tried to solve a training problem before hearing its solution, or tried to explain a training story's solution before hearing the correct explanation, spontaneous transfer was more likely than it was if subjects had studied the same training passage for memory before hearing its solution or explanation. The advantage of problem-oriented processing over memory-oriented processing occurred even though solution attempts nearly always failed, and the advantage was not reduced if the target problem was tested 15 min later rather than immediately after training. We propose that problem-oriented processes performed at study are appropriate processes to use at test. Further support for the account comes from subjects' memory for the training passages; the advantage for problem-oriented processing on solution tasks was mirrored by an equally substantial advantage for the memory-oriented subjects on a recall task.  相似文献   

Muscarinic cholinergic influences in memory consolidation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The central cholinergic system and muscarinic cholinergic receptor (mR) activation have long been associated with cognitive function. Although mR activation is no doubt involved in many aspects of cognitive functioning, the extensive evidence that memory is influenced by cholinergic treatments given after training either systemically or intra-cranially clearly indicates that cholinergic activation via mRs is a critical component in modulation of memory consolidation. Furthermore, the evidence indicates that activation of mRs in the basolateral amygdala (BLA) plays an essential role in enabling other neuromodulatory influences on memory consolidation. Memory can also be affected by posttraining activation of mRs in the hippocampus, striatum and cortex. Evidence of increases in hippocampal and cortical acetylcholine (ACh) levels following learning experiences support the view that endogenous ACh release is involved in long-term memory consolidation. Furthermore, the findings indicating that mR drug treatments influence plasticity in the hippocampus and in sensory cortices strongly suggest that mR activation is involved in the storage of information in these brain regions.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that top-down factors can bias the storage of information in visual working memory. However, relatively little is known about the role that bottom-up stimulus characteristics play in visual working memory storage. In the present study, subjects performed a change detection task in which the to-be-remembered objects were organized in accordance with Gestalt grouping principles. When an attention-capturing cue was presented at the location of one object, other objects that were perceptually grouped with the cued object were more likely to be stored in working memory than were objects that were not grouped with the cued object. Thus, objects that are grouped together tend to be stored together, indicating that bottom-up perceptual organization influences the storage of information in visual working memory.  相似文献   

Prior knowledge of the content of a passage should reduce the effort required to encode the passage and facilitate its recall. This paper presents such effects of prior knowledge upon comprehension and memory of simple technical prose. The basic procedure was to collect ratings of the amount of prior knowledge for individual passage sentences and individual subjects, and then to determine whether these familiarity ratings predicted study time and recall. In order to validate the rating method, and also to obtain data on prior knowledge of individual facts, subjects also completed an objective test of prior knowledge of the passage facts. Three different encoding-task conditions were used: a self-paced study task, a forced-pace study task, and an incidental-learning task. A cued-recall test followed each condition. In the self-paced task, readers studied unfamiliar material longer than familiar material, but recalled at the same level regardless of familiarity. In contrast, familiarity did predict recall in the forced-pace and incidental tasks. This task specificity is explained in terms of the subjects’ encoding strategies. The basic effect of prior knowledge can be explained not only by the elaboration principle, but also by a representation-saving principle, which is presented in a simulation model that can account for the effects of familiarity on study time.  相似文献   

Since antiquity, philosophers, theologians, and scientists have been interested in human memory. However, researchers today are still working to understand the capabilities, boundaries, and architecture. While the storage capabilities of long-term memory are seemingly unlimited (Bahrick, J Exp Psychol 113:1–2, 1984), working memory, or the ability to maintain and manipulate information held in memory, seems to have stringent capacity limits (e.g., Cowan, Behav Brain Sci 24:87–185, 2001). Individual differences, however, do exist and these differences can often predict performance on a wide variety of tasks (cf. Engle What is working-memory capacity? 297–314, 2001). Recently, researchers have promoted the enticing possibility that simple behavioral training can expand the limits of working memory which indeed may also lead to improvements on other cognitive processes as well (cf. Morrison and Chein, Psychol Bull Rev 18:46–60 2011). However, initial investigations across a wide variety of cognitive functions have produced mixed results regarding the transferability of training-related improvements. Across two experiments, the present research focuses on the benefit of working memory training on visual short-term memory capacity—a cognitive process that has received little attention in the training literature. Data reveal training-related improvement of global measures of visual short-term memory as well as of measures of the independent sub-processes that contribute to capacity (Awh et al., Psychol Sci 18(7):622–628, 2007). These results suggest that the ability to inhibit irrelevant information within and between trials is enhanced via n-back training allowing for selective improvement on untrained tasks. Additionally, we highlight a potential limitation of the standard adaptive training procedure and propose a modified design to ensure variability in the training environment.  相似文献   

Although there has been steady progress elucidating the influence of emotion on cognition, it remains unclear precisely when and why emotion impairs or facilitates cognition. The present study investigated the mechanisms involved in the influence of emotion on perception and working memory (WM), using modified 0-back and 2-back tasks, respectively. First, results showed that attentional focus modulated the impact of emotion on perception. Specifically, emotion facilitated perceptual task performance when it was relevant to the task, but it impaired performance when it was irrelevant to the task. The differential behavioural effect of emotion on perception as a function of attentional focus diminished under high WM load. Second, attentional focus did not directly modulate the impact of emotion on WM, but rather its influence depended on the dynamic relationship between internal representations. Specifically, WM performance was worse when the material already being held online and the new input were of matching emotions (e.g. both were negative), compared to when they were not. We propose that the competition between “bottom-up” and “top-down” processing for limited cognitive resources explains the nature of the influence of emotion on both perception and WM.  相似文献   

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