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The study of memory modulation in infant rats has typically focused on reminder/retrieval treatments involving reexposure to components of the internal or external training context. Rarely have studies employed pharmacological treatments to investigate the neurochemical substrates of memory storage in preweanling rats. The present study investigated the effect of 100 mg/kg of glucose, a common memory modulator in adult mammals, on memory for passive-avoidance conditioning in 18-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats. Subjects that were administered an immediate post-training injection of glucose performed significantly better, on a retention test 24 h following training, than those animals that received saline. The glucose group also performed comparably to a control group that was tested 10 min following training. These results are consistent with those of the memory modulation literature in adults and suggest that the rapid rate of forgetting in immature organisms may be the result of a deficiency in a general memory modulatory system.  相似文献   

Latent inhibition, retarded learning after pre-exposure to the to-be-conditioned stimulus, was examined using a blink conditioned procedure in humans. Experiment 1 showed that the procedure is suited to inducing the latent inhibition effect. In Experiment 2, the introduction of a 3-minute interval between pre-exposure and conditioning phases attenuated latent inhibition. These results contribute to identify the mechanisms involved in pre-exposure and subsequent conditioning of a stimulus, which is particularly important if we bear in mind that latent inhibition has been used repeatedly as an instrument to analyze the course of attentional processes in normal and pathological populations.  相似文献   

The successive contribution of brief daily conditioning sessions to the relatively long-term retention of stimulus-response interaction was assessed in 30 3-month-old infants. On each of 3 days, infants received a characteristic acquisition and extinction period, preceded by a 24-hr retention test. In addition to kick rate, duration of attention to a visual conjugate reinforcer (mobile) was measured. On the fourth day, the specificity of original learning was explored by exposing half the infants to a novel reinforcing agent while the remaining infants continued to view the original training mobile. Both kicks and attention significantly increased across successive retention tests for the first 3 days; on Day 4, infants viewing the novel mobile kicked significantly less and attended significantly longer than infants viewing the familiar mobile. Subsequent reattainment of high kick levels by the experimental group on Day 4 appeared to be highly individualistic and, in many instances, discontinuous.  相似文献   

Long-term retention of operant footkicking acquired in the mobile conjugate reinforcement paradigm was assessed as a function of the distribution of training time. In the first study, 3-month-old infants were trained for either one 18-min session or for two 9-min or three 6-min sessions separated by 24-hr intervals. All infants exhibited retention during a test administered immediately after training, but only those trained in a single session continued to perform the conditioned response during cued-recall tests 7 or 14 days later. Infants trained in three sessions showed no evidence of remembering the contingency even after a week. A warm-up decrement, seen in the day-to-day performance of infants in the distributed conditions, was eliminated in the second study by the interpolation of a nonreinforcement period at the outset of daily sessions. This procedure also enhanced long-term retention such that infants trained in three 6-min session now remembered the contingency for 14 days and did not differ from infants who had received a single 18-min session. Whether distributed training facilitates or impairs long-term retention appears to depend on the opportunity for infants to acquire a sufficient number (or kind) of effective retrieval cues during original learning.  相似文献   

The auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) pathway that is necessary for delay eyeblink conditioning was investigated using reversible inactivation of the medial auditory thalamic nuclei (MATN) consisting of the medial division of the medial geniculate (MGm), suprageniculate (SG), and posterior intralaminar nucleus (PIN). Rats were given saline or muscimol infusions into the MATN contralateral to the trained eye before each of four conditioning sessions with an auditory CS. Rats were then given four additional sessions without infusions to assess savings from the initial training. All rats were then given a retention test with a muscimol infusion followed by a recovery session. Muscimol infusions through cannula placements within 0.5 mm of the MGm prevented acquisition of eyeblink conditioned responses (CRs) and also blocked CR retention. Cannula placements more than 0.5 mm from the MATN did not completely block CR acquisition and had a partial effect on CR retention. The primary and secondary effects of MATN inactivation were examined with 2-deoxy-glucose (2-DG) autoradiography. Differences in 2-DG uptake in the auditory thalamus were consistent with the cannula placements and behavioral results. Differences in 2-DG uptake were found between groups in the ipsilateral auditory cortex, basilar pontine nuclei, and inferior colliculus. Results from this experiment indicate that the MATN contralateral to the trained eye and its projection to the pontine nuclei are necessary for acquisition and retention of eyeblink CRs to an auditory CS.  相似文献   

Six experiments with rats used a psychophysical choice procedure to study the internal clock used to discriminate duration. They investigated if the clock is sensitive to the signal value (associative strength) of a stimulus. The experiments involved two types of trials. On choice trials, a stimulus lasted a short (e.g., 3 s) or long (e.g., 12 s) duration; then the rats chose between two levers. The rewarded choice depended on the duration of the stimulus. On conditioning trials, the stimulus used on choice trials was presented, but it ended without food (extinction trials) or with food (pairing trials) regardless of what the rat did. The main stimulus minus accuracy with the long stimulus. Experiment 1 showed that extinction trials increased short bias relative to training without conditioning trials or to training with pairing trials. The rest of the experiments tested explanations of these results. The same results were found when extinction trials were the same duration as the short stimulus (Experiment 2), when extinction trials were a random duration (Experiment 5), and when the signal value of the conditioned stimulus was changed in another way (Experiment 6). The effect of conditioning trials was modality specific (Experiments 3 and 4). Of the explanations considered, the best one--the only one not contradicted at least once--is that changing the signal value of a stimulus changes how the clock times the stimulus. Reducing signal value reduces the measured duration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to test the effectiveness of classical conditioning procedures in reducing negative evaluative responses, i.e., attitudes, toward pictures of Afro-American people. Ss were 73 Euro-American kindergarten children who received either 0, 1, 4, or 8 conditioning sessions of 36 pairings of the color black with neutral words. Two racial attitude scales were employed to measure amount of change in Ss' racial attitudes after exposure to the conditiong procedures. Parish's (1972) Revised PRAM II did not detect any change, but Williams' (1971) PRAM II demonstrated a significant reduction in anti-Afro-American attitudes for those Ss who received 8 conditioning sessions.  相似文献   

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