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传世的吕洞宾著作,其出现自北宋至清代,数百年绵延不断,今存于《道藏》、《续道藏》、《全唐诗》、《吕祖全书》、《道藏辑要》等书中。又有据《吕祖全书》所辑《吕祖汇集》、《吕祖全书宗正》,以及单行本若干,如《纯阳三书》、《吕祖金刚经注》、《吕祖指玄篇秘注》、《吕祖道德经浅注》等。这些著作内容庞杂,涉及面广,几乎都是后人的假托之作,或扶乩降笔。这些著作虽尽非吕祖亲传亲授,但毕竞是道教诸多前辈精修致道的经验总结,为学者同人研究传习之便,这里拟对传世的主要吕祖著作加以简略的介绍。介绍的次序按诸本所收。一、明正统道藏1.《吕纯阳真人沁园春丹词注解》(洞真部玉诀类) 此词见收于诸本之中,注者颇多,其出现应在北宋初,刘斧《青琐高议》续集记其出现  相似文献   

灵宝派为中国道教三山符箓之一,是道教史上传承绵远的道派,随着道教在台湾的发展演进,灵宝派也传入台湾并逐渐发展。本文梳理台湾灵宝道坛的兴起、分布与传承延续,通过灵宝道教会团体组织在台湾地区的创立与推广历程,道教灵宝派法脉在台湾社会的传承,说明道教有联系大陆、台湾民众的特殊功能。  相似文献   

正《中华续道藏》编纂规划学术沙龙在中国道教协会举办5月14日,《中华续道藏》编纂规划学术沙龙在中国道教协会举办。中国社科院宗教所王卡研究员介绍了《中华道藏》的编纂出版过程,以及编纂《中华续道藏》设想的提出和该项目的重要意义。中国道协道教文化研究所负责人尹志华介绍了《中华续道藏》  相似文献   

本文主要讨论两部新收集到的清代道教抄本《道法统宗天罡秘诀袖里风雷大全》和《道法统宗袖里风雷教子篇》。这两部书均为明中期临川吴显常所撰,其中不仅记载了他所主持的这一道坛所用的法诀,更透露了位于江西省临川县的这一道坛所受诸法的法脉源流。本文尝试以这些记载与藏内外文献参合,复原元明之际朱元帅法、吴元帅法、高元帅法、紫宸大法、梅山法等五个法派共七个支脉在近两百年的时间段内于江西抚州地区互相融合的基本过程,提供了元明时期地方道教发展的一个生动案例,也为解决部分藏内外的文献的来源提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

清代乾隆初年,刘体恕、黄诚恕等人在明末刊刻的《道书全集》所收《纯阳吕真人文集》的基础上,汇辑江夏涵三宫等乩坛所出的经卷,编成32卷本《吕祖全书》。乾隆三十九年至四十年,邵志琳在杭州全真道士蔡来鹤等人的支持下,将32卷本《吕祖全书》增补为64卷。本文对32卷本《吕祖全书》的编纂过程和每卷经文的来历进行了考察,并探讨了64卷本增补的内容。尹志华,哲学博士,现为《中国道教》杂志副主编、副研究员。  相似文献   

正本书纠正和澄清了日本学者和国内同行在白玉蟾文献、生平、入室弟子等问题上的失误,弥补了相关学术盲点,最大限度地破解了长期以来在白玉蟾创立道教南宗问题上的学术纷争与谜团,推进了国内外道教南宗研究的深度和广度。盖建民教授所著《道教金丹派南宗考论——道派、历史、文献与思想综合研究》一书,已于2013年6月由社科文献出版社正式出版。正如卿希泰先生所评价的那样:"作者从20世纪末涉足道教金丹派南宗以来,在国内外学术界研究的基础上,以地域道教研究的视阈,挖掘了大  相似文献   

正广东毗邻港澳,福建紧邻台湾。地缘相邻,血缘相亲,道缘相承,使得广东省会广州和福建省会福州成为举办"2016年内地、香港、澳门道教界迎春联谊会"和"2016年大陆、台湾道教界迎春联谊会"的首选之地。1月19日由中国道协主办、广东省道协协办、广州市道协承办的2016年内地、香港、澳门道教界迎春联谊会在羊城广州举办。1月22日,由中国道教协会主办、福建省道教协会承办的2016年大陆、台湾道教  相似文献   

盛世修典是中华民族的优良传统。一套以尊重道 教固有的经教体系为原则,充分采纳当代道教学术研究的成果,促进道教文化的研究和阐扬为目的的大型道教文化经书宝典丛书——《中华道藏》即将面世。该丛书是由中国道教协会组织教界有识之士和有关专家学者,以明代《正统道藏》、《万历续道藏》为底本,在保持原《道藏》三洞四辅的基本框架不变的前提下,对三洞四辅以外的经书根据不同内容进行归类综合的道教大型典籍。《道藏》是道教经典文献之集大成者,该书所收道教典籍十分广泛,内容丰富,既有历代道教经典论著、科仪方术、仙传…  相似文献   

唐代为中国道教的全盛时期,其道派承袭魏晋南北朝,来源有二,其一是继承魏晋神仙道教的传统,其二是魏晋天师道的流变。例如唐代专门从事外丹黄白术的金丹派道士和以各类气法修炼,兼服食药物养生的炼养派道士,则是继承方仙道传统的神仙道教流派。上清派、灵宝派、正一派等经箓派道教,实际上是魏晋天师道在神仙道教影响下的流变。再有楼观派(唐初改楼观为宗圣观)道士以终南山为中心,形成终南山道团,宗老子和关尹子,习《老》、《庄》,实为神仙道教和经箓派道教的融汇。唐代道观遍于全国名山大邑,以茅山和终南山最显,道教重道阶而不重道派。其中上清派以茅山为本山,师徒授受分明,是唐代影响最大的道派。自陶弘景以来其传授次第为:  相似文献   

正闵一得(1758-1836)是清代著名内丹家,全真龙门派第十一代宗师。他是清代道教龙门派在江浙地区盛传期间,道教著作最为丰厚者;同时,他开宗创派,振兴金盖山龙门一派,成绩卓著。他在秉承全真传统丹法的同时,又吸收西竺心宗的秘法,兼采道教符箓派的"云篆"与佛教"真言",提出"中黄直透"法,对清代道教内丹学的发展做出了重要贡献。《古书隐楼藏书》是闵一得的重要著作之一,被誉为"清代最有影响的一部道教内丹学丛书"1,流传  相似文献   

The concept of omnipotence refers to a primitive fantasy, a mechanism of defense, and a pathological psychic structure. Omnipotence and its derivative defensive operation, omnipotent control, are highly prevalent in borderline personality organization. Three clinical vignettes illustrate these mechanisms in the treatment of patients with borderline, narcissistic, and obsessive personality disorders, respectively. These vignettes illustrate the transference developments when omnipotence and omnipotence control are dominant, and the therapeutic approach to these conditions.  相似文献   

The notion that the family is “the unit of care” for family doctors has been enigmatic and controversial. Yet systems theory and the biopsychosocial model that results when it is imported into medicine make the family system an indispensable and important component of family medicine. The challenge, therefore, is to provide a coherent, plausible account of the role of the family in family practice. Through an extended case presentation and commentary, we elaborate two views of the family in family medicine — treating the patient in the family and treating the family in the patient — and defend both as appropriate foci for care by family doctors. The practical problem that arises when the family is introduced into health care is deciding when to concentrate on the family system. The moral problems that arise concern how extensively doctors may become involved in the personal lives of their patients and families. The patient-centered clinical method provides a strategy for handling both problems. Thus, making the family a focus of care in family medicine can be justified on theoretical, practical, and moral grounds.  相似文献   

There is a branch of modern medicine that relies on information rather than on biochemical substances to maintain health and cure disease. Known as information medicine, it offers an important complement to the dominant biochemical approach of mainstream medicine. This note offers a few reflections on the potentials of information medicine in reference to what is currently known regarding the role of information in the universe, and in the living organism.  相似文献   

Although it is generally acknowledged that experiences of frustration, confusion, and anxiety are embodied phenomena, very little is known about how these processes modulate presumably unconscious, but constantly present, subtle bodily movement. We addressed this problem by tracking the low-level dynamics of body movement, using 1/f noise, pink noise, or "fractal scaling", during naturalistic experiences of affect in two studies involving deep learning and effortful problem-solving. Our results indicate that body movement fluctuations of individuals experiencing cognitive equilibrium was characteristic of correlated pink noise, but there was a whitening of the signal when participants experienced states that are diagnostic of cognitive distress such as anxiety, confusion, and frustration. We orient our findings within theories that emphasise the embodied nature of cognition and affect and with perspectives that view affective and cognitive processes as emergent products of a self-organising dynamical system (the brain) that is inextricably coupled to the body.  相似文献   

Although it is generally acknowledged that experiences of frustration, confusion, and anxiety are embodied phenomena, very little is known about how these processes modulate presumably unconscious, but constantly present, subtle bodily movement. We addressed this problem by tracking the low-level dynamics of body movement, using 1/f noise, pink noise, or “fractal scaling”, during naturalistic experiences of affect in two studies involving deep learning and effortful problem-solving. Our results indicate that body movement fluctuations of individuals experiencing cognitive equilibrium was characteristic of correlated pink noise, but there was a whitening of the signal when participants experienced states that are diagnostic of cognitive distress such as anxiety, confusion, and frustration. We orient our findings within theories that emphasise the embodied nature of cognition and affect and with perspectives that view affective and cognitive processes as emergent products of a self-organising dynamical system (the brain) that is inextricably coupled to the body.  相似文献   

历史上对伏牛山地区的佛教记载较散,资料较详的是在明代。当时来山修行的僧人很多,但是到现在为止还没有人对伏牛山的佛教进行过研究,笔者根据掌握的禅宗史料提出这时伏牛山佛教已经有了明显的禅宗派系特征,在这里传教修行的僧人,主要是元代禅宗断桥伦一支的浙江天目山高峰原妙及其弟子中峰明本一系,其中受四川禅宗无际明悟禅师一派的影响很大,早期来山的僧人大多数都是无际明悟的弟子与后人,可以说成立了无际伏牛山禅派一系。  相似文献   

孕育中的旅游伦理学--近年来西方国家旅游伦理研究述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
旅行和旅游是一项历史悠久的人类活动,旅游活动中的伦理问题的存在也和旅游发展的历史一样久远.二战以后,"大众旅游"经过半个多世纪的高速发展,对自然环境和社会文化的负面影响已经凸显出来,因此,旅游研究便开始关注旅游发展伦理问题;与此同时,应用伦理学研究也开始从不同的角度关注旅游发展这一新领域.  相似文献   

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